Title: The Daily Life Story of Aquagirl?

Characters: Roy/Red Arrow, and Kaldur/Aqualad, or Aquagirl.

Genre: so far, General, Humor.

Length: 397 words.

Pairing(s): None.

Rating: PG.

Summary: A mission almost succeeds for Aqualad and Red Arrow, until the magician hits Aqualad with a spell that turns him into a girl. Roy finds Kaldur's discomfort funny, while Kaldur doesn't appreciate the sentiment.

Author's Note: So I was bored, and I wondered after reading a wonderful story named 'Maelstrom' by Right-2-Left where Aqualad was instead born a girl. I decided instead to make him become a girl after spending most of his lifetime as a boy.

"So, you're now a girl?" he asks the female in front of him whose cheeks turn darker every time Roy looks at her. Roy takes in the familiar grey-blue eyes, the smooth brown skin, and notices the longer eyelashes, and the long wavy golden hair that reaches up to her back. Even if it wasn't for the gills, and water-bearers he would have hit on this girl, not knowing it was Kaldur. She nods, and Roy bursts out laughing, amused at how the female sputters on about "Roy~ this isn't funny! Why are you so amused at my suffering?"

When Roy finally stops laughing, he stands straight, and tells the female looking slightly apologetic "Kal, I'm sorry I laughed. But you must admit that it is a bit funny" an amused smile on his face. She glares at him, with her arms crossed over one another as she tells him "I do not find my misfortune funny Roy" the angry expression unsuitable on the delicate features, made her look cuter.

Roy raises an eyebrow before glancing at his surroundings "Well, at least you're a hot-looking girl, you can use it to your advantage Kaldur" but there's a tease in his words. Kaldur only sighs annoyed before running his fingers through the long wavy hair, as he or rather she muttered "but I look like a younger version of my mom~ I doubt anyone would find that sexy".

Roy slightly flushes at the comment, and thinks 'But I do~' and tells Kaldur "So Kaldur, or should I call you Kally since you're a girl now? How do we explain this to Batman?" as he points at the female Kaldur, ignoring how his eyes linger on her or his curves, and the nicely-shaped breasts, because he's pretty sure they look real enough to convince anyone. He looks away as Kaldur utters "I don't know, but all I know is that this cannot be a mission success".

The fact that Kaldur was even shorter than Roy, now that he was a girl, frustrated the Atlantean. Roy inwardly sighed, and thinks bitterly 'This would have been so much easier if he had been turned into a child instead'. He picks up his bow, making sure the string was still uncut, before grabbing Kaldur's now-tiny wrist and dragging him away from all the rubble surrounding them.