A/N: So here the thing, I didn't like the first version of Chapter 14 that I posted so I decided to redo it. Things have changed, so please reread this chapter and I will be sure to do my best to get the next chapter out soon.

Godric stared down at the child resting her head on his shoulder as he held her close. To think he had allowed her to be ripped away from him so easily. The thought almost made the vampire growl in annoyance at the memory. He had vowed to keep the faye child safe and he knew well in his undead heart that he had failed in doing so. But now things would be different. He was no longer sheriff and no longer had responsibilities to the vampire community. His focus would be on protecting his charge and his first step was recruiting his childe and grandchilde. He trusted Eric and Pam, the two vampires valued family and blood above all else.

"Hmmm, Godric, where are we?" A sleepy voice drew the vampires eyes to the blonde haired faye in his arms. Annable did her best to rub the sleep from her eyes as she took in her blurry surroundings as the rented SUV came to a stop.

"Our new home, little one." Godric spoke as the door opened and Eric stood waiting outside the vehicle. Eric had called Pam while the three of them had still been in Dallas and had the vampire stock the kitchen before their arrival. He had given her no other information on the matter and figured it would be best to explain it to her in person.

"Oh." Was all the little girl said as Godric placed her on the ground, here eyes stared up at the fancy looking house. The home looked new and modern considering two vampires were living in it. Eric had the house built with all the amenities a vampire would need. UV proof windows, a light proof basement and garage. As well as three below ground bedroom and two above ground bedrooms.

Annable found herself moving her eyes this way and that way as she took in her new surroundings. Godric knew Annabel would need time to adjust to the new environment, but if she accepted creating a bond with Eric and Pam, she may become more comfortable with the idea of the others as nest members. The old vampire had never allowed Annabel to create faye bonds with Isabel and Stand because while Godric trusted his two subordinates, they were not of his making or blood. With Eric and Pam, things were different.

Godric wanted to give Annabel a chance to create a nest. Faye were never meant to be on there own and with most of them whipped out, Annabel needed vampires she could trust and who would defend her whenever the need would arise.

"Well, now I see why you had me stock the kitchen with human food." Pam draled out as she entered the sitting room. Godric placed the little faye on the ground to give her a moment to explore her surroundings while staying in his eyesight. "So whys the little snack with you two and not with Stackhouse?"

Godric ignored the "little snack" comment and took a seat on one of the deep brown couches that sat before the large stone fire place. The home had a very modern/ woodsy lay out to it. No doubt the decorting was taken over by Pam with only a few inputs made by her creator.

"Annabel is no longer under the care of Sookie Stackhouse." Eric spoke up. He took a seat on the empty couch across from his maker. "Godric has been looking over the child since the death of her father, Caston."

Pams eyes grew wide and she sat stiffly on the leather ottoman. "You mean the faye you once knew? Doesn't that mean…"

"Yes, it means that Annabel is also faye." Godric answered the blonde vampire as he kept an eye on his charge as she curiously wandered the sitting room. "Caston placed Annabel under my protection when she was born, unfortunately, two years after her birth Caston was killed, no doubt by a vampire."

"But then why was she with the human, Stackhouse if she was under your protection?" Pam looked to her makers maker as the older vampire watched the little faye inspect the soft white fur pillows that graced that decorated the couched.

"Annabels mother was the sister of Sookie Stackhouse, Mary Stackhouse." Godric started. "I allowed Mary to visit with Annabel once a week. But while on a day visit, Mary had killed Annabel's day time watcher and fled out of Dallas with her."

Godric could remember the panic he had felt when was suddenly woken up from his dead sleep as the feeling of distress flooded his chest. He knew right away that the feeling was not his own, but that of the faye child he vowed to watch over.

"Faye are no longer treated as they once had been. They are hunted for their rarity and have been mostly wiped out. Annabel is under my protection and has even graced me with creating a bond between us." Godric looked to his childe, his creation, his blood. "I am placing my trust in you, both of you, that no harm shall ever come to Annabel while she is among you here."

Eric stood from the couch and graceful bent down on one knee before his maker. Pam followed suite and the two of them knelt before the much older vampire. "You have my word, Godric, that nothing will happen to the faye child. She will be under my protection as well." Eric bent his head in respect to his maker. Pam bent her head as well before speaking up.

"Nothing will happen to the baby Stackhouse. Not while I'm around." Pam glanced out of the corner of her eye at said baby Stackhouse who was standing silently next to the fire place. "Besides, she's kind of cute, and doesn't stink up the room."

Annabel smiled at that and skipped over to Godric. The child looked up at the 2,000 year old vampire without an ounce of fear. "Will they be out new nest, Godric?" The little one asked as Godric affectionately patter her blonde hair.

"Yes child. There is something else I must ask of you." Godric's eyes went back to the two vampires kneeling before him and the faye child. "The choice is up to Annabel, but if you accept, I believe that if Annabel chooses to create a bond with you it would strengthen the dynamics of this nest."

Both Eric and Pam glanced to each other. The possibility of creating a bond with the faye was something unknown to the two vampires. While Godric had first hand experience with what a bond ment, they were unaware of what this meant.

"It is up to the child." Eric answered for both himself and his childe. The faye tilted her head and then looked up to her vampire.

"There not ready." She said matter of factly. Godric smiled down at Annabel and gently lifted her up off the ground and sat her on his lap facing the still kneeling vampires.

"There is your answer. I thank both of you for your trust and loyalty in this." Godric nodded his head and the two vampire stood and retook their seats with a speed no human would have been able to see. "As you know, Annabel is no normal child and does not function like any human child her age. I understand that the Stackhouses were unaware of what the child in there care was and did not allow her to function as a faye should have. You will come to understand what I mean as you get to know Annabel. Do not underestimate her in certain circumstances."

Pam scoffed at that. "Considering the kid can take watching a vampire explode into blood and guts. I doubt anything would faze her." Eric growled lowly at his childe while Godric simply raised a brow and looked down at the now stiff faye sitting on his lap.

"It wouldn't have been the first time she has seen such carnage. But I don't want to make it a habit, right little one?" Annabel looked up at the vampire and nodded her head in agreement. Watching the undead explode into a mush of blood and guts was something the little girl would rather not have to witness again. Godric smiled in agreement before looking back to the two vampires sitting across from him.

"When the time comes, and Annabel senses that you're ready, it's up to you to accept the bond of faye." Godric looked down at the little one, he could feel her contentment and curiosity as she studied her new environment. Both vampires nodded their heads in understanding. There was a chance the faye may never form a bond with them, but the door was there both could wait for the little one to make the decision for them.

Godric laid the now sleeping child on the large king sized bed that made up the spare room in the underground section of the house. Later Annabel would be moved into one of the above ground rooms for a more permanent sleeping place. But for now, Godric was fine letting the faye sleep with him until she was used to her new environment. She would no doubt start feeling more comfortable as she familarizers herself with the new home.

The next night found Annabel staring out at the small crowd that littered the dance floor of Fangtasia. This wasn't the first time the child faye had been brought to the vampire club, but this time was for a much different reason. Godric was here, and the vampire had brought along the faye to show the vampire community in the territory who the child belonged to. None of the vampire in question were anywhere near old enough to know the scent of a faye. So Godric felt it safe enough for Annabel to be noticed there.

The two sat quietly seated in Eric's throne on the stage. The humans paid little mind to the two excerpts to stare and wonder who they were and why a child was in a vampire bar. Vampires who frequented the establishment nodded in respect to the much older being and did their best not to get caught staring at the mysterious little girl.

Annabel sat quietly on her vampires lap as she glanced from person to person, her doll, Ic, held securely in her arms. One would think a child so young would show some kind of inkinlgh of fear from being in such a place. But not a single vampire in the bar could smell an ounce of fear coming from the child. No, Annabel knew she had nothing to fear. Godric was the oldest thing in the vampire bar, not to mention, the faye now had the protection of the areas sheriff and Eric wasn't lenient on those who may be a threat to things in his protection.

So the little girl sat quietly as she glanced about the bar, her mind dipping in and out of the undead patrons. It was with the sudden arrival of Sam Merlott that had Annabel having a sudden change in emotions.

Godric stared at the shifter as he looked around the mostly empty club. Sam's eyes landed on the unfamiliar vampire and widened at the sight of the very familiar little girl sitting with him. The night only seemed to be getting stranger and stranger for the poor man as he tried to understand why Annabel wasnt with Sookie.

Godric allowed the little girl to wiggled out of his lap and take a graceful leap off the stage before running up to the shifter. Before the little girl could reach Sam a large hand came down on her head and held her in place with a firm, but gentle strength.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, shifter?" Eric Northman gave the man a grin that could be compared to the one you would find on a shark. Sam glanced down at Annable standing still besides the tall vampire. She seemed fine where she was at and made no move to struggle in the undead vikings hold.

"Why is Annabel here and not with Sookie?" Sam asked. It wasn't the question he had originally come to Fangtais to ask, but seeing the little girl here had thrown him off a bit.

Pam appeared on the other side of Annabel and crossed her arms with a sneer on her face. "Now I'm sure you didn't come all the way here just to stick your nose in our business." The female vampire eyes the shifter and the two kids he was toting behind him. "So what do you want?"

"I, uh, I need your help." Sam took his eyes off of Annabel and looked up at Eric who had his head tilted to the side in curiosity. "Somethings taken over Bon Temps, something not human."

Annabel frowned at the shifters words. "Where my Aunt Sookie?" Of course if the town had been taken over by something supernatural, the little girl was obviously going to worry about her Aunt.

Before Sam could answer the child, Godric sudden appearance had Eric and Pam taking an unseen step back and allowing the much older vampire the space beside the little girl. "You came here looking for help. Come, sit and start with that."

Godric sat on one of leather couches while Eric and Pam stood behind him. Annabel sat beside her vampire while Sam, Lisa, and Coby sat across from them. "Well shifter, were waiting." Eric said in an impatient tone.

"Someone from my past came into town about five days ago. I ran into her when I was younger and even then I knew she was anything but human. She's something else, something that's brainwashed the people of Bon Temps. They call her a Maenad." Sam explained Maryann as best he could with what information that he had. He didn't understand what any of it really meant and had hoped to find some answers in Eric Northman.

Maenad was word Godric hadnt heard for a long time. He knew of the creatures that worshiped a dead god in the form of sex, blood, and in most cases, scarfice. No good would come from having something so old and destructive taking over a town such as Bon Temps.

"And why should we help you shifter, it's not common for us to trust your kind." Eric spoke up from behind his maker. The viking wasn't one to trust easily, especially those outside his nest, nor was he one to just hand out favors without anything in return.

"Because, if people don't start trusting each other, we'll all end up at single targets." Sam argued back, his eyes glancing down at Lisa and Coby. The two had already been through enough with their mother being brainwashed by Maryann, lest he could do was figure out how to take the creature down. Not to mention god knows what kind of trouble Sookie was in considering the epidemic was taking place in her home.

"It's possible it could be the bull headed beast that I sent Pam to track down." Eric spoke up, looking to his childe, who in turn gave him a cold glare.

"That thing owes me a pair of shoes." Pam spat in distates remembering the mud she had to hike through trying to track down the beast. The little girl stiffened at the memory of that night. It wasn't something she had ever wanted to relive and buried herself in Godric's side as she tried to make herself smaller.

Godric of course took full notice of his little faye's distressed actions and emotions at the mention of the bull headed beast. "Show me little one. Do not be afraid." Godric reached down and gently scooped the little girl up into his arms. Annabel in turn buried her head into his chest and for the first time in their bond the little girl shook her head no, dyning the vampire and telling him no.

The action made Godric frown and a small almost inaudible purr like sound rumbled up in his chest. He did not like seeing his little one so distressed. She had never once dyned him the action of showing him her memories. It was a form of trust the two had built over the years as caretaker and child.

"Please little one. Show me what has caused such fear within you." Godric coached the young one in his arms to unfold herself and look up at him. "Nothing will ever happen to you. Not while I have you."

Annabel looked up into her vampires eyes and remember that nothing bad ever happened to her while he was around. She suddenly felt guilty for denying him her memories and looked up at him with clear sorrow in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

The vampire only shook his head and gave Annebel a small smile before offering her his hand. She slowly slid her much smaller hand into his. The first thing Godric felt was her fear, fear as her Aunt and the vampire, Bill, yelled at each other from the front seat of the small yellow car while a crying and a clearly distressed vampire sat beside her. The memory then shifted and Godric found himself watching through Annabel's eyes as a figure stood off in the distance while she held on tightly to her Aunt as the woman carried the little girl in her arms. Pure terror gripped the child's stomach as the bull headed monster came running at them.

Annable pulled herself out of the memory and curled as far into Godric's chest as she physically as she could. Godric on the other hand clutched the child close to him and released a low growl from his person. His eyes caught those of the shifter in front of him.

"If what your dealing with is indeed a Maenad, it's an immortal being that worships the god Dionysus. I thought they had long gone extinct from this world, but it seems one has taken interest in Bon Temps." The vampire took pause to allow the shifter to take in the information he provided. "If you want to kill her, rip her heart out of her chest."

A/N: Thank you for reading.