Disclaimer: The Teen Titans are not mine. I only own the idea.

Rachel, she prefers the name Raven, has always been lonesome. At school she's practically invisible. She never does anything to her black hair other than just leave it down or tie it back into a low pony-tail at the base of her neck. She hardly wears make-up either, just some light eye-liner and mascara. Being the daughter of a big-name industrial leader her family was, well, loaded. And, although her parents loved her, they were busy people and rarely spent much time with her. Her whole life Raven, has had one true friend, BB; a small, stuffed, green-skinned Elvin-creature. Sure, there were others, but they never stuck around for long. BB, he stayed. He was her Best Friend, her comfort-giver, Forever-and-for-Life, her secret keeper. His "eyes" could not see, still he saw her for who she was. His "ears" could not hear, yet he listened to her secrets, her wishes, her problems. His "voice" made no sound, but his silence spoke volumes. However, who would have thought toys could have conscious thought, too? BB may have been stuffed but he still had his own hopes, dreams, and wishes. And, what he longed for most was to be human. When Raven made a wish on a Shooting Star, will both of their dreams get answered? Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it, and not the way you had planned for it.


Five-year-old Rachel Roth opened the last gift from her parents, gasping when the wrapping fell away to reveal a stuffed toy. The small, green, elf-boy grinned up at her, his eyes seemingly sparkling. She giggled happily, hugging the small toy close to her chest. "His name is BB, for Best Buddy." She decided to tell her parents. Angela and Tyrone Roth smiled at their only child, happy because she was happy. Rachel scooped up the newly christened BB and scampered off to play.

Rachel sat on her nest of blankets in a tree house her dad had built for her. BB sat comfortably in her lap, as she closely inspected her new friend. No matter how hard she searched, she could not find the seams holding him together.

"Hi," she whispered. "My name is Rachel, but I like to be called Raven. Your name is BB, okay?" She giggled. She matched BB's zany grin as she began telling him all sorts of stories. They were about beautiful princesses, dashing princes, evil wizards, and daring rescues. Through it all, BB smiled and patiently listened. Eventually, Raven fell asleep, hugging BB to herself closely. Her father poked his head in, spying his daughter curled up in her blankets. Tyrone smiled as he hefted his daughter and carried her to her room. As she was settled into her bed, she snuggled under the covers, smiling in her dreams.

Eight-year-old Raven bounded into her room and leapt into her bed. BB, who had been propped up on her pillow, fell forward into her lap. Smiling excitedly, Raven recalled the major events of her day. BB sat and listened, a wide smile spread across his face. As Raven talked, BB's eyes seemed to sparkle even more, his grin grew, and anybody paying close enough attention would've sworn they'd seen his pointed ears twitch once or twice. Oblivious to this, Raven fell back against her pillows, resting BB on her stomach. She took in the Elvin-boy's extremely realistic features and smiled affectionately. Kissing the top of his fuzzy head, she hugged him closer. "You're my Best Friend."

Raven rolled over onto her side and stared out the window at the darkening sky, BB imitating her movements. Suddenly, a white dot blinked at them from the outer-atmosphere. The first star. Almost immediately, Raven began telling BB a story about the stars in the sky. She spun tales about how the constellations came to be, and how each "sky-picture" told a different story.

"My favorite is Ursa Major. It's a Big Bear. Hey, that's like your name. BB, Big Bear. BB, Best Bud." She laughed. "I wonder what other names start with B's. Billy Bob does, and so does… Uhm, I can't think of one." She admitted. Across the room a storybook caught her attention. "Beauty and the Beast," she read aloud. "Oh! Beautiful Beast. Boy, that's a good one." Seconds later, she sat up in realization. "Beast Boy," she whispered, testing the words together. "Beast Boy," she said again, a little louder. "That's my new favorite one." She smiled. "I know, your new name can be Beast Boy! It fits you!" She giggled happily. Unnoticeably, BB's grin got just a bit wider. "Beast Boy," she whispered once more. Before falling into her dreams, she hugged the green-boy closer.

BB sat on Raven's bed, staring up at the sky. 'Ursa Major,' he thought. He remembered that night. The night he had gotten his new name and Raven had told him he was her best friend. She told him everything and he always listened. Truthfully, Raven was his Best Friend, too. He picked his ears up, thinking back on their shared memories. From the moment he had been "opened", they were a perfect match.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open and a sixteen-year-old Raven rushed in, tears welling up in her deep blue-violet eyes. She tossed herself on the bed and buried her face in the multitude of pillows. She sniffled and Beast Boy's heart shattered. He willed himself to fall sideways, shocked when he actually did. BB knew he couldn't move of his own free-will, he had tried dozens of times before with the same result every time; Nothing. For a moment, his hypothetical heart sped up rapidly then he realized he'd only moved because Raven had rolled over. BB was now leaning slightly against her hip. Raven sat up and maneuvered BB into her lap, sighing heavily. BB willed all the comfort he possibly could towards his friend.

"Why am I such a Freak?" She asked no one in particular. More crystal tears rolled down her pale cheeks. She could still hear the laughter and insults.

'She's such a freak,'

'I heard she's a witch.'

'It's no wonder she doesn't have any friends.'

But, the kicker wasn't the insults. No, it was the look Rich had given her, after she admitted to having a crush on him. He held a look of pity on his face. He liked someone else. He liked Kori.

After she uttered this sentence, she felt a calming wave and hugged BB tighter. Even after all these years he could still bring her comfort. Her parents thought it was odd that she still kept him. Her mother had even tried to convince Raven to give him away. She couldn't do that, though. Not to BB, not her Best Friend. Raven didn't find it strange that she considered a toy her Best Friend. After all, he'd always been there for her, and he always would be. Beast Boy never failed to cheer her up.

She looked out her window, watching the First Star wink into existence. She knew it was foolish, but she wished on it anyway. Raven squeezed her eyes shut, hugging BB close. 'I want… I want a Best Friend. Someone I can hang out with. Someone who understands me.' She wished.

At that same moment, BB also made a wish. 'I just want Raven to be happy. That's all I want. Rae deserves happiness.' He thought. The star blinked before shining even brighter than ever. Raven rolled onto her side, sending the First Star one last glance. Holding BB close to her side, she finally fell asleep.

A/N: There you have it, the prologue to my new TT AU fic; My Best Bud. The first chapter should be up soon, depending on how quickly I can get it typed.

^-^ Harmonious Wolf