Disclaimer: Don't own the Titans. Never have, and unless DC is having a free give away… I never will. XD

Last time on My Best Bud:

Wally's words echoed in Gar head, rattling his brain. You should tell her how you feel… Maybe she'll feel the same. Oh, how Gar hoped and wished that she would. 'But, what would that mean?' He questioned himself. 'If she did feel the same, what would happen next?' He wondered. He glanced at Raven out of the corner of his eye as she conversed with Jinx. Gar may not know exactly what he was feeling, but he knew he liked it; especially since he felt that way about Raven. 'Is this what Love feels like?'


Later that night, after she was sure Gar had fallen asleep, Raven snuck out to visit the Wishing Well. She still had one wish left, after all. Although, she still wasn't sure about how she was going to use it. She sat at the edge of the fountain and stared at the moon's reflection, contemplating her many choices. The moon's silver beams made her skin look like the purest alabaster and brought out the violet hint in her eyes. She ran her fingers over the water's surface, creating a cascade of ripples that destroyed nature's mirror. As the water stilled, a wavy image of a star caught her attention. The First Star, the one that had made all this possible. Seeing that star, Raven knew what she was wishing for.

"More than anything, I wish for Gar to always be my Best Friend. No one knows me better or has known me longer. I want Gar- I want BB- to keep being my Best Friend. And, thank you." She whispered, squeezing the penny. She sat in a moment of silence, only to have it shattered by a familiar voice.

"Rae? What are you doing out here?" Gar questioned, taking a seat beside her. He joined her in the silence, trialing his fingers through the water. "I woke up to pee and you weren't in your bed." He explained. He saw the penny she held and smiled. "You came to make another wish?"

Raven nodded, curling her fingers around the copper coin resting in her palm. Sitting there, next to Gar, Raven realized she didn't need to wish for him to always be with her; He already was.

Gar glanced at his Best Friend and swallowed nervously. He had previously decided to tell her what he was feeling and hope that she returned the feelings. Slowly, he reached over and grabbed her hand, weaving his fingers through hers. His heart raced wildly and his stomach leapt about, sensations that used to worry him. But now, knowing they were his body's reactions to being near Raven, he welcomed them whole heartedly.

"Raven," He called, effectively catching her attention. "You know how earlier, I told you I was dying? You told me I would get that way around girls that I think are pretty. But, I don't think you're pretty, because you're Beautiful. And, I don't know what I'm felling, or even why I feel this way but I know I like it. And, Uhm… I really do hope you feel the same. I like feeling like this around you." He confessed, keeping his eyes locked on their conjoined hands.

Gar's confession wasn't big or dramatic and not many people would classify it as romantic. However, he must have done something right , because Raven kissed his cheek before resting her head on his shoulder. "I feel the same." She admitted. "I've known you forever, and I really like spending time with you."

"Hey, Rae," He asked.


"Is this… Is this what Love feels like?" He questioned innocently.

"Yeah," She answered, snuggling closer to his side.

"Oh." A moment of silence. "Do I get to kiss you whenever I want, now?" He sounded very much so like a young child asking for an extra cookie. Raven laughed at his eager questioning, but nodded her head.

"Yes, Gar."

"Okay. Can I kiss you now?" He asked, the tips of his ears turning pink. Raven turned to face him, also blushing to her roots. Speechless, she nodded. Quickly and without hesitation, Gar leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. On its own accord, Raven's hand floated up to rest on his cheek. Sighing through his nose, Gar gently lifted his lips from hers and rested his forehead against that of his companion. "I really, really like you, Rae." He whispered, pulling her into a tight embrace.

Raven uncharacteristically grinned and rested her head on his heart to listen to the rhythmic thumping. Yawning, she was reminded of the time, and it happened to be very late. Standing up, she stretched and yawned again. Gar hopped up and grabbed her hand in his own, grinning widely. "C'mon, Rae, let's go home." With ease, he scooped her up and she flung her arms around his neck in surprise. Ignoring her protests, he turned and headed for her residence. Before they had even reached the half-way-home point, Raven had fallen into deep slumber, using Gar's chest as her pillow.

Gar looked down at his Sleeping Beauty and smiled. He honestly couldn't see why people thought she was creepy or a witch. Raven was shy and introverted, but she was by no means creepy. People simply didn't understand her, so they gave her a label. A terrible one, at that. He glanced back up, only to realize that while he'd been Lost in La-La-Land his feet had taken him to Raven's out of habit. But, he couldn't open the door and keep a firm grip on Raven at the same time; Thus, his dilemma. 'I'll have to wake her.' He decided.

So, much like Prince Charming, he kissed his princess awake. As her eyes fluttered open, Gar smiled gently. He carefully set her on her feet then swung the door open. As Raven made her way up to her room, she noticed Gar wasn't following. She turned to watch him as he took a seat on the couch, grabbing an extra pillow. Seeing her questioning gaze, he smiled calmly. "It would be un-gentleman-like to share a bed with you, now that we're a couple." He said, as if stating a fact. Raven rolled her eyes, but let him have his "gentleman moment"

By Monday morning, Gar had been enrolled into Raven's school, applied for a part-time job (being a quick learner helped), and found an apartment nearby to rent. At school, Jinx and Wally were the first to congratulate them on their "something more". Although, according to Raven, they weren't dating because it sounded too juvenile. What they had was not a passing crush or puppy love. It had yet to become a lasting Love, but, it was well on its way down that path.

Raven glanced at Gar as they walked down the hallway, holding hands. He over-exaggeratedly retold a story from his job, every so often making her laugh. 'Who would've thought that my first Best Friend would become my first Boy Friend.?'


"…And that's how your mother and I met." Gar finished grandly. The little girl sitting in his lap looked on in amazement.

"Really?" She questioned. Her mint-green eyes grew wide as she looked down at the small stuffy she held in her lap. "Will Riley come alive, too?" She asked, hugging the deep blue-black-and-tan stuffed wolf closer.

From the doorway, Raven chuckled. "Stop filling our child's head with nonsense, Gar. You and I met on playground when we were six." She glided into the living room and sat next to the Father-Daughter pair. Both of them blinked at her innocently.

"Daddy's story was Awesomer!" The five-year-old stated bluntly. Gar tossed his wife a smug look and ruffled his daughter's ash-blonde hair affectionately.

"Darn right, it was. Do you still want to go to the playground today, Aurora?" The youngster nodded, leaping gracefully from the couch. She raced to the door, Gar chased her close behind. Raven grabbed her child's and husband's jackets and followed the excited duo.

When they reached the park, the Logan's offspring raced over to the swings, scrambling into one of the empty seats. Gar and Raven sat on a nearby bench to watch. Aurora truly was a sweetheart and loved to play games of pretend.

As Aurora's swing came to a halt, she jumped off and raced towards the jungle-gym with a slide at the top. She was, of course, being chased by an imaginary ferocious lion. Giggling happily, she scampered up to the top, freezing when she saw somebody already there. From behind, it appeared to be a boy her age with black hair.

"Hey," She called, climbing over to him. The boy turned to face her, regarding her with deep blue eyes. Then he smiled and vanished down the slide. "Hey, Wait!" Aurora slid after him. Apparently, he'd been waiting at the bottom. He grinned again, rushing away with Aurora close on his heels.

"My name's… Aurora." She said, after finally catching him. The dark haired boy smiled silently, his blue eyes lighting up. "What's your name?"

He looked around secretively, before returning his deep-blue gaze to Aurora. "I'm Riley." He told her, grinning all the while.


A/N: The Final Chapter (and Epilogue) of My Best Bud. I hope you all enjoyed this one ;) Did you like the little teaser Epilogue I left you with? I'm trying to decide if I should do a sequel focusing primarily on Riley and Aurora. I might, if I can come up with a way to keep the story line kind of similar. XD