Thank you to my reviewers for being such loyal readers. This is really just a little fluffy epilogue piece. But alas, it is the end. So I thank you again for reading and reviewing and am glad so many of you have enjoyed the stories! This takes place 15 years later.

"Rose, honey, please try not to get into too much trouble this year," Hermione looked at her daughter as they stood on platform 9 and 3/4. At her daughter's protest, she started again. "I know you dont mean to get in trouble, but please behave. I know your cousins are older than you and you want to be around them, but don't let them drag you into anything."

"Oh, let her have a little fun," Fred laughed. "How much trouble had you been in by the time you hit your 4th year?"

Hermione smiled, thinking about all the things her trio had gotten themselves into. She shook her head, smiling. "You have your sister and brother to look after now. Even if they don't get put into Gryffindor with you," she motioned toward the twins, who were chatting animatedly with Ron and Alicia's son.

"Oh, mum, I'm sure they'll be in Gryffindor with me. There hasn't been one of us yet who hasn't been," she laughed. "But I'll behave. Although James and Freddie are the ones you should be talking to. They're troublemakers," she laughed, knowing that her mother knew full well she was just as guilty as her cousins in everything.

"You don't have any candies this year do you? I don't want to get a call from Neville again telling me you've been disrupting his herbology class with puking pastils."

"That wasn't my-"

"Just don't sell them in class, dear," Fred interrupted gently. "You all have so much to learn. George and I should have just taught you how to do these things proper."

"No," Hermione responded. "I don't want you selling products at school. The kids can buy anything they want from the shop in Hogsmeade, but I don't want you selling them."

"Okay mum, you won't get any calls from Professor Longbottom this year," she sighed. "Can I go now? James and Freddie are already on the train. Lily and Albus will take care of the twins," she pleaded. She knew her mum would expect her to sit with her younger brother and sister on the train, but she had plans to talk over with Fred and James.

Before Hermione could respond, Fred started. "Honey, I think it's best if Lily and Albus take care of them for now. Unless you want them to end up like me a George," he flashed a smile at his wife.

"Fine," she sighed. "I mean it, behave," she kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Of course mum!" she grinned as she ran off to the train to be with her cousins.

"Giving her the don't get in trouble talk?" George smiled as he met with his twin and sister in law.

"Just like our mum always did," Fred laughed.

"I wanna go to school!" Roxanne protested.

"Next year, sweetie," Katie replied gently. "How's it feel sending your little ones off to school finally?" she laughed.

"Like I'll be able to get a lot more done during the day," Hermione smiled.

"Lily will take care of the twins," Ginny smiled at her friend. "She's still at the point of behaving. And Albus is trying to get to be prefect next year, so he'll try to keep them in line," she laughed.

"James has the map," Harry sighed, smiling. "He'll at least keep Rose from getting caught up," he laughed.

"Harry, why didn't you take it away?" Hermione asked.

"That thing saved our skin more times than you clearly remember. Whether they have it or not, they're going to be doing the same things. Fred and George didn't have it until 3rd year and they were roaming the castle before that," he shrugged. Fred and George nodded emphatically, grinning.

"You all ready to go?" Ron asked, his arm around Alicia's waist. The train was pulling off.

"Lunch?" George and Fred asked in unison.

"Seriously, are you two ever not thinking about food?" Hermione laughed.

"Never," they responded, grinning.