I've been wanting to write another Castiel and Dean story. And here it is! I love these two so much XD I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

This will be boyxboy if you don't like don't read.

Please Review! I would love to hear from you XD

I sat at my desk, not paying attention to what the teacher was saying. It was first period and my mind was still in the process of trying to wake up. She said something about a new student or something. I slid down my chair, crossing my arms over my chest, ready to take a short nap while the teacher prattled on.

"Castiel I trust that you'll be able to show Dean around the school," Ms. Platt said. I sat straight up in my chair, Ms. Platt looking at me expectantly.

"Yes, Ms. Platt," I stuttered. Man, I always have to show the new kid around. I guess it's because I'm a good student, but that doesn't mean I want to be someone's tour guide.

A body plopped in the desk in front of me. The person turned around and stuck out their hand.

"Dean Winchester." I followed the extended hand up a well muscled arm, to broad shoulders, a delicate neck, and up to the most beautiful face I've ever seen. Male or female. Lightly stubble cheeks with puffy pouty lips. A straight nose along with a strong jaw. And the greenest eyes. They reminded me of emeralds. Short spiky blond-brown hair topped off the picture of perfection that sat in front of me. As I looked closer I saw small scars that danced across tan skin. Surprisingly they didn't diminish his beauty they enhanced it, giving him more character.

A throat cleared startling me out of my own little world. I glanced up only to be held captivated by his emerald gaze. "Uh, right. Castiel." My voice came out more gravely than normal.

I shook his hand shocked to feel electric jolts from our clasped hands. Dean's eyes widened for a moment before he hastily pulled his hand away. He turned around before I could utter a word. What was that?

I studied the back of his head, finding it just as pleasing to look at as his face. My hand tingled from the brief contact we shared. I've never felt anything like that before in my life. I'm not really sure how to process it. And I'm pretty sure Dean felt whatever it is too.

The bell rang releasing us from class. Dean turned to me a bright charming smile lit up his face. "Where should I meet you?"

His words didn't penetrate my brain. I was too busy staring at his lips. "Excuse me?" I settled looking at the top of his head. "Do you want to meet in front of the cafeteria when lunch starts?"

"That sounds good. I'll see you then." Dean stood up and left while I groaned and slammed my head against my desk.

This is not good.

Somehow I got through my next three classes without much thought of Dean. But thoughts of him quickly resurfaced when my best friend Gabriel started walking with to meet Dean.

"The new guy is hot. I'd like to bang him," Gabriel said. My hand balled into fists. I didn't really understand what he meant. I didn't like it.

I took a calming breath. "What do you mean 'bang him?'"

"You've got to be kidding me. You don't know what that means?" I shook my head. "You still don't watch T.V., huh?"

"Of course not. It's a waste of my time and energy." I have better things to do like school work and reading. T.V. provides no entertainment for me.

"It means I'd like to have sex with him."

My face heated up. I don't know if it was from embarrassment or anger but I don't like the way Gabriel is talking about Dean.

"Don't say such things about him." I seethed.

Gabriel's brow lifted then he got a twinkle in his eyes. I never like that twinkle. "What?" I demanded.

"I never thought I'd see the day." Gabriel chuckled. I wish he'd share his insight. He always likes to draw things out or play games. "Castiel you really have no idea what's going on do you?" He didn't give me time to answer. "You're attracted to him."

That stopped me in my tracks. "What?"

"You like him."

"No I don't."

The more I thought about it though it did make sense. I haven't liked any one before. I wanted to ask Gabriel more questions, but we were already at the cafeteria. Gabriel clapped me on the shoulder. "You seriously need to relax. Just see where things go. You don't have to have a set schedule or know what's going to happen. I'll see you later."

Before I could stop him, he walked into the cafeteria. Dean was next to me when I turned around. My heart fluttered in my chest at the sight of him.

So beautiful!

My jaw clenched while I drank in the sight of him in well worn jeans and a faded black t-shirt. He was a little taller than me. His body appeared to be in excellent shape.

"Cas, you know you don't have to show me around the school. I think I can find my way around." Dean made to leave, I caught his wrist in a vice grip. I don't want him to go. What a surprising thought!

"No that's all right. I'll show you around." I didn't want to let go of his wrist. I dropped it when it hit me he called me Cas. "Please don't call me Cas."

Dean smiled. "Don't worry Cas. Now come on food first. I'm starving."

I gave Dean a tour of the school with nothing exciting happening except my pounding heart. I don't think it stopped for moment when I was with Dean, but thankfully the school day wound to end and it had me walking to the senior parking lot with Dean by my side. It turns out when I actually listen to him and not just stare at him we get along very well. I'm very relaxed around him. That doesn't happen with many people.

"Hey Cas this might be a weird request considering I just met you today, but can I crash at you place for a few days?"

What? My mouth went dry at the thought of being around Dean night and day. Before I could really think about it I found myself saying. "Sure."

I earned a million watt smile which made up for any doubt I might have. "Cool. Thanks."

"May I ask why?"

Dean winced. "My brother and dad are away for a few days. I don't want to stay at the motel by myself."

"You're staying in a motel?"

"Just until we get settled."

I stopped asking questions. My inquiry was making Dean uncomfortable and I could tell he was holding something back.

"My parents are currently overseas so we'll have the house to ourselves."

Dean perked up at that information. "Really?" I nodded trying to fight a grin that wanted to spread across my face. "I just need to grab my stuff from the room."

"I can take you." Dean proceeded to direct me to his motel room. I was both excited and nervous. This was all happening so fast.

Yay! Chapter 1 is done

Chapter 2 will be posted soon