Orochimaru sat in his large throne-like chair reflecting on his ever growing problem concerning his raven haired apprentice. The previous day, he had been training Sasuke near the hideout and noticed that Sasuke had executed every move perfectly; he was the epitome of perfection.

Orochimaru noticed Sasuke had mastered every technique and jutsu he had ever thrown at him. Not to mention he learned them faster than even he did himself.

He began to take note of this fact quite frequently until one day it dawned on him that Sasuke's rapid improvement may be a threat. Orochimaru hated admitting it, but it was true; the young Uchiha's power had finally grown beyond his own. It seemed impossible but it was true.

Now of course, he couldn't have that. Sasuke was meant to be his new vessel, and everyone knows that Orochimaru had to be more powerful than his vessel or he couldn't enter said vessel's body…. If through some miracle, he actually managed to do so, it would be extremely difficult and take an enormous amount of time and godly amount of energy.

He realized that something must be done before Sasuke realizes that he was becoming stronger and didn't need him anymore. Over the coarse of a few measly day's, Orochimaru's paranoia had switched to an all out phobia.

While Orochimaru was lost in thought he didn't notice that Sasuke has walked up to him and was staring him down with an annoyed expression.

"Orochimaru, what are you doing?" Sasuke asked sounding just as emotionless and cold as ever. Orochimaru leered up at Sasuke and became consumed by an unholy craving for what he saw.

Sasuke just what he wanted and needed to be. he had all of those… wonderful personality traits. He was emotionless, cold, hateful, stubborn, arrogant, apathetic… every thing he needed to become stronger. Orochimaru finally broke his trance and spoke up.

"Sasuke-kun what are you doing here at this time of day? Your usually in your room by this time." Orochimaru said completely ignoring Sasuke's previous question.

"No reason, I'm just bored." Sasuke sighed, placing his hands in the pockets of his dark pants.

"Orochimaru, can I ask you something?" Sasuke asked, his face saddening a bit.

"If you must," Orochimaru sighed looking up at the young Uchiha with an amused expression, a twisted mock-sweet smile in place. "Go ahead."

"You've been thinking a lot lately, and I can tell it somehow involves me. So what is it?" he asked this time sounding annoyed. The Uchiha hated being left out even though he didn't show it. A look of nervousness crossed Orochimaru's face as he replied.

"I've been thinking about your future Sasuke-kun. I think it's time for a few changes." Orochimaru spoke calmly and matter-of-factly, staring directly into the dark onyx eyes of the young avenger.

Sasuke noticed the sudden look of discomfort in his mentor's eyes and that confused him. "What kind of changes are we talking about here?" Sasuke asked, narrowing his eyes at Orochimaru, a glint of disapproval shining in his black orbs.

"You'll find out in time; and that time has almost come." Orochimaru hissed, licking his lips up and down, signature sly smirk returning to his face.

Sasuke shrugged, and with that he walked away toward his room. He dragging his feet slightly and wondered what Orochimaru had planned for him. He wasn't as used to change as he once was and didn't like the snake man's words one bit.

Orochimaru sighed deeply as Sasuke left the room. Why was he so nervous? Sasuke wasn't anywhere close to figuring out he had already surpassed him. So… why was he so worried about Sasuke's future?

*Wait!* Orochimaru bolted upright in his chair, his eyes widening as an epiphany hit him dead on.

*His future… that's it!* Orochimaru thought evilly. *Sasuke has been getting lovesick. I can feel it. The way he's always moping around bored out of his mind, the way he always seems to be so deep in thought when alone… yes… Lovesick!* He chuckled menacingly to himself as his plan unfurled in his mind.

*So I'll play doctor and get him someone to love… no wait, not just love he needs to get married… Hehehe the love one can't escape.* Orochimaru grinned maniacally. *That will slow him down and if I'm lucky, maybe weaken him! A man's biggest weakness is his lover. Heh, and I know just who to get…* Orochimaru once again chuckled to himself, letting his evil plan play again in his thoughts with that sly smile creeping over his lips.

Orochimaru looked up at his assistant who was working on a medicine on the other side of the room. It looked important, but Kabuto could always finish that later.

"Kabuto come here." he ordered waving his hand, gesturing for the other to come.

"Yes Orochimaru-sama?" Kabuto asked, walking forward and bowing at the waist.

"Kabuto, I want you to go to Konohagakure. There seek out a boy named Neji of the Hyuga clan. Find him, capture him, and bring him to me, ALIVE! Are we understood?" Orochimaru smirked.

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama." with that, Kabuto disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


Neji asleep in bed when Kabuto arrived, his long brunette hair scattered in ever direction as he lay on his back with his hands folded and lying on his stomach. Kabuto hovered over Neji's small fragile sleeping form and chuckled softly.

"Now why would Orochimaru-sama want to capture a pretty little boy like you?" he mumbled to himself. Neji looked so peaceful, so content, and so happy…

Kabuto would hate to destroy a young innocent boy's life such as he was about to do. But his lord wanted him, and if his lord wanted him, Kabuto would most definitely follow his orders and get him for him.

"I would hate to wake you, so..." Kabuto whispered quietly. Instead of waking Neji up his hand began to glow. He lifted a finger to Neji's forehead, gently tapping him.

Neji moaned in his sleep, stirring slightly but not waking up. His breath stilled in his chest and to any onlooker, he would have seemed to be dead. Kabuto was smart. He knew very well that if he had to fight him. He'd most likely lose precious time and possibly end up accidentally killing the boy in self-defense.

After all, Neji was strong… well compared to Kabuto he was pretty average, but for your average ninja he was a genius. So Kabuto put him under a sleeping genjutsu.

Placing his arms under Neji gently, being careful to support his head, he lifted the petit hyuga bridal style. Kabuto stared down at the sleeping boy. He really was beautiful… no wonder Orochimaru wanted him.

Kabuto sighed and without a word, disappeared the way he came, taking Neji with him, and away from the Hyuga clan and his home.

Within minutes he made it back to Orochimaru's hide out. He slipped in silently, opening the door and holding Neji out at arms length.

"Orochimaru-sama, I'm back, and I brought the boy. Now what should I do with him?" he asked. Orochimaru smiled evilly at the sleeping Hyuga.

"Ah Kabuto, record timing. Put him in the room across the hall from Sasuke's. Make sure there are bars on the windows and the door is locked." He hissed, still smiling wickedly.

Kabuto nodded with a slight bow, closing the door behind him. Kabuto once again took another moment or so to stare down at Neji. He looked peaceful and innocent yet so unaware he was about to be plunged into harms way and grave danger for the rest of his life.

Kabuto made it to Neji's new room, laying him on the bed and brushing some loose strands of hair from the boy's face. He smirked thinking of what Orochimaru could possibly be planning with this teenage boy. He almost pitied him.

"Sleep tight, you'll need your rest." Kabuto whispered, turning towards the door. He left, locking the door, and leaving him to sleep. The next day would be interesting for both Neji and Sasuke…