AAAAAnd she's Back! Applause people! Applause!

…. *Crickets*

Phew! Now where to start, where to start.

So…..hope you like it, and im sorry if, because of the huge time gap, you'll probably have to reread the story all over again just to get what's going on here. Still, I hope that by the time you finish reading this chapter, you find that this fic is still worth a read in its entirety.

I never meant to abandon any of my stories, but at some point life just got in the way and school took me by the hair and made me its bitch (no lie). I was looking through old files on my USB to clean it up, and I stumbled onto this bad boy. It was a 9 page draft of Chapter 3 for this Seiner story and I was so happy because at some point I was so sure I lost the inspiration to write fanfics. So, I split the draft into two parts and started editing them. This is the first part which comprises chapter 3, and the next part will make chapter 4. I am still editing it and adding/deleting stuff. So bear with me guys, I promise I'll get it uploaded either later or tomorrow. Don't worrry!

Now please, enjoy this little tidbit :3

"WHAT? That's not fair!"

A very irked Hayner, with his knuckles bone-white from the sheer pressure of him having clenched his fists, and with his mouth pulled back in an angry snarl, stood in the middle of the Dean of Students' office.

The man seated across him was short, bald, and pudgy. He wore thick spectacles, and despite being the Dean of Students, the man tended to act like an idiot most of the time. His own stupidity was the reason no one respected him, however, that fact did not stop the shortcake from trying to act like the authority figure he supposedly was.

Stubby fingers massaged the temples of his bald head, attempting to ease an incoming headache. "Hay-"

"NO! you listen to me old man!" interrupted the brown-eyed teen, uncaring of the fact that he had just rudely cut off the school Dean of all people. "Now what the fuck is this all about, huh? You give me, not only one week of suspension, but now I have to serve three fucking Saturdays? THREE?"

The Dean let out a tired sigh. "I don't know what you're so angry about," he retorted, "the other two didn't throw quite a hissy fit, except for that blonde friend of yours." His face twisted into a grimace. "He trashed my office, and it took me more than two hours to get everything organized. As a matter of fact," the bald man leaned forward on his desk, as if he was about to share some juicy gossip, "he got a worse punishment than you."

The teen snorted at that, before straightening up and crossing his arms over his chest. Leave it to Roxas to make things worse and end up with an even shorter end of the stick. However, there were more important issues other than Roxas and his screw-ups. "So then, exactly what's this about? Why would you change our stuff around? I was alright with just the in-school and the one Saturday if you ask me-"

"Of course you'd be ok with only that, you damn brat!" snapped the older man. "But would it be enough to teach you a lesson? Of course it wouldn't! You'd most likely be back in my office a few days later, and I will NOT tolerate that! The same goes for those two little friends of yours. I want you all to think about what you've done, and I don't care if it's unfair or unjustified, but I'm going to work you until your nails BLEED. You got that, Hayner?" His stubby finger, pointed at Hayner, wiggled and quivered in mid-air with every word he said.

The stunned teen dumbly nodded, not sure about what exactly to say or do in a situation like this. Shit, who would have thought that this fat and short man, the bumbling idiot that everyone thought him to be, would have it in him to snap like that. To put it simply, Hayner was impressed.

It took the Dean a full minute to compose himself. "Now," he said, rubbing his hand against his bald scalp, "Mr. Almasy was kind enough to volunteer to supervise you and those other two delinquents."

Hayner felt his eyes widen. "You got to be shitting me! Of all people you had to choose him?"

And was it him, or did it feel like his heart had been ready to leap out of his chest the moment he heard that tidbit of information? 'No shit doofus, you're pissed off, of course you're going to feel that way,' said the rational, but unconvincing voice in his mind.

Hayner knew his patience was running thin and seeing the bespectacled idiot smiling like a smug fat cat, coupled with his own odd and unexplainable behavior, was only making things worse. "He actually suggested one of the punishments," added the Dean all too gleefully.

This had Hayner feeling even more aggravated. 'Of course that piece of shit would have something to do with this, and of course this fucking idiot would agree to anything he said.'

"Now," he heard the pudgy man say, "Your suspension starts", he glanced at the clock, "right now actually."

Hayner let out a sigh. "Fine, I guess I'll just go home then." He straightened himself up, grabbed his book bag, and made his way to the door using one hand to sling his bag over his shoulder and raising the other one to give a lazy wave. However, before he made it to the door, "Now, hold your horses kid. I still have to discuss with you the rest of the details."

"What fucking details? I already know how everything works," snapped the teen, turning around to shoot the fat man an impatient glare.

The pudgy man blinked, and his in most sheepish tone muttered "Oh, right."

Hayner rolled his eyes, uncaring if the man saw him. "If that is all, I'd like to take my leave."

He did not wait for the man to give him permission to leave, nor did he really care either way. He was already suspended, and it was during times like these when he could care less about the consequences. Judging by how bad his records were, he could not help but wonder if what Uncle Cid had once told him would turn out to be true.

"Boy, I see your future. That sorry ass of yours is gonna be rottin' away in prison."


When Hayner arrived home, he should have been relieved when he saw no sign of Uncle Cid but he would have preferred it if his uncle had been at home around this time. Having to explain to his uncle why he came back from school before it was even noon and why he had a suspension was better than his uncle receiving the call while at work and having him storm into his bedroom at the wee hours of the night.

Even Hayner could admit that Cid was scary when he was pissed off, and while he tried to brave his uncle's wrath so many times before, it still did not take away the quivering fear he felt whenever he had to face his uncle while he was royally mad.

Shit, he'd rather be stuck on an island with Almasy of all people than to have to face his uncle tonight when he came from work.

Wait, no, hold that thought. He'd pick Uncle Cid over that arrogant bastard any time.


It wasn't until Thursday, his third day of suspension, that Hayner finally decided to thoroughly clean the apartment. The reason why was simple: he had nothing else to do, and if his uncle saw that he was making himself useful around the house it would put the older man in a better mood. Hayner had been extremely close to pissing his pants that Tuesday night when, just as he predicted, his uncle stormed into his room in the middle of the night throwing curses while stomping around in his room like an enraged gorilla.

By pure miracle, Hayner got to see another day and on this Thursday morning decided to make himself busy by cleaning their home before his cousins came over.

Hayner shuddered at that.

They may have been family, but that did not mean they got along.

But as he had told himself before, he could handle Demyx. He was the younger of the two cousins, and while he was an annoyingly perky, musician-aspiring nutjob, Hayner was sure he could handle anything that his relative threw at him. So maybe they had been capable of hanging out with each other a few times and had civilized conversations before Demyx drove him away with his wackiness, but that did not mean Hayner would want the other male to visit him of all things.

The other cousin had Hayner on edge. She was older, most likely in her twenties by now if he could recall correctly, and even worse than her brother. Though, the scary part was the big difference between her level of craziness and her brother's. She was a real piece of work and oh god, he could still remember that one time she-

Hayner shook his head to dispel the unwanted memories.

Could his week get any worse?

Nice Right? At least I hope it was.

Chapter 4 is on its way~

Reviews will be greatly appreciated :3