
So this is my first NCIS fan fic. Set around season 4.

Summary: What happens when a feisty teenage girl turns up at NCIS, and is supposedly Tim's daughter. Forcing secrets that he'd rather of kept behind him out into the open.

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own NCIS.

Enjoy xx

Timothy McGee sighed. They'd just wrapped up a case and he had a ton of paper work to do. It had been a complicated case, with him and Ziva having to go undercover. He smiled briefly at the memory, the way Tony had looked at Gibbs. Baffled at the fact he was going undercover and not him. It had been a good feeling at the time, now, not so much. The paper work was defiantly not as fun as acting as drug dealers for a couple of days. Unfortunately Ziva had not been quite so keen on going undercover with him. Much to his disappointment the Israeli agent had ignored him for the majority of the time. He looked over at Tony who was leaning back in his chair, playing Tetris on his phone.

Sensing someone was looking at him Tony turned to look at McGee who had a bored look on his face. "Having fun there Probie?" he asked, teasingly. He saw Ziva raise her head to gaze at him. McGee grunted in response, turning back to his computer screen. Ziva glanced back down at her computer, finishing typing a sentence before standing up. "Why are you still here?" She asked Tony. He raised his eyebrows at her. Not taking his eyes off his phone. "Am I not allowed to keep you two company?"
"Great company you are being."
"I'm better than McGeek." Ziva shrugged in response, looking over at McGee, who was still staring blankly at his screen.

Half an hour later, Tony had still not left and McGee still had the same expression on his face that he'd had before. Ziva's computer was not responding, and had been frozen for the past five minutes. She made a frustrated noise which knocked McGee out of his trance. Tony grinned at her. "Don't." She warned, as he opened his mouth to crack a joke. Hitting her desk, she grumbled in frustration.

"Excuse me?" The three agents heard a female voice call out. Tony grinned at Ziva before jumping up.
"Can, can I help you?" He said, taken aback by the fact it was a teenage girl standing there, looking at him curiously.
"No, not really." She replied.
"Are you sure?"
"Completely?" She said, saying it almost like a question. He looked her up and down. She looked alright, dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. Her dark brown hair tied back in a sloppy pony tail. After a moment of silence, she spoke again, quietly. "I'm Blair. I just. Needed a place to... stop for a bit? It's raining outside..."
"Shouldn't you be at home?" Tony questioned, going back around and sitting at his desk. She moved to stand in front of him.
"Home?" She scoffed. "I don't have a home." He saw Ziva's eyebrows rise. "Well. Are you going to offer me a seat?" Tony was lost for words. He knew McGee was staring at him, both of them. She shrugged. "I guess not then." She murmured, sitting on the ground where she was. Crossing her legs, she began humming a tune to herself, eyes closed. Tony and Ziva exchanged looks. Both perplexed at the young girl sitting in their bull pen. In unison they both looked at McGee. Who, eyes wide, was to, staring at the girl. She opened her eyes. Looking round all three she made a face. "What?" she asked. "Nothing." They all muttered back.
"So how late are you planning on staying?" She asked, picking at a thread on her top.
"However long it takes to finish this paper work." Ziva said, glaring at McGee. Blair nodded in approval.
"Paper work..." She mused. "Ugh. All my foster parents used to have to fill in a ton of that. I had to sit there through it all." Ziva gave her a sympathetic smile.

"So, Blair?" Tony started. She looked at him. "Where exactly are you planning on staying tonight?" Then he figured it out. "You didn't run away did you?"
"Oh, of course not..." She said, not even trying to hide the fact she was lying. Tony suddenly typed something on his computer, sending IM's to Ziva and McGee. Asking who was going to offer to take her home. They both replied at the same time

IM chat:

Tony: Who's playing babysitter?
Ziva: I guess I don't mind.
Timothy: Fine...
Tony: Ziva. Take the kid home.
Timothy: Why her?
Tony: She's a girl... Ziva's a girl...
Ziva: Fine. As long as someone tells Gibbs why I am late tomorrow.
Tony: Why will you be late?
Ziva: Teenage girls do not like to be woken early Tony...

She glanced at them all; suddenly a worried look crossed her face. Jumping up she winced slightly, before retreating towards the elevator. Ziva stood up, grabbed her bag and hurried over to where the young girl stood waiting for the elevator. "Where are you off to?" Ziva asked softly.
"I shouldn't have come, I'm sorry. It's just..." she trailed off.
"Just?" Ziva asked.
"Nothing." She said getting into the elevator. She gave Ziva a plain look that said Get out, when Ziva got in after. Ziva simply stared away, then, when the elevator doors had shut she pressed the emergency stop and the elevator came to an abrupt stop. "Blair..." Ziva said softly, Blair looked up, but used her hair as a shield. Sniffling slightly she spoke, almost inaudible at first, "I just had to see if it was true."
"What was that?"
"I had to see..." She started, struggling to find the right words. "If he really was... my dad... McGee..." She finished and pushing her hair back, glanced up at Ziva, worried. Ziva smiled, and pushing the button again, cranked the elevator back into life. Pushing another button the two soon arrived back on the floor they had just come from. Ziva nodded back over at where McGee was typing on his computer, unaware that his supposed daughter was standing only metres away. Drawing herself up she hurried back over to them. She looked back at Ziva who smiled, nodding in encouragement, then in a rushed jumble of words said, "Um Tim? I have a feeling that... You're my dad... Oh gosh. What did I do...?" McGee's face paled, his mouth opening slightly. "I freaked you out majorly didn't I?" She asked, worried.
"Hey Blair, you move a pen on his desk and he freaks out." Tony said, struggling not to laugh.
"Funny..." McGee faked a laugh at him. Then he gulped at turned back to Blair. The girl was looking at him expectantly. Turning his computer off in silence he could feel everyone's eyes on him, but he kept his head down, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Finally looking up his heart sank as he realised he was a second too late. Blair was off, darting round Ziva. He groaned before taking off after her, leaving Tony and Ziva staring after him. Ziva grinned slightly, coming back over to Tony. "So McGee's a daddy?"
"Yeah..." he trailed off.
"You alright Tony?"
"I just can't believe it..."
"What, that he's got a daughter?"
"Well that too."
"What then?" She asked, exasperated.
"I can't believe he's slept with a woman."

Please review. If enough interest will continue!

Willa xx