ARGH. Im so sorry for the super duper long wait! and Thank You for being so patient!

(would have updated yesterday, but fanfiction was having some issues)

How do you guys like the new cover? I drew it and colored it myself! :D. the whole image doesn't fit, which is disappointing, but at least you can see some of it! I drew it out of weekend boredom. A few weeks later I saw it sitting in my room and thought "Hey! that would be an awesome cover!" and so yeah. end of that exciting story XD

If you are curious about the story Lithuania told America about Poland just type in "midsummers eve festival Lithuania" into google/bing.

aguonos žiedas = Poppy flower

Anyway, Enjoy this chapter!

"Good Morning Alfred" Toris was laying on his bed reading a book . Alfred yawned and stretched "Mornin'."

Today he had one class, that wasn't even early in the morning. It was an afternoon class, but he had woken up at 8a.m. anyway to start the day. He mostly got out of bed early because of his Wednesday class, Marine Biology. He was actually excited to see what the class was going to teach him first. Would they dive right into the basics of marine species? Aquatic Plant Life? Microscopic Bacteria? He wasn't sure of the curriculum, but he certainly wouldn't mind if the class started with something he was remotely interested in.

After getting dressed in his blue graphic tee that had a Bob-omb from the Mario games on it followed by 'I'm the BOMB' and blue jeans, Alfred decided that since he had hours before class started, maybe he would explore Portland a little more. He had only been downtown once and that was yesterday. He never even got a decent look around. He pulled his arms through the sleeves of his brown varsity jacket and forced his feet into a pair of red converse, simply because tying them took way too long. On his way out he almost knocked over Toris's nightstand. As it was just about to wobble back over to the right, he caught the edge of the small mahogany table. He managed to grab the silver alarm clock, but with two hands full he watched the laminated red flower float to the ground.

At least he caught everything that was possibly breakable.

He steadied everything, backing his hands away from the table and clock slowly, and then kneeled down to retrieve the flower. The whole flower, including the stem, was pressed and laminated. It was labeled "Fern Blossom" which was confusing because ferns don't blossom and the flower was a red Poppy.

"Sorry dude! I wasn't watching were I was going." Alfred placed the flower back down on the table. Toris had set down his book, "It is alright. No worries. " He smiled and then returned to reading. Alfred was still confused about the flower thing. He had seen it the first day he moved in, but hadn't thought much about it, and now he was feeling super curious.

"um.. I don't mean to bother you, but what's up with the flower?"

Toris looked over to the night stand and back at Alfred, "That flower was given to me by my good friend, Feliks , When we were about fourteen. There is actually a funny story about it. Would you like to hear?"

Well, Alfred really didn't have anywhere to be, "Sure!" The Lithuanian smiled and stared at the flower searching his memories.

"When I was twelve, Feliks was a new kid had just moved to Lithuania from Poland. For whatever reason he had chosen me to be his friend and when the...sorry i'm trying to remember the English words,... Midsummers eve?" Alfred gave him a nod telling him it was something he understood " When the Midsummers eve Festival had come along Feliks had made it his goal to find the magic Fern Blossom and every year he would persuade me to go look with him for it, which- "

"Wait, Ferns don't blossom. well, have blossoms. And it's 'magic'? What does it do?"

"The Fern Blossom is said to be a yellow flower that turns red on Midsummers eve and it would bring good fortune to anyone who found it. You are correct in the sense that it does not exist, It is simply a legend we are told as children."

"oh! okay, so this fern is like a leprechaun, except in flower form. mmkay, sorry, continue!" Alfred dragged a chair over and sat down.

Toris just smiled, "It's alright, no need to apologize. Every year Feliks would persuade me to go look with him for it, which was strange because we were accompanied by children much younger than us, but Felik's did not mind, instead he asked them for help" Toris paused to laugh but the laugh faded "When we were fourteen, I could not go with him to look for the magic blossom and he had gotten lost. After an hour, search parties gathered and started looking everywhere for him. They found him kneeling in the middle of some ferns staring at a lonely red flower." a smile rose on the Lithuanian's face "After they had found him he had showed up at my house holding it out to me. He insisted I should take the magic for being his best friend. And while I was flattered, the flower he was holding wasn't magic at all. It was a red aguonos žiedas, which is very common. I tried to tell him what he found was not the magic flower, but he was stubborn and insisted I take it." Toris picked it up off of the table "I had it pressed and laminated so I could keep it. Later when Feliks saw it in my room he decided to label it, 'Fern Blossom'" He played with it for a while and then set it down. "Feliks sure is stubborn and strange. But he is one of my good friends."

Feliks... that named rung a bell. "Is Feliks the one you had a sleep-over with?"

"The Slumbering Party? Yes that was him. His family moved to Chicago a few years ago and we had become pen pals. Then we made a plan to go to the same college here in Maine... Though I am thinking of leaving."

"Huh!? Why is that? Do you not like it here?"

Toris's face had turned from a look of calm to a sort of confused daze. " It is not the place that is the matter, but more of me being homesick. I have not made a decision yet because school just started and I like my job, but that doesn't stop me from thinking."

"I kinda know what you mean. Home is Home, and nothing can really replace it, so it's alright to want to go back, But don't leave dude! this place would totally be lonely without you!"

The Lithuanian just smiled "Thank you, Alfred. As I have said before I haven't made a decision yet, and you may have pushed my thinking to the more positive side."

"No problem dude!" Alfred searched his brain for something that might cheer his roommate up. He came up with a beautiful plan once something caught his peripheral vision.

Video Games.

"Hey Toris? Do you want to try playing some video games?" Toris looked up from his book and stared wide eyed at Aflred. "Yes!..I mean, If it's alright with you Alfred..." Alfred took off his jacket, seeing as his trip downtown would have to wait. "I asked if you wanted to play, why wouldn't it be okay with me bro?"

"Bro?" Toris let his head fall to one side.

"It's short for brother"

"But I'm not your 'brother'"

"No, you're my bro"

"But you said it stood for brother"

"It means you're my friend, even though it's short for brother"

"Oh. well why didn't you just say that I am your friend?"

Alfred face palmed. This was harder to explain than he thought.

"Because well...Bro just sounds cooler"

"Oh. okay...bro"

"Dude." Alfred stared at his roommate "That sounds so weird coming from you." Alfred smiled and pointed his thumb to his chest "You can just stick to calling me Alfred." Toris laughed "Alright Alfred."

Alfred let Toris pick out the game and powered up his Wii console.

They ended up playing Mario Kart the first game Toris had seen Alfred play. Alfred handed him a white controller with a blue grip and the Lithuanian treated the remote like a foreign object, grasping it tightly around the middle not sure what to do. After Alfred showed him how to hold it and how to use the buttons, they finally started playing. Toris was playing Toad, while Alfred himself was playing none other than Mario.

They selected Alfred's old file which had every cup unlocked. His personal favorite was the Star Cup, but since Toris was a beginner they started with the Mushroom Cup.

After about 20 minutes Toris got the hang of how the controls work and how to set traps for other players. Such as holding on to turtle shells and throwing bananas. They soon blew through all the cups and started replaying some of Alfred's and Toris's favorite courses. Alfred's being Rainbow Road and His roommate's was Maple Tree way. They were just about to choose the Delfino Square race track, For the fifth time, but the sound of a famous country singer singing "We-E! are never ever ever! Getting back together!" came belting out of the batman alarm clock. 11:05 a.m.

He had about five minutes to run to class. Thank goodness he set his alarm! Who knew you could spend hours playing Mario Kart of all things.

"Ahhg! I really want to play more, but I have to go to class." Alfred shrugged his jacket on "You can still play if you want to though!"

Toris grew wide eyed "Really? You do not mind?" Alfred just smiled "Of course not! knock yourself out!" and rushed out the door. Before the door closed He could hear the Lithuanian's gratitude "Thank you Alfred!"

Making sure to grab a protein bar for breakfast on his way out, the American sprinted out of the building, and cut through some decorative terraces and trampled some flowers. He mentally apologized and continued to run. He looked up at the sky. It was clear blue except for a few charcoal clouds that were threateningly close.

He arrived to class right on time. Although he was the last one in and everyone stared at him as he walked in, at least he made it. It was pretty large and had blue cushion seats divided into three sections. The only open seat was directly in the middle of the section furthest away from the door. After squeezing through the narrow passage way of seats and other students legs, Alfred slumped down in a seat and slid his backpack off right beside his seat in the lecture hall. He felt a little out of shape, and if he said he didn't want to take a nap right now, he would be lying.

The professor cleared his throat and started class.

"Good Morning Students. I see that some of you are ready for college life, while others are still getting used to this new experience." Alfred shrunk down in his seat slightly.

"I will now tell you the rules for my class expectations. There are two things you need to know. Number one. Do not expect to get any credit for late work or work that is not completed. Also work that is turned in but not up to par with my expectations will also not be excepted. Number two. Anyone who comes in late enough to interrupt my lecture and disturb other students learning will not be able to enter the lecture hall. Is that clear?"

Great. Alfred had to pick the class where the professor was really uptight.

The whole class replied in a very monotone 'yes' and the professor continued speaking. The lecture started with 'Welcome to Marine Biology' and Alfred could tell it was going to be one of those boring lectures about what learning targets were to be achieved this semester and how this class will help students later in life. The power points had cheesey graphics and every two seconds the annoying windows paper clip would pop-up suggesting the many ways the user could present the power point. Everyone around Alfred had a notebook out and were taking notes. Alfred had his notebook out, but wasn't writing anything down. He didn't find anything in the power point too hard to remember and so he laid his pencil next to his notebook. He propped his chin up on one of his fists and sat listening to his professor blab on and on. Alfred spaced out for awhile focusing on a ceiling tile just above the projector screen so it looked like he was paying attention.

His mind started to wander.

He wondered when Gilbert could hang out this week, maybe he should just text him later. They both would probably have a blast playing Call of Duty. Gilbert would probably say it was awesome. Was Toris still playing Mario Kart? He probably moved on to reading his book. Alfred wasn't sure what kind of books Toris liked, but maybe Alfred could suggest the book he was reading right now! The Hobbit is pretty awesome and Alfred was really happy Arthur had lent it too him, though Alfred wasn't too far into it. He still had yet to thank Arthur by inviting him over so they could watch Lord of The Rings movies. After all, Alfred still had to prove that some movies were just as good as the books, but he doubted Arthur would change his opinion. The dude seemed really stubborn.

Alfred felt a smile spread across his face. He would go visit him right after class, before he even went inside his own dorm, and ask him when he could spare some time. Alfred's eyes returned to his blank, open notebook.


He shouldn't have spaced out. He looked up at the power point and had no idea what was going on. There were only a few more slides before the power point hit a black screen with the small white letters 'end'.

"Hopefully you all took notes. There will be a quiz next week on the learning targets and your previous knowledge. Anyone who gets less than a eighty percent will automatically fail the quiz. Also tonight's homework will be to research previous Marine Biologists, and by next week turn in a page paper about their accomplishments and what you learned from their studies. Is that clear?"

Alfred watched his grade fall before his eyes and the rest of the class was too stunned to speak. Everyone started whispering to one another in disbelief. Until the professor gained everyone's attention by laughing.

"I'm just kidding! Today is an introduction to Marine Biology. In other words, you will not have homework today nor will you have homework next week, also nothing you learned today will be on any test or quiz. All of the notes you took today were totally worthless." some students groaned and others, such as Alfred, sighed in relief. " Oh! and next week we are taking a small field trip to go whale watching," then the whole lecture hall became noisy with students excitement. This class wasn't so bad after all! "but since it is late in the season do not expect to see many. We are simply going because if we don't go now, WHEN?" Alfred decided at that moment his teacher was the friggin' bomb. "You are all excused." Everyone stood up and herded towards the door.

Alfred thought about maybe inviting some of his friends on the field trip, well if he was allowed to. He knew Mattie and Toris would enjoy the trip, but Gilbert might be bored.

Maybe he'd even invite ole grumpy Arthur on the adventure, though at the site of a whale blow hole he might make some snarky remark such as 'I came all the way out here

for that?'...

At that thought,

Alfred could feel butterflies in his stomach.

He finally realized that he was going to see a whale.

He was so ecstatic, that even the heavy rainfall outside couldn't ruin his mood.

Alfred walked down the concrete stairs, past the Mathematics building, and walked through the doors at the front of his dormitory. Building 132. His red Converse made a sloshing wet sounds with each step as a result from the down pour outside. He opened up his dorm room and flipped his shoes off to change his socks. He hung up his bomber jacket and flopped over on his bed. That's when he noticed Toris's absence. He looked over at his own bedside table; there was a note.

'I had to leave to go to my job. Do not have the worries! I used the manuals to turn off your T.V. and the Wii.- Toris'

Oh shoot. He didn't tell Toris how to turn stuff off before he left had he?, but sure enough the T.V. and Wii were turned off correctly. Even the Wii remotes were put back in their place. Same with the manuals. Now that he noticed it the whole entire Dorm looked like it had been cleaned up, even Alfred's side. Toris didn't have to do that. He would have cleaned it up eventually...eventually...well okay it would have never been done, but still. Next time he would clean up the dorm as a thank you, or at least help Toris clean. Alfred wiped a few droplets off his glasses. Now what was he going to do? he didn't have to do any homework, he could read but he felt like watching a movie or something. Oh yeah!

Alfred jumped up off the bed and walked across the hall in his socks. He was about to knock on the door, when he heard a familiar voice that wasn't Arthur's inside.

"I did tell you I was coming over this week Angliterre~", 'Angliterre'? What does that mean?

"Yeah well, I did not think you would be coming over the next day to do this now."

"Aw~ please! We almost never do this any more. It's just me and d'you in your room. It tis more comfortable here than it is at work. At work we have to be quiet so our co-workers don't hear us~"

"I suppose you're right, but lets make this quick because I have some homework to do."

Alfred heard someone shifting on a bed. Something inside Alfred had decided to take control of his body for a moment and swing open the door, which was unlocked like last time. Arthur was sitting on his bed crossed legged while the other dude was sitting on the edge, on the opposite side. Both looked at Alfred in surprise.

Was that Mattie's roommate? what was his name...Francis...Bon-bon?...Alfred knew it was Bon something...

"ALFRED? What are you doing! Stop coming into my dorm without permission!" Arthur's face started to turn a shade of pink. Alfred couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or angry. He went with his second guess.

"Ehhh, uhhh..." This was awkward "Well, I just wanted to know when you wanted to come over and watch Lord of the Rings. It had crossed my mind today and I was just curious when you could hang out?" Alfred's sentence suddenly became cautious at the end.

"Oh. Well. Perhaps today, if this Frog would get out of my face already." Arthur seemed to have calmed down and was now glaring at Francis. The stare appeared to have no effect because Francis was too busy looking at Alfred.

"Hello Alfred~ My name is Francis I'm Matthieu's roommate." Francis raised a hand for Alfred to shake. Alfred shook his hand and smiled "Mattie has mentioned you before! as I'm sure he must've mentioned my name cause you already know it. Nice to meet you officially!"

"You and your brother almost look exactly alike."

"Well we are identical twins." They broke the hand shake and Alfred put his hands in his jean pockets. Then Arthur spoke "Um yes. Great reunion, but would you both leave please? I have a lot of work to do."

"Angliterre! What about your time with your big brother? We were supposed to have a heart to heart about what was bothering you at work~" Francis looked genuinely hurt, to Alfred at least, but based on Arthur's reaction Francis had made fun of him in some way. ...Wait a sec, did Francis say BIG BROTHER?

"Wait, You and Arthur are siblings?!" Alfred was really confused at this point

Francis shout a loud "Oui!" but at the same name Arthur yelled "Oh god, No!" which only left Alfred more confused

"Shut up you twat! He's not my brother, but we have known each other for a long time... I want to say we have known each other since I was six or seven."

"You are wrong Angliterre~ You were five and I was eight~."

"I was close enough."

Alfred was kind of shocked. Francis was clearly French and Arthur had a British accent. How could they go so far back? "How have you known each other for so long?"

Francis responded with a nostalgic tone "It all started on a hot summers day. Our parents were-"

"It is a very long story that I do not have any bloody time for right now." Arthur turned his head toward Francis "Frog, shoo." then he swiveled his head back to Alfred "Alfred, If you really want to know, then get out so I can finish my work as soon as possible." Arthur pulled out a text book and a note book and started flipping pages. When Alfred and Frances didn't leave immediately one of Arthur's eyebrows started twitching. Frances took it as a sign to leave "I guess we will have to talk later Angliterre~" Alfred took that as a hint "See ya later Artie!". Alfred softly closed the door and now he and Frances stood in the hallway.

Alfred's stomach grumbled. Heh..he kinda forgot about dinner. He really didn't have anything in his dorm besides small snacks and he could run out to a restaurant, but that idea wasn't so appealing right now because of the rain. He could just take the truck, but that would be a waste of gas since the closest restaurants were about a block away. Gas was expensive these days and Alfred rather be spending his money on other things. Like Videogames, Comics, or Food. Food...

"Are you hungry Alfred?~" Francis spoke as if it was a fact rather than a question. "Yeah, I kinda missed a few meals. I might head downtown to find something."

"Alfred, you do know there is a shared dorm kitchen on this floor. There is no need to head out in the rain~"

"REALLY? Why didn't they tell us at orientation?" Alfred was sure he would remember something like that.

"If you read the pamphlet they handed out, it should have been in there."

Oh, well that explained it. Alfred had thrown that away a long time ago when he and Mattie were staying in the hotel.

"Would you like to join me there? I was just heading down there to make some dinner~"

"S-seriously? you don't mind?"

"Not at all! It's my treat." Francis winked and flipped his hair turning to show Alfred the way.

All that was on Alfred's mind was: free food! no, FREE MEAL!

They walked down the tan hallways past the double door entrance and walked down a hallway Alfred had never been down before. They reached a hallway that only had a row of doors on the left side while the right side had on entrance that was a door-less arch way into a royal blue room. The stove top and oven were stainless steel with some food stains and a large, white plastic, refrigerator (that was now a faded yellow) stood in the corner of the room. Glossy plastic tiles coated the floor and crooked maple wood planks made up the ceiling. With some renovations here and there, It was almost as if the room couldn't decide whether it wanted to be old or new. Alfred guessed the rules were 'If ain't broke, don't fix it' .

In the center there was a large circular maple wood table that was surrounded by five different chairs. Two chairs clearly belonged with the table because they were made of the same kind of wood, but the other three were a brownish green foldable chair, a periwinkle rocking chair decorated with a floral design, and a chair that was commonly found in the dorms.

Laid out on the table were various grocery bags from the general store downtown. Francis started unloading the lunch meats, bacon, eggs, a head of lettuce, and what Alfred believed to be ice cream or yogurt into the fridge in the corner of the room. What was left on the table was vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, various other spices that Alfred didn't recognize, and some fancy mustard jar, thingy.

Alfred sat down in the rocking chair and began to rock back and forth. Francis had pulled out two skillets from one of the cabinets underneath the kitchen countertop. He used a spoon to add some veggie oil and then spoke "Cher ami, would you mind grabbing some bacon from the fridge?~" Alfred assumed he was 'cher ami' and walked over the open the refrigerator.

bacon, bacon, bacon. Alfred's eyes swept the food labels. where was the bacon? there was all sorts of meat in there. Thin sliced, thick slabs, the lunch meat he saw Francis put in,

"um. I don't see any..." Alfred was now bent over wondering if maybe it got lost in the bottom. He heard Francis walk over and started to get up, but stopped abruptly when he felt Francis lean over him. wha?

"a hon hon hon~ I guess I should have said Canadian Bacon."


Francis grabbed the large chunk of meat that was in front of Alfred's face and took it over to a cutting board. That was uncomfortably close, but Alfred brushed it off and went back to his rocking chair. A couple seconds passed when finally, Alfred heard the bacon sizzling. His mouth began to water and he found himself hungrier than before. Now he was curious as to what Francis was making. Alfred kinda hoped it was just the meat. He turned to take a peek, but Francis took as a chance to talk and blocked his view of the food.

"So how are you doing at school so far Alfred?~" Francis grabbed a wood spoon from a drawer and started to stir the meat around. Alfred stopped rocking "It's goin' good. My Biology teacher seemed really amazing! I mean, for the second day of class I will be going on a boat with him to go whale watching!" Alfred threw his hands in the air to show his enthusiasm.

Francis gasped but did not turn his attention away from the skillet. "Mon diue! do not tell me you and your teacher are in a scandalous relationship?! You and him alone on a boat, ooh Alfred that sounds absolutely romantic. Are you two planning to de-flower each other?~"

"WHA? ?" Alfred thought about his previous sentence 'I will be going on a boat with him'. "WAIT. I meant as a class! as a class we are going whale watching."

"a hon hon~ It's okay Alfred, your secret is safe with me~"

"But! seriously! dude, that's not what I meant. I'm not having an affair with my teacher or anything! that would be weird! and against the rules! and plus he's a guy! I mean I don't really mind that, but I have only dated girls in the past and I'm just not used to-"

"a hon hon hon hon~ Alfred, I was just teasing. No need to defend your sexuality~" Francis used the spoon to scoop out some bacon chunks into three different bowls with some shredded lettuce in them.

"Dude. Not cool." Alfred pouted, crossed his arms, and continued rocking in the feminine rocking chair. He hated being tricked and looked over to glare at Francis and instead caught sight of the salad bowls.

...When did Francis cut the head of lettuce?... Aw man. Salad?

Not that it was a problem or anything. Alfred didn't mind salad, but just preferred other things. He couldn't complain especially since Francis was making something for him and-someone else?

"Who's the third bowl for?" Alfred uncrossed his arms and looked curiously at Francis. "Matthieu will be joining us. We take turns making meals. He was busy with trying to find a job and I decided to make dinner today~"

"That's awesome! Hey, would you be up to maybe making dinner for me every night too?"


At that response Alfred pouted. "Aww man! why not? you made enough this time! and it didn't take that long!". Francis paused what he was doing "Well, if you want a meal made for you almost every night. Then you will have to take turns with me and Matthieu."

"No problem dude! I make the best burgers you have ever tasted!" Alfred stuck out his hand and gave Francis a thumbs up and a smile. Francis smiled "You know, I'm not so sure if I really want to try your 'fast food', but I guess anything is better than Angliterre's cooking. a honhon~"

"Arthur can cook food? We should totally let him join this cookin' par-tay! I'll go tell him right now!" Alfred got up from his chair, which in his absence kept rocking, and started heading towards the kitchen exit. Suddenly, Francis grabbed him by the shoulder. Alfred looked behind to see what the problem was and saw a death glare staring into his soul. "You will never tell Angliterre about this kitchen."

"Wha? why not?"

Francis's facial expression became over-dramatic and he placed the back of his hand on his forehead. "Unless you want my little slice of creative culinary heaven to collapse in flames before my very eyes!~"

"Artie can't be that bad at cooking. Aww come on! we should let him know. He's living off of a microwave!"

Francis brought a bowl over revealing his masterpiece."Trust me Cher ami, you would not want Angliterre to make any food. Ever since he was young he would burn everything he brought near a stove. He would not be able to make something as simple as this Salad Lyonnaise." A tossed salad with unknown dressing, consisting of a combination of vinegar and pepper, and rght in the center of it all was a sunny side up egg was placed in front of Alfred. It actually smelled and looked delicious. Alfred took a fork offered to him by Francis. Eating around the egg, because Alfred had decided to save the best part for last, he asked Francis between bites of lettuce "So when is Mattie coming down here?"

Francis took the other bowls in hand after he had finished cleaning up. "Oh! I was going to bring this upstairs to me and Mattie's room. Would you like to join us?~". Alfred thought for a moment and took another mouth full of salad.

"Naw. I will stay down here." Alfred knew better than to bother Mattie when he's focusing on another task.

"Alright. Just put your bowl in the sink when you're finished. Enjoy~"

"Sure thing!" Alfred smiled revealing green pieces of salad popping out between his teeth. Francis smiled and then hesitated, but then left the kitchen and went down the hall with the two plates.

Alfred took two more bites of his salad. Then the silence started to get on his nerves.

Maybe he would see if Arthur was done with his work. He Held his bowl in his right hand and his fork in the other. All he would have to do now is figure out how to get back to his dorm from the kitchen. He walked just outside the door less archway into the beige wonderland that was the halls of the dormitory, then looked left and right. Which way had they come from? He took a bite of his salad.

Eh...He decided to wing it and go right.

Luck was with Alfred and he reached the front doors that lead to the parking lot. From here finding his way was a piece of cake.

He opened the door to his dorm first to see if Toris had come back yet, which he hadn't, and then traveled across the hall. Alfred couldn't hear anything on the other side from where he was standing, and decided to knock.

No response.

Alfred decided one knock was enough to announce his arrival and tested the door. Unlocked.

He peered inside. One lamp was on and the rest of the room was dark. Arthur's roommate was missing, but Arthur was laying on his bed face buried in his text book. The lack of response from the sharp tongued brit surprised Alfred. He walked in taking the last bits of his salad, still eating around the egg, and took a closer look at Arthur. The blonde haired brit's right cheek was squished against his book and his left hand was still gripping onto his pencil. Alfred could see Arthurs eyes flitting back and forth behind his eye lids. What could he be dreaming about? Alfred wondered. He looked over to Arthurs alarm clock that was shaped like a blue telephone booth thingy. It was only 6:53pm and Arthur was sleeping. Alfred figured he was either sleeping from boredom or from pure exhaustion, simply because their is no other reason for someone to be sleeping at seven. He looked closely at Arthurs book. "Intermediate Algebra I Chapter 35".

Alfred took a closer look to see what kind of math Arthur was doing before he slept. Instead all Alfred found out was that the blonde haired boy had a few freckles that covered the tip of his nose and were lightly visible along his cheeks. Not to mention a small puddle of drool that was forming on Arthurs book. Alfred let out a chuckle.

Arthur shifted and groaned. Alfred became alarmed suddenly realizing how creepy and embarrassing his situation was. He stumbled back, accidently tipping his bowl causing the sunny side up egg to land on the floor, and got the hell out of Arthurs dorm room.

Alfred closed the door quietly. The rest of the way back across the hall felt like a walk of shame.

Mostly because the best part of his salad was gone, but also because he kinda broke into Arthur's dorm... again. Alfred looked down at his empty bowl.

Alfred walked through the arches into the royal blue themed kitchen. He walked up to the sink, turned on the faucet, and rinsed off his plate. Alfred took hold of a near by sponge and squirted some dish soap onto it. What was he supposed to do now? College turned out to be more boring than he thought. It was only the first week, so maybe things would get more interesting as the school year went on. The honey blonde American began rinsing all of the soap of off his bowl. He took a towel and dried off his bowl and place it back in its cabinet. Alfred lifted the towel, not sure where it was supposed to go, threw it into the sink. He turned around to the empty kitchen and decided to sit back down in the periwinkle rocking chair. He rested his head on the mahogany table, skewing his glasses, and became slightly nostalgic. A new start, in a new place won't fix anything, Will it? Everyone already had someone they could already say was their best friend, or, in Arthurs case, someone they have known since childhood. Alfred never really had a friend like that...a new feeling rose up in Alfred's mind and he placed his face downward into his arms.

This lonely's never going to go away, is it?...

A student, with some amazing spikey blonde hair and dark blue eyes, almost indigo, walked in with three other blonde guys and one shorter grey haired dude. Alfred was a little embarrassed and got up from his spot. He smiled "Here! You guys can have my chair, I was just leaving."

The spikey haired guy spoke, with an unexpected volume, "Hey! Thanks guy! I CALL DIBBS ON THE ROCKING CHAIR!" Alfred was glad he moved out of the way because spikey dude just rocket launched himself straight to the chair. Alfred made his way out of the kitchen and he could have sworn he heard one of them say "Does he ever shut up?" At that Alfred couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Alfred left the kitchen with a new happiness and thought,

The school year has just started, lets give this place a chance!

Please don't feel shy, go ahead and write me a review! honestly, it's where I look for motivation. :'D I have so many great people reading this story.

I will answer any questions if they are PMed to me! even if you just want to talk! I love responding to a PM :3

Until next time my followers/favoriters/reviewers/people that read this story!



BTW this summer I plan to come out with another story or two! (thank you if you are still reading my obnoxious authors note XD)