A/N - I made it to the last chapter - yay me! - and if you're reading this then you have too! My sincerest apologies in first publishing this story in 2012 (what?!) and only just finishing it now. What can I say? Life got in the way but now I'm back on track, deeply entrenched in Drarry love once more, with lots of ideas and stories simmering away on the back-burner. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoy reading it. Next story will be a short-ish fic titled 'Beautiful Disaster' which is going to be a pretty raw and angsty ride.

Much love to my vocal supporters who left reviews and kept me going - for four years! I promise I won't take that long again. Cheers!


Harry tugs the sleeves of his jumper down over his hands as he wraps his arms around himself a little tighter. The evening chill is beginning to set in and the cold permeating his backside from the concrete step is causing him to shiver.

With another sigh, Harry glances up and down the quiet empty street, looking for any sign of Draco. It's nearly seven o'clock now and Harry is beginning to worry; the unsettling feeling of apprehension creeping over his skin and causing all sorts of horrible images to flash through his mind.

Harry finally pushes off of the step and decides to head over to St. Mungo's alone. He's anxious and irritated and he wants to throttle Malfoy - once he's assured that the stupid veela is safe and unharmed.

Harry ducks in between the row of homes and Disapparates directly to the street outside St. Mungo's. He passes through the entrance into the reception area and blinks at the sudden cacophony of noise and commotion. There are witches and wizards everywhere; taking up all available chairs, leaning against walls, and harassing the poor Welcome Witch on duty.

Harry gets in the queue for the front desk and looks around as he does. After a few minutes of waiting and watching, he notices a couple of Aurors stride into view beyond the desk by the lifts. Harry watches as one of them presses the button for the first floor. A quick check of the Floor Guide indicates that the first floor is for Creature Induced Injuries.

Harry inhales sharply and watches the two men enter the lift and disappear from view. It could just be coincidence but something tells him it's not.

Harry begins to tap his foot impatiently, wishing he was in the Muggle hospital so that he could use magic to hurry things along and get to where he needs to go. After what feels like hours, Harry finally approaches the Welcome Witch. He places his hands on the edge of the tall desk and leans forward, expression earnest and body tight with jittery nerves.

"What can I help you with?" she asks mechanically.

"Erm, I need to see a patient, I think he's on the first floor."

"Name?" she asks, blue eyes sharp and not just a little impatient.


"Surname?" she snaps.

"Dunno what it is, he's a Muggle," Harry replies, trying to sound confident and as though nothing is out of the ordinary.

The witch narrows her eyes and leans back in her chair. "How do you know him?"

Harry makes a flash decision. "It's my fault he's in here. I just need to know if he's okay."

The witch continues to stare for a moment then her eyes unmistakably drift upwards to rake his forehead, landing on the jagged lightning bolt scar just peeking out from under his messy fringe. "You're the second person to come in here and say that this evening," is all she says.

Harry's breath catches in his throat. Draco. "It's actually my fault, not… not whoever else is here claiming that. Please," he begs, not even sure what it is he's pleading for.

"Wait here," she says shortly.

Harry clenches his hands around the sharp wooden edge of the desk and watches the overweight witch heft herself off of her stool and wander back to speak with one of the Healers. They both turn to glance at Harry as he stands waiting.

Harry holds their eye contact, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth as he tries to interpret their expressions. They both look grim.

The Welcome Witch finally nods and waddles back to her stool.

"Go up to the first floor and some people will meet you there," she says, eyes full of disapproval.

Harry nods and quickly makes his way past the stand to the lifts and presses the first floor button multiple times, body thrumming with nervous energy. The doors finally slide open and Harry gets inside, pressing himself to the front of the throng of people.

When the doors open on the first floor, Harry hurriedly steps out - straight into the broad chest of a waiting Auror. He stumbles back a little and looks up, meeting stern brown eyes.

"S-sorry," Harry says, caught off guard.

"Mr. Potter?" he inquires, voice surprisingly soft in spite of his intimidating figure.

Harry nods, swallowing the dread that is quickly filling his gut.

"My name is Auror Kinneman. Please follow me."

Harry falls into step beside him, looking around the wide corridor as they go. Auror Kinneman leads him to the end of one of the many twisting and turning hallways, and into what looks like a small personal waiting room.

"Draco!" Harry cries out in relief when he sees the blond sitting in one of the grey chairs, then his eyes fall to the glowing handcuffs locked around the veela's wrists. "What the fuck…?" Harry's expression darkens in outrage.

Draco's head snaps up at the sound of Harry's voice and he opens his mouth to speak but the other Auror beats him to it, glaring at Harry's outburst.

"Calm yourself Mr. Potter," he barks with authority.

Harry snaps his mouth shut but returns the glare.

Auror Kinneman steps into the small room, seeming to shrink it even more with his impressive bulk, and turns to his partner. "Mr. Potter says that this whole mess is his fault, not Mr. Malfoy's."

Harry ignores the steely grey eyes burning an angry hole into him from Draco. "Please tell me what's going on," he asks the two Aurors, feeling sick with not knowing. "Is the Muggle still alive?"

The Aurors turn to stare at him. Auror Kinneman finally clears his throat and his expression is almost kind as he replies. "Yes Mr. Potter, the Muggle is still alive, and is expected to make a full recovery."

Harry sags with relief. "Then why…?" he questions, waving a hand at Draco and his bound hands.

"We have heard one side of the story so far Mr. Potter," Auror Kinneman replies, gaze searching. "Now that you have… suddenly appeared, we would like to know your version of events."

"Of course, whatever you need," Harry replies instantly, just wanting this nightmare to be over.

"Hopefully you are more forthcoming than Mr. Malfoy here," the other Auror interjects with hostility.

Harry frowns as he glances at Draco, the blond meets his gaze but his expression is closely shuttered.

"Follow me Mr. Potter."

Harry tears his eyes away from Draco and trails after Auror Kinneman into the hallway. He shuts the door to the cozy little room and turns to Harry.

"Mr. Malfoy would only tell us that he is a veela and that he injured this Muggle in order to save his mate," he explains. "He refused to tell us who his mate was; we were hoping they would show up looking for him sooner or later. I can see now why he was reluctant to reveal your identity."

"Did he turn himself in?" Harry asks, the thought making his heart clench.

"Yes, he came here to enquire after the Muggle and explained the situation to the Healer on duty. We were called in straight away and he has co-operated with us fully, besides dodging the mate identity question of course."

"Then why the handcuffs?" Harry can't help pointing out acrimoniously.

"While he is being very cooperative Mr. Potter, that fact remains that Mr. Malfoy still severed the hands off of another human being, Muggle or not."

Harry's lips part in shock and his stomach turns over at the thought.

The Auror watches Harry closely, taking in the suddenly pale face. "You didn't know did you?"

Harry shakes his head and swallows. "Even Draco didn't know, he… he couldn't remember what happened." Harry looks up into Auror Kinneman's face. "He's never had to go through this sort of thing before; I stupidly put myself into a dangerous situation. If someone needs to be blamed or arrested or punished for this then it should be me."

Auror Kinneman can't help but smile a little at Harry's altruism.

"I haven't accepted the bond yet," Harry pushes on, face reddening but knowing that he needs to explain everything. "I… I've been stubborn and foolish, and all the while driving Draco mad with my actions. It's really not his fault."

"Would you be willing to grant us permission to view the memory in a Pensieve?"

"Yes, of course," Harry agrees instantly, "anything to help."

The Auror nods with satisfaction. "You may return to the room and I'll be back directly."

Harry nods and pulls open the door. The grumpy Auror is sitting in the chair closest to the door, arms crossed over his chest, and Draco is still sitting calmly in the corner. They both look up as he walks in and takes a seat next to Draco.

"Are you alright?" Harry whispers aside.

Draco glances at the silent Auror before turning concerned grey eyes to his mate. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"I'm sorry I yelled earlier," Harry says in a rush. "I was just… worried."

Draco's lips twitch into a tiny half-smile. "You were worried about me?"

"Of course." Harry shrugs, discomfited. "I care about you. Idiot."

Draco can't hide the glow of pleasure that lights up his face.

The door opens then and they both look up as Auror Kinneman enters carrying a small stone Pensieve.

Draco's sharp gaze snaps to Harry's face. "Harry, are you sure?" he asks, unwilling to subject his mate to exposing the memory of a night where he was nearly raped to strangers.

"Of course." Harry flashes him a reassuring look before accepting the stone basin from the Auror and setting it down in his lap. Harry removes his wand and, without hesitation, quickly divests his memories into the swirling basin of silvery material. Once he's finished he hands the basin back to the Auror and they both leave the room to examine the evidence.

As soon as the door clicks shut behind them, Draco turns to Harry. "Did they tell you? What I did?"

Harry grimaces before he can stop himself. "Yeah."

Draco shakes his head, gaze dropping to his shackled wrists.

Harry quickly slides out of his seat to kneel in front of Draco, covering cool pale hands with his own. "Don't you dare blame yourself," he says intently. "If I wasn't so stubborn and thoughtless and impulsive then none of this would have happened."

"That's rubbish and you know it," Draco responds sharply. "If I had a shred of control over my own bloody actions then this could have been avoided. I gave in to… to this monster inside of me and almost fucking killed someone."

Harry's heart breaks a little at the self-loathing in Draco's eyes. He knows Draco has worked long and hard to become a better man than the one he was set to become as a teenager. Now, after all his hard work, the Malfoy name is going to be thrust back into the limelight in a negative way once more. No one will believe that Draco is capable of the sort of love that he's shown Harry over the last few weeks, they will assume the worst and Draco's name and picture will be dragged through the mud. As much as the proud blond won't admit it, Harry knows he cares what people think of him and his family.

"As awful as it sounds," Harry says, "you need to remember what he did to me and that you did what was necessary."

"Necessary? Severing someone's hands off?" Draco bites out incredulously.

"Maybe the veela in you was trying to stop him from hurting another person again and that's why you removed his hands and didn't just AK him," Harry argues. "And who knows what they were planning on doing with me once they were done. I was in no condition to stop them from doing a fucking thing, I couldn't even run away."

Draco turns his hands over within the glowing cuffs and wraps them around Harry's. "Harry…" he says, throat tight. "I can't believe you're still here… defending me. You… you're such a good person… I thought you would be disgusted with me."

"Never," Harry says firmly, thumb running over Draco's soft skin as he maintains eye contact. "I'll stop blaming myself if you do as well. We're in this together."

A weak smirk flashes across Draco's face. "You're such a bloody Gryffindor."

"I know." Harry smiles back. "And my answer is yes by the way."

Draco's brow creases in confusion for just a moment before grey eyes widen and his lips part in surprise.

"Did you really think I was going to say no?" Harry asks with a smile.

Draco swallows. "I… I thought you might change your mind, after all this…" he says, indicating his handcuffs.

"Gryffindor, remember?" Harry replies. "Plus, I made my decision before all this," he adds, moving his hands to wrap around the cuffs.

Draco's responding smile is so equal parts incredulous and overjoyed that it causes Harry to laugh, his whole body filling with warmth. He suddenly realises how much he enjoys making Draco happy and vows to do it as often as possible.

The door opens and Auror Kinneman walks back in, without the Pensieve, and takes a seat. Harry quickly straightens up and returns to his vacated chair, leaving one hand still clasped in Draco's; the warm light-hearted atmosphere of the small room immediately dissipating.

"We've reviewed your memories Mr. Potter," he begins formally, hands clasping together over one knee, "and I want to thank you for providing it, I know it can't have been easy."

Harry nods in acknowledgment.

"I assure you that those memories will be destroyed and kept in the strictest confidence. Now," he says, shifting in his chair a little. "We have spoken to our superior at Auror headquarters and he was quick to agree with me that while the injuries the Muggle sustained were quite severe, also were his actions towards Mr. Potter. If the Muggle had died of his wounds then we would be having a very different discussion right now, but, as it is, Mr. Malfoy you are under house arrest for the next forty-eight hours and Mr. Potter you are asked to remain with him at all times during that period."

Harry unglues his tongue to ask faintly, "is… that it?"

The Auror nods. "Yes, as a veela's mate you are also held responsible for Mr. Malfoy's actions and so I hope you use the next forty-eight hours to further develop your relationship. A close connection and better understanding of your unique situation will definitely help stave off incidents like this from happening in the future."

Harry nods, too stunned to make a sound. For some reason he really thought they were going to be separated and that Draco was facing a short stint in Azkaban…

"Yes, we will. Thank you," Draco says formally.

Harry shakes himself and quickly stands as the other two get to their feet.

Auror Kinneman releases Draco's handcuffs with a wave of his hand. "As I explained, your location will be monitored by the Ministry for the next forty-eight hours. When you leave here, go straight to Mr. Malfoy's place of residence. Good day gentleman."

Harry thinks he detects a small smile on the Auror's face as the man turns to take his leave.

"Let's go home," Draco whispers into Harry's ear as he threads his fingers with Harry's.

"Home," Harry repeats with a smile, feeling exhausted and utterly elated all at once.

The two walk to the St. Mungo's Disapparation point in silence, both lost in their own thoughts and still somewhat in shock that what started out as such a nightmare has ended rather well, all things considered.

Draco takes his hand with a smile and jumps them straight into the serene master bedroom of his London brownstone.

"Presumptuous much?" Harry says with a raised brow.

Draco runs a hand through his hair, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I actually didn't mean to do that," he says honestly.

"Well some part of you was thinking about it," Harry laughs, amused. "Can we eat first at least? I'm starving."

Draco blanches. "I don't… I didn't expect you to jump straight into bed with me today Harry."

"Scared Malfoy?" Harry teases, still slightly giddy with euphoria at the outcome of everything. "Oh Merlin, you weren't planning on some sort of romantic, rose petal and candles, bonding ceremony were you?"

Draco merely arches a brow and turns on his heel.

Harry grins and follows him downstairs to the kitchen. The two throw together a quick dinner of spaghetti with roasted pumpkin, sharing warm smiles and the soft flutter of touching fingers every so often as they move about the room. The mood is light and care-free, and they both feel the subtle shift in their relationship.

"I still can't believe this day didn't end with absolute disaster," Harry says in amazement once they've sat down to dinner, absently twirling spaghetti on his fork as he speaks. "And I can't believe you turned yourself in without even discussing it with me first," he adds with a pointed glare.

"Because I knew you would try to talk me out of it," Draco replies evenly. "And you're one to talk; you told them that it was all your doing in the first place."

Harry swallows the delicious pasta, humming appreciatively before replying. "That was very… Gryffindor of you," he finally comments. His expression darkens slightly as he spears a piece of pumpkin on his fork. "I thought you were going to be sent to Azkaban."

"So did I," Draco admits before taking a sip of water. "I don't think I've ever been that scared."

"It's a scary place," Harry says with a shudder.

"Not Azkaban," Draco says roughly, "I was scared of being separated from you."

Harry pauses and looks over at him. "Me too."

They share a warm look before returning to their meals.

"I can't believe how easy this feels," Harry finally comments, as though thinking aloud. "I thought it would be an adjustment. I thought… I thought after trying to stay away from anything emotionally messy for so long that it would take a while to actually feel anything again. If ever."

"I knew you had it in you," Draco replies quietly. "I just had to force you to unearth it after you'd managed to bury it for so long."

Harry suddenly smiles, holding his fork aloft, twirled with spaghetti noodles. "You know, two months ago I would have scoffed at you for saying that, but you're right. I suppose I just had to meet the right veela."

Draco smirks, feeling ridiculously pleased.

Harry sits back in his chair, sipping from his glass of water and feeling much improved after getting some food into his empty stomach. He surveys Draco over the rim of his glass as the blond finishes eating, somehow managing to eat spaghetti with a flawless grace that Harry knows he'll never possess. He shifts in his chair as Draco delicately licks his lips, the sensual movement causing his stomach to flutter in anticipation.

Draco sets down his silverware and eyes Harry with darkened grey eyes. "You know, I can feel it when you're turned on."

Harry chokes and splutters on his drink. "What?"

Draco arches a brow, gaze remaining darkened with an answering lust.

Harry swallows and sets his glass down. "I think I'm done here."

Draco's eyes flare and he stands, holding out a hand to Harry.

Harry stands and takes it, allowing the tall blond to lead him upstairs. He knows it's ridiculous to feel anxious when he's had countless sexual partners, but this feels different, it feels like his first time; like something very significant is about to take place.

"Nervous?" Draco asks, closing the door behind them.

Harry exhales with a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I am actually."

Draco's responding smile is so warm and understanding that it immediately helps to quell Harry's nerves. Draco steps closer and lifts a hand to gently stroke across Harry's cheek and into dark hair. Harry's eyes immediately fall closed, leaning his head into the tender caress. Draco's other hand comes up to frame Harry's flushed face before he slowly closes the distance between them and lightly presses his lips to Harry's.

Harry just barely holds in the sigh that tries to push its way out of his chest, the tension immediately leaving his body at just the barest touch of Draco's lips. He kisses back, taking his time, enjoying the taste and feel of Draco's warm, soft lips. He smiles into the kiss when Draco lets loose an involuntary sigh of pleasure. He loves that Draco is just as affected as he is.

Draco slides his arms around Harry and pulls him closer as he deepens the kiss, nearly groaning aloud when Harry's mouth opens for him, tongue now sliding eagerly against his own. Harry's hands fist in his shirt as the kiss quickly turns from soft and tender to heated and needy.

"Merlin… what you do to me Harry…" Draco whispers breathlessly as he drags his lips away from Harry's mouth to place a kiss to his jaw, then neck, inhaling his mate's scent with relish.

Harry hums appreciatively as Draco continues to press warm lips to his throat, unable to form a coherent response. Whatever magic that comes into play when he's close to Draco is sweeping around him and he doesn't fight it; he welcomes the intense sensation and allows it to carry him away, knowing he doesn't need to stop it this time.

Draco begins to walk him backwards towards the bed and Harry falls back onto it with a careless laugh. "Where's the romance Malfoy? I was expecting candles, roses and soft music," he teases as Draco crawls onto the bed, straddling his thighs with a predatory gleam to his eyes that causes Harry to swallow his grin.

Draco smirks and removes his wand, eyes never leaving Harry's as he flicks his wrist and the room instantly changes. The lights dim, flickering candles appear on almost every available surface, rose petals appear; scattered all over the floor and bed, filling the room with the smell of fragrant flowers, and soft music begins to play quietly in the background.

Harry laughs. "First, what the hell is that spell? And second, Sam Smith? Nice choice Malfoy."

Draco chuckles as he shifts off of Harry to lay alongside him on the bed. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that, top secret veela romance spell. Sorry Potter."

Harry laughs, propping his head up in his hand and gazing back at Draco's light-hearted expression.

Draco lifts his wand again to end the spell and Harry's eyes widen. "No don't," he exclaims, and then flushes a little at Draco's arched brow. "I mean, you can get rid of the flowers but… I kind of like the candles and stuff."

Draco complies, trying to hide his amused smile. The rose petals immediately disappear but the candles continue to flicker around them and Sam Smith continues to croon in the background.

Harry smiles as he lays back. "Mention this tomorrow and I will hex you," he threatens.

Draco smiles but doesn't say anything, secretly pleased that Harry wants to make this special, more than just one of his usual trysts, because it is. He sets his wand aside before turning back to Harry. Those emerald eyes darken as Draco reaches out to run his hand from Harry's neck, down over his chest and stomach, to the edge of his grey jumper. Long pale digits slip underneath the soft material and lightly caress the warm skin of Harry's abdomen.

Harry's breath hitches in his chest and his eyes falls closed as Draco's hand runs up over his chest then back down to drag along the edge of his trousers. The edge of his jumper is grasped and slowly pulled up and over his head. Harry opens his eyes to look up at Draco; grey eyes hungrily devouring every inch of Harry's golden skin flickering in the candlelight.

Draco's breathing is shallow as he deftly unbuttons his shirt and quickly tosses it aside. He drags another careless hand up over Harry's exposed abdomen and Harry arches slightly into the warm touch, green eyes drinking in the sight before him; Draco's flawlessly pale skin on display for him to see and touch and kiss…

Harry reaches out for him and Draco comes to rest half on top of him, weight on his elbows and one leg curled over Harry's legs. Draco gazes into passion-filled eyes as he brushes Harry's dark fringe back from his forehead and leans in to kiss the softly parted lips.

Harry emits a hushed moan and pulls Draco more fully on top of him, wanting to feel the satisfying weight of his body on him, pinning him to the mattress, and the hard length of the other man's erection pressed into his own. Harry runs his hands over the bare skin of Draco's back and it's warm and silky soft yet underneath there is the sensual shifting of hard muscle. Harry moans again, his whole body on fire now, tongues meeting messily, greedily, unable to get enough, not caring if he's able to breath or not…

Draco finally breaks off the kiss, panting, resting his forehead against Harry's for a moment. "Harry…" he says breathlessly, feeling as though he's coming undone.

Harry runs his hand up Draco's back and into soft blond hair, stroking reassuringly. "I know," he whispers back, "don't stop. Please."

Draco takes a deep steadying breath, opening his eyes to look into Harry's face a moment before standing up.

Harry swallows and licks his lips as Draco reaches for the fly on Harry's trousers. He lifts his hips to enable the veela to pull his trousers and pants down and off in one smooth movement. Harry's eyes immediately seek out Draco's expression as he drinks in the sight of him, his mate, completely naked for the first time. Harry can hardly believe the depth of arousal in those grey eyes, all for him; the quickened breathing, the dilated pupils, the convulsive swallowing, the responding bulge tenting the front of Draco's trousers…

Draco has to take another steadying breath as Harry sits up and shuffles to the edge of the bed. Steady fingers seek out the clasp of his leather belt and quickly make short work of undoing the belt along with the zip of his charcoal grey trousers. Harry slowly pushes the remainder of Draco's clothing down his legs and the blond carefully steps out of them, eyes watching Harry, captivated.

Harry flashes him a small smile of reassurance before dropping his gaze to the stiff, flushed erection bobbing just inches away from his face. Harry runs his hands up the backs of Draco's thighs, feeling the slight tickle of soft blond hairs under his palms, then over his smooth, firmly rounded backside, grasping onto the flesh there, anchoring him, as he leans forward and runs his tongue up the underside of Draco's cock.

Draco moans and throws his head back, eyes squeezing shut, unable to watch. He quickly takes a step back and away as Harry's warm mouth encloses over the head of his penis. "Fuck…" he pants, balling his hands into fists. "Harry… I'm so close already."

Harry licks his lips and his own cock twitches with anticipation; Draco's expression and flushed features driving him mad with a desire he didn't know he had in him. He's never felt this turned on before, this desperate for completion, the fact that Draco hasn't had sex in so long only making everything that much sweeter.

Harry slides back on the bed and lays down, waiting, green eyes staring up at Draco in silent invitation.

Draco takes a moment to compose himself as he slowly opens the bedside drawer and removes a small glass vial of oil. He crawls onto the bed and kneels next to Harry, pouring a small amount of the warm fragrant oil into his palm. Harry obligingly opens his legs in anticipation, one hand absently stroking himself as he watches Draco's movements, completely enthralled.

Draco has to swallow at the sight, briefly closing his eyes. "Fuck Harry…" he breathes. "Do you have any idea what you look like right now?"

"I have some idea," he smirks, eyes flicking to Draco's twitching erection.

Draco bites back a groan as Harry continues to stare up at him, legs parted, hand lazily stroking his flushed cock. Draco slowly reaches out his hand and runs one oil-slicked finger up the crack of Harry's arse, over his entrance, then up over his bollocks to wrap oiled fingers around his thick shaft.

Harry gasps and quickly moves his own hand out of the way in order to give Draco full access. He thrusts up into Draco's palm, the vanilla-scented oil coating him fully and allowing his cock to slide easily within Draco's firm grip. Harry moans at the sensation as Draco's left hand moves to his entrance and begins to prepare him, the scent of vanilla invading his nostrils, the sensation almost too much as Draco touches him intimately, everywhere. All he can do is writhe in need on the bed, hands fisting in the bedcovers, moaning wantonly as more fingers are added, stretched.

Draco can't help but moan himself, even though he isn't being touched, the sight of Harry writhing in ecstasy is almost too much to take. He quickly tosses the vial of oil aside and removes his fingers, positioning himself between Harry's parted legs.

Harry opens his eyes and looks up at him; aroused and vulnerable.

Draco bites his lip. "Are you sure?" he has to ask breathlessly, poised on the brink. "There's no turning back after this."

Harry swallows and draws his knees back in silent confirmation, unable to voice all the thoughts and emotions racing through his head. All he knows is that he wants this.

Draco looks deep into his eyes and whatever he sees there seems to reassure him. He presses forward and pushes himself all the way in with a single thrust.

Harry throws back his head with a loud moan of pleasure, the sound ringing in Draco's ears, making his blood pump faster and his pulse race. He stills, trying to maintain his composure, he's been close since they stepped into the bedroom and he knows he isn't going to last long, but he wants this to last, wants to draw out their first time for as long as possible.

"Draco…" Harry moans, disrupting his focus. "Please…"

Draco takes a deep breath and pulls back, then slides in, slowly, Harry's entrance wonderfully tight around his hard shaft. He pauses, once again trying to regain his composure, reign in the threatening orgasm that is only a few thrusts away.

"Don't," Harry commands, opening hooded, lust-filled eyes and curling one hand around his still oil-slicked cock. "Don't hold back. I'm close too…"

"Harry…" Draco gasps as he thrusts once more, then again, hips beginning to snap forward in a confident rhythm.

Harry moans appreciatively as Draco's angle changes and the blond begins to attack his prostate, throwing off sparks of pleasure that rocket through Harry's entire body. He arches up into his own hand, concerted eyes watching Draco's intense expression all the while, unable to look away, wanting to see him lose control.

"Fuck…" Draco swears under his breath as he rapidly pumps in and out of Harry's body, deciding not to hold back any longer, giving in and welcoming the abandon, giving himself over to basic instinct.

Harry moans, hand stroking himself in time with Draco's thrusts.

"Come for me Harry," Draco bites out, grey eyes watching him intently as he continues to thrust mercilessly.

Harry meets his heated gaze and it only takes one more pull of his sensitive prick before he's crying out; orgasm suddenly taking a hold of his body and seeming to rip him from the inside out.

Draco's eyes narrow and he growls in approval as ropes of white semen spurt from Harry's cock to cover his stomach. He thrusts four more times then freezes, arching into Harry's body as a powerful orgasm takes over, shooting through his body and forcing him to cry out Harry's name as he empties himself inside of his mate.

Draco collapses forward onto his forearms, breathing heavily.

Harry quickly wraps his arms around Draco's sweat-dampened back and holds him close; looking at the veela's almost pained expression. "Draco?"

Draco swallows. "Just… give me a minute," he says unevenly, eyes still closed.

Harry watches him with concern. He silently presses a comforting kiss to the side of Draco's neck, inhaling the veela's scent mixed with sweat and vanilla oil. It's a heady mix and Harry thinks he's already quite attached to it.

Draco's body shudders lightly above him and the veela slowly opens his eyes once more.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks quietly, arms tightening around him.

"Yes…" Draco replies softly, turning his head to look into Harry's eyes. "That was… intense."

Harry smiles. "Do you… feel any different?"

Draco finally shifts himself off of his mate and lies on his side next to him, head propped in one hand and right leg thrown protectively over Harry's body. "I do actually," he replies, sounding faintly astonished. "It felt like something was tampering with my magic, I didn't like it at first, and then… then it was like my magic was suddenly stretched out and anchored to something else."

"Me?" Harry asks interestedly.

"I would assume so," Draco replies carefully. "Do you feel any different?"

Harry scrunches up his nose as he thinks. "No, not really, a little sore maybe," he adds with a grin. "You have quite the tool there Malfoy."

Grey eyes widen. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

Harry snorts. "No, you didn't, your preparation was quite adequate. More than, bloody tease."

Draco's expression relaxes a little, but he still looks concerned.

Harry watches him with interest. "This is part of it isn't it?" he asks.


"This over-the-top concern for me?" Harry says.

"Yes," Draco answers candidly. "Does it bother you?"

Harry smiles, one finger reaching out to trace along Draco's jawline. "Not at all, in fact," he continues somewhat self-consciously, "I rather like it."

"I know."

Harry's finger freezes in its journey around the soft shell of Draco's ear. "What do you mean you know?"

"It's just one of those things I somehow know about you," he explains fondly, affection lighting his eyes and causing Harry to smile in response. Harry's fingers travel into the silky blond strands of Draco's hair, gently combing through it, nails lightly grazing his scalp. Draco hums in approval, eyes falling closed.

"What were you going to do with those love letters?"

"Hmm?" Draco opens his eyes to see Harry looking towards his closet doors.

"Were you going to show them to me one day?"

Draco brings his gaze back to Harry's face. "I don't know, I never really thought we'd be close enough for me to show them to you. They weren't for sending, I just wrote them for a kind of cathartic release. That's all."

Harry flops back onto his pillow with a yawn. "Maybe you could read them to me one day."

Draco arches a delicate blond brow in surprise. "Someone is feeling oddly sentimental, are you always like this after shagging Potter?"

Harry smiles and closes his eyes. "Nope, I'm usually very much the opposite."

Draco smiles in satisfaction and lays down, shifting over to spoon up behind Harry's warm body and encircling his mate with his arms. A sharp stab of protectiveness shoots through him as he holds Harry; inhaling his scent and listening to the comforting sound of his breathing.

"You know there's going to be a huge spread in the Prophet tomorrow about us, right?" Harry's quiet voice suddenly floats back to him, sounding apprehensive. "And most likely about the Muggle attack as well."

Draco's arms tighten reflexively around him. "We'll face that when it comes. Will it bother you when the whole of the wizarding world knows that I'm a veela and that you're my mate?"

Harry's hands come up to clasp the strong forearms wrapped around his chest. "No," he says with conviction. "I've never cared what the wizarding world thought of me. I do care about people throwing around insults about you though. I'm worried about howlers and people making your life miserable…"

"We can put a stop to any howlers with a simple warding spell, and I don't live and work in the magical world anymore so it won't be that often that people are in the street throwing tomatoes at me."

Harry can't help but chuckle, his unease instantly evaporating; Draco isn't going to leave him, nor does he care what others think. Nothing is more important than the happiness and well-being of his mate and the feeling is nothing short of incredible. "I love you," Harry says without thinking, not even knowing that's what he was going to say when he opened his mouth. It just came out. He freezes, holding his breath as the blood rushes in his ears.

"Do you mean that Harry?" Draco finally replies, stunned.

"Yeah… I do," Harry says faintly, pulse racing.

Draco closes his eyes and presses his face into Harry's dark hair, pressing a kiss into the thick locks. "I love you too, so much."

And Harry can breathe again. He lets out a shuddery breath, his body relaxing once more. He knows that Draco loves him, and has loved him since he was eighteen, but still needing to hear it after putting his heart on the line. He smiles, feeling lighter than he has in a very long time. Feeling loved.

"Sleep now," Draco orders quietly, unable to stop himself from pressing another kiss to Harry's hair.

"Yes sir," Harry replies, Draco's words instantly making him yawn and settle into the solid chest at his back. "Mmm… this is nice," he murmurs.

Draco smiles and reaches back for his wand to discreetly extinguish the candles and turn off the quiet music.

"Don't even think about it Malfoy."

Draco laughs and tosses his wand back onto the bed, wrapping his arm back around Harry and leaving the room as is.

~ The End ~