This is my first fanfiction so I hope everyone likes it.

The disturbed moans and agonizing shrieks echoed in the distant darkness. There were restricted chambers in multiple halls. These chambers could only be accessed by authorized personnel. In a single corridor, a middle-aged scientist approached a specific chamber at a normal pace. He stood in front of a highly-secured, metallic door, which boldly stated in white, "H-117." To enter, the scientist swiped his identification card in the machine, entered a passcode, and placed his hand on the scanner. After the three-step process, the mechanical door automatically opened. Upon entering, the lights turned on and the door closed. Inside the chamber was an operating room, full of advanced technology. The scientist walked towards the sealed capsule, which was secured in the middle of the chamber. He looked through the translucent glass of the capsule and observed what was inside. Inside the sealed capsule was an unconscious specimen, which was hooked with multiple wires. The scientist entered few notes in his tablet after briefly observing the specimen. For further examination, he pressed specific buttons on a nearby machine to open the capsule. When the capsule opened, the scientist leaned over the specimen's body for closer observation. Suddenly, the specimen opened its eyes and startled the scientist. Without hesitation the specimen grabbed him by the arm and twisted it one-eighty degrees, causing him to scream in excruciating pain. Before the scientist could alert anyone, he was quickly silenced by death. The specimen grabbed him by the head and snapped his neck, breaking his spinal cord. The dead scientist dropped to the icy floor. The specimen pulled off every wire hooked on its body and got out of the capsule. The specimen kneeled next to the dead scientist's body and searched through his lab coat. The specimen found a key and used it to unlock the collar on its neck. After unlocking the collar, the specimen tossed it across the room. The specimen looked over to the metal table with medical tools and walked over to it. The specimen grabbed a scalpel and released it from its grip. The scalpel floated in the air through the specimen's telekinesis. The specimen moved the scalpel behind its back and deeply stabbed itself. The specimen did not display any pain in its face. Once the scalpel penetrated through its skin, the specimen began carving something out. After thirty seconds, it managed to get something out. With its fingers, the specimen pulled out a microchip from its back and threw it aside. The cut on the specimen's back healed in an accelerated speed, leaving no scar. After removing the microchip from its back, the specimen moved out.

The corridors were filled with mercenaries, who were vigilantly looking out for suspicious activities. Above the ceiling, the specimen hid behind the ventilation. It silently crawled over and peeked through the gaps. Like a predator, it waited for the right time to strike its prey. When the opportunity came, the specimen busted out of the ventilation. It landed on a mercenary's shoulders and snapped his neck with its thighs. Then, it grabbed two of the mercenaries' heads and smashed their skulls into each other. The ambush triggered immediate attention. The remaining mercenaries in the corridor attempted to restrain the specimen, but failed. Its strength was beyond human. With brute force, it successfully freed itself from their restraint. In a short amount of time, the specimen speedily and precisely struck down the mercenaries. After rendering them unconscious, the specimen searched through the mercenaries' clothes to find necessary items to escape. Right after it got what it needed, the specimen heard the emergency alarm go off. The specimen looked up at the corner of the corridor and noticed a hidden camera. In order to avoid capture, it quickly moved out.

As the specimen ran through the corridors, it heard countless footsteps approaching. Despite the intensity of the situation, it did not show fear. The specimen remained calm and focused. When the specimen sharply turned to the next hall, it encountered mercenaries armed with electroshock rifles. One of the mercenaries threatened to shoot if the specimen did not surrender. However, his threat did not faze the specimen. Instead of surrendering, the specimen charged at the mercenaries. The mercenaries pulled the trigger and fired. The specimen tumbled in the air and maneuvered its body to avoid getting stunned by the blasts. When the specimen reached the mercenaries, it stole one of their electroshock rifles, stunned them, and battered them down with the weapon. After taking them down, it tossed the weapon away and continued to move.

When the specimen reached another corridor, it ran towards the zigzag staircase ahead. The mercenaries chased after the specimen, but struggled to keep up with its speed. The specimen easily skipped several steps to ascend quicker. When it arrived at the top floor, it saw an open platform with one available aircraft. As it ran forward, it noticed the door was closing down vertically. Before the door completely closed, the specimen slid under the remaining gap and made it to the other side. To prevent its pursuers from catching up, the specimen jammed the access device on the door, making the machine go haywire. The specimen ran across the platform to get to the aircraft. However, the mercenaries managed to break down the door by melting it. Before the specimen could get to the aircraft, a mercenary shot a rocket launcher at the vehicle and combusted it. The impact of the explosion caused the specimen to fly several feet in the air. The specimen rolled across the platform and stopped at the edge of the platform. The specimen got up and realized it was surrounded.

"Put your hands in the air!" ordered one of the mercenaries. The specimen raised its hands in the air and stoically gazed at the mercenary. "Now come forward!"

Instead of giving into his order, the specimen gracefully fell backwards off the edge. The shocked mercenaries ran towards the edge and looked down. They saw nothing but crashing waves. Suddenly, the specimen appeared and soared away with wings.