A quick update! I'll post the next chapter soon.

Enjoy and review!

The Winx and the Specialists led Heidi out of the private ward. When they turned to the corner, they entered the infirmary. It didn't take too long for people to notice Heidi. Everyone froze at her presence. Heidi glanced her surrounding and noticed all eyes were on her. They glared at her and tightened their jaws. They placed their hands over their holstered weapons out of caution. Heidi felt threatened by their movement. Before she could act, she felt someone grab her hand. Heidi looked to her side and saw Flora holding her hand. The fairy of nature gave her a reassuring smile. The warmth of Flora's hand made Heidi feel at ease. Heidi followed the Winx and the Specialists out of the infirmary, holding Flora's hand.

"You don't have to take us back to Alfea. We can just take the bus," said Bloom.

"Bloom is right. The five of you need to stay and rest," said Flora.

"Flying is much faster than taking the bus," said Brandon.

"We'll return here as soon as we drop you off," said Sky.

"Guys, you don't have to do this," said Musa.

"Let us do our job. We're only looking out for you," said Riven, glancing at Heidi bitterly.

The Specialists led the Winx and Heidi to their Owl. Heidi looked at the aircraft and recognized it. She pushed the boys out of her way and opened the tools compartment.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing!? Don't touch that!" shouted Riven.

Heidi ignored Riven and looked inside the tools compartment. The Winx and the Specialists were confused by her behavior. She put her arm inside to reach for something. Heidi roamed her hand inside the tools compartment in search for her belonging.

"What are you looking for?" asked Bloom.

Heidi pulled her hand out empty-handed. "It's gone."

"What's gone?" asked Flora.

"My money," answered Heidi.

"It's been confiscated," said a gruff voice. Everyone turned their heads and saw Codatorta. "It belongs to the government now."

Heidi got up from her crouched position and said, "It's mine."

"That money is illegal. You are not allowed to keep it," said Codatorta, in an authoritative tone.

Heidi was not pleased by this decision. That money belonged to her. She earned that money, even though she got her hands on it through violence. It was unfair for it to be taken away from her.

"If it weren't for Saladin and Faragonda, you should have been convicted for various crimes. You should be grateful for their mercy. Exchanging the money for freedom is a best option in your case. You've been let off very easy," said Codatorta.

Heidi curled one of her hands into a fist. Flora noticed this action and quickly acted. Like she did before, Flora placed her hand over Heidi's hand. Heidi uncurled her fist and relaxed.

The Winx and the Specialists noticed someone approaching them. They looked over Codatorta's shoulders and saw Saladin. The headmaster reached them and gave them a fatigued smile.

"Headmaster Saladin, have you been getting enough sleep? Your skin is looking awful," said Stella.

The Winx and the Specialists shook their heads at Stella's tactless remark.

Saladin chuckled, "You are right, Stella. I have not been sleeping well lately."

"Grandfather, you should go inside and rest," Helia suggested.

"I will, as soon as I see everyone off," said Saladin. The headmaster turned to Heidi and approached her. "Here, child. Take this with you." Saladin placed a white envelope in Heidi's hand. "This will help you get by."

Heidi looked at the envelope with a hint of confusion.

"Heidi, say thank you," whispered Bloom.

"Thank you," Heidi said, which Saladin smiled to.

Saladin looked over to the Specialists and said, "Make sure you escort the girls in one piece."

"Yes, sir!" said the Specialists.

Saladin said to the Winx, "I entrust Heidi under your guidance. Please look after her."

"You don't have to worry, headmaster. We will do our best," said Bloom.

Saladin faced Heidi and said, "Take care of yourself. We'll see each other again."

"Come on, Heidi. Let's go," said Bloom.

Heidi followed the Winx and the Specialists inside the Owl. The boys got in their seats and activated the aircraft. After everything was in check, it was time to go. The Owl departed from the hangar and flew to Alfea.

Stella walked over to Heidi and snatched the envelope from her.

"Stella, what was that for?" asked Tecna.

"I just wanna see what's inside," said Stella, opening the envelope.

"Quit being a child and give that back!" demanded Tecna.

Stella looked inside the envelope and gasped, "It's money!"

The Specialists turned around with wide eyes.

"Are you serious? The headmaster gave her money?" asked Brandon.

"Look!" exclaimed Stella, flailing the money in the envelope.

"You know what's inside the envelope now, so give that back to Heidi," said Tecna.

"Hold on, let me see how much is inside," said Stella, counting the money.

"Stella!" shouted Tecna, in an impatient tone.

"He gave her five thousand credits!" exclaimed Stella.

"What!? Five thousand credits!? Are you sure you counted correctly!?" asked Riven.

"Hey, I may not be that smart but I can at least count," said Stella, in an offended tone.

"Giving five thousand credits to a stranger is quite excessive," said Timmy.

"That's approximately five thousand dollars in Earth. My parents never gave me that much money in one day. It took me half a year of chores to make that much," said Bloom.

"Hey, Helia. Did your grandfather ever give you this much money?" asked Stella.

"Only in special occasions," said Helia.

Tecna snatched the envelope from Stella and returned it to Heidi. "This is yours. Don't lose it."

Heidi nodded her head. She got up from her seat and walked over to the window. She observed the aerial view of the greenery. The Owl flew over Lake Roccaluce. They were two minutes away from their destination.

"They will arrive there at any moment now," said Saladin, speaking to Faragonda through the computer screen.

"Thank you, Saladin," said Faragonda.

"By the way, I gave the child a name. It's Heidi."

"You gave her a beautiful name."

"Please contact me from time to time about Heidi. I would like to know how she is doing."

"I will. If you want, I can also send her to Red Fountain to visit you."

"I would appreciate that too. Thank you, Faragonda."

Faragonda's conversation with Saladin was interrupted by a doorknock. "We'll speak again soon. Farewell." The headmistress disconnected her chat and faced the door. "Come in."

Griselda entered the office and said, "They have arrived."

"Is that so? Excellent. Let's head to the front gates."

"Miss Faragonda," said Griselda, in a serious tone.

Faragonda sensed the harshness of Griselda's voice and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"This is a terrible idea. I do not approve," Griselda objected.

"The decision is final," said Faragonda.

"I am not the only who is opposed to this idea. This girl has earned a notorious reputation after the Red Fountain incident. She should be convicted. What will the faculty and our students think of this?"

"Have I ever done anything to endanger the school?"

"You have not, but this time you may. She is too dangerous. We don't know who she is and what is she capable of."

"That is why I am bringing her here. To learn more about her."

"Your fascination with this girl may not fulfill what you search. This is not the worth the risk."

"Griselda, you of all people know Alfea was established to guide fairies to use their powers for good, no matter what their circumstances are."

"I know that very well, but there is also protocol. We cannot just take in any fairy as we please. Alfea is a prestigious institution. We train fairies to protect the Magical Dimension from evil. This girl may be a fairy, but she is unfit to be one of our students. Our faculty will say the same thing."

"The decision has already been made. She will stay in Alfea."

"You are acting out of character! This is abuse of power! Why are you being irrational!?"

"I don't find myself being irrational. I am simply being compassionate."

"Your heart is too gentle If you keep letting it overshadow your reason, there will be severe consequences."

"Then I shall bear those consequences. Please have faith in me. When you see the girl, you will understand why I am doing this."

The Owl descended from the air and landed on the ground. Once it touched the ground, the door unfolded into a ramp. The Winx walked out of the aircraft and motioned Heidi to come out. The bright sunlight rendered Heidi to wear a hood over her head. She cautiously emerged out of the Owl and peeked outside.

"Here we are. This is Alfea," said Bloom.

Heidi walked down the ramp and looked at her environment. She tilted her head up and turned in circles. Behind her concealed face was a hint of awe. The vibrant architecture was massive. The campus was built like a castle. Alfea was a stark contrast from where she came from.

Flora walked over to Heidi's side and said, "This is where you'll be staying from now on."

Heidi stopped marveling at her surrounding when she sensed a powerful presence. She turned and saw Faragonda approaching her. Heidi backed away and stood behind Flora. She gazed at the headmistress with caution.

"Miss Faragonda, what are you doing out here? We were going to meet you at your office," said Bloom.

"I heard about your arrival and I couldn't wait," said Faragonda.

Faragonda looked over Bloom's shoulder and saw Heidi. Heidi tensed up when Faragonda spotted her. Flora whispered to Heidi that it was okay. Faragonda smiled at Heidi and walked over to her.

"Welcome, Heidi. I am Faragonda, the headmistress of Alfea. Please make yourself feel at home," said Faragonda.

Heidi remembered the Winx mentioning Faragonda. Flora told her Faragonda was the most wonderful person she'll ever meet. The warmth of the headmistress's voice relaxed Heidi. She didn't feel threatened anymore.

"Heidi, say hello to Miss Faragonda," said Flora.

"Hello," said Heidi, in a whispered tone.

Flora turned to Faragonda and said, "I think she's shy."

"That's alright," said Faragonda, "Heidi, if you don't mind, may I take a look at your face."

Heidi looked at the Winx, who motioned her to remove her hood. Since Faragonda seemed like a nice person, Heidi accepted the favor. She pulled down her hood and revealed her face. Griselda, who stood behind Faragonda, dropped her tablet by accident. The head disciplinarian gaped at Heidi, who gazed at her with a hint of confusion. Griselda made noises which no one could understand. She quickly snapped out of her shocked state and picked up her tablet. Since Heidi was awake, Faragonda was able to get a better look at Heidi's face. At first, the headmistress looked at Heidi somberly. Then, she switched her frown to a gentle smile.

"You are such a beauty," said Faragonda.

Heidi tilted her head in confusion. She didn't know how to react to those words.

"Miss Faragonda, where will the child stay? We didn't prepare a room for her," said Griselda.

Faragonda widened her eyes and said, "Oh my! I forgot!"

"We can let her stay in our room," said Bloom.

"Thank you, Bloom. We'll let Heidi stay with you for tonight. I will have a room prepared for her tomorrow," said Faragonda.

"Excuse me, ladies," said Sky, "We have to return to Red Fountain now."

"Thank you for escorting the girls back to Alfea safely. Have a safe trip back," said Faragonda.

"Yes, ma'am," said the Specialists.

The Winx bid farewell to the Specialists, who flew back to their school.

"Girls, please help Heidi get familiar with Alfea. She will need to know how to get around campus on her own," requested Faragonda.

"Of course," said Bloom.

"Well then, I leave Heidi under your care," said Faragonda. "Come, Griselda. We have a lot to do."

Faragonda and Griselda walked away from the Winx and Heidi. When they separated themselves from the girls at a far distance, they talked.

"Miss Faragonda, how is this possible?" Griselda asked.

"I don't know," said Faragonda.

"I understand why you brought her here, but we don't know if it's true."

"Then we'll just to have to find out.