Alright everyone here is chapter 20, thank you all for the great reviews I have been getting, and like I said at the end of the last chapter this one will start just before Natsu and Jellal fighting. Oh and before I forget, Happy is with them in the story, I just don't really include him anymore because I overlook him too easily but I'll try to keep him mentioned. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 20

Lucy, Gray, Happy, Juvia, Wally, Millianna, and Sho were staring at the tower in shock; it had just taken a blast from Etherion and had turned into a lacrima. "What is going on?" Gray asked eyes wide open in surprise.

"I have no idea." Lucy said, "But I do hope they are alright."

"They'll be fine; they are fairy tail wizards and all." Happy said confidentially even though he was worried for Natsu's safety.

"All we can do is have faith in them." Gray said.

Wally, Sho, and Millianna were all just dead silent in shock at what happened.

With Natsu, Erza, and Jellal:

Natsu was holding Erza up after just pulling her away from the lacrima and interrupting the ritual while glaring at Jellal with hatred unmatched. Erza was covered in multiple bruises and cuts from fighting with Jellal, she truly thought he had changed before the Etherion had struck the tower, but she was proven wrong rather fast. "Natsu you have to run, you can't beat Jellal, he was too much for me." Erza pleaded to Natsu.

Natsu looked at Erza solemnly and said, "Forgive me Erza but I am not running away. I will stop him!" Natsu then proceeded to do something he would feel bad for along time about; he punched Erza in the stomach hard, effectively knocking her out.

Natsu then turned to Jellal and said, "I will make you pay dearly for what you have done to Erza." Natsu clenched his fists in anger before saying, "You made Erza cry." He paused briefly then yelled. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"

As Natsu finished yelling his power flew around him in torrents of fire and he charged at Jellal who prepared himself. When Natsu got into range of Jellal he kicked out catching Jellal in the knee causing him to stumble and as he fell forward Natsu upper cutted his jaw sending him flying backwards. When Jellal righted himself he said, "Not to bad Natsu, but not nearly good enough. Now face the might of my heavenly body magic!" he then yelled out "METEOR!"

Jellal disappeared from Natsu's sight and Natsu felt himself get punched in the back and thrown forwards from the hit but when he turned around Jellal was already gone again. 'Shit he's moving fast.' Natsu thought as he was struck from behind again.

Natsu saw Jellal coming from the side and threw a punch towards him but before it could connect, Jellal had change trajectory and was gone again. Natsu swore loudly as he got kicked from the other side and thought, 'I can't keep up with him with my speed right now. I need to find another way to hit him.'

Natsu then let his senses take over completely, reliving on his hearing and scent the most to what Jellal was doing and tried to predict where he was coming from. After a few moments he finally caught a pattern and as Jellal moved in to attack from behind; Natsu kicked his left leg back hitting Jellal in the face and causing him to be thrown back this time.

"You little bastard." Jellal muttered as he rubbed his jaw.

"It's not nice to call people bastards you bastard." Natsu said with a grin.

Jellal just sweat dropped. 'He's cracking jokes in the middle of a fight? Well I can't say I don't like his style for that but he is rather cocky and getting me mad.'

Jellal started charging at Natsu again who couldn't keep track anymore from how much faster he started to move and was being pounded around. Natsu gritted his teeth in pain and quickly sent fire blasting all around him catching Jellal off guard causing him to crash on to the ground. Natsu charged at Jellal igniting his fists and threw a punch at Jellal who leapt away. As Jellal landed he rushed at Natsu again and punched him in the face before Natsu could react. Jellal was no longer using his Meteor spell and was bent on hitting Natsu as hard as he could.

Natsu was blocking all the hits he could but he was hard pressed. 'Damn he hits a lot harder then Gajeel.' He thought as a hit connected with his jaw.

Natsu was thrown back by the hit sending him to the ground, but before he hit Natsu stuck his hand out and somersaulted back up while yelling, "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" sending a blast of fire out towards Jellal who jumped away but still getting slightly burnt from the attack. Natsu then ran in at Jellal with his fists ignited and started punching back fiercely making it Jellal's turn to block as best as he could. After a series of punches; Natsu yelled, "FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!" smashing his fist into Jellal's chest knocking him down.

Jellal had a hard time breathing from that attack and was panting heavily as he got up. He glared with hate at Natsu who was glaring back. Jellal then ran at Natsu yelling, "Heavenly Palm!" smashing his palm into Natsu throwing him back and then yelled, "Heavenly Blast!" hitting Natsu with a second spell which sent him flying back further smashing into a wall.

Natsu slowly got back up groaning in pain, he was having a little trouble standing now from all the powerful hits he took from Jellal. Bottling down the pain he roared out, "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" sending his breath attack at Jellal who didn't dodge it in time taking the full blast being thrown back himself. Jellal stood back up and was panting heavily, Natsu was no different.

Jellal then sent out a bunch of energy beams flying towards Natsu who started jumping out of the way of each one which caused small explosions each time they hit the ground. Jellal noticed he was damaging the tower and quickly stopped his attack, but Natsu noticed what was up. "Afraid of damaging your pretty little tower Jellal?" Natsu said tauntingly and then roared, "FIRE DRAGON'S BRILLIANT FLAME!" sending the giant fire ball into the ground right below him.

Jellal thinking the attack was meant for him put his hands up to guard him but he felt the ground shake beneath him. Looking up he stared in shock at Natsu who was blasting a hole in the tower floor below him. Shaking with rage he said, "Eight years… I've spent eight years building this tower and now you've gone and blown a hole in it!"

Natsu just laughed and said, "Tough luck. Destroying stuff is a specialty of Fairy Tail wizards."

Erza had woken up just moments before the explosion to see Natsu and Jellal fighting and Natsu blowing the hole in the tower. 'He's attacking the tower?' She thought to herself.

"I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!" Jellal roared at Natsu as he crossed his arms over his head causing a magic circle to appear.

The wind started to pick up as ball of shadows started forming above Jellal and Erza realized what was happening as soon as she saw the shadows on the ground start to bend towards him. Erza ran in front of Natsu and yelled, "JELLAL IF YOU WANT TO KILL NATSU YOU HAVE TO KILL ME TO!" She had her arms spread in front of Natsu defensively while Natsu only stared in shock.

"You need me to resurrect Zeref don't you?" Erza cried out before saying, "Are you able to kill me too?"

The magic started dissipating as Jellal said, "Yes… the ritual needs a body equivalent to one of the ten wizard's saints." He then paused as he looked up and continued, "However… THAT NO LONGER NEEDS TO BE YOU!" he roared out as he started up his attack again.

Natsu was horrified while looking at Erza and shouted, "Erza get out of the way!"

"Natsu, you don't have to be afraid, I'll protect you. Besides you're hurt now, I can't have you getting hurt anymore."

Jellal grinned evilly as he said, "Heavenly body spell… ALTAIRIS!" and threw the attack at Erza and Natsu.

As the spell sped towards them Erza thought, 'I love you Natsu.' But neither noticed that someone had jumped in front of both of them. When the attack met there was a deafening explosion causing them to get knocked down.

With everyone else:

The group saw an explosion near the top of the tower and all gasped in shock. "What just happened? What caused that explosion?" Gray half shouted.

"They're okay right?" Lucy asked shakily.

Sho groaned and clutched at his heart gasping for air and Millianna asked, "What's wrong Sho?"

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling."

Back at the tower:

As the smoke cleared Erza gasped in shock, standing in front of her with his arms out stretched and gasping in pain was Simon. "Simon…you took the blast for us?"

Simon fell to the ground muttering, "Just in time."

"Oh so you were still crawling around the tower like a little pest eh Simon?" Jellal said without any care.

"Why didn't you escape Simon? WHY DID YOU STOP THE BLAST?" Erza shouted at him.

"I'm glad now; I always wanted to be helpful to you some day…" Simon said between gasps. "Live a long and happy life with Natsu Erza… I can see how much you mean to each other and there is no one else in the world suited for either of you." He clutched her hand before saying, "Life free Erza." Simon's eye's then closed and his hand fell from Erza's hand as he breathed his last breath of life but he was still smiling.

Erza just stared at Simon with tears falling down her face as she watched him die. She then screamed out her sorrow and collapsed over him not wanting him to be dead. "How amusing… how ridiculous!" Jellal said as he laughed as if that was the funniest thing in the world. "That's the very definition of dyeing for nothing Simon!" He laughed louder and colder. "THIS DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING! NONE OF YOU WILL LEAVE HEAR ALIVE!"

Before he could do anything else Natsu yelled, "SHUT UP!" as he punched Jellal hard in the face sending him flying backwards slamming into the tower and coughing out some blood from the impact. Erza was staring in shock at Natsu, there was some blue energy flowing around him as he stood there. When Jellal looked up he was just as surprised. Natsu was eating the Etherion.

'No way… he's eating the Etherion?' Jellal thought as he stared in shock.

Natsu finished eating the Etherion and swallowed. As soon as he swallowed his eyes opened wide glowing bright blue and he roared with power flowing all around him and more coming from the Etherion covering the tower and smashed his fists into the ground sending a blast of energy flying towards Jellal who jumped out of the way barely in time. Natsu then coughed out and started clutching his throat as he rolled around yelling in pain. "YOU IDIOT!" Erza screamed. "ETHERION HAS MORE THEN JUST FIRE MAGIC IN IT, IT COULD KILL YOU!"

'Did he think he would power up by eating something else other then fire? The idiot.' Jellal thought to himself.

Natsu stopped rolling around and was on his knees clutching his throat still yelling in pain as power started flowing through him faster and faster. Natsu was soon covered in flames as his eyes started glowing red from power as his screams of pain turned to a full blown roar and the flames surrounding him took on the shape of a dragon. Natsu's face started to look slightly draconic as his bones slightly moved around and scales started appearing over his face, chest, legs, and arms.

Jellal and Erza were staring in complete and utter shock at this new development and both thought simultaneously, 'What is happening? He actually absorbed the Etherion?'

Natsu looked to Jellal and grinned fiercely, and before Jellal couldn't even react, Natsu was kneeing him in the face sending him flying back. Natsu grabbed Jellal by the face and flung him into the ground jumping up and rebounding off of the ceiling yelling, "IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU THAT ERZA CRIED!" as he slammed into Jellal knocking him through the floor and grabbing his neck while they continued going through the tower's floors.


"FUCKING BASTARD! METEOR!" Jellal shouted and sped away from Natsu going back up to the top of the tower.

Natsu stuck out his arms and slid to a stop between to parts of the tower before jumping back up after Jellal; jumping on falling pieces of the tower to give him a boost. "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME AT THIS SPEED!" Jellal shouted at Natsu.

When Natsu jumped and had a clear shot at Jellal he blasted himself upwards faster then even Jellal had gone up and slammed his fist into Jellal, shattering several ribs. Jellal's eyes widen in shock before he yelled, "NO! I will not loose!" and kicked Natsu away. Jumping high into the air he yelled, "I will create a land of freedom! Amidst all the pain and terror growing up in this tower Zeref whispered to me! He asked if I wanted true freedom! I am the only one who can feel Zeref! I am a chosen one!" He yelled out as he sent multiple energy blasts down towards Natsu who jumped out of the way and clung to the tower.

"Together Zeref and I will create and land of true freedom!" Jellal yelled in fury.


Jellal just yelled in rage and started moving his hand back and forth through the air in a star shape and building up a large amount of magic power and created a huge magic circle. Natsu stared in shock at the size of the circle while Erza stared in recognition of the spell and shouted out, "Abyss Break? You're going to destroy the tower and everything inside it?"

Jellal just laughed and said, "I'll just spend another eight years building a new one. No the new one will only take me five years and be even better then this one! Zeref your time shall come!"

Just as Jellal was about to release the spell and destroy them all he faltered from pain in his chest and started falling from the sky remembering that Erza had slashed him across the chest and then Natsu's wound on top of that.

Natsu then charged up at Jellal seeing the spell fail yelling, "YOU WILL NEVER KNOW TRUE FREEDOM! AS LONG AS YOU LET ZEREF RULE YOUR LIKE YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE!"

As Natsu flew up towards Jellal he became surrounded by fire in the shape of a dragon again and yelled out as he punched Jellal in the side of the face as hard as he could sending him crashing down into the tower. The impact caused multiple parts of the tower to explode.

With everyone else:

"What the hell was that?" Sho asked in shock at seeing parts of the tower explode.

"It's got to be Natsu; he's going on one major rampage." Gray said as they all looked out at the tower.

"Are they going to be okay?" Millianna asked.

"I'd like to think so but with Natsu going that crazy I don't know what to think.

Back at the tower:

Natsu crashed down on to the ground shortly after knocking Jellal out of the sky and looked down at Jellal in disgust before saying, "You're done." He didn't know if Jellal was alive or dead and didn't care too much because at the moment he slowly started to collapse. Before he fell to the ground Erza had ran and caught him and held him close. 'You're an amazing person Natsu.' She thought as she held him close.

'My eight year long fight is finally over… thank you so much Natsu. You truly are amazing.' She thought as the scales started fading away from Natsu.

After a few moments the tower started to shake madly and Erza looked around realizing that the Etherion was unstable. She quickly picked up Natsu and made a run for it as the magic energy started exploding all around her and Natsu.

With everyone else:

"What's happening? What's all the magic power coming from?" Lucy asked in a very scared tone.

"It's the Etherion… its going crazy."

"All that magic power can't stay stable for too long in one place…it will cause a massive explosion." Happy said in fright.

"Woah, Woah, at this range the explosion will take us out too!" Wally cried.

"It doesn't matter anymore at this point. No one will make it out alive if it explodes." Gray said solemnly.

With Erza and Natsu:

Erza was running as fast as she could trying to avoid all the beams of magic energy exploding from the tower as it crumbled around them. As she got further down a blast of energy exploded right in front of her and knocked her and Natsu to the ground. 'Is this the end?' she thought as she slowly stood back up. 'Even if we do get outside, we'll be caught in the explosion. What can we do?'

She looked over at Natsu and desperately wished there was a way she could save her loved one. 'It's my turn to save you Natsu, but how do I do it?' She asked herself. Looking around the tower she suddenly remembered what Jellal said he was going to do to her with the Etherion. 'I wonder if I merged with it like he wanted me to do if it would stabilize the Etherion before it explodes.

She walked over to the lacrima and put her hand on it and thought, 'This is our only chance.' And with that thought she pushed on the lacrima and her hand slid in and she yelled out in pain. 'Good the lacrima is still willing to accept me.'

At this moment Natsu woke up and saw Erza standing with half her arm inside the lacrima. He slowly rose to his feet and said, "Erza…?"

Erza's eyes widen in surprise and she said, "Natsu."

"What are you doing Erza?" Natsu asked cautiously.

"The Etherion is going out of control. Look around us and see for yourself. Any minute now there will be an explosion of immense devastation." She said sadly.

"But why is you're body going into the lacrima?" Natsu asked afraid to find out.

"If I merge with the Etherion, I'll be able to restrain it and cause it to stabilize so it doesn't explode on us." Erza said with a few tears in her eyes.

"Wait if you merge with the lacrima you're going to…" Natsu couldn't finish the last sentence and he ran up grabbing her arm trying to pull her out.

"I'm sorry Natsu. It's my turn to save you; I will gladly give my life so you may live on. I love you Natsu." She leaned down and kissed him as passionately as she could.

"No Erza don't do this we'll find a way through." Natsu cried with tears freely falling.

Before Erza could say anything the lacrima pulled her inside it as Natsu screamed. 'I die so you can live on Natsu. I love you.' She thought as she blacked out.

A few moments later Erza opened her eyes and saw she was outside the lacrima and was on the tower floor. 'But how am I out here?' she thought before it dawned on her. She turned around screaming, "NATSU!" Who was being pulled inside the lacrima.

"Sorry Erza… I couldn't let you do this. Live long and well my beautiful knight." Natsu said as the lacrima pulled him inside.

Erza screamed as she blacked out again from lack of energy.

Two hours later:

Erza woke up on the beach side lying partially in the water and partially out. She heard her name being called from the side and looked over to see Lucy, Gray, Wally, Sho, Millianna, and Happy running to her. When they got to her Happy looked around and asked, "Erza…where's Natsu?"

Erza quickly sat up wide eyed looking around everywhere but to see no sign of him. "No…Natsu." Erza said quietly before breaking down.

Gray and Lucy jumped and Gray quickly said, "Erza what's wrong? Where's Natsu?"

"He…sacrificed himself so the Etherion didn't kill us all…" Erza said as she cried harder.

Everyone stared open mouthed at her while Gray and Happy both slumped to the ground. "Natsu's dead…" Happy said quietly with tears in his eyes.

One week later:

It was a cold rainy day and everyone from Fairy Tail was gathered outside standing before a monument. All the members were looking up to the monument of Natsu Dragneel, many in tears while others were struggling to not cry. No member was absent from his funeral. After a few moments Master Makarov stood before everyone and said, "We are here on this day to honor the memory of Natsu Dragneel… He was a proud member of Fairy Tail. Natsu was one of the most caring people I had ever known with his heart matching the size of the world and was always loyal to his guild, his friends, and his family. Natsu was like another son to me and I truly loved him as if he were my own son. He was the heart and soul of Fairy Tail, and we shall never be the same with him gone though he will never be forgotten."

As Master Makarov finished speaking he stood back with tears falling down his face as he turned and said, "Natsu was a great man and will always be in our hearts."

One by one the members of Fairy Tail walked up to his monument which was a statue of him holding one arm crossed over his chest in salute and each paid their respects to him, even Laxus said something for him who everyone thought hated Natsu. The last person up was Erza, who was beyond devastated. She had been crying constantly over the loss of Natsu, her eyes were red and puffy showing that she had not stopped crying much.

As she got up to the grave she knelt down and said, "Natsu you were the love of my life and I will never forget you. You will always be my one and only true love, and I wish for nothing more but for you to come back to me. I love you Natsu and I pray for the day we meet again."

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looking over she saw Gildarts standing there with eyes just like her. "He was a son to me… I want him back so much and it hurts to even be here with out him." Gildarts said with a sad expression. He then squeezed Erza's shoulder saying, "Be proud he loved you, he was a very good man."

Erza only nodded and just sat there numbly. Everyone was slowly getting ready to leave when they heard it; a long mournful howl of anguish. Startled everyone looked around and on top of the mountains was a beautiful red dragon roaring all its sorrow into the skies. Everyone stood transfixed at what they were seeing on top of the mountain. Only one thought went through Erza's mind, 'Its Igneel…'

Igneel lamented to the skies and everyone thought it was the most beautiful sound and yet the saddest sound they had ever heard. 'He's dead and gone!' Igneel raged in his mind. With a great deal of rustling his wings unfolded and he took to the skies. Everyone saw him coming towards them and scattered just as the great dragon landed on the ground in front of Natsu's grave.

No one dared move as Igneel lowered his head and rested it on the ground in front of Natsu's statue staring longing at his face. "I had to leave him when he was young and now he's gone." Igneel said aloud causing everyone to jump.

Erza cautiously walked up to the side of the dragon and looked into his eye and said, "Your Igneel aren't you?"

Igneel turned towards her slightly and said, "Yes I am, and I can see you are the one he marked as his mate."

Erza and the guild jumped slightly as they all thought, 'Marked?'

"What do you mean marked?" Erza asked curious.

"When a dragon or a dragon slayer find their one true love they mark them with the first kiss they give the one who holds their heart and I can see it around your heart right now." Igneel said sadly.

"What does it look like?" Erza asked with tears in her eyes again.

"It's a fire dragon with a knight on its back wrapped around your heart." Igneel replied. "All dragons and dragon slayer's can see it. You're marked as his forever."

"Wait if it's still there doesn't that mean Natsu could be alive still?" Erza said with hope.

"No, even if we die our mark remains forever." Igneel said sadly.

Erza looked down and fought back more tears and asked, "Why did you leave only to come back now?"

"I had to leave as did all other dragons, I'm breaking a major law by coming here but I don't care for that now I just wanted to see his funeral since I had to abandon him." Igneel said solemnly.

"I'm sorry." Erza said quietly.

Igneel leaned towards her and nudged her lightly saying, "I thank you for being there for him when I could not be, but it is time for me to go again. Bear his mark well." And with that said Igneel took off into the air again flying away over the mountains.

Everyone from Fairy Tail was staring in shock still at the fact a dragon had been there and that it had been Igneel. After a few moments the master called out, "Alright everyone lets head back to the guild."

Unknown to all of them is that this played out like a dream for Natsu who saw and heard everything.

Natsu woke up with a gasp and started panting. He was on a beach somewhere in Fiore and he promptly rolled over throwing up. 'That was crazy.' Natsu thought to himself. 'I know I died in the tower but I'm still alive, I even witnessed my own funeral, and Igneel had been there.' Natsu fought back tears as he thought about how Igneel had shown up to his funeral.

"Well since I'm not dead I probably should head back to the guild.' Natsu thought with a small laugh.

Three and a half weeks later:

Natsu stood on a hillside over looking Magnolia during its early hours before people had started even waking up. "I'm finally back." Natsu said aloud to himself. 'I just hope no one tries to kill me for this.'

One hour later Natsu was standing outside Fairy Tail dreading what was going to happen to him once he got in. 'Well better late then never.' He thought grimly and pushed open the doors.

Natsu looked around to see it completely empty and was very surprised by that. He looked up to the second floor and saw light coming from Master Makarov's office and grinned. 'Might as well surprise gramps first.'

He headed over to the office and knocked. "Come in." came a gruff reply.

Natsu opened the door and said, "Yo gramps, how you doing?"

Makarov's response was to slam a fist into him.

Makarov slowly blinked realizing that he was hallucination and that Natsu was really there standing in front of him. "Natsu?" He asked softly.

"Yeah it's me gramps and I don't know how I'm alive before you even ask." Natsu said seriously before saying, "I know I died or at least I felt like I died."

Natsu then proceeded to explain how he saw everything that happened in his dream of the funeral and asked Makarov to confirm if that's what happened. When he did Natsu slumped down and thought, 'Igneel really came.'

"Hey gramps, how do we break it to the guild that I'm alive?" Natsu asked.

"I don't want to do anything big even if though it's something fantastic." Master Makarov said.

Natsu nodded and said, "Alright then I'll wait in here until everyone get's here and just yell for me to come out."

Makarov nodded and headed out to the guild thinking, 'This is going to be painful for Natsu.'

One hour and thirty minutes later everyone had arrived at the guild and called out, "Everyone can I have your attention, I have something very important to show you."

Once he had all eyes on him he turned around and said, "Alright boy come out, but be prepared for a world of pain."

The guild was confused as to who he was talking to and when Natsu stepped out no one moved, no one even breathed. Natsu looked around and said, "I'm back."

The first thing that happened was Gray ran up and punched Natsu straight in the face as hard as he could. "Okay, I deserved that." Natsu said as he rubbed his jaw.

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT YOU DID! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DEPRESSED WE ALL WERE WHEN WE HEARD YOU DIED?" Gray shouted at Natsu as he picked him up and pulled him into a bear hug.

Natsu hugged him back saying, "I know exactly how worried you all were, I saw everything in a dream."

The entire guild once again froze in shock as he said that and someone moved up from the side saying, "Natsu?"

Natsu looked over and saw Erza standing there with her hands over her mouth and it looked like she was going to break down. "Hey Erza, I missed you." Natsu said softly.

The next thing Natsu knew is that he was being tackled as Erza jumped at him hugging him tightly crying her eyes out saying over and over, "You're alive."

Natsu just held her close and said, "Yeah I'm alive, and I have no idea how but I'm glad I'm back."

Erza looked up at him and then lunged at him; kissing him as hard as she could in which Natsu responded with his own fierce kiss. As they broke apart he looked at Erza and said, "Erza I have something to ask you." He said as he reached into his pocket pulling something out.

"What is it Natsu?" She asked but she felt her heart stop as she looked at him fully.

Natsu was down on one knee holding a box with a ring in it. The ring had a single beautiful diamond on it which wasn't too big and not too small either. Engraved into the ring was a dragon and a knight flying together in clear and vivid detail even though it was small. As Erza looked at the ring she realized, based on Igneel's description that the ring matched her mark on her heart perfectly.

"Will you marry me Erza Scarlet?"

End of Book One

There is the end of book one of my series; I hope you all enjoyed it. I know I'm evil for leaving it hanging right there, but I'm an evil person so ha. I'd like to thank everyone who reviewed my story in the past and everyone who reviews in the future. I'd also like to give special thanks to xcrispx510 and light within the darkness for being my first reviewers. I really hope you all enjoyed this story and I'm not sure when I will start book two but it shouldn't be too long from now. Take care everyone.