I DO NOT OWN the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy! All rights belong to the incredible E.L James.

A/N: So this is it guys! The last chapter! The Sequal should be up within the next oh...few hours? Maybe a day. Who knows? I love you guys so much and thank you for everything!

Chapter 51. Bad Reception
Anastasia Steele

Sitting at the table with Christian, his chin resting on my bare shoulder as I peppered his temple with light feather light kisses seemed to be the best part of the entire evening. Besides actually getting married, of course. I ran my hands carefully through his thick locks, loving the feeling of his cool breath fanning over my neck and chest as music played around us, people and food covering every inch of the reception area.

"I love you, Mrs. Grey," Christian murmured, running his lips up my neck and jaw as he spoke.

His jacket was hung over the back of his chair, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up his forearms.

"Hmmm," I hummed. "As I love you, Mr. Grey."

"Are you happy you became my wife?" he asked me for the millionth time.

"Yes. Very," I giggled when he kissed a certain spot on my neck. "I'm very happy I became your wife."

I was the truth. Even after everything we had been through, I was proud to call Christian Grey my husband. Everything was seeming to piece together slowly but surely. The music played, our families having a great time as they danced. Food had been passed out and liquor was surely a small part of the smiles on everyone's faces.

"Are you happy I'm your wife?" I whispered, staring at him from my shoulder.

He answered with a kiss, his lips gently latching onto mine. When he pulled away, my eyes opened the sea of grey that I adored so much. The back of his fingers brushed my cheek with a feather light touch while I pressed my lips to them.

"I've never been so happy," he murmured back.

"Are you ready for this?" my fingers intertwined with his.

"For what?" his forehead pressed to mine.

I giggled. "The rest of our lives."

"Christian!" Grace's shrill, drunken voice interrupted our quiet, intimate moment. "Annie!"

"Mom?" Christian laughed gently, finding humor in his mother's intoxicated state.

"Now," she slurred. "I want you two to know, I want lots of grands-babies. Loss of dem. Okay?"

Christian and I both froze for a second but laughed gently when his arms wrapped around my waist. Christian's lips pressed to my neck, my hair now pulled up after some dancing.

"Okay, Mom. Whatever you want."

Carrick came to gather up his wife, apologizing with a smile before taking her back onto the dance floor.

"Can we agree on something?" I asked Christian, pressing my temple to his shoulder.


I sat up straight, looking over at him with a mock serious expression.

"No kids. No baby fever or even thoughts of children for at least a few more years."

"Whatever you want," he smiled, obviously in total agreement.

"We can tell your mother whatever she wants to hear but for right now," I lifted our tangled hands between us. "I just want things to be about me and you. Is that totally selfish?"

"Not at all." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you," I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"As I love you," he pecked his lips to mine.

"C-Christian?" a shaky, familiar voice called from the foot of our table.

Instantly recognizing the voice, both Christian and I turned instantly toward the voice. Elena stood at the end of our table, looking not only frightened but very hurt. Her eyes were red and swollen form what I expected were tears of sadness. Her mascara had left slight streaks from where she had tried to wipe it away but the smudges were still there. She looked elegant in her long, velvet gown that hugged her body flawlessly, her hair in it's usual platinum blonde bond.

Her eyes were locked on Christian, not even recognizing my existence.

"Elena," Christian's tone sharpened up. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"'Lena!" Grace slurred, dragging Carrick off the dance floor only to fling herself at Elena. My stomach churned at the thought of someone as gentle and kind like Grace even standing near a troll like Elena.

"Who the hell invited her?" I hissed at Christian.

"Apparently my mother," he looked at me with apologetic eyes. "I didn't have anything to do with her being here, Ana. I swear. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Gracie," Elena laughed stiffly, pulling her away to look over Grace. "I've never seen you so…drunk!"

"Elena," Carrick leaned in to kiss her cheek, making me flinch in disgust. "You look lovely, as always."

"Thank you, Carrick. Congratulations. To all of you," her eyes flickered toward Christian.

"Thank you!" Grace smiled widely. "Next step: babies! Lots and lots of grandbabies! Right you two?"

Elena stared at us wide eyed, Christian going ridged as I let out a loud laugh. I couldn't help it. As much as I hated Elena being here, I had won. I had won Christian's heart, his love. I had won him and now we had our whole life together. I didn't need to be catty or rude. I was here to stay and so was Christian.

"Of course, Grace," I smiled toward her. "Just like we promised."

"At least three! I know it!" Grace held up four fingers. She was drunk beyond belief, making Christian and I both laugh quietly.

Elena looked mortified.

"B-babies?" she trembled out. "Christian, y-you want c-c-children?"

"One day, yes," Christian wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. "With Ana, I think our children would be wonderful."

We kissed between giggles and before Elena or anyone else could get out another word, we were called onto the dance floor, Mia's voice calling over the speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to ask you all to clear the floor. It's about that time for the lovely couple to have their first dance as husband and wife." Everyone erupted into a fit of clapping and hooting.

"Mrs. Grey," Christian looked toward me, standing up, making Elena swallow back a tiny sob. "May I have this dance?"

Taking his outstretched hand, I stood with him and kissed his lips with every ounce of love I had in me.

"You may, Mr. Grey."

Leading me onto the dance floor, Christian and I took our place in the center, before moving gently to the beautiful song Mia had picked for us. My dress moved easily with Christian as he held me close, my cheek pressed to his chest and his pressed to my hair. My hand laid perfectly in his as we danced flawlessly. We didn't stumble or trip, staying in sync with one another. A few spin and a final dip, Christian kissed me feverently, making the crowd that had formed around us go wild in cheers and clapping.

After the dance, Christian and I retreated to our table. Elena had stormed off in the middle of our dance, leaving Christian to feel comfortable enough to show me off to his colleagues. We must have shaken every person that had attended the reception's hand. Everyone from temps at Grey Enterprise to multi-billion dollar tycoons just like Christian. They were much older, of course, but friendly as Christian introduced me to everyone.

"You did well," Mr. Reynolds, a large investor in Christian's company, patted Christian's hand. Christian beamed around this man, speaking with him openly and even smiling which he hardly did with anyone ever. "You're wife is beautiful."

"I know," Christian smiled up at me from where he sat in front of the elderly man. "She really is gorgeous."

"You should meet my granddaughter, Anastasia. She's about your age. She would love you!" Mr. Reynolds smiled.

"I would love to," I said, gripping his hand gently. It was warm and wrinkled with wisdom.

"Now, where are you two headed for your honeymoon?" he asked, genuinely happy for us.

"Somewhere no one can find us," Christian laughed.

"Smart boy," Mr. Reynolds clapped his shoulder. "You two need some time alone before you get back to work."


"Are you ready for this?" Christian whispered as we danced slowly amongst the people surrounding us.

"For what?" I pressed my palm to his cheek.

"For everything. For us to take on this crazy world together?"

"That was cheesy," I giggled.

"Well?" he laughed.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything."

"And you said I was cheesy."

"You are!" I nudged him playfully.

Christian smiled lovingly down at me before pressing his forehead to mine.

"Thank you," he murmured.

"For what?"

"Loving me."

I felt my breath hitch in my lungs before nodding.

"I never stopped, you know," I tried to swallow back the lump in my throat.

"Neither did I," he breathed. "Never."

Right there, in the midst of our family and friends, love encircling us in every way possible, our lives began. The terrors of our pasts fading away like the scars on our bodies, the two children who had met so many years before had now become one and were ready to take on anything that came.

The End.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as i enjoyed writing it! The Sequal should be up within the next day or so! Already started writing it, so yeah! It will take place a year or two after the wedding, so don't freak on me! I love you guys so much and thank you for everything! Much love!
