Hi, guys! Sorry, I know I said I'd post this the day I put up the last chapter of Cupid's Arrow, but this crazy scam virus completely hacked my computer and I wasn't able to work on this chapter, but I promise I'll update as soon as I can.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this. I plan for it to be very suspenseful, dramatic, romantic, and very, very dangerous and adventurous. Be sure to stay tuned for this spectacular new sequel for our favorite heroine, Crafty Smurfette, her flutter buddy, Hummer, and, of course, her Scottish smurfy soul mate, Gutsy Smurf.

Sorry if this first chapter is short...or sucks, but hey, at least it will set the whole story up and then the rest will be a lot more interesting. I own only Crafty, Hummer, Meena, Xavier, Benevolent (aka, Arch-Angel Smurf. If you don't remember him, then re-read the last story), and Ipati. The Smurfs belong to Peyo. And the Smurfs movie belongs to Sony Pictures Animation. Enjoy!

"There is a place. A place that knows no sadness. Where even feeling blue is a happy thing. A place inhabited by little blue beings three apples high. It lies deep within an enchanted forest hidden away beyond a medieval village. Most people believe this place is made up, only to be found in books or in children's imaginations. Well, we beg to differ."

"Whoo! Yeah!" Greedy crooned from on top of Feathers, who squawked in excitement at being ridden and being able to fly free. "Come on, Farmer."

The agricultural Smurf in his green overalls and straw Smurf hat flew next to the pudgy Smurf on a crane of his own. Each seemed to gleefully race each other to the Smurf village. Each crane was carrying a white sack filled to the brim with plump, ripe Smurfberries.

"Yee-haw!" Farmer hollered as the two passed each other in competition.

Greedy gave him a playful look then narrowed his eyes in determination. He pulled on the ropes steering Feathers, pulling them both into a dive into the trees of the enchanted forest.

"I'm goin' in!" He yelled and his voice seemed to echo out as the two dove through the tree branches.

"Whoo!" Farmer laughed as he followed his brother's example and flew down also.

"All right, Greedy, I'm gonna race you!" He continued as if neither of them knew it was happening to them already.

"Whoa! Yes!" Greedy exclaimed as he and Farmer used their motor skills to expertly dodge the various obstacles of the forest.

"Whoa! Golly!" Farmer hooted, now feeling braver as he jumped to his feet while still steering his crane. "Whoo! Farm boys love to fly!"

"Oh yeah! So excited!" Greedy sang pumping his fists in the air. He grasped back onto the reins of Feathers as he and Farmer flew up a rocky creek before coming upon what looked like a small clearing in the forest. But any other Smurf would know better.

"Ha ha! Now you see us!" Farmer laughed as his crane thrusted forward, then disappeared by some unknown force. His voice echoed out, "Now you don't!"

"Three, two, one," Greedy eagerly counted down as Feathers followed close behind before entering the invisible force field that protected their village. "Oh yeah!"

Entering the village, Farmer and Greedy saw that all the Smurfs were hard at work to prepare for the Blue Moon Festival like they had every year. Some were chatting with the other Smurfs, some were working in the crop fields, and the rest were hanging up banners or even practicing the dance routine for the celebration.

As they arrived at their destination, Farmer and Greedy's ears were greeted by the sound of the music playing for the dancing Smurfs, who weren't doing quite bad at all.

"Oh yeah! I love Smurfberries!" Greedy crooned as he and the agricultural Smurf dumped their gathering of Smurfberries into the basket where even more Smurfberries were stacked. Then he yelled out jokingly to the others, "Hey hey! The blue ones are mine!"

"Oh no! I'm late for rehearsal! I am so late!" Clumsy muttered over and over to himself as he ran throughout the village. He looked up towards the sky as a Smurf on a crane flew over the bridge he was crossing, unaware that he was about to have an accident.

"In Smurf village, each and every Smurf plays their own special part."

Clumsy silently yelped as he ran straight into a wooden ladder currently being used by Handy Smurf.

"Whoa, nellie!" Handy yelped as the ladder nearly twisted and fell, but quickly regained the balance and stood up straight again.

"Sorry, Handy!" Clumsy turned and apologized before falling against a group of wooden barrels, knocking them over with Clumsy on top of one as he clumsily ran on top to try to keep himself on balance.

"No problem Clumsy. You keep me employed!" Handy called to the unwillingly retreating Smurf and resumed his own work.

"Which gives the Smurfs a sense of harmony."

Clumsy, not finished with his disastrous journey to the rehearsal, fell off the barrel and into Baker Smurf who then dropped them to the ground.

"Hey, Baker! Nice pies!" Clumsy waved apologetically as he stepped on one of Baker's pies as he tried to continue on his way.

"No worries, Clumsy," Baker laughed, knowing perfectly well how things usually went down with Clumsy. Thankfully, broken pies were only the minor things that went wrong when Clumsy Smurf was on the loose.

"And tranquility."

Clumsy yelped as he fell from the pie and onto a wheel barrel which sent him tumbling through the village at an uncontrollable speed.

"Whether it's Handy Smurf, the builder. Baker Smurf who-WHOA!" Narrator ducked as the ladder that Clumsy held nearly took off his head.

"Hey, Narrator Smurf!" Clumsy called to the story-telling Smurf.

"Oh, hello, Clumsy," Narrator yelled back to the runaway Smurf. "Just rehearsing the intro for the Blue Moon Festival!"

Meanwhile, at the Blue Moon Festival rehearsal...

La la la la la la! Sing a happy song!

La la la la la la! Smurf the whole day long!

"Ugh. I hate the Blue Moon Festival..." Grouchy grumbled as he and Gutsy acted as bouncers for the festival. Or, more so that their job was to keep Clumsy out and away from the dancing and singing Smurfs.


"And I hate rehearsals."


"And I especially hate singing and dancing."

"Of course ye do, lad."

"Are you even listening to me?" Grouchy sassed as he turned to the Scottish Smurf. Gutsy had his head hung down as he appeared to be looking into something that was hidden in a dark blue plaid cloth.

Gutsy suddenly lifted his head, turning to Grouchy as he asked, "Sorry, lad. Did ye say somethin'?"

"Never mind," Grouchy grumbled turning away from him. Gutsy shrugged and went back to looking into the cloth, making Grouchy glare at it. If there was anything he hated, he really hated being ignored. He looked back at Gutsy, "What's in that thing, anyway? You've smurfed nothing but look in there for the past two weeks!"

"Can't tell ye, Grouchy," Gutsy answered still not looking away. "It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises," Grouchy stated.

"I know ye do, Grouchy. We all know ye do."

"What is it? Let me see!" Grouchy tried looking over Gutsy's shoulder. Gutsy only lifted his shoulder to shield the view away from him.

"No, Grouchy!" He growled as he jumped away from the negative Smurf. Grouchy only jumped ahead and tried to snatch it away from Gutsy. Gutsy was too fast and managed to keep Grouchy at a reasonable distance away from him.

"Hey, Grouchy! Hey Gutsy!"

The two quarreling Smurfs froze and snapped their attention in the direction of the voice to see Clumsy merrily trotting toward the bridge to go to the rehearsals. Gutsy quickly stashed the cloth in his brown waist pouch and went with Grouchy to stop him.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Slow your roll, sailor," Grouchy and Gutsy both grabbed Clumsy by his arms and pushed him back and away from the wooden bridge.

"Hey, wait wait," Clumsy started as the two Smurfs set him down. "Isn't that the rehearsal for the Blue Moon Festival?"

"What can I say, Clumsy? You're not on the list," Grouchy stated pointing at the parchment on the wooden clipboard.

"Grouchy," Clumsy laughed as he pointed a blue finger as he pointed at what he believed to be his name. "It's right there."

"Right," Gutsy cut in as he pulled the clipboard away from Grouchy and gestured to Clumsy's name with his hand in front of the klutzy Smurf. "Under 'Do not let in Clumsy.'"

Clumsy only looked around, then stared at Gutsy confused.

"Hey. Where's Crafty, anyway, Gutsy?"

"Crafty! Are we almost there?" Snappy complained as he and the Smurflings walked next to the inventor Smurfette. Four other Smurfs, and Hummer of course, accompanied her, all of them being Grandpa, Wild, Wooly and Sweepy.

"We'll get to the cliff when we get there, Snappy," Crafty answered as she tugged on her invention with a rope. "Besides, just be thankful that he can walk on his own."

Behind them was what looked like a giant (for a Smurf, anyway), mechanical blue eagle. Each time it stepped on the ground, it's wooden talons wound carve a track into the dirt on the forest floor. Blue feathers covered the entire body, though all of them were specially modified, by Crafty of course, to be more eagle-like. He followed Crafty obediently as she pulled on the rope around his neck as if he were Puppy on a leash.

"I still can't believe you managed to build this thing, Crafty," Grandpa humorously shook his head. "How'd you get it to be, well, alive?"

"Oh, Handy helped me with that part. He just helped me with the mechanical parts of giving him life just like he did for Clockwork Smurf and Smurfette. It wasn't that hard."

"Well, what're ya gonna call'em, Crafty?" Sweepy asked.

"That's the first thing I thought of. I already have a name for him. His name is Monty."

"Monty?" The other Smurfs echoed back to her. Wild and Hummer only made their confused chirp and chittering sound.

"Yes, Monty. I like the name and so does he. Don't you, Monty?" Crafty asked looking over her shoulder. Monty blinked and responded by craning his neck downward and nudging his creator with his freshly-polished, sharply-curved wooden beak.

"He really likes you, Crafty," Slouchy stated.

"Of course he does. He thinks I'm his mommy," Crafty proudly replied.

Monty responded by using his head to scoop Crafty up onto the top of his head as he continued his walk. The other Smurfs giggled and laughed as Crafty chuckled.

"Good boy, Monty," She praised, patting the mechanical bird's head. As the Smurfs continued their walk and their joyous laughter, they were completely unaware that a pair of lavender eyes were watching them from a high tree branch above them.