It had been a long week at the Autobots base do to all of the recent Decepticons attacks. The Autobots have been getting there afts handed to them do to Optimus had sent Prowl to Cybertron to help Ultra Magnus. Yesterday Megatron had nearly killed Jazz but thankfully Ironhide had got the cons attention just in time to save the poor mech from getting torn into shreds. Ratchet set down his tools after working on the saboteur for a few hours to refuel and recharge. When the medic awoke he started to work on Jazz again to only hear the alarms off. The medic was hesitant to move do to he still had a lot of repairs to do on the TIC but headed back down the hall to the command room.

"What's the problem this time," Optimus asked as the medic stepped into the command room.

"The cons are on the move to an unusual energy signature," Blaster replied as he typed something into Telatran 1.

"Alright Autobots roll out," Optimus said as he and the other bots headed to the entrance of the ark. "Ratchet stay here with Red Alert and have the med bay ready in case we need your experts," the Autobots leader headed out the door.

[At the strange signature]

The bots had got to the area before the cons and started to look for the unknown object. After a few minutes the cons showed up. The battle between the two teams lasted for a few hours until Megatron deiced to cut his losses and called a retreat. Starscream made his usual annoying comment as they left the battle field.

"We now what do we do Prime," Ironhide asked as he walked up to his leader.

"Send the wounded back to the base for repairs and the others keep looking for where that energy signal is coming from," Optimus replied as he looked at his team.

"Under stood Prime," Ironhide replied as the wounded were taken back to the base.

It took a few more hours until Smokescreen found what to look like a metal pod of some sort. "Hey guys I think I found were that signature is coming from," he called out as he dusted it off some more.

"Good job Smokescreen," Optimus said as he and the other Autobots ran up to see what it was.

"Now what is it," Sideswipe asked as they pulled it the rest of the way out of the rock wall.

"It's a stasis pod from before the war and it seems to have a spark signature in it," Optimus replied. :Skyfire I need you to come to my coronets to pick something up and bring it back to base: Optimus said over a com. link.

:Yes Sir. I'm in rout now: was the reply as the com. ended.

"So what does a stasis do," Sunstreaker asked as he walked over to stand next to his brother.

"It forces a bot into stasis lock and protects the life form from within it," Ironhide replied.

"So there's someone in there," Bluestreak asked.

"Yes and seeing how this pod is from before the war it is more than likely the bot has no idea about the war," Optimus replied as Skyfire showed up to take them and the pod back to base.

When they got back they took the stasis pod to Ratchet's med bay. To say the medic was unhappy was an understatement but he went to take a look at it.

"So how is Jazz's condition," Optimus asked as he looked at the TIC laying on the medical berth.

"He's better than he was and now his internal repair systems will take care of what's left to be repaired," the medic replied as he looked at the stasis pod. "He'll be out for a few days but will make a full recovery," Ratchet answered his leaders unspoken question.

"That's good," Optimus sighed and looked to the CMO. "So do you know how to open the pod?"

"Yes I do," There was a moment of silence. Then the medic shouted "Ah ha there it is," as he pulled an unseen lever.

The hatch to the pod opened slightly. Ratchet motioned to Optimus to help him lift the lid up and to their surprise there was a small frame inside. The two bots moved closer to get a better look at the small form to notate that it was a small femme body. The femme was curled in the feudal position as she had her small arms had wrapped around a plush doll almost as big as she was. Ratchet slowly and carefully picked her up to move her to a med berth.

"It's a sparkling," Optimus stated as she was gently laid on the med berth.

"Ya," Ratchet replied as he scanned the sparkling to make shore there was no internal damages.

"So when might she wake up," Optimus asked.

"Could be a few minutes or a few hours, it depends when she wants to wake up," The CMO said as he secretly hoped it would be later so he could get the chance to make some energon that her systems could handle.

"Ok so I'm going to go tell the others," Optimus said as he turned to leave.

"Tell them to stay out of my med bay or else," Ratchet said as he went into his office to get to work on the energon cubes for the sparkling to eat when she wakes up.

Optimus left and a few minutes later the sparkling slowly woke up to see the lights to the med bay dim she looked around the room. She found a mech sleeping on the med berth across the room and she initially wanted to curl up into the mech for warmth. She crawled off of the berth her toy in hand and walked over to the mechs berth. She throws the toy on the berth but knew she would need something to step on to get up on the berth. She found a small stack of data pads near the berth and climbed them to get on the berth. She grabbed the toy and lay in the small space in between the mechs arm and torso. She clung to the toy and slowly fell asleep.

The next day Ratchet came in to the med bay to look for the sparkling but nearly had a spark attack do too he couldn't find her. He finally found her curled up next to Jazz still asleep. The medic couldn't help but chuckle in both relief amusements. He called Optimus to show him the cute sight of the sparkling.

:Ratchet to Prime: Ratchet called on the com. link.

:Yes Ratchet: came the reply.

:You need to come to the med by to see something: the medic said.

:Ok just give me a moment: the barer of the matrix ended the com. link.

After a few moments the large bot walked into the med bay. He looked to the medic to as why he had been called down to the med bay. Ratchet pointed to were the two bots were asleep one the med berth. Optimus was glad that he had his battle on due to the sight made him smile. Both of the bots couldn't help but chuckle at the two and both of them failed to notes the sparklings optics slowly power up to look at them with curiosity. She didn't make a sound as the two bots talked to each other and she looked around the room once more do to the lights were now on normal settings. Ratchet caught sight of her little head moving and slowly moved in to pick her up but she noticed the medic before he could get close enough to grab her. She dodged his hands, jumped off of the berth and ran out of the door.

"Great so now we have to go and chase her down," Ratchet snapped.

"At least she isn't like the twins," Optimus said with a cheery grin.

"How do you know," Ratchet asked as the two of them walked down the hall.

"Well she didn't try to bite you," Optimus pointed out.

"True," came the medics reply.

[Rec room]

The sparkling ran around the corner to see many more bots like the two from the med bay and stood there for a minute. She looked at each bot to see if she should run from them or play with them but her decision was cut short when she herded the medic and tall bots voices down the hall. She then spotted two praxians forms at one of the tables and ran to the one holding some playing cards. She didn't want to go by the one that was talking a lot that was silver and blue. As the two bots from the med bay came into the room she leaned agents the bots leg. He looked down to see her standing there, picked her up and put her on his lap. She looked at the bots sitting at the table with curiosity as they all gave her a happy smile.

"There she is," Optimus said as he spotted the sparkling sitting in Smokescreen's lap staring at everyone.

"Here you hold her you feed her," Ratchet said as he handed Smokescreen a small blue energon cube for the sparkling.

"Sure," Smokescreen replied as he took the cube from the medic. He held the cube to the sparkling to see if she would hold it but all she did was poke it and giggled as if it was some sort of inside joke. "Ok now drink it," Smokescreen said as he lifted the cube to her lips and tipped it a little. She sipped it and eminently tried to drink some more but spilled some on her silver frame.

"Awe look how cute she is! I wonder whose sparkling she is. Hay do any of you know what her name is if not than we would name her and…," Bluestreak was cut off when Sunstreaker shoved a small energon goody into his mouth before he went off on a talking fit.

The sparkling looked as Bluestreak for a moment be for she got the quivery lip. All of the bots braced themselves as she started to cry and scream vary loudly. Smokescreen quickly handed her to Optimus as if she was a bomb ready to go off. As soon as she realized someone else was holding her she stopped crying as if it never happened and was giggling again. Saying that all of the bots were confused as hell was an understatement.

"What the hell was that," Ratchet demanded.

"I don't know and I don't want to find out," Optimus replied as the sparkling tried to grab he battle mask off of him.

[Latter that night]

"Prime she's sleeping in your room with you. No if, ands, or buts," Ratchet snapped at his leader.

"But why," he argued back.

"Because she likes you and no one else knows how to not roll on a sparkling in their sleep," the medic pointed out.

The Prime sighed as he knew he was in defeat. "Fine but if she starts screaming I'm going to give her to you," Optimus stated as he took the sparkling in light recharge to his room. The debate on where she would sleep had lasted three hours with put the little femme into recharge in the first place. The door to Optimus' room opened, he laid her on the berth first and got a thermal blanket. He placed the blanket around her like a cocoon and lay down next to her. The last thought that ran through Optimus' head before he fell into recharge was what if Elita one finding out that he was sleeping with another femme.

[Twenty minutes later]

The small femme awoke from her light recharge, untangled herself and climbed off of the berth. She walked out of Optimus' room and headed for the med bay. The med bay doors opened and she quickly headed to where Jazz was laying. She climbed the stack of data pads again and lay down like she did the first time she woke up. Slowly Jazz onlined his visor and looked up at the orange ceiling as if it wasn't something new. He shifted and quickly noticed a small head resting on his arm and looked down to see the sparkling looking back at him. "Is she? Can she? Am I dreaming?" Jazz thought as he sat up and cradled her in his arms.

"Silverstorm," Jazz asked quietly, hesitant as if he spoke her name allowed she would vanish into thin air but to his surprise she only giggled at him.

"Seepy," she said with a yawn and a smile.

"It is you baby girl," Jazz said and he held his creation tight as if she was about to be taken away from him. Jazz was so happy to have his baby girl back he started to cry tears of joy and failed to notes that Ratchet was standing on the med bay door frame. The medic did not want to bother the two and left for his room without even a sound.

"So that's why she was sleeping next to Jazz," the medic said to himself. :Ratchet to Optimus:

:Optimus here. Did you find the sparkling?: Optimus replied a little scared of losing her so soon.

:Yes she is in the med bay with Jazz as I thought she would be.:

:Should we get her?:

:I wouldn't: Ratchet replied as he entered his room.

:Why: Prime asked a little confused.

:I'll tell you in the morning: Ratchet replied as he ended the com. link with a smile.