Chapter Three


"Doctor Marcoh?" The man repeated, giving Ed a weird look.

"You mean Master Mauro?" The little boy beside him suggested. Al shook his head and stepped up.

"No. Marcoh."

The man shook his head, "Sorry, there's only Master Mauro. No Marco here."

Ed sighed and kept on walking. Al followed him, thanking the man and boy as he walked past. Jenna and I each gave them a smile and trailed behind.

"You know brother, maybe Marcoh isn't here. Nobody seems to know a man named Marcoh." Al said after a few minutes of silence. His statement earned him a hard glare from Ed.

"Well, he's a fugitive, isn't he?" Jenna asked. Al and Ed both nodded.

"Well maybe he's using Master Mauro as a false name. Ya know, just in case anyone decided to come looking for him," I suggested, shrugging. Ed nodded slowly, looking thoughtful.

"Yeah.. yeah, maybe. Let's keep looking though. Find out more about this Mauro guy." And with that, we kept on walking.

The town we were in was cute; tiny and quiet. Kids ran around, playing and chasing each other. Women were outside of homes, hanging up laundry and laughing with one another.

Ed and Al kept asking about Marcoh, but they kept getting the same response from people. There was no Marcoh, only Master Mauro.

"Are you sure there isn't anyone by the name of Marcoh here?" Ed asked, getting desperate.

"Son, there's only one doctor here, and his name is Master Mauro." A tall man said for the tenth time. "As you can see, folks don't have much money here. Travel's hard. It used to take a half-day trip to East City to see a doctor, before he came."

"He's a nice man," an old lady in the back said with a smile. "He'll take any patient, even if other doctors in other cities deemed them incurable!"

A crowd had formed around now, and a few of the men were nodding and agreeing quietly.

"Fixed me up real nice, he did! Got my leg stuck under the tractor and he made it so it looked like it never happened!"

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Al. He nodded slowly, clearly interested now.

"He made me all better when I was sick too! There was a big flash of light!" A little girl exclaimed. Ed's head snapped up at this one. He looked at Al and nodded. Turning back around he gave everyone a big, but forced, smile.

"Thank you all for your help. We need to be going now," he said, turned back to us and walking over.

"Does that sound like him?" I asked Ed as we began walking away from the group.

"The little girl said there was a big flash of light," Jenna said. Ed nodded.

"Yeah, it's gotta be alchemy. This is Doctor Marcoh."

"But he's a fugitive. Why would he become a miracle-performing doctor? That's only going to draw more attraction to him. I'm surprised nobody has come to investigate him. They must know something weird is going on," Jenna said.

"Well-" Al started, but Ed quickly cut him off by grabbing on to his large arm and yanking him over to a large stack of straw. "Get down!"

As Al was being pulled, he grabbed on to my arm, and I grabbed on to Jenna's. We all landed in the straw pile, but not comfortably.

"This is a bad idea," Al said sadly. "I'm filling up with straw." You could practically see the pout on his metal face. Jenna giggled besides me, and I writhed in pain.

"Al, you're kinda crushing my leg," I said, trying to free my leg from his weight.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, moving so I could pull it free. Ed looked at us angrily and shushed us. He pointed through a hole in the straw and we all smashed our faces in close to see through the hole.

There was a very, very large man standing outside, looking around. He was very buff and had a blonde mustache and was bald aside from a little strand of hair sticking out from his forehead.

"Who is that?" Al whispered.

"He's a State Alchemist. I recognize him from HQ. He's one of the guys that came with the Fuhrer."

"Well why is he here?" I asked, looking over at Ed. "Did he follow us?"

He looked back at me. "I have no idea. There's no other explanation. Mustang said he's never reported Marcoh's whereabouts to Central Command."

I bit my lip, thinking. "Then yeah, him following us is the only reason as to why he's here. We should be careful. Who knows if other people are following us too."

Ed nodded. "Yeah, we better just go straight to Marcoh's from here."

There were a few seconds of silence before Jenna broke it. "So.. can we like.. get out of here? I'm itching and as much as I've grown to love you guys in the past four days, I don't do small spaces. Especially ones with giant suits of armor."

"Yeah, let's get going," Ed said, once he was sure that whoever was following us had moved on. We all stood up, knocking the straw in different directions. I for one was very surprised Al had fit in that pile so well.

"Wait!" Al said, stopped us all as we began to walk down the path towards Marcoh's house. We turned to look at him. "I need to empty myself." Al said, looking down at the latch in his stomach. Ed sighed and walked over to him and pulled down the latch. A huge pile of straw came pouring out, covering Ed.

Jenna and I laughed as we watch him disappear under a large pile of straw.

"Wow Jenna, where'd Ed go?" I asked loudly, making sure the short blonde could hear.

"I have no idea Ashley.. If only he wasn't so short!" She bit back her laughter and grinned at me. A few seconds later and angry Ed popped out of the pile, red-faced and arms flailing.


I covered my face so he wouldn't see me laughing, but I was laughing too loud so it was pointless. Ed started to run towards Jenna, but Al just grabbed him by the back of his shirt and picked him up. Ed struggled to get free but it was to no avail.

"Don't be such a drama queen brother," Al sighed, carrying him over to us. He glared at Jenna but she just grinned back. Al put Ed down next to me and made sure to walk between him and Jenna.

"Play nicely, you two," I said, smirking. Ed just glared at me, huffed and walked ahead of the group, leaving Al, Jenna and I to laugh at him.


"You two need to stay out here," Ed told Jenna and I once we reached Marcoh's house.

"You're funny," Jenna said. She tried to push past Ed and Al to walk up the stairs to the house, but Al stuck out his arm and stopped her.

"We're serious." Al told her. "We don't know what this man is capable of. He's a fugitive. We don't want to risk anything."

"That's sweet, but we're not children. We can take care of ourselves!" Jenna argued.

"I bet you can," Ed said. "But as long as you're with us, we're in charge and we're responsible for anything that happens to you."

"We didn't ask for you to babysit us," I chimed in, getting angry. Ed turned to me.

"Well Mustang did. And he's the one that makes my rules and if I want to keep my job, then I need to follow them. You guys are staying out here, end of story."

"But out here we're useless!" I exclaimed. Al put a large hand on my shoulder.

"That's not true. You guys can keep a lookout. If you see the man from earlier or anyone else who looks suspicious, then come get us."

Jenna opened her mouth to argue, but I cut her off. "Fine. Whatever." And with that, I walked away angrily. Jenna made sure to give them each a hard glare before following me. We took a seat in the dirt and watched the road behind us.

We heard the door open and some quiet talking behind us. It wasn't until about five minutes later when we heard a loud gunshot that we turned around to see what was happening. I was on my feet and Jenna quickly followed.

We saw an older man, Marcoh, I assumed, holding a small gun with shaky hands. Al was standing in front of Ed and looked rather menacing. They exchanged a few more words before the man stepped aside and let the two brothers walk past him and into his house. Before he closed to door, he looked at us. My eyes bore into his for a few solid seconds before he shut the door behind him.

I sighed and sat back down. "Man, I hate this. I feel so useless."

"Tell me about it," Jenna sighed, sitting down next to me. "Hey, did they ever tell us why they needed to come here looking for Marcoh?" She asked. I thought about it for a minute and shrugged.

"I don't think so. But I'm willing to bet it has something to do with the Philosopher's Stone."

She nodded thoughtfully. "I forgot that we're not supposed to know about that. Or the fact that Al doesn't have a body and that Ed lost his arm and leg during that night they tried to transmutate their mother back to life. Or the fact that they tried to transmutate their mother back to life."

"Guess we're just going to have to wait for them to tell us.. Hopefully they do soon."

"Yeah, we all know how bad you are at keeping secrets." Jenna winked at me. I just punched her arm. But it was true. Sooner or later I was going to let it slip that we knew things we shouldn't, and then things would get bad.

"Ladies!" A loud, very enthusiastic and very masculine voice called. We both jumped and looked up, to see the man from earlier, with the nice mustache, smiling down at us. Well, I assumed he was smiling. His mustache covered his mouth so it was hard to tell.

We scrambled to stand up, so it would be easier to protect ourselves. He stuck out his large hand that was about the same size as my face, and grabbed mine. He shook it so hard that I was struggling to keep my balance. Next was Jenna, who went through the same ordeal as I.

"Allow me to introduce myself! I am Alex Louis Armstrong, the Strong Arm Alchemist!" For emphasis, he ripped off his shirt and flexed his muscles. Jenna and I stood there, wide-eyed and open mouthed, staring at the strange man before us.

I leaned in real close to Jenna and whispered, "Why did he rip his shirt off?"

"I think he's crazy.." she whispered back. I nodded and looked back up at the man, but what I saw made me gasp in surprise. His shirt was back on!

"How..?" I started but Jenna just shook her head slowly, obviously just as confused as I was.

"Um, I like your mustache," I said to him, breaking the awkward tension in the air.

"Why thank you! The art of facial hair growing has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations!" Armstrong bellowed proudly, puffing out his chest. I held back my laughter and looked at Jenna, who was staring at Armstrong like he was completely crazy.

"Have you two happened to see a young short, angry boy and a tall suit of metal armor?

I laughed, because even if he hadn't mentioned Al I would have known exactly who he was talking about. His description of Ed was spot-on.

"No, we haven't seen anyone like that. Why?" Jenna said. She was a good liar. The complete opposite of me.

"I was ordered by the Lieutenant Colonel to trail them and protect them. There's a a murderer targeting State Alchemists on the loose, and we don't want anything happening to Edward Elric. He's one of our best, despite being so young! Such a courageous young fellow with such ambition!" Armstrong cried out, once again, ripping his shirt off.

Jenna and I just looked at each other, then slowly back up at him. Once again, we were completely shocked by the fact that his shirt was somehow back on. I just decided to ignore it, and come to terms with the fact that this world is weird, and he's crazy.

"Well in that case, they're in that house talking to Doctor Marcoh. I'm sure they won't be too much longer." I told him. Jenna gave me a look, and grabbed my arm.

"Excuse us a minute," she told Armstrong sweetly. He just nodded and Jenna dragged me out of his earshot.

"Are you crazy? Why did you tell him that?" She asked frantically.

I shrugged. "He doesn't seem like a threat. He said he was there to protect Ed. So I don't see the harm in telling him what's up."

"Doesn't seem harmless? Ashley, he's the size of a skyscraper!" She pointed at the man behind us, who was currently flexing and unflexing his arm muscles.

I just shrugged again. "Well if he wanted to attack Ed and Al then he would have gone in there by now. Instead he's admiring himself. I think he's fine."

Jenna went to argue back but the sound of a group of people running over stopped her. We turned around to see the Brigadier General Grand and a few men running up the stairs and bursting into Marcoh's house. Jenna and I immediately began to freak out because Ed and Al were in there, and we noticed that Armstrong wasn't budging to go help.

"What's going on? Why aren't you helping? I thought you were supposed to protect them!" I shouted angrily, running over to Armstrong.

He looked at me sadly. "They're not in there after Full Metal and his brother. They're after Doctor Marcoh. I'm afraid they must have followed me here, knowing I would lead them straight to him." He sighed.

"Well why won't you go in there and help?" Jenna asked. Armstrong shook his head.

"Miss, there isn't anything I can do to stop him. Brigadier Grand is my superior and going against him would be trouble for me. As long as he doesn't touch Full Metal then there isn't a thing I can do."

"Well I'm not under orders so I'm going in!" I said, turned around. But before I could start running, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and stopped me.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that. Getting in his way would only end badly for you." Armstrong told me. I still struggled against him, despite what he had to say. Jenna walked over to me, and I expected her to defend me, but what she did next surprised me. She slapped me.

"What are you thinking! Are you crazy? Did you forget about this?" She grabbed my shirt and yanked it up so my bloody bandage was showing. "You're not even all the way healed yet! Also, you don't know alchemy! What were you planning on doing? Going in there and lecturing him until he saw that what he's doing is wrong?

Well. That shut me up.

"Listen to your friend there, miss. She's smart." He told me. Jenna smiled back at us.

"Of course I am! That's why I'm going in there!" She turned and went to go in there myself, but she soon just ended up in the same position I was in.

"You're not either. He doesn't have the title Iron Blood Alchemist for nothing. We're all staying out here until Full Metal and his brother come out. There isn't anything we can do."

Just as he said that, the door to Marcoh's house flew open and out came Grand and his men, who had firm grips on Marcoh and were leading him out of the building. They rushed him to the car that I never heard pull up, threw him in the back and drove off quickly. I craned my neck to see where Ed and Al were but they quickly ran past without as much as a glance, after the car I assumed. I struggled in Armstrong's arms, but I couldn't get out.

"Dude, your name really fits you," I told Armstrong. He looked down at me, confused, but the loud snort I heard from Jenna let me know that she understood my joke.

"We need to follow them!" I shouted, returning to being serious.

"Yeah, this time they could really be in danger!"

Armstrong thought about it for a minute, and looked up ahead where the boys had run off to. They had gotten far ahead in the few short minutes we spend standing there. He decided we were right and took off in that direction. Not running though. Walking.

He didn't even bother putting us down, which was smart because if he put us down we would be off in an instant, chasing after the boys. He just kept us tucked under his arms, like luggage, as he walked down the street.

By the time we got there, everyone had cleared the area but it was obvious that something horrible had gone here. Very obvious.

For starters, the car Marcoh had been in was flipped over on its side, and..

"Oh my God.. is that..?" I started, putting a hand over my mouth. A wave of nauseousness overcame me and suddenly I was struggling to hold back my lunch.

Brigadier General Grand was laying on the ground, dead. There was blood everywhere.. So much blood. It was coming out of his mouth, his ears, his eye sockets.. It was as if his brain had exploded. His sightless eyes stared up into the sky, and I knew that was a look I would never forget. Those dead eyes open, just staring but never seeing again..

I heard Jenna gasp so I figured she was taking in what I saw. Armstrong set us down gently and as soon as my feet touched the ground I was on all fours, getting rid of lunch. When I was done, I closed my eyes and hoped the nausea would pass but I just kept seeing Grand and all that blood, causing me to throw up again.

"You two stay here, and I mean that. I have no clue what could be inside this tunnel, and I don't want you two to get hurt." Armstrong said, pointing at a tunnel that was clearly made by an alchemist.

"But what if the murderer is out here? If he comes and you're in there, we're dead. We're coming with you." Jenna said boldly. I nodded weakly. Armstrong thought about it for a minute and then nodded.

"Fine. But stay behind me."

We agreed that that was fair and followed behind the giant as he ventured into the tunnel. It was dark and wet, and we could hear voices.

"I come as a right hand man, an agent of God, to carry out his judgments."

"I'm an alchemist too. I may not have a state certification but.." That was Al.

"Why do you seek death?" The other voice asked.

"I don't. But you mentioned you had an older brother, didn't you? Then you should understand why I can't just sit and watch my brother get killed. Even you-"

"I do know what it's like to watch your brother get killed right in front of you and not be able to do a thing about it.. In fact, maybe I'll show Ed!"

I gasped and tried to speed up, but Armstrong held out an arm and stopped me. "No," was all he said.

I heard grunts and loud bangs and clanging noises coming from a little farther up ahead.

"You're too slow, Elric." I heard the unknown voice say. Shortly after I heard Ed grunt saw a bright flash of light. Then.. nothing.

"Ah, auto-mail. So your right arm begets nothing but destruction also?"

At this point I could see the forms of four figures up ahead. Al was against the wall with Marcoh and Ed and a taller man were facing each other.

"Don't you start with that. We're nothing alike pal." I saw Ed raise his arm to attack again, and that's when Armstrong finally thought it was time to butt in.

He stepped into view, and all heads were on him. Ed looked at him, confused. "That state alchemist, what's he doing here?"

"I'm sorry I'm late. The Lieutenant Colonel ordered me to tail you as protection." Armstrong told Ed. He raised his eyebrows.

"You mean Hughes?" he asked. Armstrong nodded curtly and stepped closer to the man, who I now saw had a large scar on his forehead shaped like an X.

"I heard you on my way in. You say you're an agent of God? Well why don't you try passing judgment on me! That's Alex Louis Armstrong, the Strong Arm Alchemist!" Armstrong brought his fist up, which now had a metal covering on it. I had to say, he did look pretty intimidating.

The man smiled, looking slightly crazy. "What a righteous day this is turning into! That you would come here, and save me the trouble of finding you! Blessed God, full of grace!"

Armstrong nearly laughed. "Don't pray just yet. You're facing the technique that's been passed down the Armstrong line for generations! That's hardly a blessing!"

At this point, I ran over to Ed, who was no longer worthy of the man with the scar's attention.

"Ed, come on, now's our chance to go!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him. He looked at me, just now realizing I was there.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

I glared at him. "Do you really think now is the time for questions? Grab your friend and let's go before he turns his attention back to you and Al!"

Ed nodded, realizing that I made sense. He motioned to Al, who grabbed Marcoh, and we all sprinted to the exit of the tunnel, meeting Jenna at the end.

We ran for what felt like forever, weaving through streets and alleyways, dodging pedestrians and children. Finally, Marcoh couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the ground. We all stood there panting and trying to catch our breath.

"You dropped this," Ed told Marcoh, holding out a small, red stone. Marcoh took it, and looked at Ed surprised.

"But.. Isn't this what you're after?" He asked, clearly shocked about something. Ed nodded.

"Yeah, and a younger me would have walked off with it without a second thought. But seeing all of those faces.. That helps in their treatments, right?"

Marcoh nodded, still awestruck.

"Well, that stone belongs to them. So do you. Now come on," Ed stuck out his hand for Marcoh to take, "let's get somewhere where the killer can't find us."

"You think we can hide?" Marcoh asked, taking his hand and pulling himself up. Ed grinned.

"You've got legs, don't you? Let's put them to work!"

He smiled slightly and we all started walking, trying to find a good hiding spot. Al and Jenna were off, talking about something else, and Marcoh and Ed were walking quietly. I jogged to catch up with Ed and matched his strides once I was there.

"Hey.. I'm really glad that you let him keep his stone. It seems really important to him, and the people of this town."

Ed nodded, but didn't reply.

"Also.. I'm glad you're okay. I was worried when I saw the car and.. and.." But I couldn't finish. The image of Grand popped up in my head again and I stopped walking. Once again, I felt like I was going to throw up. Ed stopped and looked back at me, concern on his face.

"You okay?"

I stood there with my head bowed for a minute, not speaking. Then slowly I stood back up straight and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"You sure?" Ed asked, still looking concerned. I just nodded again, smaller this time, and kept walking. He stared after me for a minute before continuing to follow after the group.

I just really hoped we didn't run into that man again. Because for some reason, I just knew that he and Grand's murder were connected.

Wow how long has it been since I've updated this? Awhile. A long while. I apologize to those who were hoping for a sooner update, cause this has been such a long break. Hopefully it won't be like that ever again. Life just got in the way. I really apologize! I hope people still want to read this story.. But anyways, that was the next chapter! Let me know what you think!