~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Germanys P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood there bracing myself all my muscles tensing. I throw my arms over my head hunching over, to protect my head as much as possible. Fear was coercing through my veins adrenalin still running high.

Then nothing, the noise stopped or more or less began to fade only the sound of tiny pedals readjusting themselves to the movement that once occurred.

I relaxed my muscles and took the risk of unguarding my skull. Everything seemed fine for me but as soon as the last pebbles fell i heard a muffled fear filled scream of pain. My worry for Italy never left my heart for a fraction of a second and when that scream sounded too much like my Italian.

My heart slowly began to shatter. i kept walking to where the soft sobs were coming from and what i saw was almost indescribable with words. My best friend, Laying covered in his own blood. so full of fear and terror . His eyes were fluttering barely holding conciseness.

I was scared.

" Italy! Oh god Italy"words were barley forming

i pushed the rocks off the fragile mans body.

"We have to get you to the hospital. We have to get you to the hospital." I repeated to myself to stay focused.

I was biting back tears. As soon as i had the broken Italy in my arms pressed against my chest I began to run. And no matter how tired my legs got or how worn I felt I couldn't stop.

I now understood that feeling Italy tried to explain to Romano. The thought of losing Italy tore at my heart turning it into some kind of black hole engulfing all the happiness I had ever felt. Tears rolled down my cheeks and dropped onto Italy. My tears stained his clothes but no where near as much as the bright pasta red blood.

Then Out of no where my little Italian started to through a fit in my arms freaking out.

"Italy calm down" i insisted. I looked at him shocked that he could even move.

I struggled to hold him still but he only flailed more against me. The next moment he had managed to slip free from my grip and fall to the pavement of the road.

He let out a moan of pain as he made contact with the ground beneath him "let go of me" Italy wailed

I stood there stunned with a million thoughts and possibles outcomes playing through my head. "Did he not know who I am did he loss his memory from the fall?!"

I reach out and touched the side of Italy's cheek " I love you" I said tears forming in my eyes.

Italy gave a shocked expression mix with the realization of reality.

"Ger-Germany? " Italy said through this sobbing. I was about to hug him when i saw him move towards me and tremble in pain. I had hardly even realized that he was still bleeding and i was drenched in his blood as well. I scooped him up the hospital was about 6 blocks form here. Italy gave a hurt and pain filled expression to me. I knew how badly he hurt and how much he wanted to tell me. His face was stained with tears that seemed to almost have a continuance flow from his eyes.

The sliding doors of the hospital opened as soon a I approached.

" Help me Please" was all I could say and doctors came running . They were a bit in panic themselves and the first thing they did was give Italy a shot to help with the pain. He was still held close in my arms and we locked eyes when the doctor injected the needle, Italy hates needles. I then had to place him in a stretcher as I watched the drugs take effect, they made Italy doze off. A nurse came to take to me asking so many questions. Words pranced through my head like some kind of merry go round. I was emotional not all there but I still managed to get through them. I paced in the hallway stress and fear were the only emotion I could recognize in myself.

It Wasn't until later, a doctor came out.
" Your really lucky sir" the doctor informed me slipping out of my Italians hospital room.
" I-I know" I spat out a bit to harsh. The doctor looked a bit taken back
" I just came out to notify you that his injuries are not life threatening. And he won't need surgery or anything that drastic. He just needed some stitches and bandages."
Relief flooded through my whole body. I let out a huge breath, that I wasn't even aware I was holding. The doctor opened the door gesturing me inside. He was asleep, looking as he normally does when he is sleeping... well except he had clothes on. All the blood was cleaned off ,and his face looked fine but there were a few minor scrapes. I thanked the doctor who was patiently waiting at the door almost asking for this silent notification. While I was pulling up a chair Italy shifted sending me on full concerned alert. He was just readjusting in his sleep. I thought about calling Romano, but that should wait for morning . Only took an hour before I was able to fall asleep holding tightly on Italy's hand.