Preface – At Breakfast

What you are about to read is the product of a goofy Sunday morning conversation at our breakfast table, when a small boy, who fancies himself a Jedi-in-training, was being quite vocal about not getting his way.

Comparison was made between small boy and a certain Jedi father and son who both exhibit a penchant for petulance.

It was observed that Anakin Skywalker ceased to whine after being placed in the black helmet. It was agreed that the voice modulator inside the helmet was the key, as it is clearly impossible to whine in James Earl Jones's voice. Even if you tried, it would come out deep and menacing instead of high pitched and whiney.

This, naturally, let to the suggestion (by the older sister of small boy) that perhaps small boy would cease to whine if he had a helmet. Small boy did not concur. In an attempt to head of further whining from small boy, I suggested that perhaps Luke Skywalker might have benefited from a helmet as well (making fun of Skywalkers is a frequent source of entertainment at our house), and brainstorming ensued as we debated the best spot in the Trilogy for this to occur, and what changes this might have wrought on other events.

About twenty minutes into this conversation, my daughter (who has recently discovered fan fiction in the Hunger Games genre) commented that this would be an awesome fan fic. I agreed, and was immediately appointed to take notes on the laptop.

We have tidied it up a bit for publication (spell check, etc) but have attempted to preserve the spirit of the original brainstorming session, so please assume that any internal inconsistencies, canon inaccuracies or grammar oddities are intentional.

This is intended as a humorous piece. All characters, situations, etc, are the intellectual property of George Lucas and Lucasfilms, whom we hold in high regard.