Chapter Twenty Two

A couple of days after Judy and Tom decided to reveal their secret relationship, they were at the Chapel filling out paperwork. It was late at night, after ten. The team had ordered a few pizzas. They sat at the conference table as they ate and worked. Ioki and Hoffs on one side, Penhall and Hanson across from them on the other side, Fuller was at the head of the table and even Blowfish was finishing up a last minute repair. The room was relatively silent. A few rustling papers, pen and pencil scratching and some undignified grunts from Blowfish.

"Well, that's the last one for me," Penhall sighed and stretched his arms above his head.

"How are you done before me?" Ioki complained.

"Easy," Penhall said. "I wasn't working a case this week. I've had time to do my paperwork."

"And you actually did it?" Tom questioned in disbelief.

Ioki and Hoffs gave Penhall a disbelieving look. They all knew Doug was a good cop, but he wasn't the type of guy for the business end of things. He was the fun-loving, let's have a couple of beers, laidback kind of guy.

"Yes," Penhall defended. "I actually did my work."

"Who is she?" Hoffs asked.

"Who's who?" Penhall returned innocently.

"The girl you're trying to impress," Judy said.

"I'm not trying to impress any-" Doug started to say.

"Sally Oswald," Fuller said looking up from his own papers. "She just came in from homicide. Twenty Three years old."

"That explains everything," Tom said cheekily.

Doug let out a frustrated groan before thumping his head on the table's surface.

The group shared a laugh. Then they heard a bang and a curse before Blowfish popped up from under the desk he was working under.

"What's going on? What's so funny? What'd I miss?" He asked as he rubbed the sore spot on his head.

The group laughed harder. This time Penhall's laughter joined in. Before they all calmed down, Tom and Judy shared a look. They stopped laughing while the others continued to chuckle. They even shared a smile.

Tom cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. The laughter stopped and everyone turned to look at him. Tom opened his mouth to say something when Judy took over.

"Tom and I are together," Hoffs announced. "We've been dating for months now. Ever since before the Witness Protection case. "

"The baseball player?" Ioki asked.

"Yes," Tom answered for Judy.

"So, Hanson's the man you've been seeing?" Harry questioned.

"Yes," Hoffs answered this time.

Ioki was about to speak again when Penhall let out a cry of joy.

"Finally," Doug said. "I've been dying to tell everyone since I found out."

"You knew about this?" Ioki asked pointing to Penhall.

"Yup," Doug said. "For weeks."

Harry turned to Judy.

"Really, Penhall knew for weeks and you never told me? I'm your partner," he said. His tone sounding a bit hurt.

"Penhall knows because he kissed her," Tom said.

"Wait, kissed," Fuller said joining in. "Penhall kissed you?"

"Yes," Judy answered. She had a light blush of embarrassment dusting her cheeks.

"And Tom punched me in the face for it," Doug said remembering.

"Good," Fuller said after a beat.

A silence fell over them as they all processed the information.

After a moment, Blowfish cleared his throat and approached the table. He grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite.

"Let me be the first to say congratulations," He said with a mouth full of pizza.

"Thanks," Judy said with a look of disgust. Not at what Blowfish said but because of the chewed bits of pizza she saw while he spoke.

"Yeah, thanks," Tom said he smiled at Judy and she couldn't help but smile back at him.

Another moment of silence before Fuller broke it.

"I'm happy for you two as long as your relationship doesn't affect your work, got it," he said.

He looked so very serious and I sliver of fear ran up and down Hoffs and Hanson's spines.

"Yeah, of course," Tom said clearing his throat and sitting up straight.

"Not a problem," Judy said.

"Good," Fuller said shifting in his seat.

They all, but Blowfish who was still munching on his pizza, went back to work.

Later that night, closer to midnight than Hanson or Hoffs liked, they got into their individual cars. They drove to Judy's place this time. They were going to spend the weekend together since neither had to work until Monday.

"Well, that's a weight off my shoulders," Judy said with a sigh as she unlocked her door.

"Yeah, I thought it would be a lot more shouting, "Tom smiled as he followed her into the apartment.

"We're going to have to make it up to Ioki somehow," Judy said locking the door behind them. She turned in time for Tom to grab her and push her against the door. His lips attached to hers in a passionate kiss. Judy's hands found their way to his hair. It wasn't long before they made their way to her sofa. A trial of their shoes and socks dropped during the move.

"You know, we always find our way here," Judy said taking off her shirt. She hadn't been wearing a bra.

"Well, your bed is too far away," Tom joked taking off his own shirt.

"We always make it to your bed." Judy pouted playfully as she unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down along with her panties.

"You hate my couch," Tom said removing the rest of his clothes too.

"That's true."

Judy pushed Tom onto his back. She smiled at him as she straddled him. Tom pulled her down for a heated kiss. His hands journeyed down her back to her ass. He squeezed her cheeks as he thrust his hips into hers. Judy reached down and wrapped her fingers around his hardness. She placed him at her entrance.

"Foreplay," Tom sighed.

"Not tonight," Judy said as she moved onto him.

Tom threw his head back as he tried to thrust up into her. He didn't want to hurt her.

Judy sighed when she was fully seated on him. They kissed again. Tom's hands were still holding on tightly to her ass.

Judy didn't move her lower body. She went on kissing Tom for a few more minutes until her body adjusted to him being inside her. When she felt ready she rolled her hips. Tom groaned at the movement. His hands began to massage Judy's butt. Their bodies pressed tightly together.

One of Judy's hands was in Tom's hair and the other rested on his shoulder. She picked up her pace. Tom's hips began to meet hers. They moved faster and faster until their bodies were in a frenzy. They didn't speak. They sighed and gasped. Groaned and moaned. All without a word until they finished. Judy gasped out Tom's name and he grunted out hers.

Judy's body relaxed a moment before Tom's.

Tom chuckled lightly.

"We probably shouldn't sleep here," he said when he found his voice again.

Judy nodded her agreement.

"You'll have to move first," Tom said lightly.

Another nod, slower this time, from Judy. She was already falling asleep.

"You're right, it's been a long night," Tom said slowly. His eyes began to droop. "We'll move to the bed later."

There was no response from Judy. Her breathing had evened out. She barely moved when Tom's softened cock left her body. Tom shifted slightly to move them into a more comfortable position. He grabbed the throw that had been resting on the back of the sofa.

They slept peacefully, together.


To Be Continued in "Limits"