Writing is one of my stress relievers. So when I write I'm stressed. Now you know. I'm temporarily back to writing, I just missed it too. Thanks for the review may it be negative or positive at least you told me. So anyway R&R. Thanks much. :*



Thump. Thump. Thump. "Oh... Ah!" Thump. Thump.

Hear that thumping sound? That's Percy's bed. Hear that moan, well, that's me.

A few weeks ago Percy and I started to have sex, and it's one of our best idea yet.

So back to the present, I can't even tell you how good its been between us after that.

"Ah!" My legs wrapped themselves around him as if it was automatically designed to do so, then tighter as if I can't get closer enough.

Even covered in a thin sheen of sweat he still looks as edible. "Oh Gods!" Okay, he just found my good spot!

"Ah! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes! Percy! Ah! Ah! Ah... Ah..." I moan repeatedly.

"Shhhhh... Quiet Annabeth someone might hear us." he teases.

How can no one hear us already? My moans are quiet as whisper compare to the banging of his bed.

Then he chuckles, and stops. "I'm kidding," then starts again, slowly. "I love hearing you whimper, mewl, moan then call my name." Every word he said was accompanied by hard thrusts.

"Percy!" I call, then he goes back to fucking me slowly. A deadly tease. I force my hips to buck against him asking for more, his hands where at my hips before, now they're slowly moving their way to my breasts. Percy fondled my breasts then started licking them. Around and around making my nipples hard. I wound my hands at his hair pulling him closer than he already is.

His other hand traveled below our stomachs and found its way to my hard little nub. He already memorized my body, what it wants, and when I need it.

"Annabeth," his breathing is rugged now. I know he's close, too. He leveled his forehead with mine, keeping his eyes locked with mine. "I love you." He crushes his lips with mine and fasten his pace. thrusting violently.

Pleasure is over powering the pain, he moves his lips to my neck sucking it hard. The "Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah! Percy! Ah! Fuck! Ye-" I was cut off by his lips, tongue sliding over mine. Then it came, I came, that bright light even when your eyes are closed. My walls clenching around him, my legs tightened themselves as my body wracked with my orgasm. Then he came a second later, spurting his seeds inside me.

If you're thinking we're nuts by not using protection. Think again, I'm currently on the pills, it helps me keep my calendar intact, feeling him bare is a bonus.

We're forehead to forehead now, and he's beaming at me, and I can't help but smile back to Percy. MY PERCY. I know, possessive of me, right? How can I not be?! I'm not the only one who wants him, ugh.

Percy drops a kiss at my lips one more time, "So sweet," then rubs his nose with mine, its sweet, he's sweet. "I love you, WISE GIRL." I couldn't help but groan when he pulled out of me, and he heard it. "Miss me already?" He said chuckling.

I throw a pillow at him, and dodges it effortlessly, I roll my eyes at him and chuckles more. He enters the bathroom and came out with a wet towel cleaning my private part. He wipes it gently but I can't help feeling a little tender, and a moan came out. He reaches his lips to mine and kisses me again. I tug at him until he falls into the bed, I love snuggling with him, he's so warm and hard (not that kind of hard! ugh) compared to my soft body. I dunno but we just fit, like we were made for each other.

"What time is it?" I ask after a couple of minutes of snuggling.

Percy glances at the clock and reads it. (A/N: How come he can read it without problems? The clock is in greek writing, answered your question? good) "Nine forty-five, why?"

"Oh Shit, I have to go!" I gather my clothes and put them on. "See you later, Seaweed Brain." I kiss him on the lips but damn that boy! He deepens the kiss, pulling my arm and wrapping it around his neck. His other hand came to my back sliding down and tugging at my ass making me straddle him. I wrench my lips away, even if its real hard. Speaking of hard, by the Gods! He already is! AGAIN!

He nuzzled my neck, making me not want to leave, and I really don't want to but I just have to! Ugh! "Stay with me, even for a little bit longer, please?" He pleads.

"Percy, we already had all night yesterday and this morning. I want to stay as much as you do, but I already promised Chiron to help." I explained.

"Be back soon, Wise Girl. And as soon as you come back I'll have you for dinner." He smiles mischievously.

I smile at his goofy ways, but hey I'm fucking smitten. Did I just said smitten? Ugh. "Yes, yes. I'll give you anything you need, got it? Now I need to go, Percy. I promise I'll be back later." I kiss him again one last time before I leave.

"See you later, Annabeth." he calls out, and I hear his loud and clear sigh. I roll my eyes as I walk away. Typical Percy.

A/N: Ok. So done for this chapter, but what do you think Annabeth is helping Chiron with? Hmm? Hmm?
Lemme know your thoughts! I might add them in, only if you want it of course!
So this is it for now my dear readers. But mark my (repeated by many) words, I SHALL BE BACK!


Weirdo =3=