All extremes of feeling

Are allied with madness—Virginia Wolf, Orlando

Aura sat in the backseat of Elle's van, a look of pure discontent on her face as she watched her friend blare the music of Justin Bieber, Brittany Spears and Nicki Minaj through her radio. The guy; who goes by the name if Luke kept eyeing Elle's chest during the entire ride, a lewd look passing over his face a few times.

Aura could only gag at them as they practically eye fucked one another in the car, and it didn't help that she kept getting a horrible feeling about bringing these people on their search for Slenderman. It seemed more dangerous bringing people, and she wondered what Elle had planned up her sleeve. But she shouldn't doubt Elle so much; she did have knowledge of Slenderman.

So for now, she would have to go along with it. Much to her distaste.

"You a stupid hoe. You a-you a stupid hoe. You a stupid hoe!" Elle sang, a big dumb grin on her face. Aura groaned, she inwardly cringed at the horrible lyrics and Elle's singing. She then laid her head against window, resisting the urge to bash her head against it to drown out the noise.

She squeezed her amber eyes closed, trying to drown out the noise and maybe catch a few minutes of sleep before they arrived at the forest. And surprisingly, sleep overtook her quicker than she thought…

Aura's eyes fluttered open slowly to be met with the darkened sky and the large belly of the moon; the sound of crickets chirping and the crunching sound of leaves reaching her ears. She moaned softly, feeling the heavy pounding at her head as if she had been hit by something hard.

"Where am I…?" she muttered, her voice sounding drowsy and groggy to her own ears. She had managed to lean up she groaned, holding her pounding head before standing up on shaky legs. She looked around, noticing now that she was in the woods.

She looked down at herself to find that she was wearing simple black eyelet lace dress and black combat boots. She breathed out a sigh of relief, she was glad she was not in a chemise or anything of sexual nature, or she would of freaked out.

But the odd thing was, she didn't remember getting out the car or even setting up camp. So what the hell had happened? How did she lose so much time?

Then it dawned on her. Elle must have gotten her drunk or someone slipped something into her drink! She growled in anger, her amber eyes narrowing. Oh, she was going to kick someone's ass. She then looked around the woods, spotting light coming from some area and she began to walk, her boots crunching on dead leaves and twigs.

She suddenly eventually made it to the light source, noticing a very large wooden cabin like house. She raised a brow. She didn't remember coming here at all, but then she took notice of Elle's jeep in the driveway and she shrugged it off. It must have belonged to one of the douchebags that tagged along.

The sound of loud obscene music blared from within the wooden home and Elle growled, a annoyed look crossing her face. Oh yeah, she was going in there and kicking some asses.

She then proceeded to make her way up the stairs. When infront of the door, she knocked on it and suddenly all of the music inside stopped. Aura blinked in confusion and then knocked again. "Hey dipshits, can you let me in?" she asked irritated. But no one answered, the only noise reaching her ears were the sounds of the forest and the light thumping in her chest.

She tried to strain her ears but could not hear a sound on the inside. "Guys…?"

She knocked on the wooden door again, her knocks creating an ominous and rather dull thumping noise that seemed to shake her to her core; then as if by some invisible force, the golden door knob began to twist open very slowly, unnerving her.

The door then began to slowly open, a loud creaking noise now reaching her ears, reminding her of nails on a chalkboard.

And when the door fully opened, her nose was hit with a sudden stench. The entire house smelled of sulfur and rotten meat, the putrid odor clinging to the atmosphere, the smell of death and burning meat was strong, potent; it made her inwardly gag in disgust. The smell was strong enough to leave a rotten taste on her tongue, making her taste buds shrivel up. The taste on her tongue was abrasive and foul; not overly bitter but more rotten and sweet at all the same time, that made her want to vomit. The closest thing she could compare the taste to tangy meat that had gotten rotten and was dipped in mold and fecal matter.

"Fuck it smells in here," she gagged out in disgust, covering her nose. "Who the hell took a shit?!"

But no one answered her. The only voice in the room was of her own, echoing back at her hauntingly. Aura then gulped, a terrible feeling washing over her. Something was bad, something had happened.

"E-Elle…?" she called out fearfully, goose bumps beginning to appear on her arms as she began to venture into the house more. She walked through a long hall way, that seemed to go on forever, the temperature suddenly dropping very low to the point she could see her own breath.

"W-Why is i-it s-s-so cold?" she asked, her teeth chattering.

And she had managed to check every room in the house but one, the left room down the hall. Aura then suddenly felt that sickly feeling overcome her again as she stood in front of the maple door. Her chest felt heavy, and an overwhelming since of dread hit her. Something was behind this door, she was unsure if she wanted to open it. But she had checked every last room in this eerie house and found not a trace of no one in sight. So she had no choice. And yet…

"Stop being such a pussy Aura," she chastised herself before roughly grabbing hold of the doorknob, twisting the knob and pushing the door open quickly, squeezing her eyes shut. But nothing didn't grab her; there was no pain, nothing. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed that the room was dimly lit, and rather empty except smack dab in the middle of the room was a large and rather antique look grandfather clock that seemed to be making an ominous ticking noise.

How come she didn't hear it outside of the room?

That dreadful feeling hit her again but she persevered and moved forward, making her towards the clock until she was standing right in front of it. She looked up at the clock, noticing how close to midnight it was, the ticking sound of the clock filling the room as the pendulum swung bag and forth in a rather slow and tedious state.

It bothered her yet at the same time, the silver bulge that was the pendulum entranced her so. She looked back at the clock, feeling as if time right now was her enemy, time meant death as the hands of the clock ticked away with each passing moment.

The current time was 11:57 pm and a sudden suffocating feeling overcame her. She gasped loudly and fell to her knees, feeling the air around her constrict and thicken, the oxygen in her lungs being sucked out until she was cringing on the floor rasping for air.

Aura was panicking as she writhed on the floor violently, trying to catch her breath, trying to have just a feeling of the air in her lungs. She clawed at the thickening and suffocating air, black spots starting to cloud her vision as she began to lose consciousness.

Suddenly the two hands on the clock met and a loud gong was heard, it was so loud that it shook the entire house and then suddenly it stopped, and the music that was on before was on, and the air began to become thinner and less suffocating, and slowly but surely the air was back in Aura's lungs.

She gasped loudly, her eyes bulging as she coughed violently, holding her throat as she rolled over onto her side, trying to get as much air into her lungs. "Ugh!...f-fuck…" she rasped out, tears collecting at the corners of her eyes. She felt like she was going to fucking die.

She groaned once her breathing was back to normal and stood back up, still feeling dizzy. She heard the sound of voices, the voices of Elle and those other assholes. She felt relief rush through her, they were here and she wasn't going crazy.

Who knows, it might have been some panic attack…

She slowly made her way back to the main living room and when she entered, she stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widening at what she say. There in the living was the bodies of everyone who were all mutilated in some sickening way.

Adam was leaned back on the white couch, his eyes stabbed deep with what appeared to be beer bottles [SBD: Can you say beer goggles? Slender: Ba dum tis!~] and his jaw seemed to be twisted in a horrific way as if he had seen something so terrifying.

Luke's head was in a fish tank that was in the room, the water now the color of blood and seemed to be overfilling and dripping all over the floor. James jaw was completely removed and he seemed to have multiple impalements to his chest, his body on the ground, propped up against the wall and Desiree was lying dead on the floor with a hole in the middle of her forehead, her intestines ripped out and strewn around her.

"Oh my God…" Aura said in shock, covering her mouth with her hands, backing away slowly from the grisly scene. But where was Elle?

Suddenly her back hit something and she turned around, and loud scream erupted from her throat at what she saw. Elle appeared to be hanging from a hook on the ceiling by her hair, swinging back and forth like the pendulum on the grandfather clock. Her throat was slit, her arm cracked and bent at an odd angle, long deep gashes covered her entire body. The worse was that her shirt was ripped open; exposing her breast and engraved deep into her abdomen was the words WHORE.

"Oh my God Elle! Oh God Elle! No! No!" she cried, tears running down her face, sobs coming from her throat as she buried her face into her hands.

"Y-You….you…" a raspy voice said, reaching her ears. Aura looked up to see Elle looking down at her, a maniacal smile on her lips. "This is your fault…you did this." "N-no…I didn't I wouldn't!" she shouted in disbelief, tears running down her face.

"Oh you did…" Another voice said and Aura's eyes widened, recognizing that voice from anywhere. Soon Elle's body was pushed to the side, and Aura was face to face with none another than Slenderman.


"You killed them all, and I couldn't have been more proud," he said, his voice was no longer distorted but sounded smooth, a bit rough and deep. It sent chills down her spine and a familiar feeling of warmth between her legs.

"I didn't kill them you fucking bastard you killed them!" she shouted, her body shaking in anger. "And I'll kill you!"

She then let out a gasp when she felt a tentacle go up her leg and tighten around it. Slenderman's head tilted to the side and then suddenly Aura was dragged over to him, her back pressed against his hard body—that was surprisingly warm, and she tried to struggle against him.

"Let me go dammit!" she screamed, the tears still going down her face, her body starting to feel hot all over.

"Why should I…when you have gotten so wet?" he asked, his voice low and husky now, the tentacle traveling up her leg and rubbing her already soaked lacy black thong. Aura let out a loud gasp, her cheeks becoming tinged pink.

"Stop it," she breathed out breathlessly, her legs began to quiver when his tentacles picked up the pace, making a low moan escape from her throat.

His tentacle then ripped off her thong and was roughly pushed inside of her glistening wet folds, making her cry out softly. Aura tried to get away from him as his tentacle pumped in and out of her furiously. She wanted it to stop but at the same time she didn't.

"Oh God…" she moaned out, her eyes wide and skin flushed as pleasure coursed through her. His tentacle rubbed at her inner walls, twisting and turning in ways that had her practically screaming. Her juices dripped down her legs and onto the floor as his tentacle went deeper into her, hitting that one spot that made her see stars.

"I'm the only one that can make you feel this way…" he growled out into her ear, causing her to become even more wet, making his tentacle go even deeper into her, hitting at her womb.

"Fuck! Yes! Yes!" she cried out hungrily, pressing her ass back against his cock, her eyes squeezed shut as she felt her stomach beginning to tighten from the pleasure. She suddenly let out a loud gasp when she felt another tentacle dig into her dress and pull out her nipple, the smooth thing pinching and pulling at her hardened pink bud.

She was going to cum, she could feel it. "N-No…ahh…no…please!" she begged, not wanting to cum, not wanting to give this thing the satisfaction.

Slenderman moved another tentacle down to toy at her pink clit, rubbing it and pulling on it. "Let go…" he practically snarled out in her ear.

Aura tossed her head back and let out a loud scream, her pussy squeezed his tentacle tightly and spasmed around it as she came violently, her juices flowing out of her heavily. "SLENDERMAN!"

He groaned and held her close as she writhed and shook in his tight hold, until her body slumped against him. He then slowly removed his tentacle from inside of her, a dark chuckle coming from him when he looked upon his tentacle that was dripping with her juices and then he let her crumble to the ground, panting and still lightly twitching from the aftershocks of the orgasm.

Aura moaned softly, and turned to see Slenderman no where in sight along with the bodies.

And then a soft and soothing voice said in her ear, "Wake up my dear."

Aura jolted awake, her eyes bulged and her hand over her chest as she breathed heavily. Beads of sweat was collecting on her forehead, her body was flushed red and a seeping wetness and ache was coming from between her legs.

"What the fuck…?" she whispered, her voice dry, a sense of satisfaction and deep bliss overcoming her.

She looked up to see Luke and Elle looking at her with wide eyes.

"Uhm…wow," Luke said, a slight smirk on his face. "Had a nice dream I take it?"

Aura felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "W-What?"

Elle snickered and said, "Well you feel asleep and next thing you know you were moaning, writhing and bucking you're hips as if you were being fucked. And my guess is that you climaxed in your dream~" Aura's entire body froze and she looked at the amused faces of Luke and Elle. "H-How in the hell did you know that!"

"You screamed really loudly and I can see that stain on the seat," Elle said with a smirk, enjoying her friends embarrassment. "Hell everyone heard you."


Aura looked out the window to see that Elle's and Adam's car were parked in a driveway and that everyone was looking at her with strange and amused looks. Aura groaned and sank low into the seat, wanting to hide from everyone once she heard the giggles and chuckles.

Suddenly there was a knock at her window and Aura groaned, opening her eyes to see a grinning Adam look at her. He motioned for her to put down the window, and she pressed the button, watching as the window slowly went down.

"What?" she asked, her teeth gritted together as she saw the smirking and amused look on Desiree's face.

"So…you were dreaming about me right?" he asked, a large grin on his face.

Aura growled in annoyance and pressed down on the button, watching as the window began to slowly roll up. "Fuck off…"

"Awh come on baby don't be that way!" Adam said, about to say something else but his words were muted out when the window fully closed. Aura groaned and fell back into her seat, covering her eyes. If she ever found out that Slenderman was the one who gave her these dreams, she was going to fucking kill him for sure.

Somewhere in the woods…

He smirked as he practically smelled Aura's still lingering juices on his tentacle, his cock straining against his pants and leaking pre-cum.

Oh how she did smell delicious…

Maybe he could wait out before springing into action. The thought of doing things to her in her dreams was more appealing at the moment. He then tilted his head to the side. And yet…

He didn't want her to leave the forest so soon or call that disgusting man who would dare lay his lips on what was his. He was going to have to find a way to get her to come to him and get rid of that human filth once and for all.

But for now…he needed some relief.

A long black tentacle came from his back and made its way down to the bulge protruding from his pants and gripping it harshly. A grunt escaped his throat as he began to rub it harshly, his head falling back on the tree branch he was on, a low breathless grunt coming from him as he thought of her.

His obsession.

His love.




SBD: Whooo another update! *blushing*

Aura: Yay good for you, and thanks for embarrassing me Shay -_-

SBD: Hehe sorry it's all for the story 3

Aura: Fine then I will share something with the readers about yoooou!

SBD: W-What are you going to share?

Aura: *smirks evilly* Oh Slendy!

Slender: *appears behind her, holding her close to his body* Mm?

Aura: Tell the readers what Shay is going to be doing tomorrow~

Slender: Oh! She is….renting a motel? Is that what you humans call it?...Well a motel with her boyfriend so they can engage in some rather explicit mating activities involving collars, leashes, spank—

SBD: THAT'S ENOUGH! *blushes even more*

Aura: Hehe R&R and I'll say more embarrassing things about Shay's sex life.