Happy Zevie Day, everyone! What better day to post a new Zevie story, right? Considering ABC For Zevie has officially ended, why not start another story? So, this story is very, very, very loosely based off of the movie Footloose. Basically, everything is different except for the "rebellious city kid moves to religious town" plot. If you haven't watched Footloose, please still read this story! Other than what I mentioned above, it has nothing to do with the movie! Alright, let me give you guys some info before I continue.


Stevie Baskara is the new girl from New York who moves to Brewster, California to live with her brother and his family after their mom dies of leukemia. She's tough, rebellious, and definitely musically talented. Upon arriving at Brewster and hearing about the law against non-classical/loud instruments and music, this singer will stop at nothing to play her bass as loud as she wants and to have her freedom back. As if the disapproval of the reverend wasn't enough, Stevie also manages to catch the attention of preacher's son Zander and the hatred of his girlfriend Molly.

Zander Robbins is the local boy who everyone knows about in the small town of Brewster, considering his father is the reverend. He's genuinely, sweet, kind, caring, and secretly musically talented. This ukulele and piano playing singer cannot show his love for music as his father banned anything non-classical and loud when his brother died in a car crash after coming out of a rock concert. However, new girl Stevie manages to catch his eye even though his girlfriend Molly is right under his arm.

Molly Garfunkel is the queen bee at Brewster High School. She's cold, cruel, and bitter, everyone knows it. Zander, however, is not everyone. He believes that his girlfriend is an angel sent from heaven. What he doesn't know is that she's only dating him because being the preacher's son's girlfriend makes her popular and that she couldn't care less about his music. When the new girl seems to be replacing her in Zander's life, she'll stop at nothing to take her down.

Kacey Simon and Grace King are Stevie's first friends when she arrives in town. Kacey and Grace used to be friends with Molly, but when she started dating Zander, she dumped them for popularity. Kacey is dating one of Zander's best friends Kevin. She might be a bit conceited at times, but she truly wants to help Stevie get rid of the law against music, even though she believes she cannot sing. Grace is Zander's sister who took her mother's maiden name after she died. She often serves as the mother figure in her brother's life even though he's older. Even though she's super model beautiful, this goddess just can't help but like her brother's nerdy best friend Nelson. Grace has wanted to get rid of the law ever since her father created it so she can finally fulfill her dreams of becoming a singer.

Kevin Reed and Nelson Baxter are Zander's childhood/best friends who have been with him through anything. They were there during the death of his mother, the death of his brother, when his father created the law against loud music, and when he had to give up on his ukulele and singing. These three local boys might seem like they don't care about the ban, but the truth is, they want to dismiss it just as much as everyone else. Kevin wants to play his drums as loud as he wants while listening to his girlfriend, Kacey, sing without wondering who will hear. Nelson wants to bust out crazy and non-classical tunes on his keyboard to impress his longtime crush Grace. Sadly, these boys can't express what their feeling in their instruments. That is exactly why they're willing to get in trouble to help Stevie dismiss the law against the things they love.

Reverend March Robbins (Mr. March) is the preacher in the small town of Brewster. After his oldest son Bobby dies in a car crash after coming out of a rock concert, he and the town council agree to create a law against all loud/non-classical music and instruments. However, he has no clue that his son and his daughter both share a talent of singing. As soon as Stevie Baskara arrives in town, he immediately disapproves of his children even speaking to her.

That's just a bit of whom the characters are and all. Let me explain the plot a bit moreā€¦.

After leaving a rock concert, Bobby Robbins, the drunken driver of his friends, gets into an accident, killing the five in the car. As a result of this, Rev. Robbins creates a law for the small town of Brewster that only classical music is allowed to be played on instruments and to be sung along to. No parties after 10 pm, no loud music blasting on the radio, no electric instruments, no freedom.

When Stevie Baskara arrives three years later, she goes out, plays loud music with the windows of her car down, and eventually gets arrested. After learning about the law saying she can't sing her kind of music or play her electric bass, this rebel goes to great lengths to dismiss the law for the Brewster High Festival.

Local boy Zander Robbins immediately has his sights set on Stevie as soon as he first meets her, eventually falling for each other. The one obstacle in the way is his girlfriend Molly who despises Stevie and music. Trying to get past the disapproval of Rev. Robbins, her feelings for his son Zander, and Zander's girlfriend Molly, Stevie tries her best to gain freedom for everyone in the town again.

So, that's just about all you need to know right now. If you have any questions about this story, feel free to PM them to me! Anyways, sound interesting? Please review if you want to see this story play out!
