Freddy lazily sat sprawled on the living room couch. It was a day off for him and was enjoying the relaxation.

No shrieking.

No hunting down newer victims.

No uncomfortably hot boiler rooms.

He sighed contently and closed his eyes. Yep, today was going to be a good day.


Well, shit. "What, Kathrine?" he replied his yes still closed.

"Play this with me." Sighing in defeat the male lifted himself up to see what his daughter wanted to play. The little girl held up a board game. It was CandyLand to be exact. He rolled his eyes at the gaudy looking colours.

"'Where'd did you get this? I don't remember buying you this." He said as he took the box out of Kathrine's tiny hands.
The small child swung her arms back and forth. "Um….a friend gave it to me. Said I should get you to play it with me."

Freddy looked at the child in sheer disbelief. "Who was this person?"

"A friend."

"A friend that looked like…?"

"A person."

The male had to use all his strength not to strangle the child. He took a deep breath. "Ok, I give up, obviously you don't want to tell me who the hell-I mean heck, this person is, but right now daddy doesn't want to play this game. I had a very stressful night and I need rest."

Kathrine cocked her head to one side. Her lip jutted out in a pout. "But, but, but! I wanna play this with you!"

"And I said no. What about that friend that gave it to you, what about him?"

"And I said, I wanna play this with you!" Her blue eyes narrowed into thin slits.

Freddy rose off the couch and gave her his best glare, he knew damn well where this was going. "No. and that's final Kathrine." Kathrine stood on her tip toes her anger beginning to show itself. She grabbed a hold of her father's sweater and pulled. "I said I wanna play with you!" she hollered out.

Ah crap not this again. "Sweetheart, let go." He tried prying her fingers off but they wouldn't budge. For the second time that day he sighed in defeat.

"All right I'll play it with you." Kathrine's eyes lit up with excitement as she let go of Freddy's sweater.

"Yay!" She plopped right down on the floor as Freddy set up the game. He rolled his eyes at the

As Kathrine drew a card and began moving the game piece forward, Freddy saw how happy she looked.

"Your turn now daddy!" She giggled as Freddy drew a card and smiled.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.