On a sunny day in Odaiba, a young girl sat alone on a swing, moving back and forth slowly. Her brown hair was swing peacefully in the wind behind her, not a care in the world. She let out a small tune through her lips and started to hum, swinging higher on the swing than before. She let out a small laugh as she got even higher, trying to see over the treetops with the swing to no avail. Her dark brown eyes gleamed with innocence, not having a care in the world.

This young girl is none other than the future digidestined of light, Kari Kamiya.

Her brother, Tai Kamiya, had taken her to the park today and had run off for a moment. He was playing soccer with Sora Takenouchi, a good friend of the young gogglehead when he showed off and kicked the ball to high, sending it flying across the park and the duo chasing after it,forgetting about their other member and leaving Kari to herself.

But it was fine with her, she was too far off in her own little world to notice, her only focus was to see over the tree line. She hummed a bit louder and swing higher, now halfway at the tree didn't even notice a boy see her and put on a evil grin for a moment, before walking towards her.

"Hey Kamiya!" The little boy called, standing right next to the swings. Kari paid no attention, she was almost over the trees. Normally, she would have stopped swinging and answered the boy, but Kari had a goal to complete, and she was going to do it. Besides, she knew who this boy was, and Kari didn't want any part the trouble that came with him.

"KAMIYA!" he tried again, and Kari just swung harder, trying to ignore him. Kari smiled a bit when she almost saw the top of the tree's.

The boy frowned and called over two friends over. "The goody-goody's decided she's too good to listen to us. Let's make her come down here and see eye to eye." he said, getting in front of the swings. The two large kindergartners nodded and walked up to the swing. Just as Kari when up for the final swing they grabbed it , making Kari fly out face first into the grassy earth. "Hey, why did you do that? I could almost see over the trees.." Kari pouted, pulling herself into a seated position. Her knees were bruised from the fall, and her favorite yellow shirt was covered in dirt. She turned around to see that the two boys who had stopped her started to walk closer, much to Kari's discomfort.

The first boy turned to stand in front of her, sneering. "Think you can just ignore us, Kamiya?" He said, leaning in real close. Kari shuffled back a bit."Sorry about that, but I was kinda focused on swinging and you were going to break my concentration." She replied. The boy growled and kicked up some dirt, landing it in Kari's face. "Well next time, don't act like your better than us! We're so much better than you, you goody-goody!" The boy laughed. Kari pulled her legs closer to her body as the boys started to chant."Goody goody!"

"Goody goody!" They sang, circling Kari. Goody-goody was the nickname these bullies had given to Kari, and she didn't like them it or the name one bit. It wasn't her fault she was nice to everyone and was good, it was just in her nature to be like that. What was so wrong about that?

"Goody Goody!" She started to cry. Their words stung.

They got through half of another chant when a voice broke through, louder than the three boy's combined.

"Shut up!"

The three boy's stopped, and turned to see a young boy. He looked about their age. He had unruly chocolate brown hair that spiked up in places. His eyes, like Kari, were a dark brown. He was wearing a flame red shirt with brown cargo pants.

"What?" The first boy asked, trying his best to look intimidating. It wasn't working.

"I said,shut up! Stop calling her names!" He countered, making the boys take a step away in fear. No one had ever stood up to them before. They weren't used to it."A-and just what are you going to do about it!" the bully said, trying his best to seem tough. The boy took a few steps forward, getting closer to the bully.

Scared, the bully froze. "Fine. Let's go boys." He said, trying his best not to shake in his pants. They left rather quickly, much to Kari's pleasure. Seeing the bullies leave, he sighed. "Good, there gone." He said. The brown haired boy turned, seeing Kari lay in the dirt.

He walked over and held his hand out. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, surprising Kari. She took his hand and nodded, pulling herself back up. She quickly dusted most of the dirt off her shirt.

"I'm fine. Thanks." She replied. The boy smiled. "Good! Those guys are bad news. I would stay away from them." The boy said. Kari nodded in agreement. "I was swinging on the swing when they came to me. I don't like them very much." She said.

"Well, since they are gone now, wanna race to see who can go the highest first?" He said, pointing towards the swings. Kari nodded excitedly. He grinned at her as they ran towards the swings, Kari taking her previous one while the boy grabbing the one next to her."I'm Kari by the way." She said, introducing herself. The boy smiled.

"Nice to meet you Kari! I'm Takuya."

Kari slowly stirred from her sleep, the peaceful dream she was having fade away from her vision.

"Takuya.."She mumbled, half-awake. Kari turned to fall back asleep when a shuffle at the foot of her bed got her attention. A white cat with it's tail flicking around slowly got up and stretched. "Morning Kari." The cat replied, jumping off the bunk bed and onto the floor. Kari yawned and smiled. "Morning Gatomon." she replied.

Groggily, Kari got out of bed and shook awake her brother Tai, who was asleep in the bunk below her own."Are there pancakes?" He mumbled. Kari let out a small giggle. "I'll make some if you get up." She said, walking out of the room. He almost instantly shot his eyes open and jumped out of bed, making Agumon fall to the floor.

"Ow!" The reptile groaned. Tai smiled sheepishly at his digimon partner. "Sorry Agumon." He apologized, and ran out the door. "Hey! I want pancakes too!" The digimon said, and followed his partner out the door.

A few months had passed since their last digital adventure had taken place, and new digidestined had been chosen. After dealing with the Digimon emperor and defeating the revived MaloMyotismon, Gennai and his friends had found a way to alter the memories of the innocent bystanders who saw the event Izzy had taken to calling the festival of lights, and the events in the human world that lead up to it. The digital world and it's occupants was once again secret information to the human world. The digidestined were also able to return home with their digimon, and everything is as it was almost half a year ago: peaceful.

Tai walked into the kitchen with Agumon on his tail. He sat down, seeing his sister with a thoughtful look on her face. "Have a bad dream?" Tai asked. Kari shook her head. "No..But I saw him again." She replied, looking through the fridge for another pancake ingredient, trying to hide her distress.

The brown haired boy nodded in response. He knew quite well about those dreams. "You miss him, don't you." he replied. There was no doubt in Tai's mind that she did. After all, who wouldn't miss their childhood friend that they haven't seen in four years? "Yeah.." she said.

A few weeks ago, Kari started dreaming of the time's she had spent with the first friend she made on her own: Takuya Kanbara. He had moved away a year after she had met him, and disappeared. Their phone number was the wrong house, and he never called. She really didn't like to think about it all that much. Shaking off the feeling of loneliness, she closed the fridge, sighing.

"I'm going to run to the store. Mom used up all the eggs again on another cooking experiment." She said, lightly shuddering at the thought of her Mom's cooking.

Tai nodded as the girl ran into their room and quickly changed into her normal gear before leaving, Gatomon following close behind. "Be right back!" She yelled as the door closed.

Kari walked down the streets, Gatomon following from the lamp posts above. She silently hummed a quiet tune to herself, her thoughts continuing to drift back to that day. She shook her head, trying to get those thought out of her head. What made her remember all of a sudden? Was it because he never became a digidestined and showed up to the festival of lights? Kari's thoughts were a mess. All because of that little boy.

"Kari, who was Takuya?" She heard her partner ask. Gatomon had actually never heard of this boy until recently, and the only thing she got from Kari was that they were friends. But to Gatomon, they had to be something more, since she kept having dreams about him. Right?

Kari stopped whistling. Looking around for anyone, which their hardy was anyone due to most people being at work. With a nod Gatomon jumped down on all four and stood back up next to her partner. "Was he that special?" She asked. Kari nodded.

"He was my best friend." She said, confusing her partner.

"Huh? I thought that was T.K." The feline replied. Kari let a small smile spreadacross her face. "I hadn't met T.K yet. Takuya was the first friend that I had made on my own."She explained. T.K had been introduced to her by Matt, since the older boy needed to watch him for the day and Tai needed to watch Kari, so they put them together and walked off to play a soccer game. Talk about good siblings.

Finally reaching the convince store, she walked inside to see a familiar bright purple hair color sitting behind the counter, reading a popular fashion magazine. "Hey Yolei." She greeted. Yolei took a second to look up from her magazine and smiled, instantly putting it down. "Hey Kari! What are you doing here?" she asked, scooping up the sleeping ball of pink feathers she had in her lap and walking over to the brunette.

"Mom used up all the eggs again for another try at a cake. She forgot to take out the egg shells ." Kari explained, getting a understanding look from the glasses girl. "Ah. Well that's..interesting." she said, not really knowing how to reply to that.

After paying for the eggs and waving goodbye to Yolei, Kari turned around and headed home, taking a different route back, as the one they went through before became more crowded and Kari didn't want her feline friend to be spotted. Gatomon returned to the lampposts, staying as close to Kari as the digimon could get.

They continued on their journey across town until they reached the park, at which Kari stopped for a moment. She took a few steps towards the park, watching two little kids play on the swings. "Kari?" Gatomon's voice snapped her from the trance she was in. "Sorry, got distracted there for a moment." She said, pulling her eyes away and continuing to walk. They walked not even four feet before a loud noise penetrated their ears, breaking the silence between them.


A loud bang rang out, startling Kari. "What the-"


It rang again, this time sounding louder than before. Her digivice began to beep wildly at her side, almost warning her that something bad was about to happen. Gatomon jumped down from her hiding spot, standing protectively in front of Kari. Something was off that made her tail stand up. "Kari somethings not right." The feline said. Looking around for any disturbances, the feline looked up and froze.

The once building littered, clear blue sky was now a sickening red color, with storm clouds swirling around the center of the storm. The center of it was a crimson red cloud, and was swirling around quite quickly.

Regaining her composure, Kari grabbed her D-3 from her side. "Whatever it is, we need to get to the bottom of it." Nodding in agreement, the duo ran towards what seemingly was the source of the sound, getting prepared to fight any rouge Digimon that found it's way into the human world. They took a right turn and ran into what seemed to be the center, and nearly freaked out on the spot.

The whole area below the swirl was covered in a wild array of data, forming codes of it and swirling in and out of the ground. The bluish data swerved in and out, making the data seem almost alive. Every now and then the center of it would spike into the air then go back out, releasing that giant boom noise they heard earlier.

"What... in the world.." Kari mumbled. Her D-3 in her hand wasn't helping, just releasing a high pitch noise and flashing wildly. Gatomon stared at the strange field, but stayed alert. She knew something bad was about to happen.

She was right. Moment's after she made that thought, the data spiked again, this time going higher and higher until ripping apart violently, revealing a giant, dark purple dragon.

"What..is that.."Gatomon awed. Kari shivered involuntarily. Whatever that digimon was..It wasn't friendly.

The dragon was huge, probably big enough to swallow two buses and go for another. It's scales, were a purple color, but so dark it could almost be mistaken for black. It had no eyes, instead it had a golden head ornament that connected to it's jaw. It had several set of wings, strange symbols glowing different colors on each one of them. In it's sharp, golden claws a giant black sphere stood, swirling and giving off large waves of killer intent.

"G-gatomon, Let's go!" Kari stuttered. Her whole body was shaking, She was afraid. Who wouldn't be of this thing though? It almost gave off pure evil intentions. Kari was frozen where she stood. Gatomon nodded in response, but also shook in her fur. "R-right!" The feline replied. Kari barely got out the word "digivolve" as another voice broke in, startling her.

"Oh no you don't!"

In an instant, the dark dragon digimon stopped moving and jerk a bit backward.

"W-what?" Kari gaped. Down in the data, there was another digimon, holding tight onto its giant tail. This one, unlike the giant rampaging one above it, had a different aura. Instead of the bloodlust that came from the dragon, the humanoid digimon showed nothing of the sort.

"Gatomon, who's that?" Kari said, pointing to the digimon in the ripple. Gatomon looked down and frowned. "I don't know." Her partner replied.

The digimon looked like a human, except it was much, much larger, but not much in comparison to their was wearing armor, a deep, gloss red color with dark gold lining. It's legs were a sky blue color instead of the rest of it. On it's back was a giant gold ring, poking out in places and connected to it's body.

The dragon seemed to know who this digimon was, and apparently they didn't like them. The moment they saw who it was they thrashed about, trying to get free of it's grip. But the warrior held on. "We're not done yet!" It spoke again, in a unison of two voices.

DNA-Digivolving? Kari thought instantly. That was Kari's only recognition of two voices for one digimon. IF that thing was one anyway. A loud roar from the purple beast broke Kari from her thoughts as the red warrior yanked on the tail, pulling him back to where ever they came from. It almost made it when the dragon made a last attempt attack.

Hearing something whisper, Kari and Gatomon watched as the multi-colored crest on his back shot off and fly away into the sky, leaving the monster with only one. With a satisfied roar, the monster receded into the data. The moment it did Kari fell to her knees, no longer able to stand up. "Kari!" Gatomon yelled. Kari smiled weakly. "I'm fine. Just bit..overwhelmed, that's all."She waved it off, getting shakingly back on her feet. With a final glance as the data dispersed, Kari let out a breath she didn't know that she was holding. She did NOT want to see that digimon again. "C'mon Gatomon, we need to go tell Tai and Agumon what happened." the brunette said. Gatomon nodded, and jumped back to her light post.

In a dark,hidden cave in the digital world, six figures stood around a large, old stone table. Each large, shadowy figures took a seat, every chair filling up except for the one at the front, which remained vacant. They all nodded, putting a small amount of their energy into their hand and into table. It glowed several colors and strange symbols at their stomachs, minus one who didn't fit in a chair.

They sat there in silence for a moment before a gruff voice broke it. "It seems Lucemon has failed..How unfortunate." The male voice stated, earning nods from a few of the other figures. A couple growled. "Do not go seeking revenge any of you. What Lucemon did has opened my eyes and shown me the path. The path to dominance." He lectured, earning a snort from a figure a few chairs away, sticking his feet on the table unrespectively.

"And what is the 'path to dominance'? That Lucemon underestimated those foolish humans?" It snickered. The figure next to him struck the being across the face, sighing a bit. "No you biking buffoon. Lucemon has showed us that if we act alone the humans barely pull through and defeat us. But together, we can crush those silly 'Digidestined'." She explained. Most of the other part of the table let out a silent awe of realization.

"So then, what do we do next?" Another figure asked. The first one laughed a bit. "Tis simple, my dear Belephemon. We gather our forces together and strike as one, defeating every digidestined from the face of all six worlds!" He screeched, earning cries of approval from them.

"Together, my fellow Demon Lords, Shall we rule the worlds!" He yelled.