Texas waddled into the bedroom, her 7 month baby bump sticking out in front of her.
"I'm fat" she whined to Dodger, who was sat on the bed
"No babe you're not fat, you're pregnant" he laughed putting his hand on her stomach
7 year old Hannah ran in with a cushion up her top "Look" she squealed "I'm pregnant too"
Dodger lifted her into the air and the cushion fell out making Texas laugh.
"You killed my baby" the girl said accusingly
Dodger held up his hands in surrender as she spun round and dashed out of the room.
Texas leant her head on Dodger's shoulder. Happy.

Liberty sat in the SU Bar with Dirk, Will and Dennis. They were talking about the enchanted party they held, to raise the money for their houseboat.
"I think we should make it an annual thing" Dirk was telling them
"We don't have the money for all the booze and decorations" Will argued
"The tickets will cover it" Dirk said simply.
"Alright?" greeted Dodger, walking in with Hannah
"Where's Texas?" asked Liberty
"Needed some peace and quiet" he told them, watching Hannah steal Dennis' glasses
"What do you think Dodge?" Dirk asked him
"About what?"
"Making the enchanted party an annual thing"
"Sounds good" Dodger told him "Better then hook a duck anyway" he said grinning at Will
"That a boy" Dirk smiled, getting up to get Hannah a milkshake

Texas went into the nursery and sighed. It was half painted, dust sheets covered everything and most of the furniture was still flat pack. She picked a paintbrush off the window ledge and began to paint.

An hour later Dodger returned home, having left Hannah with Liberty.
"Tex?" he called "I'm home"
He looked in the living room and the kitchen before going upstairs. As he reached the top, he could see the nursery door ajar. He went inside, Texas had her ipod in and was painting.
"Tex" he called "Texas" He walked over, putting his hands over her eyes. She took out the headphones hitting him. "Dodger you nearly gave me a heart attack"
"Sorry, but you shouldn't even be in here, you're meant to be resting"
"I find it relaxing" she argued as he took the brush and steered her out the room.
They went into the bedroom "Lay down and rest" he ordered "Han's with Lib so you can even sleep if you want"
"Will you come and lay with me?" she asked him. He smiled, taking her hand.

Hannah skipped along, holding Liberty's hand. "What shall we do Aunt Liberty?"
"I don't mind hun" Liberty told her as they crossed the road.
"Lib!" called Will, she spun round and he walked over
"Alright?" she asked him
"Uncle Will, you're playing today too?" Hannah asked enthusiastically
Will smiled at her "Yeah, sounds fun" he said lifting her onto his shoulders.
They walked past Chez Chez as Brendan walked out
"Hi" greeted Hannah
Will and Liberty watched to see what Brendan would say
"Morning Mini...Savage" he said walking into Price Slice.
"I'm not mini" muttered Hannah
Liberty and Will burst out laughing "William!" Brendan said suddenly, making them stop.
"Tell Ashley her shift at the bar starts at 6" he told him, before entering the shop.

Texas opened her eyes, she could hear Dodger's steady breathing beside her.
she leant over to see the time on the clock, but fell out of the bed!
Dodger woke up "Tex, are you ok?" he asked jumping out and going round to her.
She started laughing at the sight of his shocked face.
"You're a nightmare you are" he told her, helping her up "7 months pregnant, and flinging yourself out of bed" he teased.
"I fell" she declared, making him laugh
"Get back into bed Tex" he said "And stay in the middle so you don't "fall out" again" he told her, making quotation marks with his fingers and grinning.
"I did fall" she grumbled, a smile appearing on her lips.
He kissed her head before leaving the room.