Laney knew she was having that dream again. Same non-descript room filled with afternoon sunlight, Dean leaning over her, Carry on My Wayward Son playing on the strange, digitized clock-radio. And she knew what was coming. The darkness just over Dean's shoulder, raising the rebar spike again, looking like two monsters rolled into one. But something was different… something changed. It seemed like there was something even beyond the monster now. It was like pure light, bright enough to drown out the sun and blanch everything around it. And it was talking to her, telling her not to be afraid.

The movement of Dean's lips caught her attention. Again, he was speaking with no sound coming out. But this time when she looked at his face, her heartbeat seemed to slow down, calmed from its frantic rhythm. She knew she couldn't push him out of the way, he wouldn't budge with force. Instead, she leaned up, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him. He seemed to become more pliable under her skin. She soon realized she was rolling with him, so that she was on top looking down at him.

Dean looked scared, but Laney felt… serene. The light still seemed to be speaking to her, a quiet but powerful voice, urging her to protect Dean. But she didn't need to hear it. She'd already decided on it without that insistent voice buzzing in her ear. The only thing it was good for was when it told her the monster was about to strike. She smiled down at Dean, who seemed to be shouting at her without a voice. Panic, worry, anger, she was actually kinda touched.

She didn't feel the rebar being shoved through her heart. The only indication was the blood that splattered all over Dean's face and the end that stuck out between them. He reached up, trying to help her, but it was like he was too far away. And all she could focus on was the light buzzing repetitiously in her ears, over and over and over…

Eyes popping open, Laney realized the sound was her cell phone buzzing on the nightstand. Dean was snoring gently beside her and she scrambled to reach the phone to keep from waking him.


"Laney, this is Bobby," the gruff, familiar voice sounded. "Did I wake ya?"

She grumbled low. "Yep."

"Good," he replied flippantly. "Thought I'd let you know I talked to those Hunters I mentioned the other day. Now, none of them had any instances of classic rock music running through their head, but they all did say something about prophetic dreams."

"Of course they did," she groaned, wiping a hand down her face. "What kind of prophetic dreams?"

"Varied," he answered. "One guy just figured out his wife was banging the mailman. Another was able to figure out how to defeat a monster he was hunting. All over the map and seemingly very case specific. Have you been having any?"

"Well, I guess we only know if one of them comes true," she sighed. "Any luck on the spell front?"

There was a pause that told Laney all she needed to know. But after a beat, Bobby answered "I'm still workin on it."

"Thanks," she said whole-heartedly. "Get some sleep, old man. We'll probably be back in a night or two."

"Night," he grunted, agitated, and the line went dead. She shut her phone and laid her head back on the pillow. It startled her when Dean shifted to wrap an arm around her, pulling her easily against his chest.

"Who was that," he murmured against the top of her head, obviously still asleep.

"Just a friend," she answered, adjusting herself against him to be more comfortable.

His only response was a gentle "Mmm …"

Sam woke them both up with his phone call, Dean's cell having been set on its highest volume. He bolted upright, recognizing his brother's ringtone even in his sleep. "Yeah?"

"Dean, I found our vampire," Sam informed. "It's Vicki."

"The cardio instructor," he questioned, looking over to find Laney stretching her still-naked body across the sheets before sitting up with a curious look. "How'd you figure that out?"

"You're never gonna believe this," his brother remarked. "She threw a guy through a plate glass window because she said –and I quote- 'he's too fatty.'"

"Son of a bitch," Dean muttered. "Where are you? Laney and I will meet you there and track this bitch down."

"Followed her to a rundown house near 5th and Market. I can't tell if there's anyone else there or not."

Dean nodded to himself. "Okay 5th and Market. Sit tight, we'll be on our way."

He closed his phone and turned to look at Laney. She was already standing, slipping her panties back on with a slight shimmy that brought a smirk to his face. When she looked back over her shoulder at him, she raised an eyebrow. "You gonna get dressed, Dean? Or do you plan on going naked?"

He shrugged, but stood to get dressed. When he was just about finished, Laney rounded to his side of the bed, fully dressed, and brushed some lint off his jacket. She looked up at him with a smirk of her own. "Must be a little awkward waking up next to the girl you went to bed with."

Her tone had been teasing, which Dean found promising. He tilted his head a little in consideration. "I dunno. At least you don't snore."

Her soft chuckled made his smile widen. This was definitely going better than the last time. She moved away from him, toward the door and he followed her out of the motel room to the Impala. He was a little confused when she opened the door to the backseat.

"Sam's spot," she answered his unspoken question with a light air.

That tore it. She was being just too darn agreeable. He cleared his throat to get her attention, but when he had it, he felt a little awkward. "Um, Laney, can we maybe call a truce here? I mean, we're getting along great right now, but I don't want us to start fighting in the middle of a den of vampires over something stupid."

She seemed to consider it, but the smile had left her face which worried him. Finally, she stuck her hand out toward him in an offering. "Okay. You try not to be an arrogant ass and I'll try not to be a raging bitch. Deal?"

"Deal," he affirmed, taking her hand to give it a firm shake. She gave a curt nod before sliding into the backseat. He followed suit, hopping into the driver's seat to start the Impala.

"So," he asked, glancing at her in the rearview mirror with his smoothest smile as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Was last night still just mediocre?"

Laney leaned over the back of the seat and teased "You're getting better. Could use a little more practice though."

He glanced at her, slightly offended, but she leaned over and ran the tip of her tongue along the outer curve of his ear before nibbling gently. It caused him to shiver and he watched in the rearview mirror as she sat back with a coy smile. Strangely agreeable, but he couldn't deny that he was enjoying it.