Draco's P.O.V.

"Mr. Malfoy. I know you are a prefect and that you have duties, but that is no excuse for not doing your homework and failing classes. If you don't change soon, I will take away your prefect badge and give it to someone else. You are excused." Professor McGonagal finally said with her mouth in a stern line.

I have to pick up my grade soon, I need to be a prefect. Being a prefect gives me more time out of bed that I need to be able to fix the vanishing cabinet. If I don't I could die...

I need someone who knows everything about class. I have been so stressed out about coming up with a plan, I had missed everything in class. The question is... who? I was yanked out of my thoughts by somebody talking.

"Another O! How do you do it Hermione?" asked a bewildered and impressed voice behind me in the vast, nearly empty hallway.

A trio walked past me. The "Golden Trio" people called them. Potter, Weasley, and Granger didn't even look at me as they walked past.

They were in their uniforms. Potter with his gold and red tie undone and his messy, jet black hair. Weasley with his tie undone and his shirt un-tucked and and his prefect badge on his chest, with his bright red hair and freckles. Granger with her shirt tucked, tie tied, prefect badge pinned and her bushy, brown hair pulled back in a ponytail.

Then it hit me. I knew who I could ask to help me with my school work.

"Granger!" I called out desperately.

"What, Malfoy? Nothing else to do? Came to call me a mudblood for your entertainment?" she asked harshly with her arms crossed.

"I wanted to talk to you in privet." I stressed.

"Fine." she sighed.

Weasley and Potter started to draw their wands but Granger stopped them with her hand and started talking.

"Guys, I can take care of myself. After all, I did get an O on my Defense test. And you know how hard it is to get an O in Snape's class."

I gestured to a near by deserted classroom. I walked in and Granger cast a spell that would make it so nobody could overhear our conversation. I remembered the spell when the Dark Lord came to our house to speak with me privately about my mission. I could remember his cruel smile and his flat nose with his pet snake slithering on the floor. I shuddered at the memory.

Granger sat on top of a desk with her arms crossed in annoyance.

"Look, Granger..." I began.

"I have a name, Draco." Granger said coldly.

"Hermione, I need your help." I decided to throw in compliments to soften her up a bit. "You are the smartest person I know, so I was wondering if you could help me with school work." I said in one breath with my fingers crossed.

Please say yes. Please say yes. I chanted in my head. She studied me carefully, wondering if I was tricking her. She doesn't trust me. I said to myself. Well, can you blame her? I wouldn't trust myself either.

She finally sighed and nodded her head.

"What classes do you need help in?" she asked.

"All of them." I half mumbled and half whispered.

"Fine. Meet me in the Room of Requirement at seven. You do know where the Room of Requirement is, right?" I nodded my head.

She grabbed her bag and opened the door. Potter and Weasley almost fell in the room, for they were trying to eavesdrop with their ears pressed against the door. That is just like them. Always sticking their noses in other peoples business. Weasley glared at me accusingly.

"What did he want to talk to you about?" asked Potter in a low voice.

I strained my ears so I will be able to hear her answer. I prayed that she wouldn't tell them what we had recently talked about.

"Nothing really." she said and then she stopped talking and made a face showing that she wouldn't talk anymore.

I tried to get her attention and give her a smile to show that I was thankful, but they pretending like I didn't exist. The bell rang and we all rushed down the halls to potions class.

We ran into the room and sat down. Right when we sat down behind the desks, Professor Slughorn walked into the room talking about today's potion we will be brewing with a stack of papers in his hand.

Okay, first Harry Potter fan fic. Please review and tell me what you think. Should I go on? Please review!