After dinner Chiaki & Nodame were lying under the kotatsu. Chiaki was rechecking the scores for next day's rehearsal. And Nodame was lying on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling. She turned to face Chiaki.



was Chiaki's response.

"Nodame wants a kiss."

She said puckering her lips.

Chiaki rolled his eyes, throwing a pillow on her face.

"Go to sleep, you hentai!"

Nodame pouted while removing the pillow from her face.

"Why is it that sempai will kiss Nodame whenever he wants?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He said without even looking at her.

"That's not fair!"

Nodame frowned.

"Two can play that game!"

She muttered darkly.


Chiaki didn't hear what she just said. Nodame got up & went to their bedroom without looking back. Chiaki confusedly looked at her leaving the room.

What's going on her head now?

He thought but just shrugged & concentrated on his scores again.

It was almost 1 a.m.

Hmm..I'll finish this tomorrow.

Chiaki yawned.

I've to leave early in the morning.

He stood up. Placing the scores on his desk, he walked towards their bedroom. It seemed that Nodame was asleep. He changed his formal attire. Then carefully he got on his side of the bed. He looked at her & smiled. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward to put a soft kiss on her lips. When he was close enough, suddenly he felt something on his lips. He opened his eyes, finding Nodame's index finger stopping him to kiss her.

"If sempai is going to kiss Nodame then he has to sign this."

She shoved the piece of paper on his face. The paper said-

I, Shinichi Chiaki, will let Megumi Noda kiss me whenever she wants. I'll allow her anytime anywhere she wants to, without pushing her away.

Chiaki closed his eyes, frowning at the same time.

"In your dreams!"

He stated ripping off the paper.


Nodame looked at him indignantly. She just made a 'Hmph' sound & turned her back towards him.


Chiaki stared at her back for a while. Then he lied down to get some sleep. But he couldn't. He tossed & turned to no avail. Nodame was already in her dreamland. On the contrary, Chiaki couldn't get a shut eye for once that night.

Why can't I sleep? What's the big deal if I didn't kiss her goodnight. Arghhh!

He mentally argued with himself all night.

The following morning

Chaiki was ready to leave for the rehearsal. Nodame being angry, didn't even bother to look at him, rather enjoyed eating her breakfast that he cooked for her. Chiaki waited for a bit, hoping she would give him a hug or a goodbye kiss. His eyebrows started to twitch in irritation, when he noticed that she was still ignoring him.

Fine! Like I care!

He thought darkly, heading towards the door. Slamming the door shut behind him, he walked a few steps, then stopped.


Nodame, inside the room, just looked at the closed door sadly. Then suddenly-

*knock knock*

Nodame opened the door & found a very angry Chiaki staring at her.


Her voice got muffled by Chiaki's lips. He pulled away saying,

"Fine! You win! Kiss me whenever you want!"

Nodmae blushed & smiled her 'ahe' smile, Chiaki couldn't take it anymore. So, he kissed her again. But this time more passionately.

After a while they broke apart with flushed faces.

"That means Nodame can kiss sempai whenever she wants to, right?"

She chirped hugging his neck.


He averted his eyes blushing. He cleared his throat.

"But not in public!"

He said sternly holding her more closer. Nodame giggled.

"Fair now?"

Chiaki asked.

"Hmm..Fair enough.."

Nodame said.

They looked at each other happily & leaned in for another kiss.

Author's Note : So how was this One-shot? I think it's too fluffy. Anyway, your comments are always welcome. I'm really in the mood to increase NC fic. But I'll need your support too, readers ^^

So review it if you like it.
