Sakura sat underneath a tree, her head leaning against its surface. She stroked the large feline's head resting in her lap and struggled to hold back brimming tears. Her gaze fell and she couldn't stop them from spilling down her cheeks.

"I'm breaking your contract Makato," She whispered through hitched breaths to her summon. "I'll miss you."

"Oh darling," he purred. "I'll miss you too, but I'm glad you're happy. You deserve a good man."

Sakura smiled at those words as Makoto sat up and gazed at her through those intense blue eyes of his. "Don't cry dear. It makes your eyes puffy."

Sakura chuckled then stood and pulled out her contract with Makoto. With shaky hands, she ripped it in half. "I release you from our contract."

Makoto stepped toward her as Sakura threw her arms around the large saber-tooth tiger's neck. He nuzzled her and reached his front paw up to grasp behind her back, pulling her into a tight hug. Makoto closed his eyes and inhaled her scent, making sure that it remained embedded in his mind even if he'd forgotten its origin. Sakura released her former summon.

"Farewell Sakura-chan."

He disappeared in a whirl of smoke. Sakura's hand covered over her mouth as she tried to stifle her hitching breaths. Her heart ached with indescribable pain and it would only get worse. She still had to visit Lady Tsunade and Ino. Sakura sprinted to the Hokage tower, wanting to save the hardest goodbye for last. She bounded up the steps, entered and padded down the hallway until she reached familiar double doors. Sakura inhaled to steady her breathing then knocked hard. She heard the powerful "enter!" and did as commanded. Sakura bowed to her teacher.

"Lady Tsunade. I h."

The Hokage gave her a hard, concerned stare. "What is it, Sakura?"

Sakura wore her emotions on her sleeve, but it was different with close friends. They could sense what emotion Sakura felt. Their perception made her open to talking about her thoughts. The medic linked her fingers together, gaze filtered to the gigantic window.

"Would you leave everything to follow someone you loved?"

Tsunade's eyebrows shot up in surprise at such a question. "Are you in love Sakura?!"

"I am," she whispered.

Tsunade leaned back in her chair while she studied her student. Was Sakura contemplating leaving the village? A small twinge of pain echoed in her heart as she feared the worse. Almost every time someone close to her left, they didn't return. However, times were different now with a peace that lasted over a decade. Standing with someone you loved was a concept Tsunade understood.

Tsunade walked around her desk.

"Do you wish to rescind your title as a Leaf kunoichi?"

Sakura's breath hitched again. "I… I do."

"I see," Tsunade continued. "Bring the man responsible for this path to me before I give my decision."

Sakura paused. She wanted Gaara to meet her and Ino. She doubted they would hunt the Ones for their power. In fact, it seemed impossible. Sakura learned once a human disappeared from the mortal realm to the One's dimension, their friends and loved one's memories got wiped clean. It was like they never existed, but if they returned, depending on how strong the relationship was, they might remember. Sakura hoped they'd remember if she visited.

"Gaara, show yourself to Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade gazed around with confusion. Her eyes landed on Gaara's form as he emerged from the shadows to Sakura's side. "Good afternoon Lady Tsunade."

He bowed to her as the Hokage studied him, body tense with mistrust. "What village are you from and why couldn't I sense you? Only Sakura entered."

Sakura paused, knowing that it would require proof for her master to believe that Gaara was a One. He'd have to transform. Sakura waited for Gaara's response.

"I've been here on business and found Sakura. If I told you why you couldn't sense my presence, you wouldn't believe me."

Tsunade stared at him for a moment before nodding in response. Sakura knew the Hokage had many questions she had to ask, but her gaze bounced between them first. "Do you love her?"

"Yes," Gaara answered without hesitation. "I cannot bear the thought of being away from her."

Tsunade halted the smile creeping over her features. Love was such a powerful emotion. It made a person change their plans and ignore better judgment to stay with their loved one. Dan's face flashed into her mind and a smile tugged at her lips. Tsunade focused on the young adults awaiting her response.

"You didn't answer my question on which village you're from."

"I'm not from a village. I've descended from another realm."

Tsunade's eyebrows furrowed. "Don't toy with me! I-"

Her words ceased when the wind picked up within the office and half of Gaara's face morphed into the Shukaku. Since the battle, he'd learned to summon the Shukaku with ease. Paperwork whipped around them like a cyclone. Tsunade shielded her eyes, mouth agape at his form. She'd read about the Ones in mythical books. They shouldn't exist, but here stood the one of Rage. What brought him to Earth? Were the other Ones here? The Hokage bombarded Gaara with questions until she felt satisfied. Tsunade relaxed in her chair listening to the amazing battle of the Ones. During her interrogation, she scrutinized their interactions. The love between Gaara and Sakura radiated off them in waves.

Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temples. "When do you want to leave, Sakura?"

"Tomorrow morning," Sakura breathed.

Tsunade closed her eyes, gathering her thoughts before getting to her feet. She walked to Sakura and embraced her. "Very well." Tsunade grasped her student's chin and kissed her forehead. "Please take care of yourself Sakura."

Sakura threw her arms around the Hokage's shoulders. Tsunade rubbed her back. "You're making this harder on yourself Sakura." The blonde pulled back. "Get out."

Sakura smiled and grasped Gaara's hand. They exited and despite such a hard goodbye, contentment washed over her with Tsunade supporting her decision. Next was Ino. She decided on dinner then Sakura would explain everything. She hadn't paid attention to her closest friend with the stress of defeating Obito hanging over their heads. Sakura released Gaara's hand and traveled to the flower shop. At first, Sakura ambled down the familiar path as she tried to burn the images into her brain. Then she bolted to the familiar store. Sakura burst through the door and her best friend glanced up from the ground. She kneeled by a potted plant, gray gardening gloves covering her hands. The blonde paused, watering can in hand.

"What's wrong with you?!" she exclaimed while standing up.

Sakura smiled at her friend's abrasive response to her entrance. "Why don't you come over for dinner tonight?"

"Sure thing." Ino studied Sakura. "Something is wrong. No sassy retort?"

Sakura sighed and gave her friend a knowing smile. "Get me something to drink."

"You've got it!"

Sakura bought enough groceries for a small feast. Gaara would eat with them, too. She had such a heavy feeling in her heart. This was harder than she realized. She didn't think it would be easy, but the aching in her chest increased with each passing second. The weight being honest with Ino that would lift from her chest helped her relax, but knowing it was the last conversation they may have broken her heart. Delicious aromas filled her home and Sakura's stomach rumbled in response. She'd almost finished dinner. Sakura had made a bunch of different sushi rolls. They were her specialty, and Ino loved her spicy tuna rolls so she ensured her closest friend had one. Sakura was so nervous. How would Ino handle her friend dating someone, a celestial being, and leaving the human realm with him? That sounded ludicrous, even to her.

Gaara placed the rolls on the table. Sakura watched his back, and fondness bubbled up inside her. This man changed her life. Sakura didn't have any doubt of his love for her, a new sensation after her toxic pseudo-romance with Sasuke. Sakura heard the front door open. Normally, she fussed at Ino for not knocking, but Sakura left it unlocked on purpose. The mind jutsu user had a bottle of Junmai Diamino, a sweet sake. Last year, Ino and Sakura got addicted to it. It was so smooth with a hint of fruit. Sakura greeted her friend and took the bottle from her.

"You know me too well," Sakura joked.

"Same to you," Ino retorted when she noticed the spread of sushi rolls. "Spicy tuna there?"


Ino smiled. "Alright, well let's eat!"

The two women sat down at the table to fix their plates. Ino picked up a pair of chopsticks and grabbed a piece of sushi before fixing hers. Sakura moved to pour them glasses of sake. It seemed like their priorities were in the wrong place. They looked at each other and giggled. Ino placed her elbows on the table and gazed at Sakura.

"So, spill it!" she demanded.

Sakura sighed and linked her fingers together underneath the table. "This won't make sense, but I trust you more than anyone." She locked eyes with her best friend. "I'm leaving the village tomorrow morning."

Ino's blonde brows furrowed. "Like going on a mission?" She watched Sakura's expression remain solemn." Well, you're coming back right?"

"Maybe, but rarely."

Ino slammed her chopsticks down. Tears glistened in her eyes. "Where are you going and why?!"

"I know, I'm sorry, Ino. I've been dating someone for quite a while now and he wants me to return with him since he can't stay here."

Ino crossed her arms over her chest. "You've been dating someone and didn't tell me?! Where is this guy?! Why would you think you couldn't trust me with this?!"

"There were many reasons I couldn't disclose our relationship." Sakura glanced in Gaara's direction, knowing he remained invisible to Ino. "He's here. Gaara, show yourself."

The pinkette knew when her friend saw Gaara because she jumped and her eyes widened. "Why didn't I sense him?!"

"Because I am a One," Gaara explained. "Only people with ocular jutsu can sense or see me without me revealing myself."

Ino's face blanched. "A One, like the celestial beings?!"

"Yes," Gaara answered. "I am… I was the One of Rage."

Ino's face went blank. Sakura wasn't sure if she was breathing. Her gaze bounced from Gaara to Sakura before she stood and leaned over Gaara. "So, you were the one who killed hundreds of people like the story says?"

Gaara's cyan eyes remained the same. "I did."

"But he did that because-"

Sakura stopped when Ino held a hand up to silence her. She kept her eyes trained on Gaara, features serious as she grasped him by his shirt. "Have you changed?"

"Because of Sakura and finding out the truth, I have," Gaara responded without pulling from her grasp.

Sakura's heart warmed. She stood and wrapped an arm around Gaara's shoulders. He snaked his arm around her waist in response and pulled him to his side. She relished the warmth of his body and closed her eyes with content. Ino watched them intently. This was too much information. The mythology of the Ones had always been interesting to her, but to discover they existed and Sakura had fallen for the most dangerous of them blew her mind. Still, she needed proof.

"How do I know you're a One?" Ino questioned. "The One of Rage is the only known individual capable of sand jutsu."

Gaara shifted sand from his gourd. It filtered out, slithering to the floor before crawling up Ino's body. She stumbled back, but the sand constricted around her waist and lifted her feet off the floor. She squeaked.

"I'd like to see you in action!" Ino praised. "That's awesome! You have a tailed beast too. Like… Naruto."

Ino connected the dots, eyes widening and hand flying to cover her mouth as Gaara released her.

"Where's Naruto?!"

"He'll leave for the Realm of the Ones, too," Sakura murmured "He's still here for now."

Ino's gaze returned to her friend. She ran to Sakura and embraced her. Sakura hooked her arms underneath Ino's and gripped her shoulders. They held each other close. The pinkette couldn't stop the tears, her body wracked with sobs. Ino gripped her best friend's hair and wept.

Ino pulled back and stroked Sakura's face, laughing through her tears. "Stop crying. You're ugly when you cry."

Sakura chuckled and wiped her eyes. "So are you! Your eyeliner is streaking."

Ino pulled her into a hug again. "I only wish happiness for you. If you've found it with Gaara, go."

Sakura nodded as Ino's soft lips pressed against her cheek. She smiled and returned to their seats for dinner. They filled the rest of the night with laughter and fond memories. Gaara smiled more than she'd ever seen. A knock sounded at the door and Sakura stood to answer it. Naruto gave her a small wave while Sasuke glanced off in the distance with one hand on his katana. She invited them in and offered them the sushi. Sakura made too much.

"You're a One, Naruto?" Ino asked while taking a sip of her sake.

Naruto's expression turned to one of shock. "I-I."

Ino gave a dismissive wave. "Gaara and Sakura told me everything. The Nine Tails should have been the most obvious clue!"

Naruto chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I didn't remember until a few days ago."

With the help of Naruto and Sasuke, they devoured all the sushi. Naruto planned to see Hinata while Sasuke was returning to the Uchiha barracks. Sakura realized Sasuke had no companions once they left. She figured he would leave too because he was an Uchiha; Nine times out of ten, Madara would deny him. Hashirama could persuade him though.

"Are you coming, Sasuke?" Sakura called as he walked through the threshold of her home.

Sasuke paused but didn't turn around. "I'd rather not have a constant reminder that I did not value you when I had the chance."

Sakura blinked in awe that he spoke those words out loud. Sakura watched him shut the door behind him then turned to Gaara. Had he said that years ago, Sakura's heart would have jumped with excitement. Now it didn't matter. Soon, Ino gave her a final hug and departed. It was well past midnight, yet Sakura still felt wired. In a few hours, she'd leave Earth. The concept seemed so abstract; Sakura had trouble digesting it.

"Stay safe!" Ino shouted over her shoulder. "Come back and visit!"

Sakura remembered Ino may lose memories of them when she leaves. She explained that to Ino, but instead of her getting sad, Ino laughed. "There's no way I could forget an idiot friend like you!"

"Hey!" Sakura snapped. "Don't be a jerk!"

Ino gave her a wink before turning her attention to Gaara. "You take care of her or I'm coming for you!"

Gaara nodded in response. Sakura closed the door with a soft click and began cleaning the kitchen. She remained silent as she threw perishable food into the garbage. The medic didn't want her place filled with rotted food. Sakura had packed her belongings earlier. She had suitcases full of clothes and irreplaceable pictures of her friends. The photo of Team 7 from her childhood counted among the pictures she couldn't leave behind.

After cleaning the kitchen, Sakura and Gaara went to bed. They stripped to their underwear and climbed underneath the comforter's warm embrace. Sakura laid her head on her lover's chest, drawing lazy circles along his smooth skin. His gentle fingers ghosted up her arms while the other rubbed her back. In the beginning, Sakura couldn't stand Gaara and the feeling was mutual. Now she couldn't imagine her life without him in it.

"Are you excited to return to the realm?"

"I don't care where I am as long as you are with me."

Sakura's cheeks tinted. She locked eyes with her lover, ready to begin a new chapter in their lives together. Goodbyes were excruciating, but their bright future allowed her to shed some of her pain.


She focused her attention on Gaara and raked her fingers through his vermillion locks. "Yes?"

He leaned into her. "I… it's nothing."

"No tell me," she probed. "What is it?"

"Is this…" he swallowed. "Is the swirling emotion that burns through me every time I look at you, love? I told your leader I do, but I've never experienced this."

Undeniable adoration washed over her. Gaara didn't realize how passionate of a person he was. He loved hard and fierce; it consumed every fiber of his being. This was the first time they admitted they loved each other, yet he didn't have to speak it. Gaara's actions proved his love for her.

"It is." The kunoichi brushed her hands down the sides of his face. "It will only increase with time."

Gaara sat up and pressed his mouth against hers. Sakura's hands ran from his chest over his shoulders, stopping to lock her arms around his neck. The pinkette pulled herself into his lap, her legs stretched out on either side of his waist. His strong grasp tightened around her lower back and he pulled her closer. Sakura could feel his hardened member against his thigh. She reached in between them to grasp it and worked her hand over his length. He groaned into her mouth and laid her back to situate between her parted thighs.

The One released her mouth and dropped feather-like kisses along her throat and licked the hollow of it. Sakura opened herself, body and soul to her lover. Her green eyes were lidded and full of passion. She took his hand and pressed it against her breast, her back arching into his hand.

"I want you Sakura," he growled as he kneaded the soft mound.

"Then have me," she whispered and his mouth captured hers once more.

The next day, Naruto came over early and they waited for Madara to return them to the Realm of the Ones. Although yesterday had been hard, peace surrounded Sakura. She entwined her fingers through the red head's as they waited. Naruto seemed more cheerful and his friends picked up on it.

"Did you sleep with Hinata?" Gaara's blunt question caught his friend off-guard.

Naruto blushed hard. "What?! You can't just ask that! Don't you have any manners?!"

"I'll take that as a yes," Sakura giggled.

"Give me a break, guys," Naruto muttered.

They turned their attention to the kitchen as Madara and Hashirama appeared. The dark-skinned male walked toward them with a welcoming smile. "Are you all ready to go?"

"Yes," Gaara answered.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Sakura responded.

Hashirama's dark eyes turned to her. "We welcome you to our family Sakura. I'll make sure you enjoy your stay with us."

"Thank you, Hashirama."

"Enough with the sentiments," Madara interrupted, his ebony orbs remaining closed. His arms crossed over his chest with impatience. "Let's go."

Hashirama gave him a loving smile before motioning for the others to gather around. Sakura grabbed her bags and glanced over her living room with nostalgia. She memorized everything from the nick on the wood coffee table to the order of her medical books on the shelf. Gaara gave her hand a comforting squeeze. There was nothing more to say. Emerald eyes locked with her reflection in the wall mirror before they all disappeared in the blink of an eye.