La seguridad de que Rafael no había escapado de aquel lugar, le inspiraba al maligno ente el recorrer con lentitud toda la distancia entre la celda donde yacía Leonardo y el lugar donde su principal objetivo estaba aprisionado. Su andar recordaba a las dedicadas personas que pasean tranquilamente por un parque después de una larga jornada de trabajo para relajarse, pero en este caso era a causa de la presunción de que absolutamente nada dentro de sus dominios cambiaba o sucedía sin su voluntad. A cada paso que daba, una nueva idea surgía en su retorcida mente para hacerle pagar caro a Leonardo su osadía.

Antes de casi llegar a su destino, el falso Vengador olfateó con curiosidad sus garras manchadas de sangre. De repente, se detuvo; el aroma de la sangre de Leonardo comenzaba a hacerlo sentir extraño. Se sorprendió al percibir la gran diferencia entre la sangre falsa que fabricaba para los cuerpos copiados y la sangre genuina. Se llevó a la boca la punta de uno de sus dedos y saboreó con delicia aquel líquido vital.

Las pupilas de sus ojos rodaron hacia atrás, tan pronto como sus ojos quedaron en blanco comenzó a lamer toda la superficie de sus garras con avidez, su cuerpo era presa de un estremecimiento, un movimiento que evidenciaba que se encontraba completamente desconectado de la conciencia, sumido en un completo éxtasis.

―¡Ah! Exquisito. Hacía mucho tiempo que no disfrutaba de este manjar… ― murmuró para sí mismo, saliendo de su malsana enajenación, pero sin dejar de relamerse ―. Parece que no queda mucho para tentar a mi futuro aliado ―, pensó al mismo tiempo que revisaba su mano en busca de la más minúscula mancha de sangre.

― No importa, tan pronto como ambos regresemos nos divertiremos mucho. Pronto tendré dos almas atormentadas para servirme ―. Una mueca de vacilación apareció en su horrendo rostro, inclinó su cabeza, miró con indecisión sus garras y pensó ―: ¡Maldición! Pero no puedo dejar pasar esta oportunidad, un cuerpo lleno de esta sangre tan especial no se encuentra con facilidad.

Tomándose unos segundos para pensar en lo que más le convenía, el falso Rafael levantó la cabeza poco a poco y al mismo tiempo que lo hacía, el tono carmesí de sus ojos brillaba con más intensidad ―. Decidido, mi futuro aliado y yo nos daremos un gran festín.

Dos segundos después de cortar el hilo de sus pensamientos, el falso Vengador había llegado al lugar donde se encontraba la salida. La figura de Rafael tratando inútilmente de zafarse de la sombra que se enroscaba en su cuerpo, fue la primera imagen que registraron sus ojos.

―Así que… al fin has descubierto la verdad, ¿no es así mi buen amigo? ―preguntó con crueldad el maligno espíritu a Rafael, después de adivinar con la mirada que su futuro compañero ya había visto la forma original de su ayudante.

―¿¡QUÉ LE HICISTE MALDITO!? ¡LIBÉRALA ENSEGUIDA! ― Exigió Rafael que trataba de soltarse, pero ahora en sus esfuerzos se notaba que lo hacía con más delicadeza que antes.

―¿Qué te hace pensar que yo la tengo bajo mi control? ― preguntó divertido el falso gemelo ―. A pesar de que soy casi invencible, no tengo la capacidad para imponer mi voluntad en los demás si es que no existe de antemano una enorme emoción negativa dentro de ellos. Mis poderes me permiten torcer tus huesos hasta que se rompan, desgarrar tus carnes hasta que clames por piedad y… también me permiten elevar al máximo el lado perverso más grande que el ser en cuestión pueda poseer… tú sabes bien a lo que me refiero. Si el elegido quiere… no sé… humillar o hacer pedazos al que piensa que lo ha relegado toda la vida en un segundo plano, pues yo le proporciono la oportunidad de hacer su sueño realidad. Así es como funciona, mi amigo.

Rafael, apretando los dientes y los puños, miró con un rencor infinito a su maligno doble quién lo había mirado directamente a los ojos burlándose de él. El ninja de piel esmeralda tomó una decisión drástica. Usando gran parte de la energía que su hermano le había dado para huir, se esforzó al máximo sin miramiento alguno para liberarse de la sombra, y lo logró. La sombra enrollada alrededor de su cuerpo pareció estirarse hasta el punto en que no resistió la fuerza de su prisionero y se desgarró en varios pedazos que volaron en varias direcciones como los trozos de un globo que acababa de estallar.

Ya sin ataduras e impulsado por la ira, Rafael se puso de pie y, acercándose con rapidez a su doble, le asestó un puñetazo que hubiera derribado un muro haciéndolo temblar hasta sus cimientos. Inclusive la mano del guerrero esmeralda había quedado incrustada en el rostro del maligno ente, todos los huesos faciales habían quedado destrozados. Rafael retiró su mano con satisfacción y también un poco de asco. Tenía la certeza de que por fin había acabado con el responsable del sufrimiento que había soportado por más de dos meses, pero se equivocaba.

El cuerpo de su enemigo no se había desplomado, una risa ahogada y burlona se colaba por entre los tejidos aplastados, haciendo borbotear la sangre que se filtraba por todos los desgarres. Rafael retrocedió sin dejar de apretar sus dientes, el miedo y el asombro mezclados lo hacían sentir indefenso, trató una vez más de dirigirse a la salida, pero una cadena se enroscó en sus piernas haciéndolo caer de bruces a medio camino. Reconoció de inmediato su arma favorita en el tiempo en que se dedicaba a ser el Vigilante Nocturno. Lanzándole una mirada de odio a aquel demonio, pudo observar con claridad como cada hueso, cada músculo y cada tejido del rostro del impostor volvían a la normalidad.

―¡Es tan divertido darte falsas esperanzas amigo mío! ―Exclamó lleno de burlona alegría el Rafael falso al mismo tiempo que los pedazos de la sombra se reunían de nuevo para formar una vez más una sola pieza ―. Ver en tu cara esa satisfacción tan gratificante después de la destrucción que provocas, son experiencias que me llenan de vida, ¡eres justo el que necesito para llevar a cabo mi labor de destrucción! ¡Tú y yo estamos cortados de la misma tela! ― Terminó diciendo al mismo tiempo que jalaba con fuerza de la cadena arrastrando el cuerpo del ninja de rojo hasta que estuvo muy cerca de sus pies, mirándolo como se mira a un pobre diablo que nunca tuvo la menor oportunidad de escapar.

Mientras era arrastrado Rafael estuvo boca abajo, pero al sentir que ya no lo jalaban, giró sobre sí mismo aún tirado en el suelo para mirar de frente a aquel demonio ― ¡Estoy harto de que me compares contigo! ¡Yo no soy como tú y jamás voy a serlo! ¡Todos esos dolorosos hechos que por desgracia mi hermano ha tenido que soportar por culpa de mi indomable mal carácter no implican que yo lo odie! Y no me interesa si lo crees o no, yo sé que Leo sí lo sabe, porque él siempre me ha perdonado y me acepta tal como soy; no sólo lo quiero con toda mi alma sino que yo también, al igual que mis dos hermanos menores, lo he admirado desde la infancia. No sé qué clase de tretas baratas has estado usado en mi contra, pero nada puede destruir esa verdad que está dentro de mi corazón. Mi hermano me quiere y yo a él. ¡Nunca lograrás tu cometido, maldito desgraciado!

La sonrisa en el rostro del impostor casi se había esfumado después de escuchar a Rafael, esa voz colmada de una firme sinceridad combinada con un amor verdadero, no dejaba lugar a dudas que aquel demonio había incitado el lado malo de la personalidad de Rafael, pero ese lado obscuro no estaba al mismo nivel de sus sentimientos verdaderos que a pesar de estar ocultos la mayor parte del tiempo, no dejaban de ser superiores a su enorme defecto.

Un largo rato duró la pelea entre las miradas de ambos combatientes, después de las palabras de Rafael ambos se habían quedado en silencio, pero el demonio sonrió, aún tenía una carta bajo la manga, esa sonrisa perversa una vez más logró erizarle la piel a Rafael.

― Cierto, no voy a negarlo, tus verdaderos sentimientos por Leonardo son justo como los que acabas de describir. Tú quieres mucho a tu hermano y por ese cariño y esa admiración que sientes por él serías capaz de seguirlo hasta el fin del mundo, inclusive si él tuviese que enfrentar a todos los demonios del infierno tú estarías a su lado para ayudarlo… porque sabes de sobra que él daría su vida por ti en cualquier momento, también te acepta y te ama a pesar de que le has gritado infinidad de veces que lo odias, pero… ― aquellas palabras sonaban como un preámbulo aterrador, como una amenaza que comienza de forma vaga, pero la angustia que la acompaña es inmensa desde el inicio, era una velada advertencia de que algo importante se escapaba de los pensamientos de Rafael y por desgracia, estaba en lo cierto.

― Pero… sería estúpido de mi parte no conocer a la perfección a mi oponente, ¿o no es así como se debe uno enfrentar a un adversario, no sólo conocerse a sí mismo sino también al rival? Me temo que subestimas esos pequeños lapsos de odio verdadero que has llegado a sentir, Rafael, ¡no lo niegues! Permíteme recordarte esos gloriosos momentos en los que creabas con pensamientos rencorosos tus ideas de venganza.

Rafael, como estaba tirado en el piso con la cadena aún aprisionando sus piernas, no podía huir. El falso Vengador mostró los afilados y agudos colmillos que le daban forma a su burlona sonrisa, puso una rodilla en tierra cerca de Rafael, acercó su boca al oído de su prisionero, y aunque Rafael trató de alejarse lo más posible, escuchó el susurro de aquel demonio ―: Recuerda…

Al sonido de aquella odiada voz, Rafael pudo ver con claridad el dojo de su hogar. Su padre frente a él le sermoneaba una vez más por no tener el suficiente empeño en su entrenamiento y también porque en un ataque de ira, su hermano más pequeño resultó seriamente lastimado. Leonardo, al lado de su padre, también miraba a su gruñón hermano con ojos preocupados por él y por Mikey.

―Rafael, hijo, ya no sé qué hacer para ayudarte a dominar ese mal genio que tienes. Tu hermano ya estaba en el piso después de tu ataque y no es honorable el atacar a quien ya ha sido vencido. Debes disculparte con Miguel Ángel ―. El más joven volteó a ver a su hermano de rojo esperando una disculpa mientras Donatelo atendía la profunda herida en su brazo. Rafael recordaba lo sucedido.

El más rudo estaba entrenando con Miguel Ángel, quien esquivaba hábilmente todos sus golpes. Mikey, desde el inicio del enfrentamiento, estaba mofándose de su gruñón hermano. Sus bromas estaban sacando de quicio a Rafael.

― ¡¿De verdad crees que eres mejor que yo?! ― Gritó Rafael acercándose peligrosamente a su hermano, después de que Mikey le había propinado un buen zape en la cabeza.

― No ―, contestó Miguel Ángel, al mismo tiempo que sus manos se entrelazaron con las de su hermano ―, lo que pasa es que a veces eres demasiado arrogante, Rafa ―. Después de decir esas palabras Mikey usó la fuerza de Rafael en su contra. Mikey lo lanzó y el ninja de rojo cayó pesadamente al piso.

La cólera de Rafael sobrepasó su razonamiento, al mismo tiempo que se puso de pie empuñó uno de sus sais y se abalanzó sobre su hermano que se alejaba para sentarse en el piso delante de su sensei. Rafael saltó y pateó a Mikey con ambos pies, derribándolo al piso.

Rafael, colocando una de sus rodillas sobre el pecho de Mikey, levantó de inmediato el brazo que sostenía su arma para atacar a su pequeño hermano.

― ¡Rafa, espera! ― Gritó Mikey tratando de protegerse cruzando sus brazos frente a su rostro. Leonardo y Donatelo se acercaron para tratar de contener a Rafael. Leonardo alcanzó a sujetarlo primero, pero ya era tarde, un profundo corte en el antebrazo del bromista dejaba escapar mucha sangre.

― ¡Rafael esta vez si te has excedido! ― le reclamó el más listo al darse cuenta de que el corte había llegado hasta el hueso de su hermanito ― ¡si no hubiera sido por Leo quién sabe qué más habría ocurrido!

― Ya no intentes negar tus verdaderos sentimientos, Rafael ―susurró con molesto tono melifluo aquel demonio a los oídos del rudo guerrero ―Vamos, admítelo, ¿acaso no recuerdas la cantidad de veces que has querido darle una verdadera paliza a ese idiota, haciéndole comprender que sus estúpidas bromas lo único que logran es hacer más y más grande tu hastío de estar encerrado, confinado…?

― Además, puedes estar seguro que ese ridículo bufón lo ha hecho para burlarse de ti de una forma humillante, tal vez porque en realidad nunca te ha querido… tú sabes que para él sólo existe Leonardo a quien admira como si fuera un gran héroe…

Los ojos del verdadero Rafael se entrecerraron en cuanto frunció el ceño recordando todas las bromas que Miguel Ángel le había jugado, pero sus recuerdos estaban deformados por las palabras de su intangible clon, las cuales tenían el poder para alterar sus recuerdos haciéndolo pensar que las inocentes e inofensivas bromas del más chico habían sido trampas maquinadas por Leonardo y llevadas a cabo por Mikey para lastimarlo en más de una forma.

―También Donatelo te ha humillado en miles de formas haciéndote sentir inútil o idiota… de seguro que recuerdas quien estaba presente en cada ocasión para saborear esos momentos, ¿verdad? Otros recuerdos alterados. En varias ocasiones cuando Rafael también ponía al límite la paciencia de su hermano de morado, Donatelo también entraba en la batalla de malas palabras y Leonardo, tratando de imponer el orden en la pelea trataba de intervenir cada que podía.

Pero, en el recuerdo alterado, Leonardo sólo se sonreía cada vez que Donatelo usaba alguna palabra que estaba fuera del entendimiento de su hermano de rojo, haciéndolo sentir estúpido.

El que Leonardo estuviera al lado de sus hermanitos para poder evitar que Rafael perdiera la paciencia y se entregara a la ira cegadora, siempre le hacía pensar que Leonardo siempre estuvo en su contra, no que intentaba ayudarlo para que pudiese controlarse, y eso le sucedía casi siempre y sin ayuda de ningún ser maligno; pero ahora, como el impostor tenía el poder para elevar el nivel de aquella ira que nacía por sí sola, Rafael no tenía duda alguna de que Leonardo lo odiaba y que sus hermanitos, engañados por Leonardo, lo despreciaban también.

Esa treta fue todo lo que se necesitó para que Rafael cambiara de bando en un santiamén.

La cadena alrededor de las piernas de Rafael pareció tener conciencia propia pues justo después de que una sonrisa vengativa dilatara los labios de la tortuga más fuerte, poco a poco lo dejó en libertad, el resentimiento ahora inundaba su mente. Ahora los ojos de Rafael, imitando a los de aquel demonio, no sólo centelleaban de rabia y odio, sino que también se hacían notar por el inmenso brillo carmesí.

― Vamos a donde está… él… ― esas fueron las palabras de Rafael después de ponerse de pie, palabras que desbordaban rencor y una sed de venganza que suplicaba ser saciada a la brevedad. Además, Rafael no pudo decir el nombre del que hasta hace poco describía con todo su cariño, el odio mezclado con el desprecio le impidieron pronunciar su nombre.

Satisfecho por el resultado de su maligna estratagema, el falso Vengador se hizo a un lado para dejar pasar a Rafael, aquel demonio estaba muy entusiasmado por presenciar, por fin, el verdadero tormento maquinado para Leonardo, no sólo ansiaba regodearse en el sufrimiento del que había osado tocarlo sino también alimentarse de su sangre, líquido vital repleto de una pureza conferida por un alto nivel espiritual. Iba a ser una noche gloriosa y el demonio saboreaba cada segundo de su enfermiza expectativa.

El portal abierto por Splinter y que sus hijos ayudaban a mantener activo para que Rafael y Leonardo pudiesen escapar, ahora quedaba abandonado, Rafael ni siquiera miró atrás, sus ojos estaba fijos en el camino que lo llevaría a disfrutar del momento aquel que tanto había esperado, el momento que le prometía darle un escarmiento al que tanto lo había humillado, al que tanto le había recriminado, al que tanto lo había sermoneado una y mil veces imponiéndole sutilmente la idea de que era inferior en todos los aspectos.

Antes de seguir los pasos de su próximo camarada, el falso vengador chasqueó sus dedos; al hacer eso la sombra se acercó al portal y de alguna forma lo atravesó; pasando del plano espiritual al real sin dificultad.


Splinter ya no sonreía, estaba convencido de que algo había salido mal y que Rafael en vez de acercarse a la salida, se volvía sobre sus pasos. Pero lo que más alarmaba al viejo sensei era que la energía positiva de Rafael poco a poco cambiaba a un impulso violento e irrefrenable. Las miradas titubeantes de Miguel Ángel y Donatelo iban y venían de Leonardo a Splinter, mostrando su confusión.

Su padre de pronto soltó las manos de ambos. El portal, desprovisto de un flujo constante de energía comenzó a reducirse con relativa rapidez, pero no lo suficiente como para impedir que la sombra la atravesara.



The assurance that Raphael hadn't escaped from that place inspired the evil entity to slowly cover the entire distance between the cell where Leonardo was and the place where his main objective was being held hostage. His pace resembled the steps of dedicated people who quietly walk around the park after a long day of work to relax, but in this case it was because of the conceit that absolutely nothing within his dominion could change or happen without his consent. At every step he took, a new idea appeared inside his twisted mind, anything to make Leonardo pay dearly for his lack of respect.

Before he reached his destination, the fake Night Watcher sniffed his claws stained with blood with curiosity. Suddenly, he stopped; the scent of Leo's blood began to make him feel strange. He was amazed after sensing the huge difference between the fake blood he made for the copied bodies and Leo's genuine blood. He raised the tip of his finger to his mouth and savored that blood with great delight.

The pupils of his eyes rolled back in his head, as soon as his eyes were blank, he started to lick the entire surface of his claws greedily. His body was seized by a tremor, movements which reflected he was completely disconnected from consciousness, mired into a total ecstasy.

"Ah! Delicious! It has been a long time since I enjoyed this delicacy..." He murmured for himself finally coming out from his unwholesome mental derangement, but he was still licking his fingers. "It seems there is not much left to tempt my future ally." He thought at the same time he was looking at his hand in search of the tiniest stain of the vital liquid.

"It doesn't matter, as soon as we get back, we will have lots of fun. Soon I will have two tormented souls to serve me." An expression of hesitation showed up on his hideous visage, bowed his head, looked at his claws with vacillation and thought: "Damn! I can't pass up this opportunity, a body filled with this unique blood can't be found so easily."

He took a few minutes to think what was best for him, the fake Raphael slowly raised his head and at the same time he was doing that, the crimson shade in his eyes was shining even more. "Well, I have decided it, my future ally and I will feast together."

Two seconds after he had interrupted his train of thoughts, the false Night Watcher had arrived to the place where the exit was. Raphael's figure uselessly trying to wriggle out of the shadow's grip was the first thing his eyes saw.

"So, you finally have discovered the truth; haven't you, my good friend?" The evil spirit asked Raphael cruelly, after he had guessed with just a glance that his future ally had already seen the true form of his helper.

"What did you do to her, you fucker!? Free her at once!" Raphael demanded, trying to get free, but this time his efforts showed that he was doing it not as brutally as before.

"What makes you think I got her under my control?" The fake twin asked very amused. "Even though I'm almost invincible, I don't have the ability to impose my will in other people if there isn't from the start a huge negative emotion inside them. My powers allow me to twist your bones until they snap, I can tear your flesh until you beg for mercy and... they also allow me to maximize to the highest level the worst side of your personality, and you know what I mean... If the chosen one wants... I don't know... to humiliate or tear apart someone he thinks has overshadow him his whole life, well, I provide him the opportunity to make his dreams come true. That's how it works, pal."

Raphael, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth, looked at his evil double with a grudge, that spirit had looked at him right into his eyes mocking him. The emerald skinned turtle made a drastic decision. Using a large part of the energy his big brother had given him to run away, unceremoniously gave his best effort to free himself from the shadow's grip, and he made it. The shadow that was coiled around his body stretched out to the point where it couldn't resist its prisoner's strength and was torn apart into several pieces which fly out in different directions, like the pieces of a balloon that had just blown up.

Without restraints and driven by rage, Raphael stood up and quickly approaching to his double he landed a blow on the impostor's face, the force of the blow had knocked down a wall after it had made it quake to its foundations. Even the hand of the emerald warrior had remained incrusted in the face of the dark entity, all the facial bones were completely shattered. Raphael drew back his hand with satisfaction and also a bit of disgust. He was certain that finally he was done with the responsible of the suffering he had endured for over two months, but he was wrong.

The body of his enemy hadn't collapsed, a mocking and choked laugh seeped through the smashed tissues, bubbling blood through every rupturing. Raphael stepped back while still gritting his teeth. Fear and astonishment mixed made him feel helpless, once again he tried to go towards the exit, but a chain wrapped itself around his legs and made him fall flat on his face halfway.

Raphael immediately recognized his favorite weapon he used to use when he was the Night Watcher. Fixing his eyes filled with rage on that demon, he clearly observed how each bone, each muscle and every tissue of the demon's face went back to normal.

"It's so much fun to give you false hopes, my friend!" The fake turtle exclaimed, filled with mocking joy as the pieces of the torn shadow got together again to form once again a single piece. "To see on your face that rewarding satisfaction after the destruction you cause, it is an experience which fills me with life. You are the right one I need to carry out my task of devastation! You and I were cut from the same cloth!" He finished saying at the same time he strongly pulled at the chain, dragging Raphael's body until it was near his feet, looking at him like he look a poor devil who never had the slightest chance to run away.

While he was being dragged Raphael was face down, but at feeling that he wasn't dragged anymore, he rolled over, still lying on the ground to look at the demon straight in the eyes. "I'm sick of you comparing me with you! I'm not like you and I'm never gonna be! All those painful events which unfortunately my big brother has had to endure because of my bad temper don't imply that I hate him! And I don't care if you believe it or not, I know Leo knows it, because he always has forgiven me and accepts me for who I am; I not only love him with all my heart, but I also admire him ever since we were kids, just like my two little brothers have done it. I don't know what kind of cheap tricks you have been using against me, but nothing will destroy that truth which is inside my heart. My big brother loves me and I love him! You will never get what you want, you fucking bastard!"

The smile on the impostor's face was almost gone after he had heard Raphael, that voice filled with a firm sincerity mixed with a true brotherly love didn't leave no room for doubts that the demon had incited the bad side of the personality of Raphael, but that dark side wasn't at the same level that his true feelings which despite being hidden most of the time, they kept being greater that his big flaw.

A few minutes lasted the staring contest between the two combatants, after Raphael's words, both fighters had gone quiet, but after a while the fiend smiled, he still had a little surprise up his sleeve, that wicked smile once again managed to make Raphael's skin crawl.

"True, I'm not gonna deny it, your true feelings for Leonardo are just like you described them. You feel deeply about your brother and for that affection and that admiration you feel for him you would be willing to follow him till the end of the world, even if he had to face all the demons in hell, you would be by his side to help him because you know damn well that he would give his life for you at any time, he also accepts you and loves you, despite the fact that you have shouted at him numerous times that you hate him, but..." Those words sounded like a horrifying preamble, like a threat that begins in a vague way, but the anguish that goes along with it is immense from the beginning, it was a veiled warning that something important, something was missing from Raphael's thoughts and sadly, he was right.

"But, it would be foolish of me not to know my opponent perfectly. Isn't it true that's how I must face an adversary? I not only must know myself, but also my rival. I'm afraid you underestimate those little lapses of true hate you have come to feel, Raphael. Don't deny it! Let me remind you those glorious moments when you created with grudge thoughts your ideas for revenge.

Raphael was still lying on the floor, the chain was still around his legs, he couldn't escape. The fake Night Watcher showed the sharp, thin fangs that shaped his mocking grin. He got down on one knee next to Raphael, he approached his mouth to his prisoner's ear and even though Raphael tried to move away as far as possible, he heard the demon's whisper: "Remember..."

To the sound of that hated voice, Raphael clearly could see the dojo of his home. His father was before him and was lecturing him once again for not having enough commitment to his training and also because in a fit of rage his baby brother was seriously injured by him. Leonardo, at his father's side, was also looking at him with worried eyes about him and Mikey.

"Raphael, my son, I no longer know what to do to help you dominate that bad temper you have. Your brother was already lying on the floor after your attack and it isn't honorable to strike someone who has already been defeated. You must apologize to your brother." The youngest turtle turned his head to see his brother in red waiting for that apology while Donatello was treating the deep gash on his arm. Raphael remembered what had happened.

The tough turtle was training with Michelangelo, who was cleverly dodging all his punches. Mikey, from the beginning of the battle, was teasing his grumpy brother. His jokes were getting on Raphael's nerves.

"Do you really think that you are better than me!?" Raphael shouted, dangerously approaching to his baby brother after Mikey had smacked him on the head.

"No," Mikey replied as his hands' fingers intertwine with Raphael's, "it's just that sometimes you are too arrogant, Raph." After uttering those words Mikey used Raphael's strength against him. He threw him and the grumpy turtle heavily hit the floor.

Raphael's wrath surpassed his reasoning, at the same time he got up he took a sai out of his belt and pounced on Mikey that has turned around and was walking towards his sensei to kneel before him. Raphael jumped and kicked him with both feet and knocked him down.

Raphael placed one of his knees over Mikey's chest, he raised his arm holding his weapon to attack his little brother.

"Raph! Wait!" Mikey yelled at him trying to protect himself crossing his arms in front of his face. Leonardo and Donatello got close trying to stop him. Leonardo managed to hold him down first, but it was late, a lot of blood was welling up from a deep gash on the prankster's arm.

"You have gone too far this time, Raphael!" The smartest turtle barked at him, realizing that Mikey's wound was so deep that he could see the bone. "If it hadn't been for Leonardo, something else even more serious would have happened!"

"Don't try to deny your true feelings anymore, Raphael," the demon whispered in an annoying mellifluous tone in the ear of the tough warrior, "come on, admit it. Don't you remember the number of times you have wished to give that idiot a real beating, to make him understand that his stupid pranks only make you feel more and more confined and stressed?"

"Besides, you can be sure that ludicrous buffoon has done everything to make fun of you in a humiliating manner, maybe because he has never loved you. You know that for him only Leonardo exists, and he looks up to him like he is a great hero..."

The eyes of the real Raphael narrowed as he frowned when he remembered all the pranks Mikey had played on him, but his memories were distorted by the words of his intangible clone, those words had the power to change his memories, making Raphael think that the innocent and harmless pranks of the youngest turtle had been traps planned by Leonardo and performed by Michelangelo to hurt him in more ways than one.

"Donatello has also humiliated you in any number of ways, making you feel like an idiot or like you are useless. I'm sure you remember who was there at every opportunity to relish in those moments, don't you?" Another distorted memory. On several occasions when Donatello lost patience with Raphael, the smartest turtle also was involved in the battle of bad words, so Leonardo was trying to impose order, tried to intervene every time he could.

But, in the distorted memory, Leonardo only smiled every time Donatello used a word that was out of Raphael's understanding, making him feel stupid.

If Leonardo was there with his brothers it was because he wanted prevent that Raphael could lose his patience and gave up to the blinding rage, but that made him Raphael think that Leonardo was against him, not that he was there to help him to control himself and that happened to him almost always and without the help of any evil being. But now, as the demon had the power to raise the level of that rage that was born by itself, Raphael had no doubt that Leonardo hated him and his little brothers, fooled by the leader, hated him too.

That was all it took to make Raphael to switch sides.

The chain wrapping Raphael's legs looked like it had a consciousness of his own because just after that a vengeful smile widened the lips of the tough turtle, it slowly released him. Now bitterness was flooding his mind. Then Raphael's eyes imitated the demon's eyes, not only they were twinkling with rage and hate, but also they were noticed more by the intense crimson brightness.

"Let's go where he is..." Those were Raphael's words after he got to his feet, a language that was overflowed with a grudge and a thirst for revenge which begged to be quenched as soon as possible. Besides, Raphael couldn't say the name of the brother who until recently, he was describing with all his love. The hate mixed with the contempt prevented him from saying that name.

Satisfied with the outcome of his malignant ploy, the fake Night Watcher stepped aside to let Raphael pass. The fiend was very excited to witness, at last, the real torment planned for Leonardo, he hasn't only longed to gloat over in the suffering of the one who had dared to touch him, but also feed on his blood, vital liquid filled with a purity conferred by a high spiritual level. It was going to be a glorious night and the evil being was savoring every single second of his morbid expectation.

The portal opened by Splinter, the one his sons were helping him to keep open so Raphael and Leonardo could escape; now it was forsaken. The hothead turtle didn't even look back. His eyes fixed full upon the way that would take him to enjoy the moment he had been expecting for so long, the moment he would start the punishment for the one who had humiliated him so much, the one who had reprimanded him a lot, the one who had lectured him to no end, subtly imposing him the idea that he was inferior in every aspect.

Before following the lead of his future comrade, the fake Night Watcher snapped his fingers, after doing that the shadow got close to the portal and somehow it went through it; going from the spiritual plane to the real one without difficulties.


Splinter wasn't smiling anymore, he was convinced that something had gone wrong and Raphael instead of coming closer to the portal, he was retracing his steps. But what worried the old sensei the most was that Raphael's positive energy was changing little by little into a violent and unstoppable impulse. The hesitant looks of Mikey and Donnie went from their father to Leonardo, showing their confusion.

Suddenly, their father let go of their hands. The portal, devoid of the constant flow of energy, began to close fast, but not enough to prevent the sinister shadow went through it.

To be continued…