I needed something cute and fluffy to write in this hot weather, so have some brotherly bonding time in the pool.

Disclaimer: I don't own these precious boys; I just borrow them from time to time.

It's the middle of the summer, and Alfred is forcing them all to take a day off after a particularly difficult job.

Bruce is lounging in a chair with a book in one hand and a cold drink in the other but he's dangerously close to falling asleep, the result of staying up for over two days straight. The four boys are scattered around the area nearby, looking just as tired.

Dick is floating on his back in the pool, appreciating the contrast of the cool water and warm sun, his skin starting to get tanned. Tim is sitting on the edge with just his feet in the water, elbows resting on knees, head propped up on his hands, and his face starting to get sunburned. Jason is in the middle of the pool with a water gun in hand and a mischievous grin on his face, aiming squarely at Damian's back. The youngest boy had been getting up to go inside but when the stream of icy cold water hits him (Jason made sure it was near-freezing in temperature), he turns and jumps into a defensive position, sees Jason's smirk, and then takes a running leap into the pool, splashing both Jason and Dick in the face. Revenge is dished out on all sides, and eventually Tim is pulled into the water fight too when Dick seizes a golden opportunity to drag him in by the ankles. He's nearly decapitated by the way Tim is flailing around, but it's worth it, even as he's given a face full of water. He grins and starts attacking all three of them then, and it becomes three-on-one for a moment until Tim accidentally hits Jason and Jason not-so-accidentally hits Damian while trying to get back at Tim, and then everyone is on their own again.

The winner is undecided, though Damian insists he won (Jason dunks him back under for saying this, and then declares himself the winner). Tim just exchanges an amused look with Dick and they use their arms to create a large wave that splashes the other two mercilessly.

Soon, they're all too exhausted by the previous day's work and the sun has taken whatever energy they had left, so they all collapse onto a blanket of towels. Dick is in the center of things, one hand playing with Damian's hair and his other arm wrapped around Jason's shoulders. Tim is wedged somewhere between Dick and Jason where there really isn't any space, with Jason's legs crushing his own and his arm flung out over Jason's stomach. Damian's practically glued to Dick's left side, his head resting on Dick's chest and one arm draped over him, hand brushing Tim's shoulder. If he had been awake, he would be denying any part in this quiet show of affection, but his slow, even breathing matches the others' rhythm perfectly. Dick is the last to drift off to sleep, because he can't help but love the way they're all cuddling together, not trying to kill each other, and just being generally adorable. I should've brought a camera is his last thought, but he's not sure how he would have taken a picture when his whole body feels so heavy and his right arm has lost circulation entirely and it's just so warm.

It isn't until two hours later, when Bruce wakes up (thanks to Alfred) that he sees the four brothers fast asleep on the ground.

He would take a picture, but he's sure Alfred has already done that.