Randy had rushed home from his date with Crystal. Of course, he was a gentleman and walked her to her car before he headed back to his house. Once he was inside, he went straight to Britton's room. He stood in the doorway and surveyed the damage. What he found didn't make him happy at all. He found the glass from the picture frame shattered on her floor and Becky sitting at Britton's bedside. Her back was to her Aunt and she was stroking her hair and whispering something to her that he couldn't hear from his place at the door.

Becky looked up then and took notice of Randy. "Hey." She smiled and offered up a small wave, then turned back to Britton.

"I'll see you later princess ok?" Becky asked her, hoping for a response. She got nothing from Britton. "I love you." Becky sighed and kissed Britton's tear stained cheek.

Randy followed Becky out into the kitchen, hoping Becky had some information on what was wrong with his daughter. "What's going on with her?" Randy asked Becky once they were out of Britton's earshot.

Becky shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. The moment you left, she started acting weird. She didn't want to watch a movie or do anything. She just went straight to her room and shut the door. When I checked on her again, I found the broken picture and her crying but she wouldn't talk to me at all. She just preferred crying over talking."

Randy sighed in frustration and ran his hands through his hair. "I'll try to talk to her then. Thanks for watching her sis. Sorry about her behavior."

Becky smiled sympathetically. "I don't know what exactly it is that's going on with her, but she's hurt by something. I'm not offended by her behavior. She's young. She doesn't have a true grip on how to handle her emotions yet. Even though she didn't speak to me, she did behave herself." Becky said. "Well, if you subtract the part where she broke the picture frame." Becky giggled a bit.

Randy smiled slightly. "Thanks. I'll call you when I figure out what it is that's going on with her."

"Please?" Becky asked. "I won't be able to sleep if I don't know what is bothering my favorite niece." Becky winked.

Randy smiled and rolled his eyes as Becky left his house. He was just now realizing that Britton was a big deal to his family. She was loved by all of them and when she hurt, they hurt for her. Becky was no exception to this. Randy could tell it was secretly tearing Becky up inside that she couldn't get Britton to open up to her.

Randy walked into Britton's room and went straight to cleaning up the broken glass from the picture frame. Then he picked up the picture and looked at it. It was a picture that his mom had taken of him and Britton. Britton was on his back smiling wide with her arms outstretched like she was flying and Randy looking up at her with a smile on his face that lit up the entire room.

Randy sighed and set the picture on Britton's nightstand. He then went and seated himself where Becky once was and rubbed Britton's back. "Baby girl, you want to tell me what's going on? Like why you were rude to your Aunt and why she felt the need to call me to come home immediately? Or how about why you broke this picture?" Randy took a calming breath, trying to relax himself before his frustrations got the best of him.

Britton simply shook her head no into her pillow, avoiding eye contact with her dad all together.

Randy sighed loudly, letting his frustrations get the best of him. "Britton Grace! You need to answer me right now!" Randy shouted.

That got Britton's attention. Randy watched as her body jumped. She then sat up and turned wide eyes to her father.

Randy sighed inwardly at the scared look Britton gave him, but he didn't let his mood falter. "You need to answer me young lady!" Randy said, still equally as loud as before.

Britton shook her head and ran out of the room passed her Dad. She just wanted to get away from him.

"Britton!" Randy growled out and followed his daughter out of her room. "What on earth is going on with you?!".

"I don't like you dating Daddy." Britton said quietly looking at her feet.

Randy stared at her incredulously for a moment. "So that makes it ok for you to be rude to your Aunt and break things?! That behavior is unacceptable! Do you understand me?!" Randy yelled again.

Britton cowered back a bit at his voice but didn't respond.

Randy groaned. "Britton, Do. You. Understand?!" Randy said again, breaking off at each word.

"I don't like sharing you Dad." Britton said again quietly.

Randy stopped for a second. This was the first time Britton had called him just 'Dad' and not 'Daddy'. "Then you need to tell me that Britton! You're a big girl, not a baby. You need to use your words!" Randy was still yelling.

Tears gathered in Britton's eyes as she looked up at Randy. "I didn't have to share my mom." She replied.

"That's a little bit different Britton! You were really little when your Mom was taking care of you, she wouldn't have had time to date." Randy sighed out.

Britton looked down again at her feet, the anger was building in her. "I can't believe my mom talked about you all the time! I can't believe she wanted to come after you and all you did was leave her!" Britton screamed.

Randy's eyes widened in shock. He had never heard Britton yell. She was always so soft spoken and gentle. "I did not leave your mother! She left me and didn't contact me ever again! She cut all ties with me for no reason!" Randy yelled back, not even concerned with the fact that he was arguing with a 7 year old.

"Really?! Because my mom said it was for the best! My mom said it was because you wouldn't have wanted me anyways!" Britton yelled again.

Randy groaned. He couldn't believe Piper would say something like that. "Britton, that's not true." Randy said.

"My mom wouldn't lie to me!" Britton yelled again.

Randy got even more frustrated. "Gosh! You're too much like Piper!" He yelled. "You get angry over stupid things! You're stubborn!" Randy looked at Britton, taking in her red face. "Your face gets red when you're angry!" Randy pointed at her.

"Anything else?!" Britton yelled.

"Your eye twitches when you're angry! Just like her and you tap your leg too!" Randy pointed out. He watched Britton as she processed all he had said Britton's face scrunched up, her whole demeanor changing. "What is it now?! What do you want?!" Randy yelled.

Britton's face scrunched up and tears fell out of her eyes. "I want my mommy!" Britton cried and ran to her room slamming the door.

Randy's face fell immediately. "Britton!" He yelled after her. "Britton, wait please." Randy pleaded as he ran and stood outside of her door, knocking on it desperately. Ripley came running when he heard all the emotion and pawed at Britton's door. "Britton, Ripley's here too. Can we please come in?".

Britton's door opened, but only just enough for Ripley to fit through.

Randy sighed. "Britton, please baby please let Daddy in." He rested his forehead against the door and his palm flat on it. He could hear Britton's sobs through the door and it was killing him.

"Go away!" Britton's voice yelled to Randy through the door.

Randy walked away and pulled out his phone to call Becky and tell her all that was going on with Britton.

"Hey bro!" Becky's voice came over the phone

"Hey. I uh. I found out what was wrong with Britton…" Randy trailed off.

"Ok, well spill!" Becky giggled a bit.

"She misses Piper. And now she's in her room crying but she won't let me in. She said that she didn't want to share me." Randy sighed.

Becky just laughed more at her brother.

"This isn't funny Becky!" Randy yelled. "I have to get into her room. I can't stand to hear her cry.

"It is, it is." Becky reassured but then turned serious. "Remember when Britton said her mom used to sing "You Are My Sunshine" to her? Try that." Becky suggested, than continued. "She probably felt that by going on a date you were trying to replace her mom. On top of that, she's already lost her mom and chances are she thought she was losing you tonight too."

Randy thought over Becky's words before he groaned. "Sometimes I really hate you! Why do you have to be so damn perceptive?!" Randy yelled again, this time playfully.

Becky laughed again. "Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game."

"Oh my god. Don't go getting a big head on me." Randy rolled his eyes. "Look, I gotta go. Call you tomorrow ok?".

"Yeah, sure." Becky agreed. "Give Britton my love. Love you brother."

"Love you too and I'll let her know." Randy smiled as he hung up the phone. He went back to Britton's door and tried what Becky had suggested. He began to sing. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away…" Randy trailed off, hoping the song had worked. He waited a few seconds and to his surprise, the door knob turned and Britton opened the door.

Randy walked into Britton's room and sat on her bed as she sat down too, her back propped up against the pillows. "Come here." Randy said and opened his arms.

Britton climbed into his lap and hugged him tight, letting her tears soak into Randy's shirt.

Randy rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. "My baby girl." He cooed. "I love you so much. Do you know that?".

Britton nodded into his chest. "I'm sorry I was m…mean Daddy." Britton sniffled.

Randy smiled and pulled her away slightly so he could look at her face. "Daddy's sorry for yelling at you too." Randy then used the pads of his thumbs to wipe her tears but her face scrunched up again and more tears fell.

"I miss mommy." She cried. "I…I don't want you to leave me too."

"Oh baby, never. I would never leave you. Just because Daddy goes on dates doesn't mean he's leaving you. You are always my number one girl. Got it?" Randy asked as he tapped the end of her nose causing Britton to slightly smile and nod. "And your mommy would be so very proud of you. You're such a great girl and your mommy is with you always, right here." Randy pointed to her heart. "She's in mine too," He pointed to his own chest. "Nobody will ever, ever replace her ok?".

Britton nodded and her tears slowly subsided. She was exhausted. Randy was too, it'd been a long night. Britton cuddled herself into her Dad's chest again and closed her eyes while Randy rubbed her back and hummed quietly.

Randy looked at the digital clock on Britton's bedside table. It was 10:45 pm. He gasped. "It is way past your bedtime! Let's get you to sleep. Come on." Randy pulled back her covers and got ready to set Britton under them but she latched on to him tightly.

"Can I sleep with you?" She mumbled into his chest.

Randy just couldn't say no. Not after tonight. Randy nodded and carried her into his room. He set her in his bed and went to the bathroom to change out of his clothes and into pajamas. Then he climbed into bed next to Britton and she clung tightly to his side.

"I love you, Daddy." Britton mumbled into his side before her eyes closed.

Randy gently ran his hands through her hair, "I love you too Kid. So, so much." He kissed the top of her head and fell asleep right after her.