Lily: Hey Guys! Here's my new fic! Hope you like it!

Calla: Am I in it?

Lily: not his chapter but you are later.

Yami: you made me sound like a perve!

Yugi: Lilly does not own Rosario Vampire or Yugioh; if she did there would be a lot more yaoi in both.

Rosario Vamp. Crossover Chapter 1

Atem Senen, just an average teenager, he was good looking but in every other way he was totally average. He was a Strait `C' student, But he had never expected to fail all of his high school entrance exams. So his Aunt and Uncle found a school that didn't have an entrance exam to admit students.

So here he is, sitting in a bus on his way to his new school; Yokai Academy, his new school and home for the next four years*.

His thought were interrupted by the buss drive who asked, "Entering Yokai Academy huh?"

"Uh Yeah" He said back nervously. I mean hey this guy was creepy looking.

"I you said your goodbyes." He said chuckling to himself.

"Wait what?"

"Well we're here" He said as he slammed on the brakes throwing Atem out of his seat.

He got out of the bus and looked at his surroundings, it reminded him of some Halloween fair or something, and it was creeping him out. An old school house could be seen in the distance.

As Atem stepped of the bus the drive said one last thing, "Take a good long look kid, that may be the last thing you ever see." And with that he closed the door and drove away, leaving a scared and confused Atem in his wake.

"Wait! What do you mean last thing I'll ever see?" He yelled out in vain.

Well I guess that's the school he thought looking out over the landscape. Wow it's pretty far, better start walking.

"HEY, LOOK OUT!" someone yelled behind him, but not with enough time.

"Ow! Hey were did this bike come from?" He said. There was now a bike caught in some bushes a few feet away.

Hey this is soft? What is my hand on?

He looked down to see this boy beneath him and his hand was currently against his inner thigh. He quickly took his hand back.

The kid opened his eyes revealing an amethyst color that was quite beautiful. He looked a Lot like Atem however his starfish like hair was rimmed in purple, not red like Atem's and his bangs were a lot more calm than Atem's lightning bolt like spikes.

"Oh, I'm soooo sorry!" he said, panicking. "Get dizzy when I don't eat in the morning."

"No problem, he said now moving to a sitting position as this boy moved to all fours leaning towards him.

"Oh, wow, you're blood I can smell it." He said, leaning toward Atem.


CHOMP. This boy bit Atem's neck and began to suck his blood. It took him a few seconds to register then he shoved the boy off him.

"Ooooooowwww!" He yelled grabbing at his wound.

"I'm so sorry! I'm Yugi by the way, and again I really don't know what came over me." He said apologetically.

"I would never do that if I….."

He was cute off by Atem, "Weren't a vampire? Like afraid of garlic, and holy water kind of vampire?" He said in shock.

"Ummm, yes, but I have to say, your blood is really yummy." Yugi said.

Atem blushed slightly.

"So um do you not like vampires?" Yugi asked him.

"What? Me? Not like vampires? I love vampires!" He said still in shock.

He went and grabbed his bike from the bushes, "Oh I'm so relieved! Now we can be friends! I was worried seeing as I'm new here."

"Oh, don't worry I'm new here too. Oh I'm Atem Senen. But I prefer to be called Yami" He added hastily.

"Okay Yami, lets meet up after the opening ceremony." He said cheerfully.

So together walked towards the haunted house looking school.

*A.N. I know that Japanese schools have three years of high school, but seeing as I have no idea how the school systems in japan work, I am modeling the school system and time after an average American school system.

So what do you guys think? I love Reviews and constructive criticism. ALL FLAMES WILL BE IGNORED SO DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. Okay that's it! See ya next time!