Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Sakura Haruno pumped her legs from tree to tree. Her muscles were burning, but she could hardly feel anything. The only thing she could feel at this exact moment was her pounding heart. She had to run. She had to get to them. What if she didn't make it in time? No, she couldn't think like that. She would make it there for them.

She felt the ground shake from underneath her. Her green eyes looked ahead in agony. She could feel both of their powerful chakra signatures up ahead. They were fighting, just like she feared. She had to hurry. She pushed herself to move faster, even though her body screamed in protest.

She gritted her teeth and put some extra chakra to the soles of her feet and she finally started to move at a faster pace. This would drain some of her chakra, but it would be worth it. As long as she reached them on time to heal both of them and save them, it would be okay. If she ended up dying to save her boys, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that they lived. They had to live. She could not live in a world where neither of them existed. They were her family and she would do anything to keep it that way.

Sakura could feel herself getting closer to them, but then she felt both of them building up powerful jutsu. It was the final blow and it would kill both of them if she didn't make it there on time.

"NOO!" she screamed.

She felt the tears stinging her eyes, but she willed them to stop. She could not cry right now. She could not be weak when they needed her. She had to be strong and save the both of them.

She willed herself to go faster, but her body wouldn't. She grunted and finally reached them. They were both going straight for each other: Sasuke with his chidori and Naruto with his rasengan.

"STOP!" Sakura screamed at the top of her lungs.

Both of her boys turned to her, but they were already too far. It was too late, she was too late. They hit each other with a bang. Sakura had to shield herself from the light that came from the explosion.

After it was over, she looked around frantically for them. Some persistent tears came out of her eyes. She quickly wiped them away. No, she could not cry. She had to find them and heal them as quickly as possible.

She found Naruto almost instantly. She ran up to him and knelt down beside him. He was barely conscious. He tried to talk, but she shushed him and looked at his wounds. He was bad. His arm was broken and ripped up. He also had a few broken ribs along with a punctured lung.

She quickly went to work on his broken ribs and fixed his lung. As she was about to work on his arm, Naruto shook his head slowly.

"Go help teme," he whispered.

Sakura nodded and stood up immediately. She searched around for him, but couldn't find him. She started to panic and she had to calm herself down. She concentrated and searched for his chakra signature. There! It was faint, but he was still alive.

She hurried towards him and dropped down beside him. She gasped when she looked at him. He was even worse than Naruto. If she didn't hurry, he would die. He had a hole in his chest from Naruto's rasengan.

She put her hands on the wound and green chakra flowed out of her and into his injuries. This was the first time she had ever healed Sasuke. The thought made her sad and she had to shut it down and save it for later. Right now she had to focus. She worked hard and it took a while, but finally, she had healed the worst of it.

In the distance she could feel the others coming as back up. She was glad because she really was going to need some help getting these two back.

Just as she was about to get up, Sasuke grabbed her hand and she gasped. His dark eyes were on her and they were filled with pain.


A lump formed in her throat and she just couldn't say anything. She wanted to make his pain go away, but she couldn't get it all done out here in the field. She needed to get him back to the village and finish it.

"…I'm sorry…" he mumbled.

She barely caught it, but she did. Tears came down her face involuntarily. She cursed herself for letting him see her cry. How was it that he was the only one who could make her cry so easily? She had worked up for years on her crying crap, and all he had to do was be Sasuke-kun and he messed with all her hard work.

She gripped his hand and said, "It's okay, Sasuke-kun."

She fiddled through her medic bag with her free hand and took out some painkillers. She carefully injected some into his system. He finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

She tried to stand up, but his grip was still on her hand. She looked down at him, expecting him to be awake, but he was in a deep sleep. She gulped and looked over towards where she had left Naruto. She needed to get back to him and finish healing him.

Just as she was about to pry Sasuke's grip from her, their backup arrived. It consisted of Kakashi, the rookie 9, and Guy Sensei's team.

"Naruto's wounded!" she yelled towards Hinata. She was the best medic here besides herself.

Hinata nodded and knelt down beside him. Sakura watched from afar as she started to work on him. She heard him scream, which meant that Hinata was re-breaking his arm. She winced for Naruto's pain.

Kakashi came up to her. She met his gaze and then looked back down at Sasuke. He was coming home, but they didn't know if it would be willingly or forced just yet. They wouldn't be able to determine that until he woke up again.

"Good job, Sakura. You saved them," Kakashi praised his old pupil.

She looked up at him and smiled. She could tell he was smiling too because his right eye was crinkling. She wanted to get up and greet everyone, but Sasuke's hold on her was like a death grip.

Shikamaru came up to them and looked kind of bored, but also like he was figuring something in his head.

"So they fought," he stated.

Sakura nodded and glanced back down at Sasuke. Why couldn't he have just surrendered peacefully? Why did they always have to end up fighting? Why couldn't she have been strong enough to stop them?

"So he will be a prisoner and we will have to bring him back with force…"

Sakura looked back up at Shikamaru and answered steadily, "I think that he will come back willingly. Besides, he will be too injured to try and run away or cause any real damage."

"What makes you so certain he will come back willingly?" Kiba asked. He had just joined the conversation. Sakura hadn't noticed him coming until now.

"Because I just know," she answered simply.

"We can't just rely on your intuition," Neji stated.

Sakura glared at him and said evenly, "Well, my intuition knew that he was leaving the village that night all those years ago."

Neji pursed his lips and nobody else argued with her on the subject. They could doubt her all they wanted, but she was also right. She had known that he was leaving, or had a hunch that night. Unfortunately, she had been right.

Kakashi went to go and check on how Naruto was doing, along with the others. Sakura went to work on healing some of Sasuke's more minor injuries. It was hard to do with just one hand, but she managed.

"That's a pretty tight grip," Ino said from behind her.

She turned to her long-time rival/friend and smiled at her. Ino grinned back and sat on a stump a little ways away from Sasuke and Sakura.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Sakura nodded and said, "As long as we get back to Konoha quickly, he will. Naruto as well."

Ino nodded and pointed at Sasuke's hand that was around her wrist. Sakura could almost feel the blush coming on. Even when he was unconscious he could still make her face turn the color of her red shirt. He was a traitor to her village and yet with him touching her, she couldn't help but get that feeling in the bottom of her stomach and blush.

"I tried to make him let go, but he just won't," Sakura answered.

Ino grinned and said, "He must have really missed you."

Sakura rolled her eyes and said, "Shut up Ino."

Ino waved her off and said, "And you know you missed him, Sakura."

"Does this mean I win?" Sakura asked with a grin forming on her lips.

Ino chuckled and answered, "Yeah."

But then she added seriously, "You've earned it, Sakura."

Sakura just stared at her as Ino walked away. She turned her attention back to Sasuke and started to work on his wounds again. Then she smiled to herself because everything was finally going back to the way they were supposed to be.

"The people, who can hurt you the most, obviously mean the most."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!