New story time! Wow so excited for this one! Ill update all the time with this one. I've got so many ideas. Okay on with the story

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Naruto. 'Sighs dramatically'

Sakura was breathing heavily as she ran down the hallway to her next class. It was her first day of high school and she was late!

'Man I have no since of direction at all!' She thought as continued to run past doors and lockers. Muttering to herself about getting lost and first day of school she didn't notice there was someone in front of her until it was to let.

The other person let out a gasp as she fell backwards. The guy twisted around so that she was on the top he was on the bottom, taking the brunt of the fall.

Sakura lifted her head to apologize quickly, her large green eyes going wider.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have been running. Oh and now you hurt. Ohhhh! I'm really sorry." Sakura said in a rush, the words spilling out of her mouth as she felt tears stream down her face. Sakura was known to be a bit dramatic sometimes.

She stared down into big dark eyes lit with amusement. There was big grin on his face as watched her talk. His hair unruly and dark black, his right ear was pierced at the top. He sort of looked like Sasuke. He had a smirk playing on his mouth. In other words he was hot!

Sakura pouted down at him. His hands were on her waste and they had a firm grip on her. She tried to get up but he held her there and ground her hips against hers. A flood of heat went through her.

Frowning she jerked up. His arms fell from her hips as she stood up. He watched her from down on the ground. His gaze had a darker look than before. Licking his lips he stood up. "Somethin wrong sweetheart?" He asked. Sakura the ever blushing virgin looked him in the eye.

His gaze dropped down to her body. Sakura put her arms on her chest, feeling violated. If only she knew that she only pressed her already big breasts out towards him.

"I'm lost." She stated confidently. He eyed her. "What year are you?" He asked. "First." She stated.

"First year huh? You sure don't look like it." He said, looking her up and down again.

Sakura was aware at what he saw. She really hated her mother right now. Her mother always said that big breasts and a big butt was what all Harunos have. That and some kind of unique hair color. Hers happened to be pink. She wasn't very tall for her age either. Five foot three; she only came to just below his shoulders. She remembered a time when = Naruto and Sasuke had beaten up a guy for pushing her into a locker and taunting her about how she looked. They had been beaten him up pretty badly. She smiled slightly at the memory. Those two had gotten suspended for two weeks. She loved her boys.

"What class are you heading to?" He asked looking her in the eye.

" ." She answered. "Smart are you? Well your way off. You're in the juniors' part of the school. Take the stairs down twice and it should be the first door on the right. Nice to meet you…" He stopped not knowing what her name was.

"Haruno Sakura." She stated. "Sakura." He started to walk away when Sakura realized that she didn't know his name. "What's your name?" She called. "Uchiha Shisui." He called over his shoulder. Yep related to Sasuke. She would ask him about it at lunch.

Later that day at lunch Sakura was sitting in between Naruto and Sasuke while Naruto was stuffing food into his face and Sasuke was chastising him. Sakura's thoughts drifted off to what happened early in the hall.

Suddenly Naruto through an arm around her shoulders.

"Neh, Sakura why is that guy starring at you?" At this Sasuke looked in the direction of Naruto's gaze. His features twisted into a glare. Sakura also followed his gaze. There looking at her was the dark haired guy; Shisui from the hallway. He was glaring at her, or more so at the arm around her shoulder. Sending him a frown she looked away and back at Naruto.

"He was the one I told you about, the one that helped me to class." She answered. Sakura continued on with her lunch aware of the eyes that stared at her.

"Ah, well he doesn't seem too nice. And now he's glaring at me. What the hell is that about? You should stay away from him Sakura-chan." He said, mouth full of his favorite dish; Ramen. "Come to think of it he looks like the Teme over here." He stated almost choking on the food in his mouth.

She looked over at Sasuke remembering that the guy had told her he was an Uchiha. "Yeah he told me his last name was Uchiha."

Sasuke starred at her. "Yeah that's because he's my cousin. He lives in the house down the street." He stated. Sakura thought back to the Uchiha neighborhood. When she had first been there she had teased Sasuke about it because of the fact they had a neighborhood just for their clan. She had thought that they would be a bunch of arrogant rich people; his family that is. But she soon found out that they weren't that bad. Sasuke's mother Mikoto loved her and the color of her hair. Though thinking back on it she did remember a time where there was a misunderstanding with her hair and Mikoto. In fact their mothers were really close, along with Naruto's mother Kushina.

His father was strict at times but all in all he was an okay dude. He even had a since of humor. Also since she didn't have a dad Sasuke's father and Naruto's father were sort of a stand in, though they didn't seem to mind. She didn't have siblings either. Sasuke's brother Itachi treated her like a little sister. Come to think of it he was here right now. She started to look around while still thinking. They were her family and she loved them all. Though Sakura and her mom didn't live in anything fancy Like Sasuke's house and Naruto's house. Though it was okay because it was just her and her mom. They got along just fine too. She thought matter of factly.

She had bedroom and her own bathroom. And the best part was she didn't live but a few minutes away from Sasuke and Naruto.

Without meaning to she spoke aloud. "I love you guys!" She sighed happily. Naruto turned and grinned bigly at her, while Sasuke leaned back and smirked while looking at his cousin. Though why he was still looking at his cousin was a mystery to her.

She turned back around to face Shisui again after not finding Itachi. She then gasped as she found him sitting next to Shisui starring at her with an amused stare, as Shisui was saying something to him. She had a bad feeling it was about her. She gulped. Itachi noticed this and his smirk became wider.

Deciding to ignore it she put on her best winning smile and waved at him. He lifted an eyebrow at her and waved back. Shisui seemed to be confused when he did so because he turned around to face her.

He grinned bigly at her.

Her breath caught in her throat as he did so. She blushed and shyly waved at him. His smile grew wider as he turned back to Itachi.

Confused she turned back to see Sasuke starring at her with a knowing look in his eye.

"W—what." She said. He shook his head and continued eating.

She huffed and did the same.

Later on that day she went to get ready for Sasuke's house. She was going to stay with Sasuke while her mom went on a one month business trip to Hong Kong.

Which is why she was here with a pile clothes and two duffle bags.

She folded endless pairs of blue jeans. That's all she would wear anyways. Then she folded different tee shirts and camis. Then she went over to her drawers and grabbed two hand full's of underwear and bras; not caring which ones she got.

Then next went socks. She decided to just wear one of Sasuke's tee shirts for pjs.

Then she went over to her closet and pulled out a much smaller bag for her personals.

She went to her bathroom and got her lotion, toothbrush, hairbrush, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, face wash, and her small bag of cosmetics she only wore on special occasions just in case.

It consisted of the basics her mom made her buy. Mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, and concealer. She crinkled her nose in disgust, and threw it into her bag.

Sakura really didn't have any girl friends. She had always had her boys, which were both considered hot. Because of that the girls really didn't like her much. The ones who did talk to her call her whore, or slut. She never told Naruto or Sasuke that in fear of what they would do. All the guys who liked her were scared off by Naruto or Sasuke, sometimes both.

She went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Afterwards she put on pair of black shorts and a long sleeved dark green shirt with a black bra and matching boy shorts underneath. Sakura wasn't a panty sort of person. She giggled when she remembered a time when Naruto had entered her room. She at right laughed at what he said every time he had entered before.


"Sakura-chan it smells good in here." She laughed. "Thanks Naruto." She said. "I'll be right back." She said as she walked out of the room.

While Sakura was out:

"Ne Sasuke Teme I wonder what kind of panties Sakura-chan wears." Naruto said eagerly. "Hn." Was his stoically reply. Though he did have a look of interest on his face. Sasuke watched as Naruto crept over to her dresser. Naruto opened one of the closed drawers and reached his hands inside.

Sasuke watched as he pulled a black pair of… His eyes widened. "Oh my gosh Sakura wears boyshorts."

Both of their eyes widened as they heard footsteps. Sasuke grabbed them and put them back in. Apparently the only reason why Naruto's eyes had widened was because of what he saw. Not because of the footsteps that were moving in on them rabidly.

Naruto grabbed another pair out that said 'Bite Me' on the back. Naruto's eyes were like causers.

Sasuke reached to put them back in but Naruto did something unexpected and flinged them at his face and they fell to the ground. Angry Sasuke forgot all about the footsteps and grabbed another pair out of the drawer and flinged them at Naruto. Naruto pushed them away and they began an all out war.

When Sakura got closer and closer to her room she heard noises. She picked up her pace knowing that that couldn't be good at all. When she opened her door she gasped at what she saw. Her bras and underwear were laid all over the floor and her room was a mess. She growled and looked at them.

"What were you doing in my drawers?" She screeched. They both looked at her guilty. "It was the dobes fault." Sasuke said. And technically it was. If it weren't for his idea…

She then pummeled them until both of them had at least one nosebleed and a considerable amount of bruises.

When Sasuke went home that night his father had asked him what happened at dinner. He had explained bluntly. "The Dobe wanted to know what kind of underwear Sakura wore. So he opened the drawer got a pair out. After a minute he flung them at me. Then I did the same. Then he did and I did and so on… but after Sakura got back in the room she beat us up and made us clean up the mess afterwards." Sasuke sighed regretfully.

Sasuke's father stared at him for moment with no emotion on his face. Then seconds later he heard the laughter full blast from his father.

As the same happened to Naruto that evening. But Naruto told the story differently.


Sakura smiled at the memory.

She then put on her shoes, grabbed her special pillow and fuzzy blanket she went to meet her mom down stairs. "Ready sweetie?" Her mother asked. Like all Harunos her mother had dark red hair, big breast, and a big butt. "Yes." She replied as she grabbed her backpack form by the stair way.

A good ten minutes later and a goodbye hug and kiss with a 'Be good in school' later she found herself at Sasuke's house. She walked into the door because since she was like family they let her do as she pleased around the house, which included just barging in whenever she liked, because let's face it barging in on your family is something everyone does. Sasuke's parents and Naruto's parents didn't seem to mind. In fact she had keys to their house. When she walked in she sat her bags by down so she could take off her shoes. Then she picked them up again and laid it by the winding stair case and made her way towards the kitchen where the loud voices of Naruto could be heard and the heavenly smell of Mikoto's cooking were.

Walking into the giant kitchen she could see Sasuke, Naruto, and Itachi, she made her way over to the sit in the seat between Naruto and Sasuke.

They both looked to her as she sat down.

"Hiya Sakura-chan! When'd you get here?" Naruto asked. She looked at him funny and annoyed. "Just now obviously." She said in a condescending tone. She watched him pout so she turned and gave him a giant Sakura hug. When she pulled back she saw him grinning huge at her.

She turned to Sasuke who was sulking. Most likely about being ignored. She giggled and leaned in to press a soft kiss on is cheek. He seemed to brighten up noticeably.

"Aww Sakura-chan how come the Teme got a kiss and I didn't. Not fair!" Naruto said loudly.

"Get over it Dobe." Sasuke said from her right smugly. "You're only saying that because you're the one who got a kiss!" Naruto accused. Naruto turned to her and pointed at his cheek. "Come on Sakura-chan, me too!"

Sakura laughed and leaned in. Then suddenly Naruto went crashing to the floor.

"Oi! Teme that's not funny!" Sakura turned too looked at Sasuke who was smirking down at Naruto.

She started to laugh harder. She couldn't help it. Soon there were tears in her eyes as she watched the two bicker back and forth. She wondered why Naruto was still on the ground. He could of gotten up by now. The thought made her laugh harder.

"Naruto why are you still on the floor." She said between laughs.

Sasuke looked up at her smirking. "Because he's a Dobe." He answered. She laughed harder if that was possible. From the ground she could hear Naruto protesting. In the front of the kitchen she could here Mikoto's laughter. "Well isn't this a lively sight?" A new familiar voice was heard from the door leading to the living room said. Sakura turned her head still laughing and gasped at who she saw there. It was the guy from the hall, and he was starring right at her. She blushed a light pink.

She could here the small steps of Mikoto rushing from behind her. "Shisui-chan! It's so great to see you! Do you know Sakura-chan? She's going to be staying here for a month while her mother is away on a business trip. She's like family so treat her well." Mikoto finished off excitedly. Translation: I'm going to spoil the daughter I've never had so treat her nicely or I'll hurt you. Mikoto could be seriously vicious if she wanted to.

"Don't worry I'll treat her well." He said still starring at her. His voice held and alternate meaning but Mikoto didn't seem to notice because she went right back to cooking. But the other members at the table did. And their reactions were all different except for Naruto's and Sasuke's. Itachi was smirking at his cousin and best friend shaking his head.

Sasuke and Naruto glared at him and Naruto put an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him while Sasuke dragged his chair closer to her. Sakura was beat red and Shisui raised an eye brow at her two best friends in the world. She also noticed that he had narrowed his gaze at the way Naruto put his arm around her.

He seemed to snap out of it when he heard Sasuke's father's voice. "Well looks like we have a full house tonight." He said walking in and sitting at his place at the end of the table beside Itachi.

Sakuras eyes widened in excitement. She jumped up from her place at the table and ran over to him. He seemed to be waiting for her because he had yet to push himself and his chair in. He opened his arms as she threw herself in them. "Well hello to you too Sakura-chan." He said with affection he didn't show anyone else other than his wife. He patted the top of her head as she pulled away. She looked up at him and grinned.

Sakura looked up to him. He was like the father she never had. She turned away from him and turned to go back to her seat only to see it occupied, and an angry looking Naruto and an annoyed looking Sasuke. Apparently nobody sat in Sakuras seat. Nobody.

She drew her breath in angrily and began to make her way towards him. When she was in front of Shisui she began her command. "Get. Up." She said angrily. "But what if I don't want to?" He said with challenge in his eyes. "There's an extra sit over there. Use it." She commanded. But when he didn't move she put her hands on the back of the chair and pulled back with her freakish strength. He went tumbling to the floor. She heard Naruto laughing and some amused chuckles. She then got down on her knees and forcibly pushed him away from HER chair.

She then preceded to lift the chair back up and sit back down with a self satisfied look in her eyes. She then spoke with a smug and satisfied tone. "Thanks" Naruto laughed so hard he had tears streaming down his face. Even Sasuke and Itachi were having trouble not to laugh but felled miserably.

She heard Shisui get up off the floor. She turned to face him emotionlessly, while he stared at her incredulously. She smiled sweetly at him and looked away.

Unknowingly to Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke had turned to Shisui who was on the ground and smirked at him.

Everyone turned to Fugaku when he started to laugh. "Well Shisui looks like you've found your match." He said amusedly. Sakura who knew what he had meant blushed still at the hidden meaning behind those words.

"Okay Dinner is ready." Mikoto said making her over with pots and plates. Sakura immediately jumped up to help her. "Let me help you with that Mikoto-chan." Sakura said rushingly.

She grabbed the plates in her hands and went back to the table passing them out. The plates were different colors. She sat the orange one with Naruto, dark blue for Sasuke, red for Itachi, yellow for Mikoto, light blue for Fugaku, Pink for her, and since it was the last one she sat the green one for Shisui who was sitting in front of her beside Itachi.

They all sat down to eat. To be honest she didn't know why Naruto was here. "So Naruto why are you here right tonight?" She asked confused.

"Well I'm staying here too, but I have to go home on weekends and Mondays." She blinked puzzled at him. "Why?" Surprisingly it was Itachi who answered. "He burst into the door holding a bag and said 'It's not fair you get to spend every day for a month with Sakura-chan so I'm staying too. Believe it!' And that's why he's here." Itachi finished.

Sakura giggled. "Yeah that's something he would do." She said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked annoyed at Itachi impression of him. Sakura turned to face him. "Exactly like it sounds." She stated bluntly and turned back around continuing eating. "You guys are so abusive to my feelings." Naruto said sadly.

Sakura whirled on him. "Naruto I didn't mean it like that. Honest. I'm really sorry!" She said panicked that she really offended him.

Naruto turned to grin at her. "Just kidding Sakura chan! Man you should of seen your fa—"Naruto was cut off as he felt a VERY hard punch in his arm. He whimpered and drew back. "Oww Sakura-chan that really hurt." He said covering his arm. "Humph" She said turning away.

"So Sakura-chan earlier it seemed that you and Shisui-chan knew each other." Mikoto said casually.

"Well I wouldn't say we know each other really." Sakura said nervously.

She saw Shisui smirk. "She ran into me in the hall because she was running to her next class. We both fell to the floor. When she looked at me she was crying and apologizing really fast. Kind of dramatic if you ask me. Then I told her where her class was and she left." Shisui retold the story for them. All the while Sakura was glaring at him for the dramatic comment.

Mikoto crinkled her brow in confusion. "Sasuke-chan doesn't you, Sakura and Naruto have the same classes, and if so why was she late?"

Sakura turned to them and laughed in their faces. They both glared at her. "They were too busy getting mauled by their fan girls when I found them. I didn't feel like beating anyone up today so I left them." She said.

Shisui laughed. "So you beat up the girls who follow them around huh? Tell me why don't you follow them around?" He asked mischievously.

"They're annoying." She stated bluntly. He stared at her before he burst out laughing. "Come on you thought they were you when you met them right?"

"Ha! Yeah that's what happened." Naruto said laughing like an idiot. Mikoto was smirking. "Not how I remember it Naruto-kun." She said. "Let's see when did you guys meet? Hmmm… OH yeah yes in primary school. It was your first day and I was coming to pick up Sasuke-chan and doing a favor for Kushina-chan and picking Naruto up. When I got there Naruto was on one side of Sakura-chan and Sasuke-chan was on the other side of her and she was in the middle crying. When I walked up to them, Naruto jumped in front of her. What he said I'll remember for the rest of my life. You too Sasuke-chan." She told them.

Fugaku smiled fondly at the three of them. "Yes I remember you came home with the three of them. It was the first time I met her. She looked up at me and said 'Mr. you sure are big.' That little statement made my day. And just like that she became part of the family. Along with Hanna her mother."

He said recalling it all. "What did Naruto say?" Shisui asked eager to hear the rest of the story.

"Well he jumped in front of her and put his arm out and said 'Watch it, don't get to close Koto-chan, she's small and fragile. You may hurt her.' It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. It was the first day Sasuke-chan had ever scolded me. When I was getting them into the car, Sasuke-chan tried to take her with him. He held her hand and wouldn't let her go. When I asked Sakura if her mother would mind her coming over she said no. When I asked her if SHE would mind coming over what she said made my heart fill with pride." She told them.

Sakura started to blush as she remembered what she had said. She was only five; she'd like to point out.

"What, what?" Shisui said.

"She said, "Mommy said that if someone does something kind, you have to do something kind too!" I was confused because I didn't know what they did for her. When I was fixing to ask I noticed she had pink hair. Si I told her it was pretty. When she looked up at me she started to cry harder. What she said broke my heart. "No its not! The boys and girls made fun of it! It's an ugly color!"" Sakura remembered that day. Sasuke and Naruto were surrounded like girls as usual.

Sakura was coloring a picture and needed a blue crayon, so she went up to the girl crowed table of Sasuke and Naruto. She had pushed her way through the crowd to ask for one. When she got to the front she had asked for it from Naruto. Naruto had smiled at her and gave her one. She said thank you with a promise to give it back when she was finished. Naruto nodded and kept smiling at her.

When she had turned to go back to her nice and quiet secluded table, another girl came up to her and grabbed the crayon telling her she didn't deserve it. Sakura had looked at her confuse because she hadn't done anything wrong. So Sakura made a move to get it back. Then another girl came up and pushed her to the floor. Soon others were surrounding her.

They started to make fun of her hair and eyes and her ridiculously large forehead. She started to cry and screamed for them to stop. Then suddenly two hands had pulled her up off the floor. When she looked to see who it was she gasped, because standing on either side of her was Sasuke and Naruto, and they didn't look to happy.

Naruto had promptly told them to leave her alone with that loud serious voice of his. Sasuke mean while was trying to get her to stop crying. And at some point of the day they started to call her princess. From that point on they were in separable.

Sakura turned her attention back to the story.

"When she said that Sasuke glared at me for the first time ever. I wish I would have had a camera."

Sakura and everyone else looked at her strangely. Who would want to take a picture of their son glaring at them? Apparently she wanted to capture all her sons first moments. That's weird. Well not really…

"Actually now that I think of it really isn't that weird. When we were little you and mom and Kushina-chan used to have a camera with you all the time. We probably have like two hundred scrap books all together." Sakura said. Naruto and Sasuke nodded agreeing with her.

"Anyways when she said that Sasuke glared at me and Naruto started to comfort her. He said, "No its not Sakura-chan it's a really pretty color! The girls are only jealous because you have such a pretty hair color. And the boys just think you're pretty. I think you're pretty Sakura-chan and Sasuke does too, right Sasuke?" "Right" Sasuke-chan answered. It was so sweat. Though Sasuke-chan and Naruto-kun gave me the silent treatment for days on end. When I asked them why they spoke to me for the first time in two weeks. They said, "You made the princess cry and you just can't go and make the princess cry and get away with it!" It was then that I realized how important she was to them."

Sakura blushed when she said the old nickname they gave her.

Shisui stared in awe at them both realizing how close they really were. Though something really confused him. "So how come I've gone this long without knowing who pinky is?" He asked ignoring how Sakura growled in rage at the nickname.

"Yeah and what about me? I've known Sasuke longer than Sakura-chan has." Everyone seemed stomped at that question. "Wow I really don't know." Mikoto said.

Sakura shook her head confused too.

"Well anyways on with more stories. We can fill Shisui in on all of them." Mikoto said clapping her hands gleefully.

"Why don't you tell them about the one guy who pushed her last year?" Itachi said wanting to get a rise out of Shisui. He had taken notice of how his cousin was interested in her at lunch that day.


What happened at lunch at Itachi's table:

"Ne, Itachi who's that?" He pointed to his brothers table. He looked towards it and saw that he was pointing at Sakura. "One of my little brother best friends." He answered. "Well your brother sure is lucky." Shisui said back. Itachi shook his head knowing what was going through his cousin's mind. This was something sexual. "Not like that. He thinks of her like a sister, and so do I, so don't try anything."

Shisui watched her for moment before turning back to his cousin. "Don't worry she looks to precious to hurt. She looks soft… You know she ran into me in the hallway and I helped her find her class. She smells good too. I actually got turned on by her smell alone." He said, his eyes getting a glazed look.

Itachi watched him. It was true that his cousin was known to sleep around a little but he had never told him of the girls he wanted to fuck.

"Well don't try anything on her." He said once again. "Like I said I won't. She's too special for only that." He said loosing thought.

Itachi could see where this was going. His cousin was starting to fall for his brother's friend. And Shisui wasn't the type to go through the denial phrase of love. Itachi decided that it really wouldn't be all that bad. His cousin was actually nice and gentle towards girls. And if he actually liked the girl, even loved the girl, even better.

And all Uchiha were really protective and possessive for the women they loved and those they considered family. He could tell by the way he was glaring at Naruto's arm around Sakura's shoulder that Shisui was starting to feel that way about Sakura. Though he was surprised. He had only talked to her once.

Though he guessed he should warn his cousin about his brother and Naruto, about what would happen if he hurt her in any way. "Well okay if you don't hurt her I won't mind, but Sasuke and Naruto are protective of her and won't take it well if they see her cry. They're really close. And I won't hold them back if you do make her cry. I'll even join in myself." Itachi said dead serious.

Shisui turned to him serious too. "Don't worry man I think she may just be it for me." Itachi nodded at him approvingly. Uchiha men always had a way of telling just who was right for them his father had once told him.

His attention caught sight of Sakura starring at them. He smirked at her. His smirk widened when she caught on to them talking about her. She was so smart. If only she knew… He watched as she lifted her hand up and smiled and waved. His heart warmed at the thought of her waving at him. He always thought of her as a sister and still does. If Shisui was to hurt her he wouldn't hold back.

He picked up his hand and waved back at her. This seemed to catch Shisui attention so he turned to see who he was waving at. He watched his cousin smile a true smile and turned to see Sakura smile shyly at Shisui and wave. He turned back to his cousin and watched his cousin smile bigger, then turned to face him again. "Shisui?" He asked. "Yes?" He asked too. "Your already hooked." He gazed at his cousin as he nodded and took a deep breath never losing his smile.

"I know." He answered.


It seemed Itachi had succeeded. He watched as his cousin's hand clenched around his chopsticks and as did his shoulders. When he spoke his voice sounded strain to the keen ear.

"What?" Shisui said. His father turned to him questionably. Itachi knew what he was trying to ask and he nodded his head yes. His father then turned to shoot a look at his mother, whose eyes widened and she turned on Shisui ready to explain in the most gentle voice she could find.

Sakura watched all of this confused. Was this some kind of Uchiha secret language or something? She then turned her mind to the discussion at hand and tensed noticeably. Beside her Naruto grabbed hold of her hand and Sasuke laid his on her other and gave it a squeeze. What happened had really shook her up.

She listened as Mikoto told the story.

"Well..." She began with a gentle voice. "I'll tell you how Naruto and Sasuke told it. Last year in school Sasuke had said a boy started to taunt Sakura about her umm… Breasts, said they were big." Mikoto watched as her nephew kept tensing up with each word. Taking a deep breath she continued. "She told him to stop and he wouldn't so when she tried to walk away he shoved her back into a locker. She started crying and told him to stop.

Apparently that was how Sasuke and Naruto found him and her. They got really mad and beat the boy to the point where he has a black eye, a sprained wrist, and a bloody nose, with a few bruises here and there. They only stopped because a teacher pulled them away. Well should I say teachers? After that the boy was suspended for two months. Then the principal wanted to suspend Naruto-kun and Sasuke-chan for the same because of the fight." Mikoto added the –chan and –kun part to lighten the mood.

"I nor Fugaku, Minato, Kushina, and Hanna thought it was fair so we went down to the school to work something out. After about an hour of trying to get him see why they did what they did and a few childhood stories he let them off with a two week suspension. Hanna let Sakura stay out of school too because of what happened had shaken her up pretty good." She finished.

She could see that Shisui needed to calm down so she asked Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto to leave and wait till later to have dessert.

"Sasuke why don't you go and get Naruto and Sakura settled in and we can have dessert later. Okay?"

Nodding his head confused at being asked to leave he led Naruto and Sakura up to the 3rd story of the house and into their rooms. Naruto had already been to his but they helped Sakura carry her things up, leaving her hands free to open the door for them.

"Well here it is. The same room you always stay in when you're here." He told her as he walked back out confused as to why his parents want him to show her a place where she always was when she was here. Heck she knew where everything was already. She even knew where his father hid the extra junk food under the counter. She just barged in on any room, only knocking when it came to the bathroom, which she had her own of too, and his parent's room. It worked like that at Naruto's and her house too. They all had their own room in each other's houses. Weird maybe, but they were just that close so why?

Naruto followed Sasuke thinking the same thing.

Looking at all her things she began to unpack. She put her clothes away and settles the bed the way she liked it. Since this was the she had been saying in when she was here overnight, which was about two days every week, there was a lot of her stuff all ready here. But it was like that all ways. If she wasn't here then she was at Naruto's house, or if they weren't home they were at her house. Heck even Itachi had stayed with her a couple of times.

She put her long lime green body pillow just right in the center, and then she arranged the pillows that were added here over the years. And there were a lot. Each year Mikoto made it a deal to buy her a new pillow to place on her bed to go along with all of the other she gives her. While she got her a new charm to go on the bracelet she had bought Mikoto.

She turned down the bed and got her red fuzzy blanket her mom had got her on her birthday a few years back and arranged it on the bed to her liking.

She then heard a knock on the door. She opened it to reveal…

Ha! You guys are going to have to wait for it. But don't worry I won't keep you waiting for too long! The next chapter will be up today or tomorrow. Bye! Hope you enjoyed.