I'M SORRY! This was supposed to be up earlier! Today was pretty hectic, so that's why this one is so short... Sorry, I really hate writing short chapters, I just don't always have time to write the novel-like chapters I'd like. I'm not sure how many chapters I'll even have in this story, considering it is my first. It's more or less an experiment, I guess.

And a shout out to my ever lovely beta who has yet to get even this chapter. She doesn't have an actual account, but apparently reviews under the name of Cel-Bell. Love you, dear!

Another Chance

Chapter 4

Dinner with his family was something Alec had always enjoyed. It was especially nice today due to the fact that he probably hadn't eaten anything in a day or two. And, of course, because Magnus was there with him. Jace had ordered a pizza for them- mainly to spare them from Isabelle's awful cooking- and they sat in the kitchen eating in an awkwardly tense silence. The only one who had not consumed anything was Magnus, whom was hiding behind his boyfriend from Isabelle and Jace's angry glares. Instead, he simply sat and fiddled absent-mindedly with a lock of Alec's raven hair, pretending not to notice the venom seeping from the room's other occupants.

Alec, however, could not ignore them. He set down the rest of the pizza he was eating and grabbed Magnus' hand, pulling him out of the room without any resistance. They made it to the elevator and Alec pushed his warlock in before him.

"Magnus, I'm sorry about them, I have no idea that their problem is." He groaned. Magnus shook his head, "It's because I'm the reason you tried to kill yourself. He said softly. Alec's eyes widened, "No! Magnus, I told you; I wasn't thinking right! It's not your fault!"

Magnus smiled and wrapped his Shadowhunter into a comforting embrace, which was quickly returned. "I know, but they don't." Alec buried his face in Magnus' chest, "Well they don't matter." He muttered. The warlock laughed, "No," He murmured, stroking Alec's raven locks, "All that matters is us right now."

"That sounds so cheesy!" Alec exclaimed as he pushed away from Magnus, who grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his chest once more, "Maybe it does," He smiled deviously, "But you know it's true." And with that he bent down and kissed Alec softly on the lips. There was no movement. No hot passion like their previous kisses, just a peaceful atmosphere surrounding them.

When they finally broke for air, Alec gasped and looked up into Magnus' eyes, "What happened to taking it slow?" He asked. Magnus only rolled his eyes and dragged Alec out the open elevator doors and led him down the corridor to his room.

Alec quickly opened the door and pulled Magnus over to his bed. "Oh, getting a bit bold, now, are we?" Magus joked, dropping Alec a sultry wink. Alec rolled his eyes and punched him lightly in the arm before sitting on the end of his bed and gesturing for Magnus to do the same. The warlock sighed theatrically and plopped down next to him.

"But really," Alec drew up his legs and crossed them, his knee accidentally brushed Magnus' thigh and sent a shiver up his spine, "I thought we were 'Starting over'? What was that for?"

Magnus had noticed the Shadowhunter's reaction to their fleeting contact and smiled inwardly to himself. "Well," He reached over and put a hand on Alec's leg. "Well, remember when we first started dating? The first thing we did was kiss.* But it was a bit different that timeā€¦" He leaned over until his face was within an inch of Alec's.

"It was more like this."

*Go to Cassandra Clare's website and read Kissed: Magnus and Alec's First Kiss. It's great!

And that's the other reason this chapter is so short; I really wanted to try a cliffy. Was it good? No, it was short. DX

I will try to make the next one longer. I'm pretty sure I've said that before, but I mean it! Again, I'm not sure how long this story is even going to be in general, so I need to write long chapters to make up for the possibility of a short story. And I'm gonna go before I bore someone to death with my rambling! Thanks so much for reading! Readers and reviewers are both awesome! :)