The search part 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, if I did, you would be watching this right now. V_V

-With Ash's Friends-

The realization that they had left Pikachu behind caused panic.

"Max! I thought he was with you!" May accused her brother.

"I thought Dawn was!" Max said back, hoping that she would take the scapegoat. He actually had no idea.

"I was following him..." Dawn admitted. "But Pikachu ran into a bush and I lost him, I thought he was heading towards one of you guys."

There was a awkward silence following until Brock said,"Lets head back to that spot Iris found. It's the best lead we have. Iris, do you remember the spot you found that potion?"

With Pikachu (His POV)

I ran through the bushes. The scent I was following was definitely close now. I had been following the trail for a little while, and despite losing it occasionally I was definitely close.

It's pretty tiring chasing after someone if your only a foot tall, but I've been with Ash for to long to give up...

The trees are starting to thin out, I can see a field a short run away. 'If Ash isn't here...' he didn't have the slightest clue to what he would do next. 'Whats that sound? Who's talking?'

With Ash (3rd person POV)

"Alright, what have we learned over the past five minutes?" Winter said with conviction, while walking back and forth.

Ash immediately stiffened his legs, lifted his head, started looking straight forward, and said,"One! Ice type energy is flowing through the body. To find it, I have to sharpen my senses, and to use it I have to concentrate on it."

"Good, and what else?" She continued in a demanding, although lighter, tone. She had stopped pacing after walking past him and was looking right at him, even though he still stared forward.

"I have to try to focus the energy in front of me before shooting it out, or else I'll just hurt myself."
Ash said, in the exact same tone.

"And?" She held out the word in an inquisitive tone, and leaned forward and leaning her head to look him closely in the eye.

Ash finished with the same tone, saying,"Aim as if I were the tip of the beam, shooting forward with force and unrelenting once it connects."

She backed away and demanded, although she sounded really excited,"Now, use Ice Beam!"

Ash focused on what Winter had taught him. He focused on himself and could almost immediately feel an energy inside of him, it felt natural. Or at least as natural as it could, given the circumstances.

Willing/focusing to form in front if him, h

He looked for a target, and saw a 'conveniently' placed, well sized, rock. (Has anything been NOT convenient in this fic?)

He remembered what he had been taught and started focusing that energy in front of him. A small orb had gathered at his mouth which was now open. It continued to grow slowly until it came up to his nose.

Off to the side, Winter was obviously prideful that she had taught him, and was beaming at the sight of the ball of energy.

Now, Ash focused on the last thing she had taught him, how to fire the beam. He leaned back, then jerked forward while firing the beam at the rock. There was a force that was trying to push him back, but couldn't because of his strength. A strong, cold wind blew in his face and blew his ears and 'hair' back.

The method of aiming had apparently been a good one; the rock he was aiming at was now completely frozen, and had jagged spikes sticking out of it.

Winter squealed with joy at the sight of the structure and tackled Ash, sending them both to the floor. Ash had immediately ended his soldier impression and played along. Winter started using her foreleg to fling snow at him, which Ash quickly figured out how to return fire. Thus, a friendly war started between the two.

"Who's there?" A new voice sounded. "I was wondering if I could get some help." It sounded like a little kid, but also sounded experienced.

The pair stopped their war, and looked and saw a Pikachu coming towards them. Meanwhile, Pikachu had lost the scent at a bush, and hoped that locals would be able to point him in the right direction.

Winter was the first one to respond at the sight, seeing that Ash was now deep in thought, just by sight he could tell that this was his friend, but how to tell him...

"Hi! My name's Winter, and this is my friend, Ash. What do you need?"

Pikachu froze for a second, before deciding that this was probably just a coincidence."I'm looking for my trainer, his name, ironically, is Ash too. You haven't happened to see any trainers recently, have you?" His voice was hopeful, and kinda sad.

Winter's tone was angry,"Why would you want a trainer!? Name ONE example of a trainer who's always willing to work for you, and goes the extra mile for their pokemon!"

Pikachu just looked at her with a sad smile. With a equally sad tone, he said,"Mine." At this word, Winter immediately softened her look. "He was always there for us, and I was always at his side."

Ash, who had just been watching this unfold, made his decision. "Actually, I might have seen something..."

"When!" both of the pokemon said, one out of hope, the other out of wonder.

"Well," Ash started to respond,"Winter, lets just say me and him are one in the same." He finished the last sentence sheepishly.

Both of the pokemon looked angry at him, both due to unbelief, although Winter still doubted he was being serious. Pikachu was angry that he would dare make a joke like that. "Oh really? Then please tell me how I traveled with him." He said with a cold tone.

Ash replied with a stare and complete seriousness, "I believe it's been at least five years, and you STILL won't go into your ball."

Pikachu was dumb-founded, while Winter sat there, confused.

Hey guys, of course I get inspiration AFTER spring break.

If you have an idea, please send it, I want this story to be interesting. Tell me how to get better, or I never will. Any ideas for Pikachu's name? Don't want to just call him Pikachu.