Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters you recognize are owned by JKR, Alison J., & Maria W. are owned by sCHEm*m.White*Alison Johson

Chapter 1 + Introduction ~ Start of the New School Year

"MUM! DAD!! BRIAN!! PETUNIA!! HURRY UP! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" Lilliana Evans, or more likely to be called Lily Evans yelled from the bottom of her stairs.

"I'm ready dear. But you're brother seems to be rather slow." Lily's mother, Rose Evans remarked. Lily rolled her eyes, a hand on her hips and yelled in a bossy tone, "BRIAN EVANS! HURRY UP! I DO NOT WANT TO BE LATE FOR THE TRAIN LIKE LAST YEAR!!!!"

Lily Evans, wasn't any normal muggle girl. She had flowing auburn red hair that curled beneath her shoulders (weird enough, Lily HATES her beautiful hair), penetrating emerald green eyes (yes, Lily thinks her eyes are freaky) an exquisitely formed face, freckles splattered across her nose (she hates her freckles) and a petite body (she hates being short). But that's not it. Lily Evans was a witch.

She wasn't the only one from her family who had magical blood running through her veins. Her older brother, Brian Evans, was a wizard. They both go to the same school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Lily and Brian were both very clever and well liked in their School. They share the same humor and both were Gryffindors. But their similarities only go up to there. Lily was 15-year-old girl, and Brian was a 16-year-old boy. Lily is fast-tempered and rather sarcastic while Brian is cool and very straightforward. Brian was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, where he plays Beater, while Lily HATES flying.

"Okay2, I'm here." Brian huffed, dragging his trunk. His Prefect badge was shining on his black school robes, just as Lily's newly received Prefect badge was. Brian was tall and rather burly, with dark blonde hair and aqua eyes. A lot of girl's in his year and younger often swoon over his good looks and excellent achievements, But too bad Brian's only one love was for his Nimbus 770.

"Bout' time," Lily muttered.

The other thing about Lily is that she's always trying to be on time and having things organized, while Brian was a bit disorganized and always late.

"Geez, sister dear, take a chill pill." Brian grinned. "A new year at Hogwarts!! I don't have to take any stupid test this year! But you will have to! HAHA!"

"I don't mind," Lily answered. "At least I got my badge with my own hard work, unlike some people who got it from popularity."

"Well, At least the teachers still let me." Brian remarked. "Okay, Let's go!!" Brian shouted, running to the family car that was parked in their garage. Lily rolled her eyes again and took her own trunk to the car.

People thoughts the Evans were a great family. "Their children, Brian and Lily, are just fabulous." People say. Of course, they really were, but people tend to forget one other person.

Petunia Evans. Who now was seething with anger and jealousy as she watched her siblings laugh while they loaded their trunks onto the car. 'The freaks are going back to their freak school.' Petunia thought bitterly. 'I hate those freaks. I hate them, I hate them…'

Petunia had never talked ill about her siblings before. In fact, she would always say how she had fun playing with her brother and sister. Petunia was in fact Lily's twin, not identical, with blonde hair (that she had dyed two shades lighter than her real blonde color), blue eyes and a face that greatly resembled a horse, aside from her long giraffe neck. Brian was a great brother to her, and she had always looked up to him.

But it all changed after Brian got his letter. The whole house became ecstatic, especially after Lily got hers one year later.

"Petunia dear," Her mother called. "Are you coming?"

"No." She answered simply.

"But honey, you should see your brother and sister off before they go to school." Rose Evans said gently. "I'm sure they'll appreciate it."

"Yeah right." Petunia muttered.

"Come on, sweetie, Dad and I will take you for lunch afterwards."

"Oh, alright." Petunia answered dully.

Petunia walked out of the house, and saw that it was not in the garage anymore. It was now parked nicely in their front yard, ready to go.

It seemed that Brian and Lily were arguing about something, Petunia walked closer to listen to their conversation.

"Lily, are you sure you're going to wear that?" Brian asked, eyeing her outfit disapprovingly.

"Yes, why shouldn't I?" Lily asked.

"It's a bit… inappropriate."

"Is not." Lily answered. "Tunia wears things worse than this."

Petunia flinched as she heard her name being said. Huh, so that freak didn't like how she dressed?

"Yeah, but that's different. Hogwarts guys are…uh, rather…"

"No, it's just your friends." Lily said, rolling her eyes. "Mine's aren't like your flirty friends…"

"Puh, " Brian said. "Look who's talking, isn't Sirius Black a good friend of yours?"

"Well, Sirius wont do things to me!" Lily cried. "Heck, he's like another brother of mine!"

"Lily, you seem a bit naïve about these stuff, guys are-"

"Agh, Sirius isn't like that, dammit! He's just NOT. Maybe to other girls, but not ME, cause he'll know I'll send him to azkaban if he does…"

"Okay, fine fine…" Brian said, rolling his eyes. "But James Potter, okay, there's another one."

"James Potter isn't even my friend." Lily pointed out. "Reality check? We hated each other ever since first year."

"Fine, fine." Brian sighed. "I still don't like your outfit though."

"Oh, shut up Brian! I'm going to change into my robes on the train remember? So I wont, look inappropriate at HOGWARTS where the HOGWARTS GUYS are." Lily said.

"But, " Brian argued. "What if some of them see you on the train station? What if the prefects see your outfit?"

"God, Brian." Lily sighed. "Some people will bound to see me on the train station. And I'm NOT sitting with the prefects."

"Well, I don't either. So that's why I was hoping you could sit with them." Brian remarked. "But your outfit is-"


"It's because mines is completely normal." He said, looking proudly at his baggy pants and t-shirt.

"Well, so is mine!" Lily screeched.

"Yes, but your top is just a bit-"

"OH, FINE!" Lily huffed. She ran into the house and came out, wearing a black cardigan over her red top.

"HAPPY NOW?" Lily snapped. Brian merely nodded, and their parents, who had watched the whole scene, laughed.

"Don't you think you're being a bit overprotective Brian?" Their father, Richard Evans asked.

"No Dad, it's just that I'm afraid some guys in hogwarts might… you know, do something to her."

"It's just a simple matter of clothing, dear." Rose laughed.

"Yes but-"

"Hurry up, you guys will be late. Stop fighting." Petunia snapped.

Lily took a chance to glare at Petunia while Rose Evans told her husband to start driving.

"Dad, pleassssse can I drive pleaaaaase pleassssse?" Brian pleaded. He had just learn how to drive, but hasn't gotten his license yet.

"No. But maybe when you come back I might be nice enough to you." Richard Evans joked.

"You first, dear sister." Brian said, nodding towards the barrier between platform 9 and 10 in Kings Cross Station.

"Alright." Lily said, after giving last goodbyes and hugs to her parents. (And a quick nod to Petunia) She leaned on to the barrier and stumbled into the other side.

She saw the big red Hogwarts train, and smiled. "Good to be back." Lily whispered to herself.

"Okay there?" Brian panted. Turns out he picked the other way of going through the barrier, which was running.

"Yeah. I need help with my trunk though." Lily said.

"No need to worry, big brother Brian is here." He said proudly. Lily giggled and they both loaded their trunks onto the train.

"LILY!" Lily turned her head and saw Maria White and Sirius Black running towards her.

"HEY GUYS!!" Lily squealed, hugging them.

"Hey Brian." Sirius greeted. Sirius Black was tall, burly, with dark hair and dark eyes that seemed to always twinkle with mischief. He was a beater also on the Gryffindor team. From behind him Lily could see numerous girls giggling as they were watching him.

"Hello Sirius." Brian said. "How was your summer? Did you practice any?"

"Yes I did." Sirius answered. "But James got a new broom for his birthday."

"Oh, did he?" Lily said sarcastically. Maria nudged Lily's ribs.

"Oh, did he?" Brian answered, sounding awfully interested. "What broom did he get?"

"The new Thunderbolt." Sirius said.

Brian's eyes widen. "No way!! That costs a FORTUNE!" And on went the guys talking about quidditch.

"So." Maria said. "How was your summer?"

Maria White was fairly taller than Lily. She had gorgeous brown locks and smoky gray eyes.

She was one of Lily's friends at Hogwarts.

"The usual." Lily answered. "Petunia hating our guts, Mum and Dad asking EVERYTHING we know about magic, went to Paris, bla."

"Ah, Paris." Maria smiled. "Had fun?"

"No." Lily muttered. "Petunia was complaining all the time."

"But you had Brian."

"HE was complaining that Petunia complains too much."

Maria laughed. "Figures."

"So, how was you summer?"

"Family Reunions." Maria answered. "I went with my cousins out to a muggle amusement park for a day. It was wicked!"

"Yeah, I love those places." Lily sighed. "So fun."

"Then the others hung out at James's house for a few days." Maria said. "Too bad you couldn't come. We had fun."

"I was in Paris, and I wouldn't really have any fun if Potter's around." Lily smirked.

"Right. Anyway… you should be careful, cause James made a new 'Pranks to do on Lily' list."

"Doesn't he always?" Lily muttered.

"Yeah, well, Sirius was doing the Snape one. Beware of bugs, okay? I saw a quick glimpse of his list and saw something about bugs."

"Ick… okay." Lily shuddered. "I'm going to kill him if he does anything though."

"He's bound to." Maria said. "So I guess we wont be seeing Jamsie… hehe…"

"Hey girls." Someone said from behind Lily and Maria, giving them both hugs.

"Allie!!!" Lily and Maria cried.

Alison Johnson, who was a tall and thin girl with black blue hair and dark brown eyes, stood awkwardly as the two other girls hugged her fiercely.

"Need-air." Alison huffed, trying to struggle from their arms. Maria and Lily both broke the hugs, and laughed.

"I'm sorry Allie." Maria said. "You know how enthusiastic I get on the first of September."

"Right." Alison grinned. "I need help, by the way. My trunk-"

"Eric should've helped you." Lily said. "What are brothers for?"

"Annoyance." Alison muttered. "He ran off as soon as we got here. Oh, he's over there talking to his stupid girlfriend."

"Then make Derek do it." Maria shrugged. "You've got another brother there."

"Went off to his friends." Alison said. "And don't start off with saying all of my brothers, because most of them aren't in Hogwarts no more."

"That's too bad…" Lily said dreamily. Alison and Maria knew that Lily thought Christopher Johnson was good-looking.

"Christopher is working in the Daily Prophet branch in Germany." Alison said.

"Oh… why so far…" Lily whined. Alison just rolled her eyes and tapped her foot impatiently. "I need someone to help me out here!! I need my heavy trunk on the train right NOW!!"

"Get James to do it." Maria said. "He isn't your cousin for nothing."

"He wont want to, trust me, I know." Alison said. "I need my trunk-"

"Here, I'll help you." Remus Lupin said, while dragging her trunk onto the train. After her trunk was safely placed onto the train, the sandy-brown haired boy smiled. "What are boyfriends for?"

"I don't know…" Alison said. "For Kissing?" She murmured.

Lily and Maria groaned as they began to witness the happy couple kissing, and walked away from them. They walked onto the train, finding empty compartments for them to share.

"Hey man what's up." James said, greeting both Sirius Black and Brian Evans.

"Heyyy Jamsie boy! Me and Brian here were just talking about your new broom." Sirius said.

"Oh you mean my Thunderbolt." James said, bragging. "Oh yeah, my new baby. It's locked up, safely, in my trunk…"

"You brat." Brian sighed. "I have to clear both mine and Lily's account in Gringotts to get that!"

"Yeah, well…" James said, adjusting his school robes. A gleaming silver object was pinned onto the front.

"Oh shit! You're a prefect?" Sirius asked, goggling at the badge. "NO! YOU CANT BE! WE CANT SNEAK OUT ANYMORE OR PLAY PRANKS ON SNAPE OR-"

"God, don't worry Sirius, I'm still going to do all those stuff." James answered. "It's not like I've changed a bit."

"Lily'll have a cow." Brian laughed.

"What do you mean?" James asked.

"She's a prefect too." Brian said. James's eyes widen and his jaw dropped. "Please…" James pleaded. "Please just say you didn't mean that."

"Oh, I mean it alright." Brian said, his eyebrows wiggling.

"NO!" James said, slapping his forehead.

"Think of the other things you can do with your prefect privileges." Sirius said. "You get to use the spacious Prefect bathroom, you get to take points from people, you get to act all bossy and important…"

"Maybe it won't be so bad." James said, looking hopeful. He was scanning the train station, trying to get his mind off the stupid prefects. But something caught his eye.

"Who's that pretty redhead with that brunette over there?" James asked, his eyes still fixed on the girl.

Sirius followed his gaze, and grinned. "Oh, she's waaayy out of your league."

"What? She's a seventh year or something?" James asked. James turned to Brian. "She's really hot."

"She's my friggin SISTER you dope!" Brian growled.


"You look nice today." Maria commented, as they sat down in an empty compartment. "Different, in some way."

"Thanks. I don't really think I look different-well, at first I was only wearing this-" Lily pulled her red top. "But then Brian had a nervous breakdown."

"Oh really?" Maria said, arching her brow. "Why?"

"He said something about guys in hogwarts are jerks, which is partly true." Lily said.

"Not partly, just really true." Maria said, rolling her eyes.

"What, did Snape send you love letters in the summer again?" Lily teased.

"Yes." Maria answered. "And it's really annoying!! Everyday his stupid family owl comes to my house bringing stupid letters or stupid candy or stupid chocolates or even stupid flowers… agh!" Maria whined. "My WHOLE family was teasing me. My parents recognized the owl, of course, since my father and Snape's work in the same department in M.O.M…" Maria took a deep breath before starting to whine again, "Then my mom thought there's something going one between us, so she asked Snape's mother, and Snape's mother said that 'Oh, Severus talks about Maria all the time! He is quite fond of her! I hear that she is also quite fond of our lovely Severus.' I mean, OH MY GOD!! I can't believe he told his PARENTS that I am his GIRLFRIEND! That is just so-"

"Desperate." Lily finished in for her. "Yes, I know."

"Then my mom talked to me about being careful with him since his father has been suspected to be on you-know-who's side." Maria rolled her eyes. "PUH LEAZE!! I CAN'T EVEN STAND TO BE IN ONE ROOM WITH THAT SLIMY GIT!"

Lily giggled, and while she did, the train started to move slowly. The train station seemed to pass by quickly; soon all Lily could see were trees and green fields.

Their compartment door slide open and in came Alison, her hair slightly tousled.

"Gee, look who came back from lip-locking with Remus." Maria said dryly.

Alison simply blushed, and sat down across from Lily. "James caught us and took points from us."

"What? Why? Now that's just the stupidest thing, and school hasn't even officially started yet!" Lily rambled.

"He said he wanted to try out his new prefect privileges… stupid prat. But he only took 0.5 point from the both of us." Alison said. "I just think he's mental."

"Riight… Take 0.5 point from your best pal and his girlfriend-who was your cousin, just to try out your new prefect privileges." Maria said, shaking her head. "James is one mental boy."

"He's so stupid." Lily said. "Next thing you know he's giving Sirius detention."

"Sirius probably begged him to." Maria answered. "He wants to break the stupid school record."

"Now they're both mental." Alison said, shaking her head. "Thank god my boyfriend's the only sane one."

"Talking about sane-" Lily said. "Did Peter even come?"

"Dunno. Probably forgot his trunk or lost his ticket or missed the train." Maria said. "That poor boy."

"Seriously." Alison said, looking thoughtful. "I know you guys pity Peter and all, and think he's just such a shy boy… " Alison then sighed. "But I really think he's CREEPY."

"What? Alison, I just think that's nonsense!" Lily exclaimed. "Sure, he stutters when he speaks and he's awfully clumsy, but he's such a nice boy!" Then Lily added, "Unlike some people I regretfully know."

"Oh come off it Lils," Maria said. "James is really nice."

"Oh, can't you girls see that beneath that package the devil's in there??" Lily said mournfully.

"Lily," Alison said. "James is my cousin. My favorite cousin, I love him dearly. He's my family. His mother is Aunt Jackie who makes wonderful chocolate chip cookies." Alison said, her mouth slightly watering remembering her favorite snack. "And those cookies are real good, so you better be nice to him."

"What?" Lily said, not believing her ears. Alison could be so… daft sometimes.

Maria was trying to fight back laughter. "Allie," Maria started, her face flushed pink from holding her laughter. "That is such crap!"

"What? The cookies are reeaaaaalllyy good." Alison replied in protest.

"Uh… right." Lily answered, a very puzzled look pasted on her face. Sure, they could be so daft and so silly sometimes, but they were her good friends. Alison Johnson and Maria White.

"Come one James, one look… please?" Sirius pleaded. "Please please pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"No." James replied smugly. Sirius was pleading him continuously ever since the train had started to show him his new Thunderbolt.

"Oh Come on Potter, one look… I'll give you all my dessert at the feast."

"No." James answered.

"Please… please… I'll buy you a lot of dung bombs."


"Pleasssseee… I'll pay you 10 galleons!" Sirius pleaded. 10 Galleons were a lot, but Sirius didn't seem to mind much, since he did have that much money.

Remus, who was sitting on the other corner silently, cackled slowly.

"UM… Nah." Was all that James answered.

"Oh come on JAMSIE!!" Sirius whined. "How could you NOT accept 10 galleons! That's like, almost a hundred dungbombs, thirty butter beers… one used cleansweeper…"

"I don't want your money." James said coolly. "And you could've used your money to get yourself a thunderbolt."

"AGH!" Sirius screamed in frustration. Remus was now laughing out loud.

"You still thinking of seeing my thunderbolt?" James asked with a chuckle.

"Oh, I know." Sirius said, a sudden glint appearing in his dark eyes. "I'm going to tell the whole school a little something that you stuttered out earlier."

"Oh, and what is that?" James asked superiorly.

"I'm going to tell them- starting with Moony here- that you thought Lily Evans was really-"

"NO!" James screamed suddenly. "BLACKMAIL! LIES! I DIDN'T SAY A THING!!"

"I didn't even finish, Jamsie." Sirius said, an evil smile playing on his lips.

"Oh, do let the man finish his sentence Prongs." Remus said, very interested to where this conversation was heading.

"Yes, I'm going to tell the whole school that-" Sirius began, before James yet again cut him off.

"Do you think they'll believe it?" James asked.

"Expect the unexpected." Sirius said. "They'll believe it since it's too unbelievable."

James let out a loud sigh. "Fine, I'll unlock my trunk now." He grumbled, leaving their compartment.

Sirius, on the other hand, was jumping up and down with joy. "Yes! I get to be the first one to touch the wonderful Thunderbolt! Yes! And maybe James will be scared enough to let me ride it! Yay!"

Remus gave him an amused look. "So what's this thing about Lily Evans?"

"Oh, it's nothing really." Sirius said. "James just thought she looked hot. I mean, doesn't every guy?" Sirius laughed. "I don't see why he cared so much. Thinking Lily Evans was hot was the same to thinking chicken taste good. It's just so obvious."

Remus, was actually deep in thought. 'I knew it was coming sooner or later.' Remus thought in smug.

A/N: I thought of experimenting with a new story. If you like it, please review it… so… I would continue writing… I want a lot of reviews here… . will I get enough reviews? I don't know. Anywayyyy… review or no continuing chapter…
