Disclaimer: see chapter 1 and 3

A/N: WOW… I'm back!! That was a LONG vacation hehe… This chapter's a bit short, L Sorry!! I really wanted to update but I haven't got enough time (plus major writer's block) But… you all don't mind R/R right?? ;) good… hehe, enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 10 : A Brother's Fury

Brian Evans' eyes widen as he glared at the wall.

"Brian..." Olivia's soft voice called out.

"Liv," Brian growled. "My SISTER is GOING OUT with JAMES POTTER!"

"How could you know, Brian? You and your assumptions. Something happened between them last night, and because of your constant worrying, all these rumours are flying around Hogwarts about them!"


"Brian," Eric Johnson said, approaching him. "Calm down man..."


"Brian!" Olivia warned. "YOU ARE NOT going to go there and do something to James. You definitely are NOT going to do that."

"Why not Liv? Why do you think he's so innocent!??"

"Because," Olivia said. "I know that James is a nice boy, and he won't do anything to Lily. He knows his limits, Brian."

"Yeah," Eric put in. "That boy's been brought up well. I SHOULD KNOW, since I am his COUSIN."

Bad timing, Sirius strolled pass them.

"BLACK!" Brian snarled.

Sirius, who had been eating some Honeydukes chocolates, jumped in surprise. "Y-yes, Brian?"


Sirius knew that minute that Brian had saw the magazine. "Well, which friend? I've got alot of friends..." Sirius stammered.

"THAT WRETCHED FRIEND OF YOURS, POTTER!!!!" Brian hollered, grabbing Sirius's collar.

"Uh... I'm not sure, Brian,..." Sirius said uneasily. Hoo Boy, James is going to get it.

"Brian, that's it. Enough of this silliness." Olivia said, pulling his arm towards the nearest empty classroom. Brian let go of Sirius and let Olivia drag him into the classroom.

"Tell James to becareful, alright?" Eric warned. Sirius nodded, running off.

Inside the classroom, Brian was sitting on the table, breathing unsteadily, smoke coming out from his ears.

"Brian." Olivia started, her hands on her hips. "I've tried to tell you all these years. You wouldn't listen." Olivia said, trying her best to control her anger.

"Livi!" Brian said. "Lily's.. Lily's my sister. I'm worried if any guys do anything to her...."

"I know that, Brian." Olivia sighed. "But you've done it all wrong."

"ALL WRONG?" Brian yelled. Olivia stepped back, but that made Brian jump off the table and ran out the classroom in huff.

'Those Evans and their temper.' Olivia thought.

Lily ran into the common room, frantically looking for Alison and Maria. She spotted them with the Marauders, including James, in the far corner of the cozy room. Without hesitation Lily approached them, aware of the looks, glares, and whispers the others were giving her.

"Hi," Lily said.

The 6 others looked up to see Lily. Sirius, Remus, Alison, and Maria all said "Hey" while Peter cried (rather too excitedly) "HEY LILY!!!!!!!" and James stared at her, a tinge of red hinting on his cheeks, mumbling a soft "hello,".

"Um..." Lily said, trying not to look at James. It was a hard task to do, since he was staring back at her with his dreamy brown eyes, his jet-black hair falling over his eyes. 'He looks so adorable,' Lily thought. Shaking her head, Lily found the others waiting for her to say something.

"You okay, Lils?" Sirius asked.

"Uhh... yeah, sure, duh, of course." Lily said assuringly. "I just need to talk to the girls."

Alison and Maria nodded, and stood up, almost leaving the Marauders behind in the corner, but suddenly-


"Oh no,..." Alison mumbled. "Brian's here. Well, good luck, ol' cousin."

"Um, James, if anything happens, I want your invisibility cloak." Maria said hurriedly, giving James a pat on the head. With that Alison and Maria hurried off, dragging a nervous Lily with them.

James stood up straight, with Sirius, Remus and a cowering Peter behind him.

"Black, Lupin... and... whatever your name is," Brian said, glaring at Peter. "Go AWAY."

"Okey dokey." Sirius said, sliding away along with Remus and Peter.

"Brian, don't do anything to him." Eric said, showing up next to the infuriated Brian Evans.

Brian glared at James, his eyes burning with fury, taking a step closer to James. "POTTER... YOU... BASTARD!"

James, even though was at the same height of Brian, suddenly felt very small.

"Brian-" Eric began.

Brian ignored Eric, his fist clenched, still glaring at James. They were making quite a scene, even if they were only in the common room. A group of Gryffindors were all sitting in one corner, whispering while watching them excitedly.

"DON'T YOU LAY A FILTHY FINGER OF YOURS ON MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Brian had attempted to pounce on James, but Eric was holding him back, and Brian was struggling in Eric's arms, looking like a madman. All this time James was still standing there, staring at Brian, unsure what to do or say. He was speechless.

The group of gryffindors were all buzzing in hushed whispers.

"Uh, Brian, I'm sure we could, uh, say, talk this over?" James said rather slowly. He was rather scared that Brian WOULD kill him that instant, but his Gryffindor courage was still there in him.

The audience was now quiet, they were all staring at Brian, waiting for him to talk.

"Potter, we're going to have a TALK." Brian said, emphasizing 'talk'. "A man to man thing. Come on." Brian then beckoned James over to the portrait hole, taking him to the nearest empty classroom.

As James, Brian and Eric went into the classroom, another group of excited students listened onto their conversation, sticking their ears on the doors.

James sat behind a table, while Brian was pacing back and forth, muttering something. Eric was standing in the corner, frozen like a statue.

"WHAT are these rumours about, Potter?" Brian asked, a hint of anger in his rather calm voice.
"WHAT did you do to my sister last night?"

"Ww-we were having, uh, detention." James said slowly.


"I didn't-" James began, defending himself. Well, they did kiss, but-

"Why was she crying when she came back, Potter?? WHY? Did you MAKE her cry?" Brian raged.

James Potter had made Lily Evans cry? The thought spooked him. His stomach formed a knot, while he thought about it. 'I am a horrible person,' James thought. 'I made her cry...' But it made James rather speechless, not knowing what to say. Brian was getting impatient. He had his fist clenched.

"Potter, tell me now or I'd have to say bye bye to your Quidditch position!"

James's face fell. Now that was a real threat. Brian, who was captain, did have the power to do so. James took a deep breath, racking his mind for the right thing to say, but luckily Eric came into the rescue.

"Brian, man, won't you just calm down? I-"

"CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN??" Brian yelled.

Eric gave James an uneasy look. "I was not like this with Remus. We talked over it and I realized my sister was growing up..."


"HEY, I was just tellling you how I UNDERSTAND about this problem." Eric said, defending himself. "SERIOUSLY, Brian. Be a man and talk over it, don't do anything physical to James."

Brian gave Eric a rather tired look. Brian finally stopped pacing and stood in one spot, thinking.
"Do you like Lily, Potter?" He asked, rather gently.

Thump. That was the one question James was afraid to answer. He didn't know what to answer. That question had been haunting his thoughts all these weeks.

"Uh... " James croaked. "I .. I don't know."

"Well, It's a simple question, Potter. Yes or no?" Brian said, his temper beginning to rise again.

James was stumped. He didn't know what to say.

"FINE, We'll get to that later." Brian said, thinking. "What are you going to do about these rumours?"

"It'll die out sooner or later." James said assuringly.

Brian began to tap his chin. "Do you really hate Lily?"

James felt sweat pouring down the sides of his face. "Um... no, not really. But she hates me."

"Do you know why she hates you?"

"Yes. Cause the pranks I always play on her." James answered.

"Why do you always play pranks on her, Potter?"

"Because- Cause..." James bit his lower lip. "Because she's fun to tease."

Brian looked at him, an eyebrow arched, his blue eyes burning, arms crossed across his chest. "Have you ever thought of Lily in another way besides... enemies?"

"Uh, yeah." James admitted.

Eric watched as Brian began to pace around again. Seriously, he didn't have to go through this much trouble when Alison started going out with Remus.

"Potter," Brian began, his voice becoming very deadly. "I'm letting you off now. But if you do something to Lily..." He said, pausing. "I swear to god I'm going to break your bones."

James flinched, finally feeling very scared at the thought. "Y-yes, Brian, I'd never do anything harmful to Lily."

"Good." Brian said, sighing. "It would be such a pity if we lost one of our best chasers."

James smiled gratefully at Brian, and let out a relief sigh.

"Go," Brian said wearily. "Before I change my mind. But we've got Quidditch practice later, don't forget."

"Yes, captain." James said obediately. He took his bookbag and almost opened the door. He turned back and looked at Brian, with a determined look on his face.


"What now?" Brian almost yelled. James backed away slightly, but he cleared his throat.

"I..." James said. "I really like Lily."


"Go away." Brian moaned, throwing a sock at the door.

Unfortunately the door opened, and Olivia got pelted by one of Brian's socks.

"Ugh," She groaned, throwing the sock back to Brian. It hit his head and bounced down to the floor. She then approached him and sat next to him on his bed.

The 6th year Gryffindor Boys dorm was empty, except for Brian, who had been sitting in the room for quite a while, mourning. Olivia had noticed his absent and went off to look for him, finding him alone in the dorm.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asked.

"No," Brian mumbled. 

Olivia sat on his bed, smiling. "I'm really proud of you today."

"What for?" Brian muttered.

"You know... how you handled the James/Lily thing." Olivia said. "I was afraid you'd break his neck. James is a good guy, and Lily's growing up. You can't have her jailed up all her life."

"Yeah, I know that." Brian said, burying his face in his hands. "Lily probably really hates me for that. I can't blame her. I can't believe I've been such a jerk, such a useless brother these years..."

"Don't say that..." Olivia said, putting an arm around him. "You're a great brother. Lily loves you."

Brian sighed, and kept quiet for a while. Then he looked up into Olivia's eyes. They were so beautiful, Brian was surprised how he had never noticed them before.

"James and Lily like each other though." Olivia said thoughtfully. "I'd like to get them together."

Brian was rather quiet, as if he was deep in thought. After a while, he let out a loud sigh and said, "I guess that's the right thing to do now."

"See? You're a great brother." Olivia said, hugging him. Brian couldn't help but smile at the fact that he and Olivia were in a rather warm position that they never really had been in.

"Oh, and Brian?"

"Mm?" Brian mumbled, hinting at the sweet smell of Olivia's curls.

"You're not just a great brother. You're a great friend, a great classmate, a great quidditch player. Overall, you're a great person."

Brian smiled dreamily as he watched Olivia leave the room in flourish.


A/N: I'm sorry that took long enough!! I'm having a major writer's block now :'( sad, I know. Hehe… well you guys can always give me ideas J hmm… well, yeah, that's it for now. I'll try to continue writing soon… ^^& I'm a bit busy, that's all!!
       Hope you liked this chapter. REVIEW PLEASEEE!!

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