Chapter 6

Written by UnlitLantern

Author's Note: You fine people have my sincerest apologies for the completely absurd tardiness of this chapter. I am so sorry that I couldn't manage to get this out sooner; it's unacceptable. I am unsure of when the next chapter will be posted, and I am unsure if it will be myself or Jay posting the next chapter. Please be aware that I have severely restricted internet access, and the only time I've been been able to work on this story is in school, and even that is difficult to do. I'm sorry that it's been so difficult, I will try to be better about posting. If Jay doesn't post after a while, a few months maybe, then I will begin work on the next chapter. Thank you all for being so patient, I really do appreciate it!

~Mediterranean Group P.O.V.~

Italy shrieked as a ball of black magic singed his curl. The italian scurried across the floor, running as fast as humanly possible, all while spewing incomprehensible gibberish. Turkey, Greece, and Egypt tried desperately to keep pace with the hysterical Italian.

"YAVAŞ AŞAĞI OĞLU doğurgan dişiyi ORTADAN KALDIRMAK VEYA ÖLDÜRMEK*!" Turkey screamed at Italy. Hungary whizzed around them like a housefly, shooting crackling spheres of black magic the size of bowling balls at their heads. Austria tried his hardest to stay underfoot, tripping them and making their getaway a lot slower.

"Hurry…!" Greece panted. "There's a door down there…" The other three looked, and sure enough, there was a door. Not a big one like before, but a regular sized one with a silver doorknob.

At the sight of the door, Italy became a blur. He shot down the corridor, knocking Austria out of the way. Austria howled as he tumbled across the cold stone floor. This distracted Hungary for a second.

She paused when she heard Egypt whisper

"Sorry about this…" She crashed to the ground when Egypt struck her head with his sword-staff. Egypt inhaled sharply when Austria jumped onto his leg and dug his claws into his tan skin.

Not surprisingly, Italy reached the door first. He tore it open and ran inside it. Greece and Turkey quickly followed him. Egypt came last, he managed to knock Austria off of him. The Egyptian quickly shut and bolted it the door. The four could hear the tomcat hissing and scratching from behind the door.

The four waited until their hearts had slowed to a near-normal rate. Greece looked at the rest of the group.

"We need to… Find… The others…" Greece mumbled. Everyone nodded their heads. Italy was trembling violently. What had happened to Miss Hungary…?

The four walked slowly and cautiously down the hallway. Greece's eyelids were half open. Turkey was rubbing his forehead as though he had a headache. Egypt just kept walking.

Italy shivered quietly. He grew more and more uneasy with every second. It felt like someone was watching them, watching them very, very carefully.


~Romania's P.O.V.~

Romania's bright red eyes studied the screen. The four countries walked slowly down the hallway, Egypt and Turkey in front, Greece in the middle, and Italy trailing behind. His eyes were focused on the small Italian. He was walking quietly, and looking around.

The Italian paused, but the others continued walking.

After a moment, Italy looked up, straight at one of Romania's hidden cameras, until he was staring right at Romania himself. It was as though Italy could actually see him behind the small glass lense.

The host shivered involuntarily, raising an almost unnerved eyebrow at the Italian's actions. He leaned forward just a bit, wondering how this was possible. Was it just a coincidence? Could Italy possibly see him…?

No, Romania decided, that wasn't possible. Italy was just staring into space. There was no way he could see him, or the camera. But despite trying to reassure himself, the vampire still found that he felt on edge. He focused, red eyes lingered on the screen for a moment before they shifted to another. This time, he was looking at a screen that held France, Canada, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

~Vampires' P.O.V.~

France gently nudged open a tall wooden door with her shoulder, which swung open with minimal resistance. He carefully turned sideways, and with the Vietnamese woman still in his arms, made his way into the small room behind the tall door. Canada quickly followed, gently balancing Thailand in his arms as he went. The Frenchman, quickly looked around the room for something to set Vietnam on, finally finding a fainting-couch like piece of furniture to rest her on. He carefully laid the nation down on the couch before looking over at Canada and speaking.

"Matthieu, zere is enough room for zem both on zis couch." The frenchman said. His typically smooth voice quivered slightly with fear and anxiety.

"Ok papa." Canada replied quietly, carefully bringing Taiwan over to the couch and gently setting her down beside the other Asian country. Once done, Canada's hand went up to the aching lump on his head, a rather painful reminder of their lapse of… Humanity. The northern nation sighed quietly. He seemed thoughtful, but worried.

"Matthieu…?" The Frenchman asked quietly, approaching the younger with a concerned expression. "Are you alright…?" Canada turned his head to look at France with an upset frown. Even though he wasn't really used to attention, he didn't mind it at the moment. He just wanted to be comforted.

"I-I don't know…" Canada mumbled quietly, wrapping his arms around himself in a hug. "I just… I can't believe wh-what we did…" France pursed his lips quietly. He couldn't say that he didn't feel a great amount of guilt at his loss of control, but at the moment, it wasn't his greatest priority. Right now, his utmost priority was keeping Canada and the other two countries safe and contained. It would be for the benefit of all the other countries inside of the castle if they stayed here, inside of this room.

"I cannot believe it either, Matthieu." France said quietly, lowering his eyes in unspoken guilt. "Zat is why, maybe… We should stay in here until zis 'scavenger hunt' ends." Canada blinked at this, looking up at the elder country with wide eyes. After a few moments of thinking, he nodded quietly, murmuring,

"Ok papa." The northern country looked down at Vietnam and Taiwan, frowning a bit. "We'll need to tell them when they wake up." He said. As he spoke, Taiwan let out a soft groan, cracking open her tired brown eyes as she started to wake up. Her fingers slowly curled into small fists, and she mumbled something indecipherable, her new fangs somewhat hindering her speech. The two western countries' attention was brought down to Taiwan.

"Taiwan?" Canada asked softly, thin eyebrows furrowing in worry.

"Mister Canada…?" Taiwan asked confusedly, her brown eyes sliding over to the other. "Wh… Where are we? What happened?" The young asian countries eyes traveled over to Vietnam, and she jumped. "Vietnam!?" She cried, suddenly much less sluggish than she was before. "Vietnam?! Oh my gosh! What happened?! What's going on?!" She said, clearly panicked at the sight of her friend pale and possibly unconscious friend beside her. She hurriedly sat up, looking very afraid.

"Madmoiselle, do not panic. Zere has been a bit of …Well, I suppose…" France said, trying to figure out how to explain what had happened. "I think that Romania has a very twisted idea for zis party." He finally said, the words turning into more of a mumble.

"Here." Canada said. In an effort to help his parent country, he looked around and picked up a small handheld mirror that lay beside the couch. The country carefully held it up to show Taiwan the effects of what had transpired. Taiwan was instantly taken aback. Her reflection displayed two long, sharp incisors jutting out from under her upper lip. Fearfully, she lifted up a finger and gently prodded them, hurriedly taking her finger away when the tooth accidentally pricked her.

"Ow!" She said quietly, tightening her hand into a fist at the small jolt of pain. "I don't understand… What's happening-?" Her eyes widened a bit as she looked up at the other two countries. They had long, sharp fangs that protruded from underneath their lips, and they looked awfully pale. "... I don't understand." Taiwan whispered quietly. "How did this happen?"

"We don't know." Canada said, trying to keep his voice calm to soothe the woman. "But I think that maybe we should just stay in this room until it all blows over."

~Norway and Crew P.O.V.~

A massive black ball of energy crashed into the three countries, knocking them off of their feet. Norway watched as they crashed into the floor, each letting out a cry or grunt of pain. His blazing blue eyes looked over the three as they began to writhe on the ground, grabbing their bodies as their skin began to harden and crack, gaining a dark, greyish color. Norway reclined into a sitting position as the the continued their change, his expression one of cold indifference. After a few moments, the nations' grunts and whimpers died down, and three hunched, scaly creatures rose off of the floor. Clawed fingers grasped eagerly on the ends of their arms, and rows of sharp teeth glittered in the dim light. The Nord looked down at the twisted creatures he'd created, and a faint, evil smile slid onto his face.

"*Kommer." Norway said lowly, standing upright once more before beginning to move down the hallway, going in the direction the others had gone earlier. The hunched, grey creatures followed loyally behind, their slitted eyes glinting as they did.

*Come - Norweigen