Thanks for reading my story :) . I welcome reviews and i'm totally okay with constructive critisism so moan at me all you like.

Title: The HollowHeart

Pairings: I haven't really thought of any - maybe i'll take suggestions later on

Disclaimer: Unfortunatly I don't own Ao no Exorcist (although I wish I did), I only own this story

Note: I rated this fic T because of language and violence. I was thinking of putting it up to M but then I thought that that was overkill - so... yee be warned ( that was pirate talk btw )

Italics = thoughts

Summary: Okumura Rin attended a boarding school from the early age of 5, but the boarding school was a lie. Stolen from the clutches of his brother and father he was subjected to years of intense training, and now, 10 years later, they have found him once again. But he a cold-hearted assasin who knows little of love and freindship... can he be the exorcist they need to save the world...? Or will he destroy the world before Satan can...?

Now on with the story...

Hi. My name is Okumura Rin, and this is my story. When I was just 5 my dad sent me to an all boys boarding school thinking that it would help to improve my behaviour. He was wrong, he was tricked, and that was the last time I ever saw my dad, my brother and my friends back at the monastry. The boarding school was a lie.

In 1981, the Japanese governmnet colaborated with the mafia to set up a secret training camp. Children from all over the counrty were unknowingly signed up to this camp by their parents, as the government had set up the illusion that this training camp was a prestigious all boys school, it's true nature was kept a secret. The truth of this camp was dark.

Any person enrolled into this camp underwent spartan training. They were taught the ins and outs of an assasin, and the few that graduated this school were garunteed to be some of the most dangerous men in the history of the Earth. And the many that didn't graduate... them and their families were exterminated, annihalated, it was made as if they had never existed - they were 'erased' from history itself.

You see, that's the darkness created when the mafia and the government come together; a deep dark pit of despair (metaphorical of course), with one purpose:

to create an indestructable army consisting of superhuman skills.

I awoke automatically at 5am. It was a reflex - if I didn't I would be punished, most likely severley beaten in some horific way. The sound of snoring filled my unnaturally sharp ears; the result of years of training. I was lying on a cold concrete floor, hundreds of other boys surrounding me. The room we slept in was small and entirely made of concrete. There were no windows, only a tall arch, with no door, that served as an entrance for hundreds of boys each night.

There was no furniture and no heating, most of the boys kept themselves warm by being near another person, the room was so crampt that everyone was pratically lying on each other anyway. Sometimes everyone would wake up and discover that someone had died in the night from the severe cold; it was usually one of the younger and more inexperienced boys.

Anyway, I woke up as usual and breathed a deep sigh. It was sort of like a ritual for me; the dusty air may be painful to some but I was used to it, the pain kept me sane.

I rose to my feet in one smooth movement and made my way over to the arch. Using the skills that I was taught, I made myself weightless as I passed over the other, still-sleeping, assasins in training. It wasn't out of my concern for them, I just hated crowds and didn't want everyone else to wake up - it was why I woke up slightly earlier than everyone else, even if it was only by 5 or 10 minutes.

As I stood in the arch I pondered. The last person to run away from this place was a 17 year old boy named arrow. That wasn't his birth name of course, birth names become insignificant and forgotten in this place, I don't even know my full name all I know is 'Rin', most people just call me 'Demon'.

Arrow had gotten his name as he was particularly skilled with the bow and arrow. He had a below average intelligence and thought that he could get away, I'm no bright spark but even i'm not that stupid.

The last I saw of him he was hanging in the courtyard, skin bloodied and beaten, face contorted in agony. It must have been the warden's doing. Those are the people that keep order in this place, they are creul people who show no mercy to even the younger boys.

I heard footsteps aproaching, most likely a warden. I judged that they were exactly 6 metres and 23 centimetres away, with each step the unknown entity was becoming nearer and nearer, 63.5cm a second I calculated.

"Oi, you"

It was almost casual the way the man in the dark blue officers suit addressed me.

I turned to the source of the noise with cold expressionless eyes.


I knew it was coming by the way the warden's muscles tensed.

"Look at me"

I obliged without protest, still showing no emotion.

The man looked me up and down in silence, with stern eyes. I didn't recognise him, he must have been new. We don't get told about these things, we are too insignificant.

"You must be Demon, I've heard about you. 'was told you're an early riser, that you like to keep away from the crowd".

I didn't answer him - there was no point anyway. Why make the conversation two-sided? I wouldn't achieve anything of benefit from doing that.

"An' you know what else I 'eard?" By this point his voice had turned slightly wild.


The man lowered his voice to a whisper, leaning into me

"I 'eard you're a real monster"

A sneer spread across his face twisting his features. He looked... evil. Plain evil. And that's saying something in this place. At that moment, while he was cackling away, I could've sworn I saw horns sprouting from his head, and a twisting tail behind him. Black spheres surrounded him. Were they spheres? No. They were weird bugs.

I didn't react. My face stayed as stone cold and unmoving as ever. What would be achieved if I reacted anyway? Nothing. So I stayed my cold and emotionless self.

After a few seconds the hellish laughter died down.

"Hmmm? No reaction prince? Oh well... my name is Astaroph, and you, my young master, are going to Gehenna!"


"No reaction still? Well then... YOUR GOING HOME YOU STUPID FUCK!"


I may not have said anything but inside I was in turmoil to say the least. I didn't believe this creep one bit, so I did the only rational thing...


I kicked him

And trust me - my kicks HURT.


I was released from my shock by a sharp smack around the head, judging by the pain I was hit by a metal baton


Yep - it was definantely metal.

I could hear more footsteps, I could tell that there were exactly 6 wardens running towards me even though I was facing the other way. They must have seen me kick horn-head.

What happened next was pure reflex from years of training

backflip, spin 90 degrees, blade in left pocket, pull out blade and slice jugular of nearest neck. Next target is 6 foot 7 inches tall, they're 3 metres away...

It ended in a matter of seconds. Before I knew it, I had taken out 6 people... 6 men... 6 WARDENS!

Shit... I was in trouble.

Once again I heard a cackle. I recognised it instantly.

Slowly I turned to face the white-haired-horn-freak who I had previously kicked.

"KUAHAHAHAHAHA! That was thoroughly entertaining my prince... NOW COME HERE!"

I involuntarily felt a shiver run down my spine, he was just so... menacing

Oh well. I might as well finish the job.

In a split second he was on the floor, a clean cut across his throat, face contorted in confusion while blood gushed away from him in a steady fountain.

"Ok... NOW I'M MAD! I'M GONNA - "


That slow, almost sarcastic clapping was the only sound I could hear. Horn-head's eyes widened as he stared at the source of the sound, which was coming up behind me.

I blinked and horn-freak was gone.

Turning, I was met by the unusual sight of a tall clown dressed in strange colours. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't name any of them, the only colours I knew were black, grey, white and beautiful red. He was accompanied either side, on his left was a boy 3 inches taller than me with two moles under his left eye. On the other side was an old man in his 50s, with white hair and glasses. As I said earlier, I'm not very smart so I've spent all my time training in combat - I'm not very good at deductions. Never-the-less I tried.

I turned and addressed the clown,

"A clown. Worked in the circus from an early age. Wants to be the ringmaster".

Three shocked expressions... was I correct?

I faced the boy,

"A teen, 17 years of age. Recently faced a tragedy - most likely a dog has died... or a cat."

I turned to the old man,

"50,60... maybe 70 years of age. Recently retired and has 7 grandkids. Lives with daughter in law but will soon be moving to a retirement home... your name is Portugese."




Oh shit. I think I got it wrong.

The clown's laughter went on for another few minutes. The other two still looked shocked and utterly speechless.

It was torture to listen to. I hadn't heard innocent laughter for years... but I didn't like it AT ALL. In fact, I HATED it. It BURNT my ears.

shut up. shut up. shut up. Shut Up. Shut Up. Shut Up. SHUT UP. SHUT UP.

I tried to keep calm but... I just hated that sound so much. I clenched my fist tighter around the knife I had pulled during my attack on the wardens earlier. It was slick with blood and the familiar coppery smell brought a humorless malicious smile to my lips.

Fortunately for them, the odd trio noticed the change within me and all traces of laughter seized simultaneously.

My eyes kept focusing on their weak points; neck, wrists, face. While my mind ran through different methods of killing them; headlock, hidden wristblade inserted into neck, kick the knees, snap the neck as they fall, punch them in the face, push nose into brain...

My smiled widened further than should of been humanly possible and I developed a dark look in my eyes.

"Okumura Rin". It was the clown who spoke. He sounded amused.

I snapped out of my trance, face tuning to normal

"..." I looked at him, the only sign that I was paying attention.

"Relax. There will be no wardens coming anytime soon."

wait... were they not wardens? Now that I think about it they're not wearing uniform

"We have gained special permission to be here"


He looks annoyed that I'm not reacting... good





"Ahem... we are from the Vatican..."


He pointed to the moley boy,

"your brother"

he then pointed to the old man

"your father"

What a lot of weirdos sprouting bullshit today... oh well...


He had caught my leg mid-kick.

My eyes widened - he had matched up to my speed AND strength, now THAT was a shock.

Around here I was known for being pratically inhuman.

A deathly silence stretched on...

" *Sigh* "

Did he just go *Sigh* ?

He let go of my leg and I slowly lowered it.

"Okumura Rin..."

I showed no sign of recognition. The three potentially threatening strangers shared looks of exasperation and an emotion which I didn't understand, and would not understand untill much later.

The clown turned to the old man and nodded. At last the guy removed his shocked expression and spoke up,

"My name is Fujimoto, I am your adoptive father, your name is Rin Okumura, and starting today you are to be enrolled at True Cross Academy."


"You are free of this god-forsaken place"


Can anyone guess where I got the hidden wrist blade from? I'll give you a hint... it's from a game ( which also has a book )

Anyway... thank you so much for reading - it really makes my day :) - I LOVE YOU ALL ( not in a creepy stalkerish way ;) ... okay maybe in a creepy stalkerish way :D)

Note: I have gone over this chapter and corrected any spelling and gramatical errors that I could spot ( sorry guys - I'm a fast typer ). And you guys would probably be interested to know that I've nearly finished the next chapter ( yay! ) so i'm going to shut up now and continue working on it - byebyee x