Two Worlds Collide

[Black Butler and Ouran fan-fic]

Chapter 1

[Ciel's POV]

"Young lord?" Sebastian says through the door with a knock and I say "Come in." he walks in with a letter in hand, probably from the queen I would guess. "You have a letter from the queen." Sebastian says setting down the letter on my desk. Sighing I take the letter tearing it open and take the letter out which reads.

Dear Ciel,

How have you been Ciel darling I hope you've been fine I have a job for you if you could do it for me that would mean the world to me? In England there has been a break out of murders of noble teens and we have a culprit who belongs to the Suou family who is another noble rich family. But most of them live in Japan including there son who goes to Ouran Academy, I want you to get close to that kid and investigate doing as much as you can. Return the information to Scotland Yard and then your part will be done with. I have a manor reserved for you in Japan so you don't have to go scavenging for a manor but getting in the school I couldn't manage to do; maybe you could. I hope you succeed while having a little fun in Japan, good luck at school Ciel. -Sigh- I remember when Albert and I would travel. Enjoy yourself Ciel

Sincerely, Queen Victoria

"Sebastian I need you to gather the servants and tell them to pack a good amount of stuff for a pretty long trip, we are going to Japan. I don't know how long the investigation will take so it could turn into a temporary move. Get most of your stuff together too Sebastian also get me into Ouran Academy quickly, that is the most important order." He nods and says "Yes my lord." on one knee with a hand over where his heart would be. Once he left the room I put away all of my finished paper work and headed for my room to pack up my stuff for this long trip. This is probably the first time the Queen has wanted me to take such drastic measures just for one investigation, I hope it's not as hard is it seems. I sigh and start packing up some clothes and other needed things and once I was done packing it was already dark, where has time gone! Sebastian knocks on my door and enters saying "There you are young master it's time to retire. I've already got you signed up for the school and the servants are packing as told; all just as you said." I reply "Thank you Sebastian." He helps me into night clothes then leaves me to go asleep and I fall asleep after thinking about what might happen in Japan for awhile.

Next Day:

"Time to wake up young master." Sebastian says drawing back the curtains and coming to the side of the bed. I sit up and say "Are we traveling today or are we leaving later on in the week?" He says "We will leave in the middle of the day so I can make sure everything will be ready to go and so I can make sure the manor will be guarded while we are gone." I nod and as soon as I'm dressed I head downstairs to eat breakfast, when I look at the paper I see that the murders have quited down in London. Just as the Queen said she believes the murder left London to somewhere else and she thinks he or she is in Japan. "Will Earl Grey tea suit you today? And for breakfast we have poached salmon and mint salad. For a side would you prefer toast, scones, or campagne?" I reply "The scones please." He places a plate in front of me with the food on it and leaves me to eat while he deals with the house.

After a couple hours we left in two carriages one with the servants and the other one with me alone in it heading for the docks. All I can do is look out the window and watch the trees go by as I get further and further from the manor. Soon enough we arrive at the docks but right when we bored the ship I'm surprised when I hear Elizabeth calling to me, "Cieeeeeeeeeeeelllll!" I feel her wrap her arms around me suddenly and letting out a squeal. "I can't believe we are going on the same ship but.. why are you on this ship anyways isn't it heading to Japan and why would you be heading there?" I reply "Um... just some business that I will be doing for a little while. I'm just glad I can see you Lizzie." She giggles and says "Yeah I agree." Suddenly she is pulled away by her brother Edward and he says "No need to do that in public Lizzie, not with him anyways." I sigh and say "Sebastian take me to my room." He nods and we head for the room.

After hours of traveling on the boat we arrived at the docks in Japan, truly it all felt like a rush of just talking to the Midfords and having dinner. Not long after we arrived and the servants and I departed from the ship and Midfords. We got in a carriage and Sebastian drove the carriage for the new manor, I'm curious what it's like and where it is in Japan. I watched the many buildings go by but one school building caught my eyes more then any building. It was pink and very large with a large amount of students walking around the courtyard; girls in yellow dresses and guys in a blue over jacket and black jeans. I hope that isn't Ouran but I highly doubt that it isn't, it probably is which is just my luck. About half an hour later from passing the school we came to a stop in front of a huge manor that was so close to the appearance to my manor in England. Stepping out I say "How did she get a manor that looked so similar to the manor back in England?" Sebastian was already at the door with a smirk and he says "It is very similar to the Phantomhive manor that should make it easy to locate everything." Stepping in the manor I see it has the same floor plan but this is the one structured like the manor that burned along with my parents.


"I'm so sorry I wasn't there that one night but I'm here now and we can relive it Phantomhive would you do me the honors." The voice said. I looked around in horror but no one was in the room not even Sebastian, where is he? "It took me three years to prepare it. So lets redo it just like that day three years ago!" The room is just like that day three years ago and there are innocent kids in cages suffering covered in blood and crying. The voice says " I have all I need the cages, the sacrifice lambs and one other thing; you the young earl!" The contract on my eye starts to sting in pain soon becoming a stabbing like pain. I scream "S-Sebastian!" but he doesn't come for me and I'm soon on my knees in pain. I look down to see I'm now in rags and covered in blood and there is a large cut across my chest, what is going on? I just want to wake up I know this is a dream just a terrible dream and I'll wake up the next morning startled by my dream. Suddenly Sebastian is beside me in demon form and says "This isn't just a dream Ciel."

[End of Dream]

"Tell me!" I wake up screaming with sweat streaming down my face and I'm clutching to the blankets around me. Sebastian says "Tell you what?" with a confused expression as he sits on the bed. I reply "It... it was just a dream. Am I starting school today?" He replies "Yes, it's good your awake earlier then expected I was just about to try and wake you up." I sigh and get out of bed and Sebastian helps me into the school uniform which just happens to be the one from that pink school just great. What did that dream mean am I going to experience that horrific day all over again in some sort of form, I just need it out of my mind but... but it just won't leave. "Young Master!" Sebastian says in a worried tone and I reply "Huh what is it!" He says "You weren't answering me, I was asking if you'll need me at all at the school?" Sighing I say "School is no place for a butler but if it becomes a problem I'll call for you okay Sebastian." Sebastian says "Of course, now would you like to come downstairs for breakfast?" I nod and follow him downstairs to the dinning table.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip: P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Students we have a new student, would you introduce yourself you man?" The teacher asks. With the best fake smile I say "I'm Ciel Phantomhive; I just came from London, England and own the Funtum toy company." I hear murmuring from the students and one person catches my eye, a girl dressed in a boys uniform and she had cropped hair to a guys length hair. The teacher says "You can sit next to Hikaoru Hitachiin, Hikaoru would you raise your hand?" A ginger boy raises his hand and looks straight at me with a suspicious look. I sit beside him and just look straight towards the front ignoring the many stares I was getting from around me; maybe I am a little self-conscious but I think just about everyone around me is practically looking straight into my soul. The whole class time I was thinking over two main things that were stuck in my mind, deciphering that dream and finding this Tamaki Suou and getting his trust. When class was over I was surprised when a bunch of girls were surrounding me with the weirdest expressions ever. One of them said "Um.. hi I'm name is Mari and I was wondering maybe we could hang out some time I'm mean you seem pretty cool and all." I give her a gentle smile and reply "Maybe later but if you'd excuse me all ladies I'm going to study." That was the only answer I could give them, really I was going to do my job as the Queen's guard dog.

"Hey kid you seem pretty popular with the ladies, I hope you won't be a problem here." That kid Hikaoru says with his twin brother standing beside him giving me a smug look. I say "I don't meant to be a problem; I mean I'm only thirteen so I don't think I really want to be looking to ladies. Besides I have a fiancé!" They look taken back and say "Sorry kid we were just giving you a hard time. So you really moved all the way from London, what made your parents decide to move here anyways I mean it's just a toy company so what motivated them?" I look down at the floor with sad eyes and say "They didn't decide anything I did; they died three years ago and now I only live with servants no family except my cousin who visits occasionally." They give me pity looks and say "Oh sorry didn't mean to get into that we seriously didn't know we're sorry. Hey I know a way to get your mind off of that silly topic, you should come meet some friends of ours!" Maybe these kids know the Suou kids that would be just my luck, so I reply "Sure why not that'd be great I'd like to make some friends so let's go."

Music room number three, what are all of these people doing in an abandoned music room; especially during lunch time that's kind of weird. When we go inside the room I hear a guy say "There you two are what took you so long it's almost time for hosting we need to hurry up, good thing we aren't cos-playing or else you'd be in trouble." Hikaoru says "Sorry we got some fresh meat maybe he could be a host?" I look up at him in confusion and say "Fresh meat! I though you said I'm just meeting some people, and what do you mean host?" A teenage boy comes up to me and takes me by the chin observing me turning my face side to side, what the heck is going on! The boy says "He's pretty cute but we already have a boy shotacon type so truly he is no use." I scowl up at him before the twins say "I don't know maybe we could use his past, hey Kyoya what do you know about the kid Ciel Phantomhive!" I look over to where they were referring to, to see a boy that looked around eighteen who was looking over a clip board.

"Phantomhive lived with his parents who owned the Funtum toy company but also were in close touch with the Queen of England." How the hell does he know that! He continues "At age ten there manor was burned in flames and all of the Phantomhives were believed to be dead but they couldn't find his body. But one month later he mysteriously returned with a butler and one missing eye. Now he is the head of the Phantomhive household and manages both the jobs of the toy company and working at the Queen's will doing dangerous tasks but always seems to come out unharmed. He only lives with the butler and four other servants in the outskirts of London until now obviously when he randomly moved to Japan for an unknown reason." Frowning I say "How exactly do you know all of that information about me?" He smirks and says "My family is a very large business Phantomhive you better chose your words wisely, but I can tell you I do my research using my power." God I felt like calling Sebastian now and making him kill this guy but that would be useless but he does know more then he should.

"Wow you work with the Queen of England that's amazing what kind of job do you do?" Asks the girl who is dressed like a guy who was in my class today. I say "That's my secret to keep but may I ask you this, why are you dressed as a guy I can tell that you're a girl." The whole group stares daggers into me until the blond guy says "How have you detected my darling daughters secret so easily without even truly meeting her at all? Are you some sort of secret agent who works for the Queen who has come to take my darling Haruhi?" I smirk and say "No I'm not a secret agent and I'm not here for the girl Haruhi I'm here for other reasons that don't belong in your heads." The guy that was called Kyoya says "I hope our little secret doesn't get out or else we'll have some problems, keep in mind I own all police stations and armies in Japan. I'd like to see you get away from so many people without a scratch." I could if I wanted to Sebastian could kill every single one of them and you two so you'd better watch your mouth, that's what I wanted to say. I say "I have no need to tell your secret, I guess I'll be on my way."

I walk out of the building to the courtyard and into a hidden area where no students were and I touched my eye patch and say "Sebastian come to me I need you." Seconds after my request he jumps down from the building and says "Yes my lord?" I say "First off I want you to do research on Kyoya Otori and also I'd like an image of Tamaki Suou so I know who I'm looking for because he isn't in my class from what I know." Sebastian says "Yes my lord, when would you like this all?" I reply "When you come and pick me up that's when I want it." He nods and is gone in a flash leaving me in the ally way all by myself. Should I have said something about the dream; no I doubt he could help me with that it is my own job to figure that out. I'm suddenly grabbed by that blond from the music room and he says "What are you doing in here silly we want to make a deal with you!" I say "I don't have time for this leave me be!" He says "Of course you do Ciel class doesn't start for another ten minutes, we were wondering if you'd like to join the host club in return for anything you'd like you name it!" I say "Host... club, you're kidding right. Why would I join your club I don't even know who you are, for all I know you could be a physco killer." He laughs and says "My name is Tamaki, Tamaki Suou."

My eyes brighten up and say "Sure I'll join, but I'll start tomorrow my ride doesn't know to pick me up late after school and I'd hate to keep them waiting." Tamaki says "Of course Ciel, do you want to come join me back to the club." I say "Sure." and follow behind him. He just waltzed up to me and says 'Come be my friend!' like an idiot, I hope that family member isn't dear to him whoever it might be who is causing the murders. My answer has been given to me now all I need to do is become a good friend of his and gain his trust so I can investigate soon enough. I could just send Sebastian to investigate alone but I don't want any suspicious deaths at the Suou household because of him. In what seemed like seconds we are back to the club and I'm almost pushed to the ground by a small child like body that grabs onto my body and I hear the kid say "Ciel-chan you came back I'm so happy." I look at the small boy on my back and smile saying "Yeah I decided to agree to the offer Tamaki gave me, so what's your name kid?" He says "People call me Honey, I'm a third year student hear sadly I wish we were in the same class. Man that kid isn't a kid but he is like sixteen or seventeen years old that's kind of scary."

Tamaki says "Let me introduce you to everyone properly! I am Tamaki of course, that is Honey as you know, this is Kyoya he runs everything in the club, the twins are Hikaoru and Kaoru, that's Mori, and lastly my dear Haruhi!" He pointed to each as he said there names so I knew which was which. Honey ran over to Mori and climbed onto his back giggling, so I guess they're a little close maybe just good friends. Tamaki comes to my side and says "So I'm going to teach you the ways of a host so you don't fail badly, understand Ciel!" I nod as he continues "You always want to approach a lady in a calm and kind way never acting to rough and mean, that would be a way to lose a customer. Always use your best manners around the ladies and during school because the ladies will be in this school too maybe some even in your class..." After that I started ignoring him focusing on my own thoughts, is this the right Tamaki he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be related to a killer. More like an idiot. As soon as he finished his rant he says "So do you think you can handle it Ciel?" I reply "Sure I can handle it, what kind of person would I be if I couldn't handle this small task." I swear I could see Sebastian's smirk at the use of his little catch phrase he tends to use. I'm caught off guard when Tamaki has me in a bear hug and says "Aw my little boy is so cute he'll for sure do just fine in the hosting club!" I gasp for air reaching for thin air managing to let out the single word "Help!"

The rest of the day was normal and it figures I have pretty much the same classes as Haruhi and the twins so I'd be stuck with them all day. When it was time to go I walk to outside the building to see Sebastian waiting for me just at the bottom of the stairs. He asks "So how was your first day of school?" I reply "I'm forced into a stupid host club but Tamaki Suou is in it so at least I have a way to get to him every day. Hosting hours are after school so from tomorrow on I need you to come about an hour late." He nods and says "So I'm guessing you don't need the photo but I have the information on Kyoya, may I ask why you need to know about him?" I reply while walking beside him "He knows to much about the past, he also knows about my job with the Queen which only people with in my very close social circle should know. Not even Elizabeth knows about it so it just doesn't make any since how he could get it!" Sebastian hands me a couple sheets of paper which was pretty much Kyoya's biography. Looking through it I sigh and say "He is pretty big in Japan I should be a little careful while here if he's here I'd hate to see how many police would come if I made a wrong move." I get in the carriage and head straight back to the manor.

When we arrive at the manor I'm surprised when I see it set on fire causing me to jump, just like three years ago, no this just can't be right. The fire suddenly disappears when the carriage stops right in front of the house, am I hallucinating about the past? "What's wrong young master?" Sebastian says when he opens the carriage door. I reply in utter and complete shock "I think I'm hallucinating, I swear the manor was just on fire but...but," Sebastian says "Has there been anything similar to this hallucination?" I say "Well yes there actually has last night I had a dream, it seemed almost like a look into the future." Sebastian says "Lets get inside the manor then you can tell me, maybe there is some sort of connections to this." I stand up walking beside Sebastian, I cringe when I see dead bodies of my family but instead of just my mom and dad there is also Lizzie and a couple others. Sebastian says "It's not real Ciel come on inside." He knew I was seeing the hallucinations, this is good I could really use some help right now.

"So what was the dream exactly? Could you try and explain it as best as you can." Sebastian says sitting in front of me, I reply "Well there were cages and kids around my age in them but I wasn't, at first I thought I was dreaming of the past. Then a male voice starts saying a bunch of non-since, he says 'He sorry he wasn't there that night and that it took him three years to prepare, then he finally says he wanted to redo that night three years ago.' But there wasn't anyone around not even you, I tried calling for you but you didn't get there until I was already harmed. You came in demon form and you said 'This isn't just a dream Ciel' and that's when I woke up. The reason I yelled tell me that morning is because I wanted an explanation but obviously you had no clue what I was talking about, it was just a dream." Sebastian says "I do think they are connected in some way because it's almost like you're recalling the past or maybe even somehow getting a glimpse into the future." I say "I just want some sleep! I'm going to my room." I ran up to my room and jumped onto my bed not moving a muscle. Of course Sebastian followed because he came putting the covers over me and says "Goodnight young master." and leaves me alone in the room to fall asleep.