Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, other than Christabel and Dexter.
Rated: M
Warning(s): Slash, Mpreg, Violence, Domestic Violence, Murder, etc.

One Year Later

It was twelve o' clock. The ceremony was scheduled to start at twelve-thirty.

Randy stared into the mirror nervously. It had been six months since the birth of their son, Dexter, and the suit that he had custom ordered didn't fit as well as he would have liked. He didn't like the way that it settled around his stomach. Awkwardly, he shifted the material around to try and draw it away from the small belly that he still sported. John said that it was adorable, but Randy just didn't see it the same way. He wanted his old body back.

He still hadn't been medically cleared to wrestle. Even if his bullet wounds had healed, Vince insisted that he undergo physical therapy to make sure that his bones and his muscles were in the best shape possible. Absently, he rolled his shoulders. A small flare of pain shot down his back, but it was muted, and nothing compared to what it had first felt like when he was taken off the morphine pump. He fixed his suit one more time.

Finally, he tied his tie – loosened it, tightened it, loosened it, tightened it… he was just so nervous. It was an unfamiliar feeling for him. But, more than anything, he knew that this was what he wanted. He and John deserved to be happy. And if he let his nerves take over, not only would he never be able to fix things with John, but he didn't even want to think about what it would do to John emotionally. He would just… lose it.

There was a knock on the door. Sam peered inside, a bright smile on her face. While it may not have worked out for her and Randy, she was happy that he finally had a chance to be happy. "It's time, babe."

"Thanks." Randy smoothed his hands over his suit. "I'll be out in a minute." And, looking back at the mirror, he followed Sam out the door to the church.

"Well, baby girl, this is it. Your Daddy and I are gonna get married. Again." Ricardo smiled sweetly at the fifteen-month-old that he cradled in his arms. She looked up at him with tired, chocolate eyes.

The del Rio family tailor had made Ricardo's suit. The fabric was imported from Switzerland and it felt incredibly soft against his skin. The actual suit was white, but the inside was lined with black silk and he wore a black button-down underneath. Alberto had said that this would make the white tie stand out more. Ricardo looked at himself in the mirror, Christabel still in his arms. He had to admit – the suit fit better than any of his announcer's suits.

He turned around and set Christabel down on the little couch. Immediately, she stuck her thumb in her mouth and started to suck. It was amazing, the resemblance that she bore to Alberto. Thick, black curls fell down around her tiny face, and her eyes held the same shimmer of intelligence. She was such a sweet child, so pure and innocent, and Ricardo didn't know what he had done to deserve her. He would spend his entire life wondering about that.

"Your Grandpa and Grandma are gonna be here too. I don't know what your Grandpa did to make your Grandma come around… but I'm thankful for it. She's actually a nice woman… once you get to know her."

"G-G-Grandma?" It was hard for Christabel to get her tongue around all of the letters, but it sounded okay in the end.

"Yeah, baby. Grandma's here." Ricardo ruffled her ebony curls and smiled as she chuckled cutely.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "I do it!" Christabel announced, before she slid off of the couch and ran over to the door. But she was too tiny to reach the handle.

"Here, let me help you baby." Ricardo hoisted her up and put his hand on her smaller one, helping her to twist the knob and allow their visitor inside.

It was Alberto's mother. She was dressed in a beautiful white gown that flowed down into a small train behind her. Hurriedly, Ricardo moved aside to allow her room to come in. Even if he would soon be an official member of their family, his days as the family servant still remained with him. And the lady of the house had always been the cruelest toward him. It was no secret that she hated him above all else.

"I had to come because there was something that I needed to say to you, face to face." She said, her head bowed. "I wanted to let you know that you… my Alberto and you, Ricardo… you both have my blessing as well."

Tears brimmed in Ricardo's eyes. "Thank you, madam. You don't know… You don't know how much it means for me to hear you say that." Ricardo assured her fervently.

She only nodded, a solemn smile on her face. "Take good care of my boy." And then, "It's time. The ceremony will start soon." Carefully, she took Christabel into her arms. "I hope you find the happiness that you seek."

An image of Ricardo, standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for him, filled his mind. He smiled. "I will."

It would have been rather comical to watch Alberto and John hurriedly straighten each other's ties, had it not been for the complete nervousness that was clear in their eyes. John, still worried about the incident with Evan, had convinced himself that Randy would change his mind at the last minute and leave him at the altar. Alberto worried about what his mother had to say to Ricardo. He didn't need her to scare him off before the ceremony.

Shortly after both men had proposed, they had decided that it would be most economical to have a double ceremony. Since the entire WWE roster would be invited anyhow, it seemed wrong to have them be forced to choose which ceremony to attend. So, instead, they had booked a church a short distance away from Miami and, together, had paid for their families to stay there for the week. Thus far, it had been an amazing vacation.

John looked at the clock. It was twelve twenty-five. "Guess we can't put this off any longer, huh?" He tried to sound sarcastic, but instead, he just sounded scared.

Alberto swallowed hard and shook his head. "Guess not." He clapped a hand on his newfound friend's shoulder. "After you, John." And he followed him out into the hallway…

"Ladies and Gentleman, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man and this man," he motioned to John and Randy, "and this man and this man" he motioned to Ricardo and Alberto, "in holy matrimony. If anyone here feels as if these two couples should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

John clutched Randy's hands nervously, and Randy smoothed his thumb over the back of John's meaty paws to comfort him. Alberto never broke eye contact with Ricardo, silently willing his mother to stay in her seat. When nobody rose to contradict the couple's decision to marry, the pastor continued. The ceremony went by in a blur. None of the men remembered much of the pastor's speech about lifelong commitment and faithfulness.

It was only when it came time for the vows that they started to come back to themselves. Slowly, the pastor made his way over to John and Randy. On a soft, blue satin pillow, he had the two rings. They were two solid, white gold bands (not unlike Randy's engagement ring), with the engraving: forever and always on the inside. John took his first, taking hold of Randy's hand and smiling a little when Randy looked down bashfully.

"You don't know how much it means to me that we've made it this far. I used to think that I'd never see the light of day again, but now I know the truth. You are my day. And I hope the sun won't set for a very long time." The ring was on.

Randy took his turn then. "It's funny that you mentioned light, because you're my light as well. Sometimes, it is so dark, I don't know what the light is." And then, he whispered in John's ear, "but when you're with me, all of the voices go away…"

A tear leaked down John's face at the truthfulness behind those words. Randy truly did love him, and that meant more than words ever could. The pastor smiled at them, before he took the other pillow and walked over to Ricardo and Alberto. Ricardo was already crying, all of this emotion finally getting the best of him. Alberto gently rubbed the tears away with the pad of his thumb.

Alberto slid Ricardo's ring on. "This is what you deserve, mi hermosa. To forever be with people who love and care for you. I won't be the man to promise that nobody will ever hurt you again, because promises like that are asking to be broken. But I will say that I would rather die than see someone hurt you. That is my promise."

Ricardo sniffled. "I love you so much, Alberto."

Alberto smiled, stroking Ricardo's hair softly. "I love you too, mi hermosa."

Ricardo slid Alberto's ring on, his hand trembling. "I… I still don't know what has happened to make you change, but I know that I like you better this way. You… You honestly love me. I can see that. And you love our daughter too. And I know that I wouldn't want anyone else to be her father."

The crowd broke down into tearful awws. Alberto continued to brush the tears away from Ricardo's eyes, showering him with affection for all of the world to see. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he loved his ring announcer. And Randy rested his head on the smaller man's shoulder, John's arms hooked protectively around Randy's middle. The pastor looked on both couples with a smile.

"Then by the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and husband," he motioned to Randy and John, "and husband and husband." This time to Ricardo and Alberto. "You may now kiss your husband."

Before he had even finished, the kissing had already begun.

A/N: Translation ~ Hermosa: Beautiful