Parents have secrets. Many, many secrets. Like Santa. The Tooth Fairy is a common one. As is the Easter Bunny and Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer.
But, there's one that they just don't talk about, even when only in the company of other parents. One that is so secret, only they know.

Unfortunately, that secret is revealed now.

Fortunately, we know of another one!


"Jake! Pick up your toys!" Jake's Transformers action figures are scattered all over the house. His mother has found Seaspray in the bathroom, Optimus Prime watching TV, and Prowl listening to music four times this week.

"Kay, Mom! In a minute!" That's what he'd been saying for the last week.

No more, his mother decides. She'll go right to the problem's source. "Seaspray, how many times have I told you? I can't blame everything on Jake!"

"You know I- " The toy sounds like he's blowing bubbles in water while talking slowly.

"Have to swim every once in a while just like a flyer needs the air, I know. Still, the least you could do is put yourself back."

And that is the secret. Every last Transformers toy was given a spark. No matter who it was, be it Optimus Prime or Optimus Primal, they were all very much alive. They might not have been exactly as the TV shows, comic books, or movies portray them, but that's nothing compared to the fact that they're alive.

Few people knew this secret, among them, Parents.

So next time your Transformer ends up in a strange place, put them on a high shelf after whispering, "I know your secret."

Unless they have flight capabilities, then you have to use fishing twine and securely tie them to a post.

The Parents will always deny all knowledge of course. No matter how much you threaten, beg, or ask, they'll never tell you the secret.
Some may crack under the pressure. Some might cover it up as the child theorizing with an overactive imagination.

But you'll know.

Just know you may never get it from them, but from the toy itself.

. . .

I!...was bored. No, I don't plan on continuing this. Sorry.

Disclaimer: B stands for Boredom, which leads to Transformers. I am merely using them for entertainment and do not make any profit from this story.