Chapter 8:

Disclaimer: i don't own Shugo Chara or any of it characters. c:

Hey guys.

dear god im so sorry i haven't updated in forever..

i've been a mixture of lazy and busy this summer..

so sorry. ;A;

leave lots of reviews guys.!



Amu's POV:

I awoke early that morning to the sun streaming into the room, at first i was panicked, my mind foggy and disoriented to the room around me. I went to move out of the bed then soon realized there was an arm draped over my rib cage. It all came back to me, coming to Ikuto's..having sex with Ikuto. I rolled onto my back and threw my arm over my eyes, God, what was i thinking sleeping with him..i'm so stupid..I rolled onto my side and rubbed my tired eyes, i was conflicted..i wanted to say in the warmth that Ikuto's arms provided but i also knew i should leave..I couldn't have Utau walking in on us cuddling and nude. I was surprised Ikuto let me sleep in his bed, he didn't seem the type to keep a woman over night. I sighed and forced myself to leave the warmth of the silky sheets and Ikutos arms, i searched around his room for a piece of paper and a pen, the least i could do is leave a note before leaving. I was still completely naked as i began to scrawl a note to Ikuto, but no one was around to see so it didn't bother me much. I pulled my clothes on quickly, messily and left a note upon Ikuto's pillow before quietly exiting his room and then the house.

I need to stop seeing into his temptations..I thought to myself with a groan as i began the grueling walk back to my own house, "Why didn't i just wake Ikuto up and ask him to take me homeeeee." i asked myself with a groan, thankfully the sun wasn't high in the sky and the air had yet to grow thick with humidity, so it wasn't as unpleasant a walk as it could be.

I slipped inside my house as quietly as i could, as i snuck past the living room i noticed my dad passed out on the couch, a few beer cans stacked on the table and his mouth hung open, his body askew and awkward. I sighed as i fixed his awkward limbs to a more comfortable position and then retrieved the blanket from the back of the couch and covered him with it before heading upstairs to my room. I took off my clothes and threw on a baggy t-shirt before throwing myself in my bed, pulling my purring cat against my chest. My eyes began to feel heavy and a yawn escaped my lips before my consciousness slipped.

Ikuto's POV:

I stretched my arm across the expanse of my bed in search of the warm body that had been there the night before, but alas my bed was cold and clearly empty other than myself. I cracked open my heavy eyes to see a folded piece of paper resting upon the pillow that Amu had previously occupied. I groaned and rolled onto my back before unfolding the note and reading Amu's messy and clearly rushed writing.


Sorry to leave you with only a note but i had to go,

hope you understand.

Talk to you later.


I groaned and threw and arm over my eyes, this was a trick i'd pulled on numerous women before, though i often left with not even a note. I shrugged my shoulders and sat up, i wouldn't let it bother me, it's not like the heated evening they had shared really meant anything to him, not that he would let Amu know that. I smirked at the thought of the pink haired woman withering beneath me the night before, damn she sure was hot, a good fuck, she clearly had little sexual experience, she was too tight to have slept around. I pulled myself out of bed and stretched my arms behind my head, i rubbed my head as I pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and headed to the bathroom for a shower. Amu will be mind again, i will bed her again, she won't want another man after im done with her.

Amu's POV:

I woke late in the afternoon, a groan leaving my lips as i rolled on my side and curled up into myself. I was no longer tired but longed for more sleep regardless, i ran my hands through my messy pink locks and finally opened my eyes. My phone was buzzing incessantly on my nightstand and i knew who it had to be. I groaned, i had the urge to talk to him, to see him again but i knew it was a bad idea, i needed to heed Utau's warning about him..afterall she was his sister she knew more about him than silly old me.

Despite my mind telling my not to open my buzzing phone i did anyway, Ikuto's name lit up the screen and i couldn't keep the smile from creeping across my lips. I opened the message, excited to see what it was he had to say.

'Hope you enjoyed our night, Amu. Let me know when you want to do it again.~'

Crimson spread like wildfire across Amu's cheeks, her chest felt tight with..nervousness..desire..? She wasn't sure which or even it was both, she wasn't sure how to respond to his text, she sad her phone face down on her nightstand and tried to collect herself. She couldn't deny her ache to be with Ikuto again, she wanted to be with him, to just talk with him but she also felt the desire to have him inside her again, to have him bring her to the brink of ecstasy once again. Amu shivered as she felt the heat pool between her legs, she rubbed them together uncomfortably and tried to clear her mind of such lewd thoughts.

'I'll have you know you aren't nearly as good as your confidence makes you seem you'd be.' Amu replied, pleased with her snide comment.

'Oh is that so? This coming from the woman that withering beneath me and begging for me to fuck her last night.~'

I blushed at his comment, a frown pulled down on my lips, i didn't like the idea of him getting the last word, of him winning.

'Heh, like you weren't enjoying it just as much as i, if not more.'

'Whatever floats your boat, baby. We both know how much you begged for me, how much you wanted me.'

I was at a loss of words, I had no idea what to say, despite my great displeasure at the thought of him winning i had no choice. I knew i shouldn't crave the arrogant boys touch or voice but god i did, i wanted to be near him again. I sighed and rolled out of bed, pulling on a pair of shorts, in a matter of time i would give in and see the navy haired man again even if the better part of my mind told me to stay away, there was just something about him.

I know this is a little short, sorry i took so long guys,

I'll try to update more frequently sense im on break.

Leave lots of reviews my lovelies.~