Another random idea of mine... Writer-Kaitan is growing more powerful among my chibi personalities.

And the prank is based off something from the fic Chunin Exam Day.

Uchiha Sasuke was walking down the street, hands in pockets, brooding. Itachi had killed his entire family, but left him alive. Why? Why was the little brother spared while his own parents were not? What made him special? As he brooded, he avoided the fangirls' flying glomps with practiced ease, not knowing what was about to happen.

Uzumaki Naruto and Yamanaka Ino peeked around the corner at the brooding Uchiha. They stifled giggles at the fangirls flying at him, missing, and praising their "Sasuke-kun" for his ninja skills.

Then as one no-name classmate of theirs challenged the Uchiha, as someone would almost every day, but this time was different. As Sasuke stood immobile, Ino made hand seals and whispered "Shintenshin no Jutsu." before going limp in her friend's arms as her mind occupied Sasuke's body.

After his face underwent a brief contortion, it settled in his typical 'I don't care about anyone else' pose that looked strangely similar to the expression a toddler wore when pooping his pants. But instead of grunting or some arrogant reply, he stuck his fingers knuckle deep in both nostrils and replied in an awfully nasal voice that had Naruto, in his hiding place with Ino, shaking with barely controlled laughter, "Not right now. I did a boo-boo, and I need to clean up. Later?"

The unnamed boy stared in horror at the wet spot on the front of the Uchiha's white shorts and the twin trails of wetness running down the boy's legs. Even the fangirls started to back off, some of them even having their first negative thoughts about the Last Uchiha. Then his face underwent another contortion and he walked angrily into the classroom. Ino returned to her senses being held by Naruto, and they began laughing maniacally at the prank they had pulled on the arrogant Uchiha. They whispered together for several seconds for the next stage of Plan Screw Sasuke Over.

As Sasuke sat stoically in class, head resting on folded hands, his face underwent the same contortion as earlier. Then he went and whispered something in Naruto's ear, who was sitting next to him, all the fangirls having left. Naruto looked at Sasuke like he was crazy and yelled, "No I do NOT want to play with your little brown friend! Why the hell would you do that? That's what Sakura is for!" Haruno Sakura, having witnessed the earlier incident, hung her head sadly.

But then Sasuke replied in a slightly-too-loud voice, "My mommy and daddy told me an Uchiha needs to play with his poo to advance to the highest stages of his bloodline!" Guffaws and downright cracking up occurred all around the full classroom, all of which had heard the remark.

And as a fuming Sasuke came back to control, he heard the "visitor's" voice say as it left, "There are three primed explosive tags in your pants." He immediately stuck his hand in his pants and found the first one.

"Sasuke, no wanking in class!"

Then he noticed the looks of all of the class on him and paused his search for the rest until he could sit down and try to conceal those motions.

And as an afterthought Iruka added, "And I also don't want that pencil back when you're done with it."

Everyone sniggered at this exchange, and Sasuke silently fumed. Being the Last Uchiha, he had never needed people skills. And now it seemed he would lose all his worshipers. Damn that person, whoever they were.

As soon as class got out, Naruto and Ino found a quiet spot and high-fived.

"That was awesome, Ino-chan! The bastard got his comeuppance!"

"And we embarrassed Forehead! You're a frickin' genius, Naruto-kun!"

"So what do we do now?"

"Let's make out!"

"Wha - MMPH!"

Everyone was too busy retelling the story and laughing at Sasuke to notice when two disheveled blondes came back into the class while hurriedly straightening their clothes.