So this is the end. I want to thank everyone so much for reading and reviewing. I hope I did okay for my first drabble. Especially considering I only took a couple days to write thanks to the Drabble Wars prompt challenge. So thanks to texasbella and JA Mash for doing that for all of us. Either way I had lots of fun. Thank you all again and I have also signed up for the August drabble war. So hopefully I will see you back then!


It took a while before he felt safe enough to move without his legs giving way, pulling out he pulled Edward towards him, sinking onto the couch.

"Seriously," Emmett said between soft gentle kisses. "You are banned from using craigslist again. I saw your post in the personals and I knew I had to have you. I've never done anything like this before, so when I saw your posting for the Prius I took a chance…thought it was better than answering a personal ad."

Edward smiled, dropping a soft kiss on the end of Emmett's nose. "Tell me about it, you looked like you were going to push me against the wall and fuck me the second I opened the door."

"Huh you're lucky I didn't, you had to know I saw both ads," Emmett answered. "And I could have sworn you were deliberately trying to get a rise out of me."

"I was," Edward answered simply. Emmett pulled back but the words of censure were lost at the smile on Edward's face. God but he missed him. "Hey can I help it if I liked it when you got all hot and sweaty and out of control?" Edward asked.

Smiling Emmett slipped in for another kiss, so maybe it was a conspiracy. But Emmett could live with it, especially if it meant he'd get a happily ever after.

Thanks for reading!
