Chapter three: Gunther/Rocky

Summary: Gunther offers Rocky a ride... In more ways thatn one.

AU fic; Rocky does not know Gunther, CeCe, Deuce or any of the rest of the Shake It Up cast.

I think this is the first Runther fic ever, and it completely goes against everything I believe in to write this, since I'm a strong GeCe shipper, but someone mentioned the lack of Runther lemons in this Fandom, so... here we go.

Gunther smiled at the girl who'd introduced herself as Rocky.


Nice name, Gunther thought. Unique. Like... CeCe. He sighed. CeCe, the girl he loved, that didn't love him back. He looked back up at Rocky, and she was smiling at him. She had a nice smile. He noticed for the first time since she's introduced herself that she was pretty cute.

He'd come to the park near his house to clear his head. To forget about CeCe. She had made it clear time and time again that she was choosing Deuce over him, time and time again. But that didn't change how he felt. He still wanted her. And she'd made it clear that she didn't want him.

"Nice car." Rocky complimented with a smile.

In contrast, Gunther's face remained stern. He'd come here to sulk, not to smile. "Thanks." He caught her slightly concerned expression as he got back into the car. Gunther was about to turn the ignition when he looked back at the girl. She really was quite cute, and despite how rude he was being she still tried to cheer him up. A complete stranger. Another long sigh escaped his lips. "You know what? Fuck it. You want a ride?" He offered, forcing a smile. Rocky's eyes were shot understandably wide open at the offer, her face practically going blank. The look alone got a slight chuckle out of Gunther.

"…really?" Rocky asked skeptically. Sure she put forth the effort, but in the back of her mind she didn't think anything would come of it. At the very least she'd flirted a little.

Gunther grinned back, catching the surprise in her eyes. "Yeah, really. If you want to." He said with a shrug, trying to play it off. But in the back of his mind he was slightly worried. He wasn't completely sure he could handle the rejection if she said no. Then again if she did say no, he'd probably take that as a sign that he should just go back home and just suck it up. When he looked back at Rocky's face it wasn't one of rejection, it just looked…deep in thought.

"What's wrong?" Gunther asked, curiously.

"…hm? Oh. I was just debating whether the possibility that you're a serial killer would be worth it if I get a chance to ride in that amazingly sexy car." Rocky stated bluntly.

Gunther let out another chuckle. Inwardly he wanted to let out his big barking laugh, but he couldn't just yet. But still, the fact that Rocky was making him laugh at all made it seem like he was making the right decision. "You decided yet?" Gunther asked, flashing her a smile. Rocky ran her hands against the sleek, black hood of the car before she got to the passengers side and opened the door.

"Totally worth it…" She muttered as she looked at the black and red interior. Seeing Rocky's excitement brought a genuine smile to Gunther's face. His depression had left him unable to completely enjoy this glorious beast of a vehicle he had been saving up for for years, but he could live vicariously through Rocky for the time being.

"So where am I taking you?" Gunther offered. Rocky actually looked at Gunther for the first time since she sat down in the car and caught the way he was looking at her immediately making the blood run to her face.

"Honestly? Anywhere's good. I can't really form coherent thoughts at the moment. Never thought I'd actually get a chance to be in one of these."

Gunther let out another chuckle. "Totally know the feeling." He muttered as he put the car in gear and took off, nowhere in particular.

"Oh my God…" Rocky moaned loudly, oblivious to the slight twitch from Gunther after she did it. "You weren't kidding when you said how it drove… Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't even know your name yet and I think if you let me behind the wheel of this, I'd have your babies." Gunther laughed.

"It's…Gunther." He could feel the pain he was running away from fading, but he still felt himself grimacing, as if someone was burning him slowly. The pain wasn't that easy to hide from.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Rocky asked, obviously worried. Though Gunther did wonder if she was worried about him, the car, or herself, hoping he wasn't about to crash the car. He was also surprised that she'd noticed his grimace, and that she was blaming herself for it.

"No. But to be honest, you're making it a little better. Making it easier to take my mind off things." Rocky gave Gunther a sympathetic expression that she was obviously trying to hide. She could practically feel the pain coming off of him. Though she wasn't sure what to do.

"Holy crap!" Rocky suddenly exclaimed, catching Gunther off guard as he looked to see what was wrong. Rocky wasn't looking at him at all, she was staring at the speedometer.

"What's wrong? Am I going too fast?" Gunther asked, warily.

"Apparently not! The Vanquish's top speed's supposed to be 196!" Rocky's voice got more high pitched and quick as she got more excited which brought a smile back to Gunther's face. Sure she wasn't CeCe, but she was still cute. Then he turned to the meter and saw what was surprising her so much. The top speed on this one was 250, he was pretty sure that wasn't even legal.

Gunther could feel her eyes on his face. "Whoever it is that's making you look so grim must b pretty... special." Once again, she noted Gunther's wince. "Sorry!" She quickly said, surprised by Gunther's laugh.

"Not your fault. I should be the one apologizing. Not being very friendly am I?" Gunther asked. It was a rhetorical question but Rocky felt compelled to answer it anyway.

"Gunther…this is by far the sexiest car I've ever been in. You can be as rude as you want." She said honestly.

Once again Gunther laughed, this one a bit louder. It was becoming easier now.

Rocky started to fan herself off. "Whew! I think thinking about this car's a bit too much for me." Rocky let out another moan as she said this cutting Gunther's laughter at her short, causing her to actually notice his twitchy reaction to it this time. A smirk crossed her face as she exaggerated her fanning. Seeing if he was paying any attention, she pulled at her top as she fanned. This time, Gunther's driving was noticeably disrupted by his distraction, though he quickly recovered.

"Easy cowboy. This may be one of the best possible cars to die in but I'd prefer not to either way." While Gunther didn't wince, he did give her a look that let her know she said something funny. Though she seemed confused at first she soon caught what she said and groaned. "I didn't just call you a cowboy did I?"

Gunther couldn't hold in his chuckle anymore, which only got louder as Rocky blushed again.

"Damn, and I'd gone a whole 10 minutes without putting my foot in my mouth." She muttered.

Gunther flashed her another smile which she returned. "Don't worry about it. You're cute enough to get away with it." He added with a wink.

"Right back at you Mr Gunther Rude-Guy." Rocky couldn't help but smile at Gunther's barking laughter.

"Touché." He replied. There was a moment of silence as Rocky ran her hand over the dashboard. "So…um…decided where you want to go yet?" Gunther asked with a smile.

Rocky bit her lip nervously as she answered, "Anywhere you want to take me is cool…" Surprised by the answer, Gunther looked back at her, noticing her naughty smile, it made the blood rush to his cheeks this time. Seeing his reaction, her smile got wider, causing that cute dimple to appear on her chin. She non too subtly scooted over closer to him, her cinnamon colored eyes never leaving his face. "I'm sorry, was that out of line?" She asked, biting her lip again.

Meanwhile Gunther's heart was almost beating of out his chest as a number of different 'scenarios' ran through his mind. "No no, I'm just…um…" He wasn't sure how to finish that sentence. His mind wasn't working right.

"Shy?" Rocky guessed, her smile returning. Gunther didn't answer as much as letting out a cough.

"I wouldn't have taken you for the shy type…Gunther?" Rocky asked, her tone seductive.

"Y-yes?" Gunther swallowed hard as he tried to remember to focus on the road.

"How good of a driver are you?"

Gunther's confidence came back to answer the question though Rocky's tone remained the same. "Pretty damn good if you haven't noticed." He said with a toothy grin.

Rocky's head was slightly cocked to the side as she leaned over closer. "So you'd be fine if I distracted you?" Gunther gave Rocky a skeptical look.

"Depends on how you distracted me." Using her middle and ring fingers, the brunette walked her hand over to Gunther's thigh and continued to walk it down his thigh until she reached a telltale bulge. "Oh…." Gunther gasped but continued to drive. Once again his thoughts were becoming incoherent. He heard the snap of her undoing her seat belt, as her hands moved to his zipper, pulling it down. Just keeping Rocky from noticing how fast he was breathing and continuing to drive were taking almost all of Gunther's concentration.

As Rocky's hands reached their way into his pants, pulling out his cock and gently stroking it as she leaned her face closer to his lap giving his cock a playful lick. "Do you mind? Want me to keep going?" She asked, looking up at him with a huge smile.

"Um... Uh, sure." He breathed. Try as he might, he couldn't stifle his moan as her lips wrapped around the head of his cock and began to go up and down on it. 'Focus on the road. Focus on the road.' Gunther mentally chanted to himself as Rocky began sucking his cock, feeling it going further into her mouth. He was unconsciously adding his own thrusts, pushing against the seat into her. Rocky let out a moan, sending a vibration through him as she began to speed up.

She stopped sucking, but didn't stop stroking to look up at him. "You like that?" She asked. "Yessss," He hissed.

Another giggle escaped her lips, from both his answer and the trembling of his body as her hands waved over the tip of his cock. "Sweet. You're very responsive. I could see that being…very interesting…" Was all she said as her mouth was soon full again causing Gunther to let out a loud moan.

"Interesting?" Gunther queried, finding it harder to keep his hands on the steering wheel. Every impulse wanted to touch Rocky, but crashing would be a bit of a buzz kill. One of his hands did find it's way to the top of her head. Petting her curly brown hair as it bobbed up and down. Very slowly, her mouth eased up off of him.

"You want me to talk or you want my mouth to be preoccupied?" She taunted him.

"I think you know the answer to that." He said with a grin.

She looked up with an innocent expression. "Well if you reeeeeally want me to stop and talk…" Rocky began before Gunther used his free hand and pushed her back down causing her to giggle, sending another vibration through him, making him moan again. She quickly came back up and playfully smacked his thigh. "Hands on the wheel, you're distracting me."

Gunther chuckled a little as he followed her instructions and put them back on the wheel, trying to keep his eyes from rolling in the back of his head as she started again. He wanted her so bad, it really was becoming difficult to focus on the road. "Rocky?" Gunther said in a gasp.

"Mmmmm?" Rocky replied as she slowed her pace, her tongue rolling over the tip of his dick in circular motions. "I really don't think I'll be able to keep driving like this. But I reeeally don't want you to stop." Gunther's voice was cracking at so many random points through that sentence another giggle escaped Rocky's lips in no way helping the situation. Once again she eased off of him but continued to keep stroking as she looked up for the first time since she started to see where they were going. A dark grin crossed her features. "I know where we are. Take a right here."

Gunther followed her instructions without thinking, not that he really could have formed solid thoughts considering the way her strokes were teasing him. It was a narrow little dirt road. He'd have probably missed it if she hadn't pointed it out. It led to a fairly large building. "Turn here. There's a parking lot on the other side." Rocky ordered, smiling at the small moan that escaped Gunther's lips before he could form the words.

"Where are we?"

"An old school. It's supposed to be getting demolished in a few weeks now that they have the new one. Technically we shouldn't be here. It should be very…private…though." Rocky grinned as she looked up to Gunther, which he returned as he got into the parking lot. Without the lights on, it was a little dark but he stayed near the entrance so there was just enough light they could see each other. "There we go!" Rocky said, obviously enjoying being somewhere they shouldn't as much as Gunther did. A cute girl, who likes cars and breaking rules? Jackpot. "Now where was I before you interrupted me?"

Gunther rolled his head back into the seat, his hands still on the steering wheel out of habit.

"Mm!" Rocky exclaimed as Gunther's hip started vibrating. She let out another muffled giggle as she reached into his pocket and gave him his ringing phone, but didn't stop.

"Hello?" Gunther forced out quickly to keep the moan from escaping his lips. He didn't even bother to see who was calling, he wouldn't be talking to them long regardless. "Tinka?" Gunther asked with a surprised voice. There was a slight pause from Rocky as he said the name before she started going double time making it that much harder for him to talk. "Y-yyyyeah. W-w-what do you want?...Uh huh…yeah…she wants me to come over?…uh huh…Deuce broke up with who?…Yeah…sure…on my way…yeah…I'm comin' alright…"

Rocky almost choked when she was trying not to audibly laugh as Gunther shut his phone letting it fall. "Gotta go?" Rocky asked with a pout as she finally stopped.

Gunther did seem to be considering it, though he hadn't really heard a word that Tinka had said, he'd just been repeating it. She sounded pretty upset though. Something about a breakup?"Eh, they'll be fine without me. What's the worst that could happen if I'm not there for awhile?"

"Gunther?" Rocky asked, as she grinned, slowly licking Gunther's now bare abs. "Would you mind if we…er…used the hood?"

Gunther merely smiled back at Rocky, running his hands through her hair again. "Girl…anything you want." Rocky smiled, making the dimple in her chin pop out again. "You're gonna have to stop though, or I'm not gonna move…" Gunther said honestly, letting out another quick breath.

"Well, if you insist…" Rocky taunted giving Gunther's member one last lick before she sat up straight. Gunther's pout was so humorous that Rocky could finally burst into a fit of giggles without having to worry about choking herself. Gunther's eyes narrowed but his expression was still partially a pout so it didn't stop her.

Grinning, Gunther leaned over and began crawling closer to Rocky, cutting her laughter off as she grinned back. She began biting her lower lip as the tension only grew thicker as he crawled closer to her. Playing coy, she started leaning back though she didn't have much room to go and soon found herself against the door. Seeing that she couldn't 'escape', she simply grinned as Gunther's lips attacked her's, his hands roaming all over her body finally. Her waist, her hips, her breasts, her legs, his hands were everywhere, taking in every feeling of her body they could. Hers did the same, though they mostly stayed on his back while her legs wrapped around his waist as she kissed him back just as fiercely. "Hood!" She was able to get out while he was kissing her neck.

So quickly, she barely even registered the movement, the door she was leaning against was thrown open and she was up in the air, with Gunther easily supporting her weight as he put her softly on the car's hood. The only thing that stopped Gunther from kissing Rocky's skin was to take her clothes off so he could kiss more of it. Her shirt was flung off first while she was undoing her bra, which was thrown off as well. With that done, Gunther's focus shifted to kissing and licking her nipples, causing a low moan to escape Rocky's lips and she grabbed his head pulling him closer to her. Gunther's hands meanwhile went to Rocky's jeans to take them off only to find that there was no zipper, just buttons. "Ugh! Why would you even buy these pants?" He growled, causing Rocky to giggle again as she tried to help him out with the stupidly complicated pants. His impatience caused him to pull down her jeans and her panties at the same time, never actually seeing what kind she was wearing.

Rocky pushed against Gunther, much to his confusion. When he realized what she was trying to do, he complied leaning back. Her grin returned when she leaned forward, undoing the one button holding Gunther's pants on with her teeth, causing it to fall. "

"Eager?" He said with a chuckle of his own as he kissed Rocky's lips again, entering her for the first time. Her moans only got louder as he began thrusting into her, his thrusts matching hers.

"Ooooh Goooooood! You're so big!" She gasped, holding him closer to her.

Getting a little worried, Gunther began to slow down. "That's not bad is it?"

Rocky impatiently began thrusting to make up for his lack of motion. "No! It's really not! Don't stop!" She growled at him causing him to chuckle again.

"You're so cute when you're impatient." He teased as he matched her pace again.

Once again, Rocky gave him a naughty expression. "Oh I'll show you impatient. Turn over."

"Your wish is my command." Gunther said as he complied, flipping over without stopping so that she was on top of him. This turned out to be exactly what she wanted as Rocky began bouncing up on Gunther so much the car began bounce with them. Try as they might, whenever they tried to quip from this point forth, a moan was all that would come out. They literally lost track of time as they continued to thrust into each other clutching at each other and panting into their sporadic kisses. Gunther's moans begun to get louder causing Rocky to give him a hungry look as she sped up. Soon her moans were matching his as her legs began to tremble and her movements became less defined and the two of them yelled out together before Rocky collapsed on Gunther's massive chest, both of them trying to catch their breath.

"Wow…" Gunther finally got out through his breaths.

"You're…telling…me…" Rocky mumbled back. Or at least that what it sounded like. Her words weren't exactly coherent. Maneuvering herself up feebly, Rocky gave Gunther a passionate kiss on the lips before resting her head against his neck.

"You really know how to cheer someone up." Gunther mumbled, slowly getting his breath back.

"Glad I could help." Rocky said with a tired giggle. "Shouldn't you call…er...Tinka back?" She said with a slight taunt in her voice.

"Oh damn…I guess I should. And don't get that tone with me, she's married." Gunther said, feebly reaching for where his phone was.

"Well aren't you a playboy? Can't say I blame her though. And your phone's in the car, remember?"

Gunther rolled his eyes as he sat up, keeping Rocky's body close to his. "And she'd my sister."

Rocky gave an understanding nod, blushing a little, as she let Gunther pick her up again as they went back in the car. Finding his phone, Gunther dialed the number. It picked on the 5th ring.

"Gunther!?" Tinka's voice sounded borderline hysterical.

"Um sorry. There was a little…distraction. I'm on my-"

"Deuce broke up with her! Can you believe it? You finally have a chance!" I shook my head, but did not feel any emotion. I didn't feel angry as I should - I'd warned CeCe that this would happen.

"Yeah. I don't really want a chance." I looked at Rocky. She was... something special. "Not anymore." I shut the phone, not hearing Tinka's pretest, and Rocky smiled at me.

Next is RoCe.